The Zodiac Empire

By eaglecicada

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Sixteen year old Naito Raizu never got to see his mother before she passed away. Her dying wish was for him t... More

Prologue - Birth and Death
Chapter 1 - The Raizu Siblings
Chapter 2 - Coronation
Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday (Part 1)
Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday (Part 2)
Chapter 4 - The Girl in Black
Chapter 5 - Elephants in the Freezer?
Chapter 6 ~ Sea, Snow, and Stars
Chapter 7 - Dance With a Devil
Chapter 8 ~ Angel May Cry
Chapter 9 - The Obelisk
Chapter 10 - The Great Wall of Mana
Chapter 11 - Sheathed Scars
Chapter 12- The Witch Came Back
Chapter 13 - Humility
Chapter 14 - Prince Silver
Chapter 15 - Gray Wolf
Chapter 16 - Into a Psychic's Mind
Chapter 17 - Shades of Gray Collide (Part 1)
Chapter 17 - Shades of Gray Collide - Part 2
Chapter 18 - The Prince of Blood (Part 1)
Chapter 18 - The Prince of Blood (Part 2)
Chapter 19 - Visit From a Virtue
Chapter 20 - Thalmar
Chapter 21 - Operation: Surprise Party!
Chapter 22 - You're a Wizard (part 2)
Chapter 23 - Revelations
Chapter 24 ~ Moment of Peace
Chapter 25 - They're Back
Chapter 26 - One Down
Chapter 26 - Of Wrath and Wind

Chapter 22 - You're a Wizard

11 3 5
By eaglecicada

Author's Note: Here's another long chapter, so it'll be split into two parts!

Frozen. Everything from the ground to the mountains was frozen over. Hail and snow rained down from the sky, decorating his land in a coat of white.

He watched over his people from atop the peak of the highest mountain. Some raced to determine the fastest. Some fought fang and nail to determine the strongest. Others simply relaxed between trees, in caves, or on mountains. They were a peaceful people with no conflict between them. There were rare times when two sparring dragons would take their combat too far, but the second they'd see him, they'd break it up.

There was only one flaw in this perfect land. No one died here, for the only food his people required was the endless supply of snow, and they could only die through being killed. For the longest, he thought that this was a good thing. But even with just how expansive this frozen heaven was, they were bound to outgrow their land one day. He knew it wouldn't be any time soon, but it was an unavoidable fact.

"King Nircogard! I bring news!" exclaimed a dragon as he flew to his king with haste.

Nircogard lifted his snout, his interest piqued. Nothing ever changed in Kricade; what could possibly be news to him?

The messenger dragon landed with tucked wings and his head bowed so low that his snout touched the snow. "We've discovered a new path southeast! I assure you, it was not there last we searched!"

"A new path you say? Show me at once."

Both dragons flew off. Nircogard had always wondered what, if anything, lay beyond Kricade. He took it upon himself to search for weeks one time, but this frozen land was the only thing he could find, and so he was convinced that nothing else existed in their world. Even still, he kept a search team. Perhaps even he had missed something.

They arrived at a spot between a thicket of trees, where hundreds of dragons crowded together. When they felt their king's wingbeat, they dispersed instantly.

He couldn't believe what he saw; a path of water. How could that be? Had their ice melted? But how? Nircogard tingled with a new sensation to him: excitement. He was a being that had ruled over this place since the beginning of time, and for the first, something new happened.

"Everyone, follow me. We're exploring," he ordered.

Their journey was much longer than he expected. But soon, Nircogard came across an even bigger, more exciting surprise. They encountered another species following the same path. This new species stood on two feet, their bodies apparently made up entirely of stone and flames. They all had warhammers slung over their shoulders, all of them except the largest one; she held a flaming sword. Unlike the others, she had char-black skin, almost as if it had been burnt, and hair that went down to her knees. Nircogard had no doubt; this was their queen.

The two species were at a standstill, left speechless. Finally, Nircogard spoke. "Allow me to explain. I am Nircogard, king of the dragons. We discovered a path of melted ice and decided to follow it. You see, we've never known anything but our land of chilling frost."

