| Boarding school | H.S MATURE

By sugaradstyles

13.5K 169 96

Mackenzie Johnson is being sent away to a boarding school for girls in a more isolated town named Capsville... More

1. (edited)
3. (edited)
4. Pt.1 (edited)
4. Pt.2

2. (edited)

2.5K 28 12
By sugaradstyles


" Daisy, i cannot believe that Mr. Tomlinson is that hot. Am i being punked??" Sitting down at a bench the sweet bundle of joy takes out her mirror checking herself out.

" Well what exactly did you expect?? And of course not silly! He's the real deal. I know he wants me. We create so much chemistry." She shoves my arm as we walk to find Hazel and Victoria.

" Look, he said he knew i was gonna be in his class and he made me introduce myself in front of everyone. Not cool. I am so socially awkward."

" Just be happy he didn't punish you when you called him gay! I mean you were a bit loud. Talking about some 'gay guy', come on girl."

" Well Victoria was right though...."

" She was?"

" He kinda does give you that gay vibe just sayin'." Daisy hmph's at me and walks off so i follow her saying sorry multiple times. Hazel and Victoria talking at a bench, and Daisy ignores me leaning against the wall. They notice Daisy's change of behavior and begun to laugh.

" Hey y'all. So Mackenzie, how was it-"

" She called him a gay guy!" Daisy had such a sour attitude but it was cute no doubt.

" I said i didn't mean any harm, and i said i was sorry! Forgive me!!" I shake Daisy's hand kissing it and before i knew it she plants a kiss on my cheek.

" Ignore her. So back on the schedule. Juniors get a half day and it's Friday. Mackenzie, we only have two classes if you have a free period any other day of the week. And since you do like us, we have three hours."

Victoria leads us back up the flight of stairs. Girls walked passed us by, and we walked into the library so i could pick up my new English and Science textbook.

" So after your next class we will meet back up here in the library. Think you can remember to come back up here?" Daisy raises her eyebrow.

" Yeah. Two double doors with a statue of a book on the outside. Yeah i got it." I nod.

" Great. Now go up to the counter and hand the lady your schedule so she can add you to the list of books being held and ones that you need to pick up or turn in." Victoria says twisting her long locks of hair.

" Wait wait. What if she has to get them in her class room?" Daisy asks.

" Yeah what if i do?"

" Then you can go to both of the class rooms to get them." Victoria answers.

" I won't be needing one for sex ed right?"

" See that's the thing. Mr. Styles is the book. The eye and the mouth. He's so serious and he'll expect you to know a lot about the birds and the bees. It's part of his charm. Making you nervous and what not. Even the female teachers. But, just go on and check before next bell. You've got five minutes."

" Alright."

Walking up the librarian's desk i wave and she smiles and greets me.

" Hello dear, how may i help you today?" She adjusts her glasses.

" My name Mackenzie Johnson and i transferred here today. I just need to pick up two books. Well in case i do." I hand my schedule.

" For what classes dear?"

" Science with Mr. Payne and English with Mr. Horan."

" Okay dear let me check." She types on the computer for my name.

" You will have to pick them up in their classrooms. But it says you have a free period here with a Mr. Malik. So ill add you to the school and you can come here and pick any books you want to read."

" Cool. Thank you miss." She was so nice.

" Mrs. Reynold." She corrects me.

" Mrs. Reynold." I correct myself.

" Oh and here is your library card. Be careful not to misplace it. You'll need it for English honey." She hands both the schedule and card to me.

" Will do and thank you for your help." I walk back to the girls and the bell rings.

" So what did she say?"

" I have to get them in the classrooms. I've got Mr. Payne next."

" Oooh. None of us have him for this period. But we can walk you. He's a hallway over anyway, but make sure to come back here." Daisy reminds me.

" Got it." They walked me inside of the class and he notices me. The girls wave goodbye heading off in different directions.

" Mr. Payne?" I ask. He looks at me and sits up from chair gathering papers and books.

" Yes?" Oh his smile. I wanted to choke!

" I'm your new student, Mackenzie Johnson."

" Welcome to Science. You will need a science book so here you go." He politely hands a textbook to me.

" Okay thank you Mr. Payne. Where should i sit?"

" This front desk right here beside of Camille." He points to the pretty brunette with a strand of pink highlights. She waves hello to me.

I walk to sit beside her. " Hi i'm Mackenzie." I hold out my hand.

" Nice to meet you love. You new here eh?" She shakes my hand.

