The Eighth King | K Project F...

By S_Luna_

191K 6.3K 885

"Blue of cold and red of fire make beautiful purple that has many shades and faces..." We only know that t... More

Umeko Murasaki
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
A small announcement

Chapter 21

4.4K 177 22
By S_Luna_

Hello, dear readers! I know that I haven't updated like 3 or 4 days and I'm sorry!! I hope you'll forgive me! (T^T)

Soo here is the new update enjoy!!




3rd pov

More explosions occurred making towers of smoke rise towards the blue sky. Screams of students who are running away from the horror filled up the silence between the blasts. Only Kukuri was standing silently watching how one building erupted into flames after another. She saw a young man in blue uniform flying towards her while looking in her eyes. Suddenly she was pulled away by Kuroh.

"Are you alright?" the male didn't get a verbal answer only a gaze filled with nothing.

"KUKURI!" Isana ran towards the brown haired girl. After seeing her confused face he sighed.

"Oh... I forgot! You probably don't remember us. Don't worry! We're only here to help!" Neko wandered closer to look at the girl. A hand was held towards Kukuri and she looked questionably at it then at the owner of it. Yashiro smiled when she eventually took his hand and helped her stand up.

"It's not safe here..." a voice calmly stated making the brunette yelp quietly. A young man and boy both dressed in dark clothes came towards them through the thick smoke. The older male runs his hand through his ash black hair while looking around fully alert. Younger one's sea blue eyes glinted under the minimal light that reflected under his hood.

"They are our friends," Yashiro says then notices that Natsuko, the second cat strain, is missing.

"Hey, where's Nat-"

"Looks like I found you..." a deep gruff voice came behind them making them quickly turn around. The Red King who is now smirking had found them. Neko hissed at him and swatted the air couple of times.

Ryou's pov

"Where did Umeko go now?" Hideki sits down next to me watching how the two clans fight. I hear Akira groan as she flops on to her back.

"I don't know," her voice muffled and I know without taking a peak that she has her hands on her face to block the bright sun. Gosh how nice weather it is! So many clouds.. That one looks like a bunny... oh and that is a freaking unicorn.. this cloud looks like a- never mind!! And THAT cloud is nearing the poor bunny...

"Jump, little cabbage eater! Jump!" I shake my head chuckling and then proceed to run a hand through my vermillion hair. That little bitch ain't hopping far enough!

"I think that you were dropped or something when you were born.." Akira tells me looking at me like I grew another head. I flip my imaginary long hair.

"You just jealous of my- oh look at that dude! Boy running like a deer or something!" They both stop looking at me and turn their eyes to the guy hurrying towards the HOMRA. I stand up and walk towards the roof edge that is closer to the reds.

"Anna's been shot! One of those bastards, blues did it! Let's kill them all!" I did not see that coming...

"Yeah!" the other's shout in agreement. Ring-ring! I mentally shout.

"Yes, Ryou?" Umeko's smooth voice resonates through my mind. Works everytime!

"These HOMRA dudes are pissed off! Like Akira was when I "accidentally" destroyed her favourite shoes.. and book... and-"

"You destroyed her room..." I hear her sigh in my head.

"I wanted to prank her and you know that it was hilarious!! Anyway what should we do before these guy's chew each other's faces off? Which is highly disturbing.. like that bunny and the d-cloud..."

"You may step in when the things get out of control..."

"Or when I think it will be fun??" I try to reason and I mentally make puppy eyes at her.

"Fine..." I feel her leave my mind and then I fist pump the air and almost fall down the roof but I get my balance back quickly. Meeting the ground down there would have hurted like a bitch! I jog back to Akira and Hideki.

"Helloh! Umeko said that we can step in when we a) think it will be fun or b) things get out of control! Isn't that great! We pop up out of nowhere!! Like surprise!! OOHHH It will be like a present! They will be like: oh what is that? And then we're like dun-dun-duuh surprise!!! " I clap my hands. Akira smiles and then looks at Hideki.

"Whatcha thinking there, buddy?" I squat down next to him. He shakes his head.

"Are you sure you're not crazy?" he raises an eyebrow. I throw one of my hands on my chest making an offended look.

