Loki's Daughter

By can_i_just_not

89.7K 2.4K 846

Read and find out more! Loki's punishment is that his daughter is to be banished to live on earth. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 26

983 29 10
By can_i_just_not

If you haven't seen RWBY I totally recommend it.  A+ the Drunk Uncle is my favorite

It has been several years since Dad and the Avengers went missing. For this first two years I was all alone, I joined with shield and trained while still working with the FBI and squints as well. After two years went by the Avengers showed back up, they were all in bad shape and as much as I loved them I wished my father had come back instead. He was still gone. We had learned that Thanos had gotten his hands on them, dad had saved up as much of his power as he could and sent the Avengers back, he didn't make it into the portal with them though. It's been years since the Avengers showed back up and dad still hadn't come home, everyone else thinks hes dead, I still hold out hope that he's still alive, still fighting to make it home to me.

"Luna, the guest have all arrived it would probably be best if you made your appearance for tonight," Jarvis announce.

I sigh, I had argued with Tony for weeks leading up to this that I didn't want a party for my birthday, I had work to do and a killer to catch. Of course he got the other squints involved so working at the lab was off the table, everyone took the night off to celebrate my birthday. I was turning twenty-five, Tony was insistent that I needed a party to celebrate. I was also a week from receiving my third doctorate. Even though I was no longer an intern I still worked for the lab, I enjoyed it to much, that along with picking up missions from Shield in my downtime, and studying kept me from dwelling to much on my dad. I still cant get out of my head the regret I fill over the last time I saw him.

I make my way to the elevator and take it down to the floor that was hosting the party, Tony had gone all out with the guest list and it was crazy in here. I swear there was a lot of guys my age here to....

"Luna! You made it down great! Meet Jake! He's almost done getting his doctorate in forensics!" Tony says bring forward a guy my age, he was pretty plain, brown hair, brown eyes. Suit and tie with glasses. 

I sigh knowing I was in for a night of match making, Tony had been trying to get me dating for a while now, or at least getting laid. He said I needed to get out there and that if he could get out of his lab to party I could to. The last thing I wanted was a relationship, especially with a guy, but I smiled and played along for the night to make Tony and the others happy. At least Bones understood how I felt, she didn't start a life and family till later in life. Of course she found time for bed mates, but she still put her work above everything else and didn't see the need for distractions.

I brake away after an hour of taking to whats his name and head for the bar, "I need the strongest drink in your arsonal."

The bartender hands me a mixture of something and I happily down it, okay time for my get away, I sneak around the edges of the party and as soon as I made it to the elevator I get caught by Tony.

"Luna it's time for cake come on!" Tony leads me to where a giant freaking cake is rolled out and gets everyone's attention. "Hey I have everyone attention? K Good. Tonight we are here to celebrate this wonderful girl here, me and the other Avengers can defiantly say we've had a time raising her, between her hanging in the lab with me and brucie, to Steve having a heart attack every time Birdy and Spidy were training her how to kick ass. She's defiantly exceptional. She's taken over my tower for I don't know the past twenty years? I wouldn't change those years for the world. I never was one for kids, but she wasn't exactly a normal kid, from building her own ironman suit at thirteen, and going to collage while being an intern working in forensics I can defiantly say this girl could take care of herself better then all of the avengers could. I know if her real parents were here today they would be very proud of her and her accomplishments.  But enough blabbering from me, how about we sing happy birthday so we can eat some cake!"

Everyone sang and I blew out the candles, after that I think Tony was on to me trying to leave and kept me glued to his side, one of the Avenger's, or one of my fellow squint's. I had to endure all night at the party until everyone was gone. I finally got to bed around three that morning tired and ready to get on with my murder case the next day.

--next week--

I jumped to the left barely avoiding getting hit by the bullet that raced by, "you know Booth, one of these days I wish we were on a case that didn't involve getting shot!" I say wrapping the strip I pulled off from my jacket around Booths upper arm.

"Hey at least you didn't get shot," He replied.

"We arent out of this yet you never know," I quipped ducking around to get another shot out. My shot met it's mark and the guy went down, two more to go. "You call this in and stay here, I'm going after the other two."

Before he could reply I was on my feet and running around the corner giving chase to the other two. I made it to the end of the hall and busted through the door blocking my way. Racing up a set of stairs I bust through another door ending up on the roof. One guy was still there waiting on me while the other had hopped over to the next building.

"Jarvis send in my suit to handle baddie number three I got number two." I said into my earpiece. 

"Of course Luna, be careful wouldn't want Bruce to give you a talking to about another serious injury to yourself." Jarvis replied.

I smile and run to get in close, making his gun less effective and making him have to fight me in hand to hand combat where he didn't stand a chance. I took him down and was cuffing him by the time I heard sirens and my suit landed on the roof with the other guy unconscious. I get in my suit and carry both of the baddies down to the others. Stepping out of my suit after handing over the criminals I great Booth sitting in  an ambulance getting his arm treated.

"All three criminals are in custody and I'm sure with the evidence from the lab they will be seeing a life sentence," I say giving him a smile as I walked up.

"Good, you okay?" He asked looking me over.

"Of course I'm okay, those two were super easy," I reply, I look down at my watch and notice the time, "Shoot I'm late for Eye Patches super secrete boy band meeting, see you guys for dinner?"

"Of course, my place," Booth said getting up from his seat and thanking the medic.

I wave and get into my suit before flying off for headquarters.

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