
Bởi Sweetslover8

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I've been on the run for three years. I'm not the first, but I certainly won't be the last. For as long as... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note (Please read!)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 18

6.1K 225 71
Bởi Sweetslover8

© Sweetslover8 2014. It is illegal to copy and/or steal.

~Uploaded April 20th, 2014

"Four coffees, two club sandwiches and an extra large all-dressed pizza, please!"

It was two days later, around 11 o'clock, and I was working my second shift as a waitress at Minnie's. I thought it'd be hard to get a job here, and even harder to actually be a waitress, but it wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. Most of the customers were really kind and understanding, since I'd never been a waitress before, and some had worked in restaurants before and even gave me helpful tips on how to improve myself as a waitress. And truthfully? I enjoyed working here.

Minnie's was the most popular restaurant in this very small town, so all of its inhabitants came in at least once a week, I was told. All the fresh gossip in town came here before it got to the nail salon a couple of streets up. So basically, it was like working in an intel office without all of the complicated tech equipment, which suited me just fine.

Another reason why I liked working here is because everyone was just so darned nice and sweet it could give me cavities. I didn't have to fake a smile around anyone because it came naturally. Minnie didn't act like our boss. She was more like the mama bear and the employees were her cubs, so she always looked out for us and didn't hesitate a second to offer help, but still demanded a certain level of respect.

There were three cooks working in the kitchen; Dave, Will, and Patrick. Dave and Will were in their fifties and had been working here almost as long as Minnie's owned the place. Patrick started working here a couple of years ago when he, his young wife, and newborn daughter moved here from Toronto.

The dishwasher was a cute guy of about 20 named Nick. He was always cracking jokes with everyone and I could sometimes hear the cooks erupt with laughter when I was taking orders in front. He didn't hesitate to subtly flirt with the rest of the waitresses once in a while too, even poking fun at Minnie herself and another middle-aged waitress. But both of them would only shake their heads at him and give him an affectionate whack on the head with their notebooks.

There was also Minnie's youngest daughter, Nora, who was about my age, that worked behind the counter with her mother at the cash, making drinks and taking orders through the phone. She was really quiet, and sometimes when she came to me from behind to tell me something, I would jump because of how quiet she was. Kind of like Garrett, really.

As for the waitresses, there was Ella, a middle-aged lady who knew how to brighten up everyone's day, and Clara, Nolan's twenty-year old cousin who was studying Tourism and Parks Management at the University of Waterloo. Then there was me, who was trying very hard not to smack this customer upside the head.

"My soup is much too hot. I burned my tongue on it. I demand you bring me a cooler soup." Ooh, she demands it, I thought sarcastically. The snobby woman with overdone makeup and a face that had obviously been Botoxed pointed a French-manicured nail at the chilli in front of her.

"Very well." Fighting an eye twitch, I took the chilli back, set it on an empty table for about three minutes, aware of the lady watching my every move as I did other things in the meantime, then placed the chilli back on the table.

"Here you are, ma'am. Enjoy your meal." I walked off. So much for not dealing with any bullshit. I picked up the dishes from another table, refilled water for another, brought the coffee and food to their respective clients and cleared the table of four that had just left. I picked up the $7.50 tip and shoved it into my apron. Cheapskates, I thought.

"Someone doesn't look too happy." Nora was standing behind me with a cloth in one hand and a tray with the table settings in the other. She blew a strand of strawberry blonde hair out of her face.

"Well let's see: so far today, I've had to deal with three customers complaining about the dumbest things I've ever heard of." I brought the dishes to the bins and placed them in there without making too much noise. "One who changed seats four different times without telling me, something to do with the feng shui-" I took Nora's offered cloth and wiped the table "-another about the type of lettuce we used in the salad, and the last lady about "too hot" chilli. I just left it on a table until it cooled then handed it back to her." I set the rest of the table with Nora's help and returned to the front counter.

"Oh, and I've gotten really crappy tips. Eight tables, about twenty people in total, and I've gotten twenty odd dollars in tip." I sighed and took a drink from the glass of water I had set aside earlier.

"It'll get better", Nora assured me. "Don't worry about that. Just you wait. There's a group that comes in every Friday or Saturday that tips really well. Maybe they'll come in today."

