Rick and Morty Short Stories

By Rick_Sanchez-C137

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I will take requests given to me and mold them into one shots of varying length ^-^ More

And That's The Waaayyyy The News Goes!
Prom Date
I Can't Be Happy Without You.
You're Not In Love With Me.
Let's Get Weird.
So Many Rickles.
Good Shit.


1.1K 27 25
By Rick_Sanchez-C137

So, before you read the story, please read this. This chapter is actually an excerpt from a story I'm currently writing. I haven't updated this in a while, and I suppose I could use this to gauge the reactions, to see if I'm getting the correct response. This is honestly something I've written in another book I'm working on, so I understand if maybe you don't fully understand everything behind this interaction. Can't wait to publish the damn book, though.

I was debating on whether or not I should share this before publishing the actual book so hard, btw.

(Mature Content)

An adventure goes wrong when visiting a new planet. Rick and Morty are quickly in more trouble than they'd expected, than they'd prepared for beforehand.


"Dammit," Rick growled as he skillfully landed the space cruiser on unknown terrain. Morty stared in awe at the near-neon planet, the colors both hypnotizing and blinding. It would easily be mistaken for Earth if the colors weren't so absolutely awe-inspiring, nothing like the bland colors of home. After this trip, Morty doubted he'd look at the colors of his home planet the same, even after every other planet they'd visited, looking near to this.

The older of the two cleaned up his mess, patting the alcohol on his sweater dry with a random paper towel before capping his silver flask and tucking it away. "Wh-What are we here for?" Morty questioned, his wide-eyes never leaving the fluorescent view laid out before him. The negativity wafting off of the man to his left didn't stand a chance when it came to disturbing the amount of peace Morty felt just by glancing at the scenery.

"To ge-get the sentience from eugh from a Gleek." Morty turned now, curiously, the question already in his eyes. At this point, after years of adventuring with Rick, Morty could look at the man in a variety of ways and the question would be answered without the brunet even saying anything.

"It-It-It's a urp a biiig plant, Morty. Cou-Could make it so I eugh don't need anymore sentience for a-- for a long while, M-Morty." Rick laid a pair of garden shears in Morty's lap now, drawing the brunet's attention as he stared at the tool. Of course he would be the one doing the work.

"L-Let's go, urp Morty. Wh-Where'd that skip in y-- in your step go? Huh?" Rick snarkily questioned, stepping from his side of the cruiser as Morty sighed and did the same. The shears weren't particularly weighty, though they were larger. The blades nearly overpowered the size of the handles, each sheet of metal as big as one and a half of Morty's hands laid sideways. Rick was no liar when he said it was a big plant, which only served to scare Morty. If it was so hard to wrangle the sentience away from small plants he could use rusty scissors on, it would be no picnic taking it from a goliath requiring massive shears.

Morty sighed, nerves already snow-balling into larger bouts of anxiety with every step he took, following after his grandfather quickly as they wandered into the jungle before them. It was no easy task, trudging through damp soil and thick foliage, but Rick carefully held plants out of Morty's way, shoving leaves and branches up higher. "Why do-don't you just cut them out-out of the way with these?" Morty questioned, holding the shears up.

"Because almost every plant urp here is sentient, meaning you'd be s-stuck listening to agonized eugh screams from the surrounding forest, and pissed vines avenging their friend, or friends, by whipping and tripping the shit out of you. Starts a big mess." To Rick's lengthy explanation, Morty gave a very miniscule 'oh', continuing to carefully hold the tool away as he followed cautiously behind the more intellectually inclined. He watched the older politely shove vines out of the way, tucking them behind branches, knocking leaves the size of their heads away, and putting obvious effort in trying to make this easier for the brunet, as he had come to understand the difficulty behind it all after one of Morty's regular rants. Sure, it would have been nice if he had gotten the hint earlier, but it was nice all the same.