The other species was satisfied enough with his answer to lower their guard ever so slightly. Their leader stepped forward to explain for her people. "I am Egitnafir, queen of the Moltrogks. We too discovered a path that led us here. All we've ever known is the raging infernos of our own land."

The dragons had never even heard of a thing such as infernos. Now knowing that both another land and another species existed, they were even more curious and excited.

"Why don't we strike a deal?" Nircogard suggested, "If we allow you to cross over to our land, in return, you'll allow us to cross over to yours."

"An interesting deal. Allow me to discuss this with my people." Egitnafir turned back to her people. They walked back a bit and discussed silently among themselves. Once they came to an agreement, Egitnafir returned to Nircogard and said, "Alright, we agree to your terms. Lead the way."

So Nircogard did just that. When they reached Kricade, the Moltrogks were in awe. As Nircogard showed them around, Egitnafir explained how their people were overgrowing their land.

"It is cold here, but we are able to adapt." Egitnafir went on.

Nircogard knew what she was thinking, "If you wish for us to allow your people to live here with us, we'll ask the same out of you. Before we can make a deal like this, we'll need to see your land."

And so, once Nircogard finished showing the Moltrogks around, Egitnafir began to lead the dragons to their land. But before they reached the path between their lands again, the Moltrogks all turned around. Next thing Nircogard knew, he was met with the fury of Egitnafir's sword and her people's hammers, all at once.

Naito's eyes shot open. He was no longer in Kricade about to be struck down by savage Moltrogks. Instead, he was in the bath. Had he dozed off in the tub?

"Was that really me?" he asked himself. Never before had he had a dream that vivid. With his previous dreams about Nircogard, he couldn't recall them right after waking up. But this one was still painted clear in his head. He experienced it from Nircogard's eyes, and it felt as if he were really there in Kricade. Just what type of dream is that realistic?

Naito's dream felt as if it had lasted for weeks, but his bath water was still ice-cold. He pinched his nose and ducked his head under the water. He had to get used to breathing under cold water. There was no telling where Nircogard's corpse would be in Kricade. He might end up having to swim to the bottom of the ocean.

He lifted his head out of the water twenty minutes later. "A new record," he said to himself as he shook his wet hair.

"You have got to stop doing that, Naitey," said Alsen's voice.

Naito noticed her by the sink brushing her teeth. "How long have you been there?"

"About three minutes. Seriously, if anyone else had saw you like that, they'd think you were dead," she rinsed her mouth out before sticking her hand in his bath water, only to quickly retract it. "Ouch! How can you stay in there for so long? I think I got frostbite!" she sucked on her hand.

"It's not too cold for me," he said as he got out of the tub.

Naito pulled on one of his new t-shirts and pair of shorts before he went downstairs. Everyone else was still upstairs. He summoned Shadow then flicked the kitchen light on and poured himself a bowl of cereal. As he ate, he told Shadow about his dream.

"Remember what I told you on your birthday?" Shadow asked, "That your dreams of Nircogard are caused by your inner self trying to inform you of something you might not be fully aware of?"

"That has to be what's happening here. But why doesn't Nircogard just tell me whatever it is instead of giving me his memories?"

"I'm afraid I'm lost on that one."

Kayla came down just then. She had on a thick fur coat along with mittens and a winter beanie hat. "Good morning," she said.

"Good morning," Naito replied as he got up to wash his bowl. "Are you going somewhere?" He figured she must be, since she was dressed for the snow.

"I'm going to visit my mom at the hospital," she said as she put her shoes on.

"Can I come along?" he asked, "I'm not doing anything anyway."

"Sure. But it's snowing, so you should probably change into something warm."

"It's stopped already."

"Has it?" she went into the living room and looked out the window. "Still, it'll be cold for a... YIIII!!!" she shrieked like a banshee. She stood there frozen, white in the face.

"K-Kayla? What's wrong?"