"I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to have to start digging under couch cushions to pay my rent." Nora smiled at me sympathetically.

"They're regulars. They'll definitely be here." Both of our heads turned to the front door as the little bell rang. Five people walked in. "And here they are. I'll go seat them." Nora walked off to the group, greeting them with her kind smile and bringing them to a table by the window. I sighed, tightened my already too tight ponytail, and armed myself with my notepad, a pen and five menus.

"Hello", I greeted the clients. "My name is Dani and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I handed them the menus.

I hadn't even noticed that all of them were looking at me until I looked up to take their orders. Five guys, all my age, looking freaking badass in dark shirts, jeans and the occasional leather jacket. And even then, it wasn't the clothes that made the man. They emanated the attitude, the look that gave off the impression that they were badass and they knew it. It was almost arrogant looking. Help, I thought meekly.

One of them broke their intense calculating gaze and spoke in a low voice. "I'll take a Coke, please." I scribbled it down as I tried to ignore his strong jawline.

"Make that two Cokes", the guy with green streaks in his dark hair to Strong Jawline's left said.

"Three", another said. He reminded me of an ox with how big he was.

"Three cokes", I confirmed. I turned to the other two who hadn't ordered yet. "And for you two?"

"Root beer, please", one said in a Quebec-French accent. I noticed he had a small ring piercing his lower lip.

"And a 7-Up", the last one said. "Thanks, doll." I fought down the urge to roll my eyes and only smiled.

"Alright then. I'll be right back with those." I turned and walked back to the counter to order the drinks.

"Three cokes, a root beer and a 7-Up, please." Nora had her hands unmoving on a pack of unopened napkins as she dazedly stared into the mirror that covered the back of the cashier counter. I placed myself at her angle, and saw that she was eyeing the table of boys in the mirror's reflection. "Nora? Hello?" I snapped my fingers under her nose. She jumped.

"I wasn't looking at Mikaël. Why would you say that?", she accused immediately. I looked at her strangely.

"I didn't", I said slowly. Nora turned pink and started pulling the drinks out of the fridge. "Who's Mikaël?" She had pronounced his name like "Mee-ka-elle", the French way. I immediately knew who it was, but I asked anyways. Nora didn't answer me and started placing the drinks on a tray with glasses. I leaned against the counter as I eyed the table as well.

"Is he the one with the curly hair? Or maybe the one with the green streaks? He's pretty good-looking. Ooh, how about the one-"

"Stop it!" A few of the customers, including the guys, turned at her exclamation. Nora literally yelped and pulled me down behind the counter. I never wanted to know how the carpet behind there looked, or smelled, up close. And now I knew.

"He's the one with the lip piercing and the French accent, okay?", Nora told me in a hushed tone as if it were an international secret. "He looks good with it."

"A lip piercing, huh?" I winked at her. "Feeling rebellious, are we?" Nora gave a small smile and pushed her glasses further up on her nose.

"Maybe a little bit." I rose to get a better look at who she was referring to. She gripped my arm and pulled me back down. "Don't look at him! Then he'll know that we're talking about him!"

"He probably knows already with how loud you're speaking", I pointed out. Nora clamped her mouth shut and sank further to the floor. "Why don't you just ask him out?" She looked at me with horrified blue-green eyes.

"Ask who out?", someone behind me asked. I jumped and almost knocked my head against the counter.

"Clara!", I hissed at the insanely tall girl with the reddest and curliest hair I had ever seen. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Clara grinned widely. "Now why would I do that? It's way too much fun picking on you. Now who's asking who out? Nora...?" Nora shrank to the other end of the bar. "Come on, you know I'm teasing. But if you're thinking of asking one of those man candies out, I suggest you do it soon. Before someone else does." She winked at us then rose to her full height of six feet, leaving me looking and feeling ridiculous squatting on the floor.

"As I was going to say...", Nora spoke as she adjusted her position on the floor - wow, that sounded dirty - "Why would I attempt something as batshit crazy as that? Get back down here." She pulled me down again when I tried to stand up.