Our very adventuristic heroes managed to stumble very ungracefully into a large clearing, a few meters from a large plant. "That," Rick announced softly, slowly approaching and ushering Morty to follow behind, "is a Gleek." Morty kept his footsteps soft and as graceful as he could manage behind the taller, nearly shaking as he saw the intimidating size of the plant.

The lower portion of the plant was mostly leaf, the towering plant deserving the description as it did, in fact resemble a tower. A very long stalk rose at least twenty feet in the air, leaves sticking out on all sides. The plant wasn't very thick, possibly the equivalent of Morty's arm width. Strange buds appeared on all sides, tendrils of some sort moving as though with the wind, though that was what gave it away. There was no wind. The tendrils were moving of their own accord, wriggling around. The plant wriggled on its own, appearing in every way as a very sentient bit of foliage.

Morty swallowed heavily, watching Rick carefully fire a small, glowing mass at the very base of the plant. An orange glow surrounded every inch of the 'being' as it stiffened very quickly. "Morty," Rick hissed, staring now at the brunet as he tucked the object back into his lab coat, "go get urp go get it, Morty."

"Where is i-it, Rick?" Morty's eyes remained trained on the mass, regarding it fearfully and wondering just how strongly it was neutralized. "At the base there, between eugh tho-those two leaves." Rick pointed at the lowermost point of the plant, two leaves divided neatly at the base apparently guarding the sentience. Usually, the sentience of a plant was contained in a sticky sac, pulsing and wriggling, often glowing odd colors or sparkling. It was warm to the touch, as far as Morty had found, and often throbbed with his heartbeat the second his fingers made contact with the gooey surface. Often, it was soft, with the exception of a few plant types Morty had come across.

Very slowly, Morty advanced towards the plant. Rick stood back, uncaring as he grabbed his flask, though lazy eyes followed the brunet's every movement. The shears weighed heavy now as Morty grasped the severity of the situation, swallowing heavily once more as he stood directly near the plant. "Can I ac-actually touch it?" he called to Rick. The man nodded, waving with his free hand as the other held his flask to his lips.

Morty reached a shaky hand towards the plant, the rough surface scratching lightly at his palm as he moved a leaf out of the way. The shears were easily wielded, the leaf held back by his elbow as Morty stared now at the sentience, throbbing slowly in a small gathering of leaves. It was almost nested within the plant, guarded more than others the brunet had seen. The shears were obviously for that purpose alone, though the sac was the largest Morty had ever seen, coming to roughly the size of his head times two.

The shears brushed lightly against the plant, an action followed quickly by a quick clipping. A soft screech could be heard and Morty's eyes were wide. The shears were withdrawn, the brunet stepping back fearfully. The plant began to move.

"M-Morty, run!" Rick shouted, the brunet barely having time to react. There was time for his right foot to move halfway back before his limbs were restrained, each with some sort of.. tendril wrapped around it. His wrists and ankles were captured, the brunet stuck as the shears were thrown back to the side opposite Rick. Another wrapped around Morty's middle as he heard his grandfather constantly bark orders, telling Morty to try and get out, to 'use his skinny hands and get the fuck out before the plant was fully awake'.

The brunet was lifted, suspended at least fifteen feet in the air now. He whimpered fearfully, the tendrils remaining harshly around him as he watched his grandfather use everything he had to get Morty down. Nothing worked, and it wouldn't matter anymore as the plant quickly drew the man's lab coat from him in one tear. The material was held at the very top of the plant, the gun in the man's hand soon joining it. Morty saw the man run a hand through his hair, searching his own body as more tendrils appeared in front of the boy.

Morty wriggled more, leading to even more restraints. Four more vines were on him, two on his upper arm and two higher on his thighs. His motion was nearly entirely restricted. "Rick!" Morty cried, trying to battle the hold he was captive in. The vines before him appeared almost curious, like they'd never come across a human before. Several rubbed against the boy's regular yellow shirt, as though inspecting the foreign material, while more were on his jeans and shoes. Some wriggled on his scalp, looking at his curls, and more prodded the small amount of exposed flesh. "Morty! Ho-Hold on, Morty!" the brunet heard, though wasn't too reassured as he watched his grandfather back further from the vines reaching towards him.