"W-w-what..." she pointed under the table, where Shadow was curled up. "A ghost! There's a ghost wolf under the table!" she backed up until she was pressed against the wall, her chest heaving from her heavy breaths.

"I'm no ghost!" Shadow barked as he came from under the table.

"T-T-The ghost spoke!!!"

"Wait..." Naito looked from her, to Shadow, and back to her. "You can see him?"

Kayla nodded her trembling head.

"But how can that be? Animal Spirits can only be seen by wizards! Unless..." Naito's eyes widened in realization. "'re a wizard!"

"Sh!" she pressed a finger to her lips, her eyes still glued to Shadow. "Don't say that so loud! I...I already knew that."

"You did?" Naito slapped his forehead. What was going on? First, the girl in black. Now Kayla too?

"I'll explain, but not here. Come with me, I'll tell you at the hospital."

She went outside, constantly looking over her shoulder at Shadow as if she thought he were dangerous. Naito stepped into his shoes and went outside as well. She sat on a bike waiting for him. He hadn't even known she had a bike.

"Where'd the ghost go?" she asked.

"He's not a ghost, he is Shadow, my Animal Spirit. I unsummoned him." he said as he pulled out the new phone Cosena got him while they were at the mall. He sent her and Alsen a text letting them know where he was going.

Naito was sure she had no idea what an Animal Spirit was, but she sighed with relief that he was gone nonetheless.

"You're riding your bike? I'm afraid I haven't got one," he said.

"Hop on mine. It's faster than walking."

Naito swallowed hard. Would that be okay? He had never been on a bike before. What if he fell off? But he didn't want to look scared, so he nodded and sat on the seat.

"Just hold on and you'll be fine," she said.

Hold on to what? Naito's hands fumbled as he tried to figure out what she was expecting him to hold on to, then decided to gently wrap his arms around her stomach.

Kayla let out a soft gasp.

"Are you okay?"


Naito bit his lower lip and his shoulders stiffened as she began to ride. He looked up at the sky. It had a soft pink hue, the sun still low in the sky. They picked up speed, and Naito felt the air whipping around his face and through his hair. His shoulders loosened.

"This sure is peaceful," he said.

"It is, isn't it? I always try to go for a bike ride first thing in the morning," she said with a serene smile.

"I can see why. Maybe I should get a bike."

A while later, Kayla said, "Hey, I want to apologize to you."

"Apologize? For what?"

"The other day at the mall. I had no right to get to mad at you."

That's what she was apologizing for? Naito laughed and pat her head. "Don't be sorry."


"There's no such thing as needing the right to feel an emotion. If anything, you should apologize to Shadow. I don't think he appreciated being called a ghost."

Kayla shuddered. "Who wouldn't think that was a ghost?!"

Naito laughed even more. He now felt comfortable enough to stick one arm out, imagining that he was flying.

They arrived at the hospital before he knew it. The atmosphere inside the complimented the freedom he felt. It had a perfumed scent of flowers, which may have come from the vases of flowers in the windows and on the tables. Framed paintings hung from the walls. Most were of beautiful scenery, while some were comedic with motivational text. The one that caught Naito's attention the most had a cat hanging from a bridge, with the text "HANG IN THERE!" But after Kayla finished at the reception desk and they walked through the halls, that feeling of freedom started to sink in his chest. It was mostly empty at this hour, but there were some people that stood and sat outside of the hospital rooms, most of their faces despondent and void of hope.

They entered the hospital room. It hardly looked any different from the hospital room he was in just a few months ago. Kayla's mother lay unconscious on the bed. There was a mask on her face and her arms were connected to wires hooked up to a machine. A balloon and a get well soon sign sat on the table at the front of the room.

Kayla pulled up a chair from the table and sat. She shut her eyes and clasped her hands together for a brief moment. She then opened her eyes, and with a soft smile, said, "Hey mom. I'm back again."

Naito stood back by the door. He felt as if he were invading on her privacy by being there.

"It's okay. Sit down," she told him.

Reluctantly, he pulled up a chair and sat beside her. "I hope she wakes up soon," he said, unsure what else to say.