"This is getting ridiculous", I told her. "I have clients to serve and you have to prep the drinks. So either get up and do it, or I'm going over there and telling Mikaël dearest that you're mirror stalking him."

I ignored her protest and stood back up again. Only to come face to face with Mikaël on the opposite side of the counter. Shit, I hope he didn't hear me.

But man, he did look good with that piercing, I thought. The ring pierced the right corner of his lower lip, bringing attention to his charming smile and white teeth. His eyes were a warm cinnamon brown and his hair was blond with natural brown streaks. He was pretty damned cute. Nora had better go for this one.

"Hello", I said casually. "Sorry I'm taking a while for the drinks. I'll be there in a minute." I moved around Nora who was still cowering behind the counter but slowly coming up.

"Don't worry about it", he said coolly. When she heard his swoon-worthy voice, Nora immediately fell back down to the floor and hit her head on a shelf in the process.

"Ow...", she moaned. I gave her an "Are you okay?" look and she shot me a thumbs up while rubbing a sore spot on the back of her head.

"I just came to tell you that we're ready to order. And hey, Norrie?" Norrie? Mikaël leaned forward to see over the counter. "Are you doing okay back there?"

"Yep!", Nora squeaked. She cleared her throat and said again in a slightly lower octave, "I'm fine. Just tying my shoe." She was a really bad liar. And her shoes didn't even have laces; she was wearing Crocs.

"Alright", he said disbelievingly. He looked back up at me. "I'll be at the table." When he was out of earshot, I forced Nora to her feet; otherwise, she would probably stay down there until Mikaël left.

"'Tying my shoe'?", I asked her. "Really? That's the best you could come up with?" She bit her lip and slid the tray of drinks across the back counter towards me, adjusting her glasses once again.

"He makes me nervous with his cute accent. I don't lie well when I'm nervous." I sighed and picked up the tray.

"Either you're going to have to become a better liar, or grow a pair and ask him out. Or at least learn to say hi without going all chipmunk-squeaky on him. And you forgot a glass", I noted as I double-checked the drinks.

"Mikaël always drinks his root beer from the can", Nora said shyly. "And he likes the green straw." She pulled one out from its box and placed it inside the drink. I raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "I-I pay attention to the little things. Is that bad?"

"Well it's not bad", I told her. "But it might be slightly creepy. Just don't go telling him those "little things" you notice about him, alright?" She nodded and grabbed a cloth to wipe down the counter. "And if you're going to keep reacting this way every time he comes in and pull me down to the carpet, can you at least wash it first? Or spray some fabric freshener? That thing smells funky", I added. Nora laughed a little and said that she would. I wasn't sure if she was serious or not.

"Here you are." I arrived back at the table and placed the drinks in front of the respective client. "Now what would you like to order to eat?" They rattled off their orders, and I wrote them down automatically, almost mindlessly, until I heard:

"You." I raised a brow at the moron who said that. Well, I've certainly never heard that one before. It was the one that had ordered a 7-Up and called me "doll"; he had spiked up light brown hair, ripped jeans, a cocky/suggestive grin and the attitude to go with it. Basically, my definition of "douche". He looked down at my jean-clad legs. "Those are some nice legs, babe. What time do they open?"

The same time that I grab the gun from beneath my shirt and blow your head off, I thought sharply.

"Now is that any way to talk to a lady, Trent?" A familiar voice and arm wrapped around my shoulders. I didn't have to look up to know that it was Brody. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Trent didn't look the least bit intimidated, despite Brody being a good couple of inches taller and more built than him. He crossed his arms defiantly. "What's it to you, Willis?" What was with all these guys and referring to each other by their last names? That's what first names were for.

"She's my friend", Brody replied. "And as her friend, it's my job to make sure she isn't pestered by any unsavoury characters. Want me to take care of him for you, Dee?" That nickname was all too familiar, and I swallowed down the pain that went with it.

"No, thanks Brody", I said sweetly. "I'm fine on my own. But if I do need help, you're the first person I'll ask."

"Alright", he said warily. "I'll be over there with the rest of the gang if you need me." He nodded to the wall on the far end of the restaurant where the rest of our "gang" was sitting. It was still a foreign concept to me. I hadn't even noticed they had come in. Brody shot Trent a warning glare before walking over to join them.