" Yeah."

" Welcome to hell honey."

" Thanks." I laugh and Mr. Payne claps his hands making girls sit up straight. The room goes completely silent.

" Good morning class. We have a new student today. Mackenzie Johnson. So, be nice to her and make her feel welcomed okay?" I wave my hand at the class and bite my lip to contain my nervous tick. I only drew blood and licked it away.

The girls nod hello. How did everyone in this class have such good manners? He should have been my Daddy.

" Okay class get out your books and turn to page five hundred, and twenty eight. We'll be learning about animal cells and plant cells."


Time had passed and we we're working on a page matching the right parts of the cells with the correct letter. Following the page on the book i made sure the cell parts were in their right spots.

Doing so, the bell had rung and Mr. Payne stood up, " Okay class good work. Next Monday we will be learning about parts of the earth and how volcano's are formed. Lay your sheets here so i can grade them, and have a good weekend."

I waved good bye to him and he waved back. Leaving my paper on his table i walked out and headed to the library. Hazel was already there so we sat down at a desk.

" How was Mr. Payne?" Hazel asked fixing her skirt.

" He was excellent actually. As soon as he clapped for the girls to quiet down it was so fucking silent. I'm shook."

" Well he's been teaching for a year so he's really good with students. And cause he has a three year old son."

" No girlfriend or wife or babysitter who has now became the new-girlfriend-or-wife?" I let down my hair while asking.

" Not that i know of. But to be honest with you, he's fucking gorgeous. Out of this world. Did you see his puppy eyes? Oh, so cute!"

" I think you and Daisy should get some therapy before you both end up doing something weird." I laugh.

" Hey Mr. Payne is my therapy." Hazel flips her hair at me.

" Okay then sassy pants." I mock her.

We can see Victoria and Daisy come in so i wave them over.

We explain to them what i've just now discussed with Hazel. Daisy squeals of course and we head back to our rooms.

" Okay everyone charge your phones, bring your purses and dress nice cause were going out to the city." Victoria sits her bag down on her part of the four shared beds.

" Wait. I'm exhausted. Can we stay til three?" Hazel asks sitting beside of Daisy so i climb into my bed unbuttoning my shirt letting myself breathe.

" Sure whatever. We can go get lunch. I'm a bit tired myself and so we can just lay here and chill." I lay down but my eyes land on my phone. I forgot to check up on Ian.

" Oh shit." I take my phone off from the charger and checked to see i had a missed call from him and Emma my other next door neighbor.

" What is it?" Victoria asks from the bathroom.

" I forgot to text my best friend Ian. Haven't spoken to him since yesterday after i left."

" Oohh Mackenzie has a boyfriend." Daisy teases me.

" Honey no. He's twenty-four. Just been down with me yanno. And, he's probably at work now cause its after eleven anyway." I sigh in disappointment.

" Well just try anyway." Hazel encouraged me.

" Alright fine." I take off these boring shoes and laid down, dialing his number. The line beeped and his voice comes through,

" Heyyyy there's my favorite person in the world." I try to contain my laughter. But no luck and the girls look at me with weird expressions on their faces.

" Hi Ian. I just finished my classes. Wasn't so bad like i thought it was."

" That's great. I'm glad your happy. Hey your mom keeps snogging with that rich guy."

" Well let her. That's their way of celebrating me gone for two years." I frown. Daisy comes to sit by me.

" Don't be like that hon. She'll come to point and realize how bad she was for letting you go."

" Ian, I'll be fine. I made some new friends and they're lovely." Victoria pretends to swoon over me, Hazel makes kissy faces while Daisy holds my hand.

" Awww really?" I could already picture his smile.

" Yup. They're great. I really like them all. Plus we all have a room together."

" Well good. My break is almost over so i'll talk to you later okay? And be good."

" Haha okay Dad." The girls rolls their eyes. What i do?

" Heh. Bye Mac. Talk to you soon."

" Bye Ian."

We hung up and i could see the girls looking at me funny.

" What??"

" 'Okay, dad.' Really Mackenzie?" Victoria mocks me.

" Whatever. Can we just go eat now, i'm starving."

" We have food in here. The cabinet right there." Victoria points to the shelf in front of me.

I open it and there's boxes and chips bags and drinks. I grab a water and some doritos sitting on the bed.

" Nice!"

" Yeah cause some time on the weekends we just go buy stuff whenever we want. Just can't have it in the class rooms. Its the rules."

