Transformers: The Hidden Prim...

By 14thOriginalPrime

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The 13 original primes know of the 14th prime but not everybot knows him till fate decides to change. (Y/n)... More

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Chapter 0: Beginning
Chapter 2: Iacon
Important Annoucement

Chapter 1: Awoken

10.3K 160 10
By 14thOriginalPrime

Your POV

You slowly open your eyes/optics and noticed your surroundings being dark. You moved your hand/servo and felt a hard surface. You pushed it and moved it as light appeared. You manage to move it as have you a opening. You sat up and looked around, noticing your on a tomb in a room. The light in the room wasn't that bright.

You climbed out of your tomb and finding the exit of this room. When you found the exit, you try to open it but wouldn't budge. You sighed/vented as you decided to teleport out of the room. When you teleported out of the room, you were in another room. Yet this one was different from the other one that you were in.

You looked back at tomb and notice some craving on the seal. You read it and notice it was from your siblings, claiming you are dead/offline.

Here lies our youngest Brother
Who help and aid us in combat against Unicron
The one who was kindest Prime in the group
He saved our sister, thus sacrificing himself for her
We wish you were with us for the fullest of your life
We wish we have stopped the fight before but was too late
We hope you shall Rest In Peace, brother,
(Y/n) Prime

I was shocked and saddened to know my siblings, thinking I'm finally gone. 'I wish, I wouldn't have bring sorrow you, my brothers and sister.' You said in your mind, as you turned around, facing the exit. A single tear escape from your (o/c) eye/optic. He instantly wiped it away and started heading towards he exit. You gave one last glance to your tomb and sighed/vented while turning back.

The exit had stairs leading to outside of the room. When you reach to the top, you shielded your eyes/optics from the ray of light as you adjust to it. You were on to some kind of temple and near it was a a place with buildings.

"How long was I sleeping/recharging?" You hold your helm, thinking for how long you were been 'dead'. You hold your head/helm, still thinking and how Cybertron changed. You were adjusting to your new home as you shocked for how long you been 'died'.

'Might as well ask Creator this.' You thought as you looked at the city. You transformed into your predacon form before you were about to fly to the core of Cybertron, you noticed some beings walking towards here.

No One POV

You went back inside the temple as the locals were almost to the entrance of the temple. These two beings are Alpha Trion and Orion Pax. Alpha Trion's pupil want to learn about this 14th mythical Prime, and wanting to know more about him since nothing in the Hall of Record says about him.

"Orion, there is a reason why, in the Hall of Records doesn't have intel about the 14th Prime." He said as his pupil stare at his mentor.

"Alpha Trion, I need to know why, because there is only one book/datapad that tells little data about him." Orion stated as Alpha Trion and him stood in the entrance.

Alpha Trion sighed/vented. "Orion, I'll tell you why." He replied as he turn towards to his pupil. "He sacrifice himself to save one of the primes from a tragic fate." As Orion was shocked to hear this new information about the prime.

"Then why are we in this temple?" Orion asked him, as Alpha Trion turn back towards the entrance.

"This is where he was buried to. For us, Primes to commemorate him for his sacrifice." As he entered the temple but stopped when he noticed two bright (o/c) eyes/optics staring nat him. He was shocked to see another being in the temple but what's more, is that those eyes/optics are very familiar.

You stood in from of him as you look at him. You heard his name/designation, but have doubt it if it were him. As you look closely to him you realize, your doubts were wrong. You stood still as another being came in.

Orion was confused as to Alpha Trion Stood there, frozen in place. He decided to walked to him. "Alpha Trion what's wrong?" He asked him but he didn't answer nor moved. Orion followed his trail of sight and noticed the bright (o/c) eyes/optics staring at the two. Orion panicked but didn't make a sound nor move, only widened his eyes/optics.

You decided to step out of the shadows as Alpha Trion and Orion stepped back. You stepped out to be viewed by the light. Showing your predacon form, light reflecting from armor as Alpha Trion and Orion looked at you awestruck.

Alpha Trion shook his head/helm as his pupil stood still but also stepped back from the predacon. You look towards at him and widened your (o/c) eyes/optics.

"(Y/n), is that you?" He whispered but loud enough for you to hear. You nodded and lean down a bit, standing two foot instead of four like the rest of the predacons. Orion was shocked, surprised, and fear as Alpha Trion know these predacon.

"Alpha Trion, who is this?" You asked him, turning your attention towards the boy who was standing fearfully, intimidated by your appearance. "(Y/n), this is my pupil, Orion Pax." He replied as you transformed back to your bipedal form.

"So he is your student?" You questioned as he nodded while Orion eyes/optics widened to be more amazed to see a predacon having his own bipedal form. "(Y/n) your back, your really back." Alpha said as he went to hugged you. You hugged back and let go with a pat on his back. "I have brother, yes I have." You laughed in a jolly way.

Orion stood there, frozen. Realizing that you were Alpha Trion's brother, who is the 14th original Prime. His thoughts were interrupted when Alpha Trion snapped his out of it. "Orion, are you okay?" He asked him as you stared, concerned for him too. "Yes I'm fine, Alpha Trion. I'm very interested to know about (Y/n), since the Hall of Record doesn't have data about him." He replied as you tilted your helm to the side, confused not mention you nor have information about yourself.

"Hall of Record not having data about me?" You exclaim, as Alpha Trion sighed/vented. "(Y/n) would you like to come with us?" He turned towards you, staring directly at your eyes/optics. You nodded, since you hardly know anything about everything that happen during your slumber/stasis.

"But, where are we heading to?" Alpha Trion suddenly stop his tracks before he starts walking back. "We're heading to Iacon, where I'm living currently." He replied as you nodded, curious to know more about Cybertron.

Time pass as you, Alpha Trion, and Orion talk about what had happen during the time you died to the current time. You learn how Megatronus gotten exiled, defeated Unicron, and how other primes have fallen. Your sister, Solus Prime, went somewhere in an unknown place, not being able to contact others. Some of your brothers have died off, while others went missing as well or have been became something else. Alpha Trion became the Archivist of the Hall of Records. He took in Orion during his sparkling hood.

"So during my slumber/stasis lock, my brothers and sister were decreased while some went missing?" You stated with hint of sorrow knowing you won't see the others again. You hold your head/helm down, as Alpha Trion noticed. He put his hand/servo on your shoulder plate. "Don't worry (Y/n), they're are all one with the Allspark right now as we speak." He said, making you feel relief that they're watching over you.

"Yeah, your right Alpha Trion." You looked up and your face/faceplate showing strength in it. "I know they're gone, but I'll strong for them, and move on." You said, Orion was admired by what have you said about your siblings. He is interested to know more as he admired you more.

You noticed Orion was staring at you, you smiled and snapped him out of his trance by patting his back. "Don't worry, I am fine. Beside, I have time to know more about Cybertron that change already." You said. Orion was confused to what have you say, realize you meant knowing more what Cybertron is now.

"So (Y/n), since your the 14th Prime, can you tell me what was like during your days with the primes?" Orion asked you as Alpha Trion perked from what Orion ask you. You thought about it, and look at Alpha Trion gesturing for letting Orion know. He nodded as you smiled, behind that smile was hint of mischievous. He didn't notice it as you three were close to Iacon.

"Sure, but let's talk about when we get to the Hall of Records." You replied to him as Orion nodded.

As you entered Iacon, you gasped the sight of towering buildings and filled with life of other cybertronians. Your jaw was dropped from the sight of it as you close your mouth/derma.

To be Continue...

Word Count: 1558

Slow, very slow due to having to study for the DMV and having my phone taken away few times.

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