Curiously, a vine snaked up the brunet's sleeve, tickling his underarm as though absorbing his deodorant. The brunet laughed slightly, being a more ticklish individual, and the tendril withdrew, almost in shock, and remained now in front of the brunet's face. His laughing stopped shortly, remaining in front of the brunet as though staring at him. "Uh.. hi?" Morty muttered, regarding the vine with curious fear. More pressed through his sleeves, the brunet unable to help the laughter withdrawn from him at the innocent prodding.

It was like every vine was sentient, feeding from the same sentience. And it occurred to Morty that he'd figured it out on his own. This wasn't one plant, it was a colony, working like a hive mind, feeding from one source. Each of these vines was different, was its own sentient being. They were all independent, each wanting to know what Morty was.

Several vines ran along the brunet's stomach, as though searching for their own way beneath the material, and Morty laughed harder, nearly out of oxygen. He felt as though he would be tickled to death, trying to calm down and remember that this was a bad situation as his grandfather ran around on the ground trying to get Morty down.

Tears pooled in the brunet's eyes from laughing too hard, slipping downwards of their own accord. The vine in front of him, curious little thing, darted to the side of the brunet's face, lightly brushing against the liquid. It seemed to enjoy it, rolling in the tears as Morty continued laughing, more prodding at the tears on his face while others continued venturing over his shirt.

One of Morty's shoes fell to the ground, accidentally knocked down by the vines, and one quickly gathered it, bringing it up as the others inspected it. His other was quickly removed, several more vines gathering at his sock-covered feet. There were millions of tendrils all curiously hovering around and on the boy, tickling and prodding innocently. One moved from the brunet's sock, slipping up his pant leg until it reached the vine holding his thigh steady. It ran all around the brunet's lower thigh while his socks were removed, leaving Morty more than a little worried now.

The vine around his midsection withdrew, seemingly asked to move by several of the vines, and his shirt was tugged upon in several directions. The vines seemed to want it for their own, each tugging over it like dogs fighting over a steak. To the brunet's horrified dismay, the material ripped in several places, easily removed. It was then that the true strength of the vines was revealed as Morty stared at them all, the one returning to his middle as more prodded his abdomen, dragging along his stomach and sides. "I c-can't breath-breathe," Morty giggled, more tears falling as he tried desperately to draw air in between the laughs.

Thinner tendrils were near Morty, each suddenly drawn to his chest for whatever reason. The brunet soon found out as each curiously rubbed along his chest, curiously curling their thin forms around his nipples in turns. It was almost as though they were thankful for the ability to wrap around something, too thin to wrap around his arms or push past the others. Between laughs, Morty drew sharp breaths, his pink buds being pinched and curiously tugged upon by curious creatures.

Morty exhaled harshly through his nose, trying to ward off the odd intrusion by one of the smaller tendrils. It didn't seem to care, pushing within the brunet's right nostril and reappearing through his left. Finding it to be more of a dead-end, Morty being thankful it didn't mess with his brain, the tendril removed itself as though disappointed. Morty sighed, though it seemed to peak the tendrils curiosity again. As he laughed once more, the thin tendril curiously prodded his lower lip, dragging itself between the flesh and his gums. Morty stared in wonder, just as curious as the vines were. They really didn't know what he was, treating him like a kid would a playset, trying and touching everything.

The brunet's legs were released, held by his upper body as the tendrils fought over his jeans. The brunet kicked his legs, repeatedly shaking his head and mumbling 'no' around the vine in his mouth. He didn't want to hurt it, not wanting the others to 'avenge' it. The brunet squealed a scream past the vine at the sight and feel of his jeans being torn savagely as cooler air brushed against his legs now. The curious tendrils ran along his knees, more around his ankles as some bent his legs as though intrigued by his joints.