"Me?? And crazy?? You are nuts!! Hehe nuts..." I shake my head then jump down from the roof using my aura to land quietly. I hear Akira and Hideki following me. I move closer and see the blonde woman, Seri Awashima commanding the Scepter 4 to stay strong. I see the ginger, Yata speed towards her making her block him at the last second. Ohhh!! It already started!!


"Damn right!" This is going to be awesome!! I smirk and then see the boy move quickly. She's slow.. and then her defence fails her. She so done.. not! Saruhiko stepped in front of her and blocked the attack.

"We have some unfinished business, Misaki~" I shiver because this dude creepy...

"Monkey!" the skateboarder growls. My turn!!

"Ryou!" I exclaim and jump forward. All the eyes turn towards me and I hear Akira and Hideki face palming loudly.

"I can feel the electricity between you two!! I'm gonna ship you two soo hard!! SARUMI!!" I smirk pointing towards Yata and Saruhiko making them both blush.

"Who the hell are you?" Yata yells with red cheeks.

"I already told that I'm Ryou... Well you WERE staring at Saruhiko here so I'm can undrestand," I nod and do a peace sign.

"How do you know their names?" I tilt my head at Awashima.

"My King is well informed..." that shocks everyone except Infinity's members.

"You mean you're-" I cut the blonde woman off as I make purple aura surround my hand.

"Yeah! I'm from Infinity! Whatcha gonna do about it??"

3rd pov

Yashiro and his friends are facing the Red King. Kuroh steps forwards ready to protect the people behind him and soon Takashi follows him. Both are ready to fight.

"You can drop the act.. I came all this way for only one reason.." the redheaded King calmly tells as he walks forward until he stands few feet away from them.

"You summoned me here so admit it.." he looks straight at Yashiro who glares at the man. This angers Mikoto and his red aura flares making them flinch because of the heat.

"Step aside," he says with straight face but his eyes reflected the rage he is actually feeling. Suoh grabs Kuroh by the hand and throws him away. Then he proceeds to do the same with Takashi but the latter dodges quickly impressing the King.

"NYAAA!" Neko furiously yells and an illusion of forest appears. They hurry towards Kuroh. The King fells his blood boiling.

"I know what you're doing.. Cut it out! Don't interfere again!" he sends out a red blast that breaks the image. Kuroh stands up with the help of Takashi.

"That's it! Go! Now!" Kuroh commands making Neko, Yashiro and Kukuri run. Takashi and Kaito stood beside him.

"We are not leaving!" Kaito shouts and then quietly whispers something to Takashi making him widen his eyes then smirk.

Kuroh attacks first sending a wave of his colourless aura towards the Red King who easily blocked it.

"Now I get it... No wonder Yata had a hard time with you..." King spoke quietly then blasted his red to Kuroh. Latter jumps away then kicks Mikoto couple of times.

"No bad.. I had fun playing with you and would enjoy it some more if it weren't for the anger that is boiling inside of me... So I'm going to tell once more. Step aside!!" he then surround himself it dark red aura making Kuroh cringe because of the heat.

"Kaito!" Takashi calls and then a bark echoed in the area. The environment changed into a crowded park. This makes the red aura disappear.

"Another one?" the Third King turns towards the two males now. Who weren't showing any emotions on their faces. The King breaks the illusion and throws some flames at the two but his attack is deflected by purple shield.

"Huh.. So you guys are from Purple clan..." Mikoto smirks then uses much stronger flames but a blast of blue stops him. He turns towards the interruptor, Reisi Munakata.

"I now know what is going on," the Blue King states after taking a quick glance of the situation.

"Then we can cut the chase. I just need you to keep quiet," The red King replies. At the same time the trio escapes making Mikoto angry as his hand flames up. Reisi jumps forward and their auras clash.

Two Purple clansmen, Kuroh, Neko, Yashiro and Kukuri had ran away from the two Kings. They are hiding in the shopping building. Kukuri is panting at the floor.

"We should be safe here... for now," Yashiro tells to the others. Kaito and Takashi stood near the doors in case someone followed them.

"The battle between two Kings begun..." Kuroh looks around the trashed building.