"Mhm," she nodded. "You know, at first I didn't know what to think about a wizard trying to save her."

"What do you mean?"

"She was attacked by wizards, after all. Who would've imagined one of her attacker's kind risking his life to save her?"

Attacked. That was the second time she said that. "Why do you think she was attacked?"

"The hotel was burned down by magic. When she first woke up in the hospital, she started screaming that 'the wizards have come for her'. Doesn't that sound like an attack to you?"

Her mother said something like that? If she thought that they were coming after her, didn't that mean she had some type of connection to wizards? But how?

"The Zodiac Empire seems pretty big on their public image though," Kayla continued, "Wouldn't be farfetched to think they'd set the hotel on fire and then have one of their members help put it out while another saves the victims. A perfect setup that'd be to build their reputation."

Naito kicked his chair back and stood. He clenched his fists and exhaled a deep breath to prevent himself from doing something he'd regret. "Makayla," he said, "Do you really think Alsen and I would do such a thing?"

Kalya buried her face in her hands and shook her head. "No...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said such a thing. I..." she sobbed, "I'm just so confused. I don't know what to make out of anything anymore."

"Your mother was not attacked."

She looked up. "She wasn't?"

"No. The one who set the hotel on fire was after me. We don't know who she is, but the one thing we know for certain is that she wants me dead."

"You're being stalked?"

"Yes. We had to hide out in the mountains just to shake her off my tail."

"And here I am accusing you..." she buried her face again, "But, why did she say that the wizards have come for her then?"

Naito sat back down. "I want to know the same thing. You said you know that you're a wizard. How and when did you learn this?"

"Sometimes on nights during Fire-Sign months, my body do I put this," head still hung low, she removed her hands from her face and picked at her nails, "I get this really excited feeling within me. No matter how much I'd try to resist it, it'd just...explode. Flames would burst right out of my fingertips."

Naito scratched his chin. He had never heard of anything like that happening.

"When I realized that I was special, that I had power, I was fascinated. I wanted to learn how to control my power. But no matter how much I asked my mom about anything related to wizards and magic, she refused to tell me. I could tell that she was horrified. So, I researched on my own but the information I could find was scarce," she let out a soft laugh. "All this time I wondered how I could be the only wizard alive. Who was my father? The rest of my family? You'd think I would've been excited when I heard that wizards are in fact not extinct, that there are more people like me. But, right after that, the hotel catches fire and my mom screams about wizards coming after her."

"I can understand why you would suspect us," Naito said.

"I didn't tell Zart anything. With everything that he's done for me, how was I supposed to go up and accuse him?"

"This is good news though."

"Good news?"

"We've been under the belief that we're the only wizards alive. If you're a wizard not from our empire, that means that means there could have been more survivors from the war than we thought! There might be even more wizards out there that we don't know of!" he exclaimed.

"So, you think my mother is from an unknown group of survivors?" she asked, "But if that's the case, why is she afraid of wizards?"

"I don't know. I think we should tell the others about this. Zart might kn-"



"Sorry, but...I'm really not comfortable letting anyone else know," she said.

"You're not still suspicious of us, are you?"

"That's not it," she fidgeted, "I've been thinking all these terrible things about you all when you risked your life for my mom, and Zart took me in like his own. How do you think they'll react to that?"

Naito kneeled in front of her and gently took her hands. "You don't need to be afraid. I know they'll all be understanding. But it's okay, we'll them when you're ready."

She looked him in the eyes. "T-thank you."

"Now, you've been trying to learn magic on your own, right?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Then why don't I teach you?"

Kayla's eyes brightened. "You'd really do that for me?"

"That's what friends are for, isn't it?" he asked with a big smile. "You're a Pyromancer and I'm an Aquamancer, so there's a limit to how much I can teach you, but I'll do my best!"

She wiped a tear away. "O-Okay! I'll do my best to be an excellent protégé then!" she gave him an equally big smile.

"Great!" Naito checked the time on his phone. It was still early morning. "We can start whenever you're ready."

"Just let me speak to my mother a little first."

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