Just Another Gay Love Story...

By Gothic_Angel_25

19.7K 545 148


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

2.5K 87 11
By Gothic_Angel_25

Shadow and I walked over to a lunch table where Alex was sitting, "Hey Austin, long time no see." He said and smiled at me. I agreed and sat down at the table in front of him and Shadow. Shadow gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him gently, if you could see the sparkle in her eye you'd know she was in love. I smiled and pulled out my phone, pulling up tetris. 

I slid the tiles into place, skillfully, determined to beat the timer. "No phones in school!" I heard a deep voice say from behind Shadow and Alex. My gaze shifted from my phone to a tall blonde figure, smirking at me. I could tear my eyes from him, he was so handsome. His hair was straight and his fringe fell in front of his eyes. I couldn't tell if his eyelashes were naturally forming a black line under his eye, or if he wore eyeliner. But that didn't matter, he was stunning. He wore a white 'Red Hot Chili Peppers' shirt and red skinny jeans. 

"School hasn't started yet," I muttered, wanting to continue my game even though I know I couldn't when he was there. "Then do me a favor," He replied, leaning across the table between Shadow and Alex "Put my number in there." A sheeky grin made its way across his pale cheeks and lingered for awhile before I stood up. I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way through the halls. Not thinking straight, I ran into the bathrooms. My bag fell to the floor and I looked in the mirror at my now red face. 'Who was that guy?' 

"So what's your name?" I heard the same deep voice say right after the bathroom door opened. I turned and looked at him, "No need to be afraid, I'm not going to beat you up or anything." He chuckled and walked over to me. Puttting out his hand to me, he smiled, "The names Nathan." 

I looked at his hand confused as to what was happening. I'm not very good with people. I can't talk to anyone worth a crap. I gently placed my hand in his and shook it, "Austin." Nathan then let go of my hand and smiled once more, "Dude that's like my favorite name!" He laughed and patted me on the shoulder. And that's how it all began.

<*Plot twist it's not super sexual anymore! xD I read that chapter while writing this and was like 'What the hell did my friend make me write. Hah well hope you guys enjoy this. I'll be writing the next one soon. Sorry they're so short, trying to keep it with the old story c: *>

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