" I swear schools and programs get worser every year. New rules. New teachers. Punishments. Its not worth it."

" Well that's how it is love. This school can be all stylish but in all honesty its just to get in your head. But, there is something else you should know about." Hazel says.

" What exactly?"

" There's another boarding school called Gretsview high for boys in the city. All three of us go to see our friends, Noah, Eric, and Drew. They're seniors but amazing guys. We hang with them when they have time."

" Victoria! Are you kidding?"

" No. They also have a friend named Jack. You would like him."

" Let me guess. I'm supposed to just meet him because he's a nice guy?"

" Well yeah. He's harmless."

" I'll think about it."

" Not the time for thinking." Hazel points at me. " You'll like him. Really."

" I don't know guys."

" Well you're not with that Ian guy so what's the problem?" Daisy asks me.

" I just don't know. Like i said i'll think about it."

" Well while you think, let's pick out what were gonna wear. I just bought some new vans and im dying to wear them."

" What about you?"

" Me? Um i saved some money. Like alot so we might have to go to a store?" I walk to my suitcase checking what i've got.

" Yeah we can. I need to get some more conditioner for my hair before we all go out tonight." Hazel messes around the ends of her hair.

" We should take a nap." Daisy yawns, and before you know it she was dead sleep.

I put my phone on the charger and went to put on some sweatpants and a white t-shirt in the bathroom. Victoria left to go check on something so i came out and Hazel was passed out.

The sound of thundering and lighting hit so i figured maybe we would just stay in. If they wanted to.

As i got under the sheets for a nap, i stared at the wood above me that was Daisy's bed. I felt like things would be okay. But all of these things the girls were saying out Mr. Styles lingered in my mind.

Was he really as bad as they said he was?

I'd have to find out Monday. I turned facing the white wall behind me and began to close my eyes.


I woke up and there was no sunshine coming through the windows. Looking up Daisy was yawning and stretching and she went to get something to drink then her eyes laid on me.

" Hey sleepy head. You finally awake too?"

" Yeah...." I mumble rubbing my eyes.

" Oh well the girls are sleeping so shush!" She was being sorta loud though.

" I'll try my best." I whisper back at her.

She playfully glares at me and i only do the same back to her. I really liked Daisy.

" So what are you wearing?" I ask her as she sits on the carpet flooring messing around on her tablet.

" Mmm, i don't know. Haven't decided. I may go shopping with you too. Can't even remember the last time i went with the girls."

" Why's that?"

" Well my mom sends me money but i haven't used it. Only for a phone bill or just food."

" Well look at it this way, you've got money and you can have plenty of reasons to use it. Doesn't matter what you use it on." I pat her back.

" Yeah i guess. Good thing its stopped raining. Its just cloudy now. We'll need umbrellas in case."

" Are we still seeing those boys in the city?" I bite my nail.

" Yeah.... We always do. They are really nice guys so don't get scared or nervous."

" I won't." Victoria begins to wake up and yawns. She scratches her back heading to bathroom and closing the door.

I walk to the cabinet and grab a wrapped pastry with a filling of cream cheese and strawberry jam. I looked in the fridge below it, getting a soda to wake me up.

Victoria comes out and her phone rings. She picks it up not bothering to look at the ID caller.

" Hello?"

" Oh Noah! Yeah we just got up. Hazel is still sleeping. And we've got a new friend we would like you and the boys to meet." She smiles at me.

My eyes widened and i panicked walking to her harshly whispering for her to stop talking. She only walks away from me.

" Yeah shes very sweet. She's just shy." I gasp at her choice of words. I wasn't shy. Was i?

I give up groaning and sat beside of Daisy who kept smiling.

" Stop it!" I warn her.

" Yeah she's really nice. I'm sure she would love to meet him. Yup. Give us like three more hours." Victoria looks at her watch.

" Alright see you then. Bye Noah."

I just look her when she comes to me. Victoria tickles my chin and i push her hand away

" How could you- Why!" I yell making Hazel wake up, who only whines in frustration at me.

" Calm down. Besides these boys have respect for us. There is nothing to worry about. You're free now to do anything you want just like us." I took a deep thought wondering if i would make the right choice.

Well mom wasn't here anymore. I didn't have Ian at my side right now. I missed him so much but maybe it wouldn't hurt.

" Alright fine. What have i got to lose right?"

" Um nothing?" Victoria asks sarcastically.

" Exactly, now everyone lets go eat! I'm hungry." Hazel suggests with a yawn.

This was going to be a long night.

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