I quickly took the rest of the orders, called them out to Dave and Patrick in back, then returned to the front where the guys were waiting.

"Hey guys." I greeted them with a real smile, not the plastered-on one I had mastered over the years. "I didn't know you were coming in today. Where's Andie?" I didn't see her sitting with them.

"She had some stuff to take care of at school. And it was Garrett's turn to cook", Dylan explained. "But he somehow burned spaghetti. While they were still noodles. In a pot."

"We get it!", Garrett told him. "I burned boiling noodles. Let's move on." He didn't sound irritated though.

"What-? How on earth did you burn noodles?", I asked him incredulously.

"It's Garrett", Nolan said like it explained everything. "He takes any impossibility in cooking and makes it possible." Garrett threw a pack of sugar at Nolan from the little stand that stood on every table.

"Can we order now? Please?" I laughed and took out my notepad and clicked my pen.

"Let me see if I've got this right." Everyone had given me their usual orders beforehand in hopes I'd memorize them. I pointed to Garrett. "Two burgers." I turned to Nolan. "The club. Three hot dogs for Brody. And an all-dressed pizza with extra sausage for the grumpy blonde." Said grumpy blonde shot me a glare that I returned with a sweet smile. The frown lessened and he even cracked a half-grin.

It was so strange. Two days ago, we were yelling at each other and ready to tear each other's throats out. Now, it's like we were almost friends. We were in that awkward zone between acquaintances and friends. Friendly acquaintances, maybe? Yeah, that sounded about right. The truce was doing its job and I actually liked Dylan when he wasn't being a pain, or an ass, or an idiot, or- Well, you know what I mean.

I brought their orders to the kitchen and carried the meals to the table of the five boys. Trent didn't try any more dumb pick-up lines and only opened his mouth to thank me when I placed his order of ribs in front of him. I went back to the counter and brought the drinks to the guys. All of them were chatting except Dylan. I placed his Coke in front of him and followed his gaze to the other table of guys.

"Scoping out my clients, Blondie?" Dylan gave me a mocking smile.

"Hilarious. And in a way, yes. Don't you know who they are?" I shook my head. "They're the rest of the Scorpions paintball team, reigning champs for the past four years. The ones that we'll be going against in the tournament in less than a month."

"Luke's team", I said. "Where're him and his two lackeys?"

"I heard they were up all night devising new paintball attack plans", Nolan said. "They're dead tired and they're sleeping in."

"Dude, how do you know this?", Brody asked as he took a sip of his Sprite. Nolan shrugged.

"Do you know what it's like to have two younger teenage sisters who treat gossip like it's freaking oxygen?", Nolan asked us. "It's annoying, but useful at times. And on a completely different note, I heard that Eliza and Brian are broken up again." The guys groaned. And I had no idea who they were.

"Seriously?", Garrett asked. "Again? Didn't they just get back together a week ago?"

"Two", Brody corrected. Garrett looked at him strangely. "What? Nole's not the only one with younger siblings. And I asked his sisters to keep me in the loop."

"I swear, there should be an app for those two", Dylan said. "For when they're together and when they're not."

"Why? So you can pick up on Eliza?", Brody asked with a leer. Dylan rolled his hazel eyes.

"You know she's not my type."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up." Nolan raised a hand, asking for silence. "You're telling me that totally hot isn't your type?", Nolan asked.

"It's not that. She's needy, clingy, whiny, demanding, and I heard she interrupted Brian's guys' night." A chorus of "ooh's" came from the guys. I wasn't too sure what guys did on guys' night, but I knew interrupting it was bad. Like "if you weren't a girl I would shoot you" bad. "I don't need a girl like that, thank you very much."

"Dude, it's like in that movie", Brody said, snapping his fingers as he thought. "It's, uh... Damn it, what's it called?"

"How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days." They all looked at me. "What? I'm not always lost when it comes to Brody's movie analogies or references. I actually enjoyed that movie."

"Hey, Dani!" I turned and saw Clara walking by me with her hands full of food for her tables. "Your orders are ready in the back when you're ready. Hey guys." She smiled at the four boys.