"I don't get it! He wasn't affected by my powers! Let's go and run far away while they are still fighting! Now that we have rescued Kukuri, we can take her with us!" Neko is trying to drag Yashiro away.

"But-" Kukuri sat on the ground looking at Shiro.

" Sorry! I wish we had more time to explain it to you, but don't worry! We'll find a place afer than this!" Shiro assures the girl on the floor.

"But I'm alright here! Oh you've been injured! Let me see!" she stands up and takes a step closer to the white haired male.

"Oh it doesn't hurt!" he brushes her off and walks closer to her. Suddenly a twisted and sick grin grew on to Kukuri's face before she stabbed Yashiro with a shard of glass. Neko gasped and Kuroh pinned the attacker quickly to the ground. The two Infinity's members ran towards the commotion.

"Why, Kukuri?" Kuroh yelled at the girl who was chuckling in crazed manner.

"Well I didn't expect you to escape the airship explosion... even after I was painfully thrown out from your body... And you wont escape even now!" her eyes glowed then a grey-like bubble erupted around them. The fox-like creature flew into Shiro's eye making him see how the King possessed his victims.

"It truly appears you don't remember anything. And you wanted peace and quiet after running away. You almost got what you wished for... hehee!! Let's put you into a sleep.. permanently! Relax and drift into nothingness..." the creature taunts. But it triggers Shiro's memories.

"What are you doing!!" the fox screeches as it notices the change in the male's mind and flew back into Kukuri's body. Takashi catches Yashiro as he grows weak making the three others to run forwards allowing the Colourless King escape.

"Please, Shiro! Don't go..." Neko whimpers next to the boys. Kaito sniffs too.

What they didn't know that he was having flashbacks of his life. He saw his sister, then the young Gold King, the Slate, bombing of Dresden, his sister's death, leaving the ground, then meeting her...


"It was nice to see you here, Weismann," the Second King says to the First King who came to visit. The German man smiled.

"Auf wiedersehen, mein freund.." he says calmly before walking away. As he stepped on to his airship he felt something new in the air. A presence of another being and it was familiar with the one he had felt few times in his head. He smiled.

"Come out! Don't be afraid!" he called friendly and to his surprise a young woman stepped out from the shadows. His eyes met hers. Silver meeting with green-blue and purple. Her purple hair looked soft and the light from the windows made her smooth skin glow.

"So you are the one who has been in my mind.. May I know your name?"

"I am Umeko, Umeko Murasaki and I know that you are Adolf K. Weismann... the First King..."

Some time later

"How you do this?" Umeko asks the King next to her emotionlessly. The King tilts his head making his long silver hair fall over his shoulders.

"What?" he questions with a smile.

"This.." she brings her hand up and points at the enchanting smile. This makes Adolf widen his eyes.

"You don't know how to smile?" he asks in disbelief but the woman shakes her head.

"I once knew.. as a child, but now I can't remember.. Please teach me..."

Time skip

"See you're doing great! Now relax your body so it doesn't seem so forced... There you go... Beautiful..." Adolf compliments the Purple King in front of him. Taking in her shining hair and glowing eyes. A sudden noise brought him back from his thoughts. It was light and smooth laugh.. coming from her..

"Wirklich erstaunlich..." (Truly astonishing) he breathed out.

"Danke..." she answered making the male slightly blush.

"You can speak..." the purple haired woman nods then smiles at him before squeezing his hand making his heart beat harder and quicker.

"Of course... I should know your first language, my friend..."


He starts to glow with silver and a beam of light erupts towards the sky.

Umeko's pov

The Blue King and Red King were facing each other. One looking stern and the other cocky. I have been watching them fight their way here and by the looks of it they wont stop soon.

"You know, Munakata.. You need to stop this. I'm starting to enjoy our fight too much.. It's kinda shame you're not the person I'm after... " the Red King speaks up making the other King glare harder. A sudden silver beam of light shines towards the blue sky. Adolf...


"Wait! That's-" Reisi starts but couldn't finish. Some ribbon like light pieces come out from the beam and starts twirling around it making the Silver sword of Damocles appear.

"I'll see you soon, mein freund~" I breath out.


Thank you for reading!!! Oh and I'll update soon ( in few days)!!

I don't own K Project!!


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