Serene's Path (Sesshomaru lov...

By SailaHonkonen

1.7K 26 1

This story is related to manga and anime InuYasha, written by Rumiko Takahashi. If you haven't read manga or... More

The Beginning
This has to be a dream
The Siren
The Wedding
A glimpse of red
Is this the end?
The new beginning
The Legend

The eager to battle

128 1 0
By SailaHonkonen

Serene's pov

We have walk hours when suddenly two yokais stops our journey. Those yokais resemble characters from World of Warcraft, they were ugly. Small laugh escape my lips when I think that, unfortunately doing that I draw the yokais attention on me. The first yokai stood against Sesshomaru and the second one attacks me. Sesshomaru has his hands full so I have to deal the other one in my own. I draw my new sword, I have no escape so why not enjoy this situation, I know that I'm quite good fighter. Adrenaline rush in my veins, it was like drug and I enjoy it. Sesshomaru had slave his opponent and was hurrying to my help. But I want to slay this in my own, before Sesshomaru reach us I get the demon down. I got scared my own feelings, I enjoy the fight and the kill. Sesshomaru glare at me so he has to notice that too, that I was enjoy the fight. I clean up my swords blade and sheathed it. Sesshomaru glared at me several minutes, I smiled and I was to take my leave, but Sesshomaru stops me by grabbing my arm. "What are you?" He ask, he has asked that same question before, I couldn't answer then and I couldn't now.

Sesshomaru's pov

Clearly Serene is Enjoying the Fight... and the kill. She resemble more yokai than human, she is many kind like me. Is it really possible that her reason to come here is to be with me and conquer the yokais and rule them beside me. Further the word goes, harder the fights get. Many come to challenge me... us. Maybe I have to test how far she is ready to go, is she ready to go killing humans. Group of bandits is good challenges, they are not innocent bystander.

We does not need to go far when I pick the scent of an grope of bandits, old blood and alcohol. I lead us closer, but same time make sure that Rin and Jaken is safe. Soon men notice us and charge to us. They try to rob us demanding our money and women. Serene look at me and hold the hilt of her sword, she was asking permission. I nod and she understand, we have strange connection between each other, sometimes we do not need words. Serene start teasing the men making them attack with rage "Kill them!" they leader yelled. At first I do not understand why she is teasing, but then it open to me, she make them lose deliberate actions. They become easy pray. Serene unsheathe her sword and attack the men. Three out of six lie dead in the ground. Then those three standing attack with rage and again two got killed, One of them flee. It was looking very easy job to Serene. Now only the leader was left, so far he has only sit and watch. He was cursing his men, they was weak to lose a woman. "pitiful woman, I claim you to be mine." he yelled. I got a little concern, Serene have yet raise her sword, what is she doing. She just wait and in a last minute she raised her sword. Man was too close to stop and he ran to her sword, he was dead, his heart was pierced. But what I see in Serene's eyes... they flash red. What was that?

Serene's pov

Bandits! Should Sesshomaru's K9 sense notice them? ...Or did he bring us here with purpose? If my hunch is right he, wants to see how I act. I look at him ensure my hunch and he answer by nod.

I kill everyone except one who run away... and I enjoy the adrenaline boost what follows on the fight. I was surprised how easy it actually was. No mercy, no regret... only pleasure. I know that I like video games where I kill other players avatars, but could I really enjoy that in real life? I know that I'm not the most compassionate person, but still? It feels like something inside me is awakening... Sesshomaru glare at me, was his eyes admire or fear, or both? I was more like yokai than human, faster and more powerful. "Where did you learn fight like that?" he ask breaking my own thoughts. "TV and video games... " ...But I shouldn't be that good. The pearl, is this its doings?

Night is already falling and I was very tired, and so was Rin. This was the first day and much has happened. Sesshomaru has been a little distant, he seems to be in his thoughts. Is he possible thinking same thing that I am, what was that what I do in the battlefield. I settle down next to Rin, leaning back to A-Un. I fall asleep quite fast. In morning I woke up same time than Rin. Sesshomaru sit in the same place than evening, it seems that he hasn't slept in whole night. After small breakfast we continue our journey. Sesshomaru has heard great dragon yokai that is terrorising his lands. So that's the direction where we are going. When we found the yokai, it truly was a monster, it was huge. The battle starts immediately when Sesshomaru attack first. His sword doesn't make any damage, dragons skin is too thick. Dragon's attack was so hard that it got Sesshomaru hit the ground, and hard. Dragon make few more attacks, everyone at least as powerful than the first, leaving Sesshomaru injured badly. The dragon was planning his final blow, I have to do something. Thankfully the dragon did not keep me as a threat and it give me a head start. I see a weakness, dragon's neck has crease where I can get my sword deep enough that I can kill it. My habit to observe my opponent has proved to be useful. I attack and hit my sword in that crease and the dragon fell in the ground. But then the dying dragon speak to me "You have proved to be supreme warrior, so I give you a present. Take my skin and make an armor of it. Use my bone to make tools, ordinary steel does not penetrate the skin." Then the dragon take his final breath, and it was dead. I did what dragon wishes and start to skinned his dead body. The skin was huge, but it was surprisingly light. It really make a good armor.

We return in the palace and I start to make a tools and the armor. What kind armor it should be? It has to protect abdomen and chest. Something like corset, something between Wonder Woman and Xena. Arms and legs would be good to protect, armors in them helps me block hits. There was the idea, now I have to make it real. Leather was hard, any other tool than dragons bones didn't make even a scratch. It take a week to make the armor, but finally it was ready, I make even a carvings in it that it looks beautiful. I show it to Sesshomaru, he was surprised "Did you do that yourself? It's handicraft is very good." I was proud to my self, I smile and nod.


It is dark night, today is new moon. In the air was ominous breeze, Something big was approaching. Jaken was scared, he have the same ominous feeling. Like usually he was starling every crackle. We just have to wait what is coming to us.

Sesshomaru have not yet show any clear loving emotion to me, although we have travelled some time now. I know that he has those feelings, I've seen glimpses of them, but he is still hiding them under his hard outlook. I understand him quite well, I am same kind. Every time you have shown kindness, you are betrayed, that is what has happened to me. So we travel side by side, quiet, showing no emotions. Waiting the battle what is coming.

The most darkness moment of the night a yokai attacks. It was like a shadow in the darkness, it was almost impossible to see. It hit me with something what I can't see, luckily I have my armor, so the blow only throw me in the ground. Sesshomaru can see the shadow youkai, but it move too fast even for him. "The great Lord of the west, you aren't nothing else than scabby mutt." The shadow yokai bluster. But that moment it make a mistake, it reveal where its body is. I attack towards his face, but because it was so dark that I didn't see it coming and it hit me with a shadow tentacle making my arm a big wound. In a same time Sesshomaru attacks to shadow yokai hitting it. The shadow screams in agony and then it vanished into the darkness.

Sesshomaru walks to me and take tight grip at my arm looking how bad the wound was. He ripped piece of his kimono's sleeve and use it to bandage my arm. There still wasn't any emotions on Sesshomaru's face, but the way he was tying my wound was very gentle. His touch was full of emotions, this was his first time he show true attachment.

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