"Hey, Clare", they greeted back. She smiled again and turned away, her peppy red ponytail swishing behind her. I could've sworn I saw her blush. Except at Nolan. That would've been weird. But they were four pretty good-looking guys after all. With Garrett's adorkable grin, Nolan's perfectly red and curly mass of hair, Brody's physique and Dylan's eyes, who wouldn't blush at least a little bit?

"You heard the lady", Nolan said. "Bring us our food, wench."

I knew he was joking, but poking fun at these guys was always the highlight of my day. I planted my hands on my hips, leaned forward slightly, and said in a dangerously low tone, "What did you call me?"

"Uh, uh, I, uh..." Nolan's fumbling for words was funny, and became even funnier when I stepped closer to him. "Uh, buh, eek, agh."

"Dude, are you a guy or a chimp?", Brody asked him. "Cause I really can't tell the difference anymore." Nolan wasn't listening though. Only when I was practically in his face did he speak.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I was just joking! You know that, right? Please don't hurt me." He put his arms up as a feeble self-defence while the guys laughed. "Come on, Dani. You know you love me", he tried. I sighed irritably and moved my hand towards him. He squeaked but all I did was wrap my arm around his shoulders in a side hug.

"You are so damned lucky you're my friend. Otherwise, I would've beaten your ass till the next blue moon."

"And my ass and I thank you for your restraint." I rolled my eyes and started walking to the counter. "Love ya!", he yelled out.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved my hand dismissively as I went to the kitchen to get their food.

"Who loves you?" I picked up the tray and turned to Nick. With his dark hair tucked inside of a green SnapBack on backwards and a grin, he somehow managed to make a simple white kitchen shirt look attractive.

"Everyone", I joked. "Cause I'm just so darned loveable. Can't you tell?" Nick laughed.

"Yes, I can. Now get that pretty self of yours back out front."

"Yes, sir." I saluted him and returned to the front.


It was another hour before the Scorpions left. And they didn't leave much of a mess for me to clean up, for which I was thankful. Except for one guy who left his éclair soaking in a soggy mess in his coffee mug. Nick's problem, not mine.

And turns out, Nora was right; they did leave a rather generous tip. Their bill came up to a bit over a hundred dollars, which I'm wondering how teenagers could pay for in the first place, and they left me a twenty.

"Told you you wouldn't be disappointed", Nora told me from behind, making me jump and turn.

"Holy freaking toledo! Someone should put a bell on you." Nora laughed, her grin wider than before. I placed a hand on my hip. "Did I miss something?"

"Something? What something? You didn't miss anything."

"You're a really bad liar. Come on, you can tell me, Norrie." That set her off.

"I got Mikaël's number!", she exclaimed. My jaw dropped.

"What?" I was silent for a moment. "Oh my god, no way!" We started doing that kind of girly thing where we took each other's hands and jumped up and down and squealed. The only customers left were the guys so it didn't really matter if we seemed a little bit stupid.


"How did you manage to swing that, Juliet?" Nora had the most giddy expression on her face that I had ever seen in my life. "And when did this happen?"

"When you were in the bathroom." Of course. "He and his friends came to pay the bill. Trent was making these really obscene comments-" Now why didn't that surprise me? "-and Mikaël was being all defensive for me. He was so cute. Anyways, after the rest of them left, he said that he's having a party tomorrow night and he'd like for me to come. Then, get this, he asked for my number!" She squealed again. "And I got his. Look what he saved his contact name as." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and went to her contacts.

Sure enough, there it was, those ten little digits that made Nora happier than a kid at the carnival. And the contact name: Mikaël <3 ;)

"Holy shit." I took her phone and shook it around. "It's real. It's freaking real." She took her phone back with a giddy smile. "Way to go. What did you save your name as on his phone?"

"Just Nora with a smiley face. I thought a heart would be too much. What do you think his heart means? And the winky face?" Her expression changed from ecstatic to worried. "Does he like me back? Is he only messing with me?" I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't read into it too much. It'll only give you a headache, trust me. And as for him liking you? There's only one way to find out." She smiled wide again and squealed.

"I'm going to go ask my mom if I can go. And if she says no, then I'll beg her. If she still says no, then I'll sneak out anyways. I'll see you later." She gave me another hug and rushed off towards the back.

"Good luck!", I called back, though I doubt she heard me.

"What was that all about?"

"Geez de freaking Louise." I turned again and scowled at Dylan. "You people really need to stop sneaking up on me."

"How is it sneaking up on you if I'm just walking normally?"

"Whatever. I'm still getting all of you cowbells." I started walking towards the counter to clean up a few small dishes I didn't want to bother Nick with cleaning.

"Okay...? That was random." Dylan leaned his forearms on the counter and I tried not to stare at the tone of them (or any other muscles that may or may not have been visible beneath his form-fitting t-shirt). They sure looked strong from this angle. And probably from any other angle too...

Shut. Up, I told myself, or my hormones more specifically.

"So what's up? Ready to pay yet?"

"Yeah, in a minute. I wanted to talk to you about something." Intrigued, I set the small teapots and bowls on a towel to dry and used another to dry my hands. I leaned on the back counter.

"Sure. Shoot." I tossed the towel by the sink.

"So", he started slowly. He scratched his neck. I realized that all of the guys did it when they were nervous or unsure of something. Aw, Dylan was nervous. "I noticed how... encouraging and supportive you were with the team on the jog the other day. You really boosted their morals. And I hear you're doing good with Nolan and Teddy with their cardio too."

"They're doing alright. It'll take a bit more time though. But Nolan's already better than he was two days ago. No more face-planting." We shared a small laugh.

"That's good. Wouldn't want that during the tournament, would we?" I shook my head, but I knew he was beating around the bush. What did he want to tell me already?

"And I guess you're pretty good at paintball." Guess? Give me a gun and a target and I'll make sure that "guess" becomes "you are". "Still need to work on your stance though", he muttered as if I couldn't hear him.

"Sorry, but is there a point to this? Because if your goal was to both insult and compliment me, I'd say you've reached it." I turned to fold towels.

"Damn it, Dani." I heard him sigh. "I'm trying to ask if you'll be my co-captain on the team." I stopped folding the towel. Dropped it and my hands. Slowly turned towards him again.

"Say again?", I asked disbelievingly. I must've hit my head on the counter after all.

"You heard me", he said stubbornly. "I'm not repeating it."

"Well I can't give you an answer if I didn't hear the question, now can I?" I started running the water from the sink to wash my hands. Dylan huffed irritatingly, then sighed.

"Dani, will you please be my co-captain on the team?", he tried again. I turned off the tap.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you over the water running. Say that again?" He gave me a flat gaze.

"Please be my co-captain, Dani", he repeated. Oh, this was way too easy, I thought as I coughed into my arm.

"Could you repeat that one more time? I had a cough", I asked as I rounded the front counter and rested an elbow on its surface.

Dylan opened his mouth to repeat the question a third time, then stopped. "Wait a minute... You're screwing with me, aren't you?" I gave him an innocent smile.

"What ever are you talking about? I didn't do anything wrong."

"That's a load of bull. You heard me the first time, didn't you?" I couldn't hold in the laugh anymore; it had been rising inside of me since this started. I doubled over, hands on my knees.

"L-loud and-and clear!", I choked out as I took a deep breath of air. "I can't believe you-!" I screamed the last part on an octave as I was picked up and tossed over a shoulder like a damned sack of potatoes. I started wiggling around and pounding his back with my fists as hard as I could without breaking anything.

"Dylan!", I shrieked. "Put me down! This is totally unprofessional! I'm still working."

"Yeah, yeah." His arms tightened on the lower back of my thighs and calves, preventing me from giving him a good hit to the face. My punches didn't seem to do anything either. I noticed we were getting farther and farther from the counter, and that meant- My smile dropped. Dylan was carrying me towards the front, and that led to outside. I couldn't go outside like this!

I started moving more assertively, putting more force into my hips and moving my hands around me to try to loosen Dylan's vice-like grip. "Let me go!"

"What's the magic word?"

"Really? Are you serious right now? Put me down!" The grip tightened even more, if that was possible.

Dylan made a buzzer sound. "Ehhh! Wrong! Try again!" He had stopped a few feet away from the door.

I hit my head against his back in annoyance. "Please Dylan, put me down. It will mean a lot to me if you do", I said flatly.

"Very moving, Dani. I'm touched, really, but that's not what I'm looking for. Last chance. Or I'll walk right out there with you on my shoulder."

"You're really starting to tick me off, you know that?"

"Boy, there sure are a lot of people out there", he continued as if I hadn't spoken. I assumed he was looking outside through the restaurant windows. "Let's see... Ten, fourteen, twenty..." He trailed off while counting. "Yep, about thirty or so people walking around outside. Including Crystal and Dawn, Nolan's sisters, the gossip queens themselves, a few other chatty folks from the high school that never go anywhere without their phones, and Mrs. Terence, the town's go-to lady for the who's who and what's what. She'll love posting this on her gossip column." In a way, cool, I thought, but so not going to happen.

"Well what do you want me to say? I already said please."

"First, say that I'm the best paintball player in town and sound like you mean it. Then, accept to be co-captain of our team."

"Seriously? That's it? I would've accepted without you picking me up."

"I know. It's just more fun this way." I smacked the back of his head. "Ow. And I'm not hearing-"

"Dylan Jameson McCade, you're the best paintball player in town. You're better than all of the guys, the girls and Luke's team combined. And it would be an honour to be your co-captain." I poured all of my acting skills into saying those few words.

"Well of course it would be. I'm just that awesome", he said smugly. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see. "And not bad. But I didn't hear you say that I was better than you."

"Pfft", I scoffed as I crossed my arms. "In your dreams, G.I. No." Dylan laughed, his entire body shaking with it so much that it brought a grin to my lips as well. Damn, his laugh was contagious.

"Alright. Good enough." He set me back down on my feet. "But you will say it one day", he assured me.

"I'll say that when pigs juggle and fly while delivering pizza."

"Such arrogance", he chided.

"More like confidence. I just know these things."

"Sure you do. Well, co-cap, I'll let you get back to work." In a lower voice, he said, "And by the way, Gare's paying. But don't tell him that." I shoved his shoulder.

"You are the worst", I scolded him. "How do you look at yourself in the mirror?"

"Like this:" - he put a hand on his hip and did a supermodel pouty face - "'Well aren't you a handsome devil?'"

"You got the devil part right", I muttered, earning me a sarcastic smile. "Now shoo, I have work to do."

"Yes, ma'am. Oh, and before I forget..." Dylan pulled out his wallet from his back pocket, and pulled out a purple coloured piece of paper. A Canadian ten dollar bill. "I think I owe you ten bucks." I thanked him, took the bill and pocketed it. "I'll see you tomorrow morning", he said while walking backwards towards the door, "bright and early at Garrett's place at eight. Don't forget."

"Like I would actually forget something that important." I waved him off as he pushed through the doors and out into the still bright September sun.

Practice was where I could learn more about my teammates, scope out each other's weaknesses and put their strengths to good use. I was good at that kind of thing. And to see if I could work well with Dylan. I hoped I could. I didn't need that truce to be nice to him, but did he need it to be nice back? And how long would this truce last anyways?

As I made my way back towards the counter, I found myself smiling. Captain Dani Wilde, I mused. It had a nice ring to it. And so did Captain Dylan McCade. Co-captains Dani and Dylan. Or Dylan and Dani? I think I liked the former better. Either way, it sounded good together, emphasis on the together part. The only question left on my mind was a depressing one and brought down yet another perfectly good smile.

How long would it last?


Hey people! How're we doing today? Good? Awesome? Fantastic? Boo? Hope it's not the latter.

What're your thoughts on the new characters? Nora, Mikaël, Trent, Clara, Nick? Okay, so there wasn't much on the last two but I'd still love to hear your opinions!

Random side note: Even though I've lived in Quebec my entire life, I will never tire of a boy speaking English in Quebec-French accent. *fans face with hand* That is, unless they're a d!ck. But if they're super sweet? *resumes fanning face* 😋 Hence, Mikaël being born.

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter, book and my now-noticeably long author's notes at the ends. Huh, need to fix that.

Vote/comment/fan please!!!


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