The smaller vine prodding Morty's mouth curiously wrapped around his tongue, running along the muscle, before it was rudely kicked out. Morty stared fearfully at the larger vine, watching it stare after the smaller tendril before looking back to Morty's pursed lips. It seemed to whine, as though pleading with the brunet, and he couldn't help it anyway as he was tickled pink once again. His cheeks were flushed as the vine prodded his mouth, filling the space and running along his tongue. It prodded curiously at the back of the brunet's throat, pressing further when it found out it could go further. Morty was mildly unfazed, freaked out by the intrusion and thankful for his stronger gag-reflex. It was uncomfortable, how far the tendril moved down his throat, but the brunet couldn't be bothered by that as he focused on the vines prodding curiously at his briefs. They were dead set on going over every inch of Morty and finding all they could about people.

Rick swallowed heavily, staring now at his grandson held in the air, stopping his work. The brunet was very obviously way the fuck out of his comfort zone, squirming as best he could. But his throat bulged so beautifully around the intruding vine, his jaw lowered perfectly, plush lips wrapped around the larger intruder. He took it in stride, held at least ten feet above Rick's head. The man swallowed heavily, eyes trained on the adolescent suspended in the air, prodded by every one of those vines.

The older watched the final layer of clothing tear from the brunet, his eyes damn near falling from his skull as he saw his grandson exposed, covered momentarily by a mass of vines. His stomach flexed with bodily surprise, every inch of him prodded by vines both thick and thin. He was held simply by his wrists and ankles, open for display as every single vine fought for a piece to touch. Rick's throat was excruciatingly dry, his slacks now nothing but uncomfortably restraining, his eye unblinking as he didn't want to miss a second but he knew-- he knew he had to get Morty down. But goddamn could he forgive himself for passing up this opportunity?

It wouldn't matter as Rick found his moment of distraction to be his undoing. He had missed tendrils snaking out, quickly snapping around him. "Shit!" Rick growled, gripping at the dirt, at anything to ground himself. It did nothing to stop him being dragged up into the air, wriggling feet away from his grandson writhing beneath the tendrils' touch.

They seemed to be satisfied already with having pieces of Morty's clothes, though a majority zipped over to Rick, tugging and taking what remained of his clothing when they were done. The stronger man required twelve tendrils just to hold him still, and even then they struggled.

Morty could hear Rick curse, wondering if they had gotten him too. He was blinded by vines on all sides, head thrown back as several ran over the most intimate of areas. The larger vine had removed itself from Morty, the brunet drawing heavy gulps of air before he was shouting a series of 'no's and 'oh God please stop's. His pleas were unanswered, the vines quite possibly not understanding shit. If they haven't seen a human, they damn well wouldn't understand one.

"Nononono!" Morty's voice grew in pitch as he went through his statement, feeling vines poke curiously at his hole. Several prodded around the outside, some separating his cheeks to allow the others access. A smaller tendril ran over Morty's cock, curiously prodding the slit before it curiously ran inside. Morty screamed in unwanted pleasure, his back arched and jaw open wide. Another vine delved past his lips as several continuously rubbed along his member, the smaller tendril remaining within Morty's slit, prodding curiously at it all as the brunet cried out repeatedly around the vine in his throat. The rosy tint blossomed across the brunet's features could only grow brighter as his throat clenched again around the vine, a strangled cry left unheard as the vines figured out the secret to his hole.

Thick vines remained within Morty's throat and hole, prodding relentlessly, while others rubbed his cock. His body convulsed with the unasked-for pleasure, smaller tendrils once more taking turns inspecting his pink buds while others simply caressed his body. He heard a harsh sound that seemed to come from the plant, several vines that weren't within or touching the brunet moving away. The brunet could clearly see Rick now, finding that the man bit a vine that tried to enter his throat. The damaged vine ran away, scurrying over to Morty. The one in his throat seemed to sympathize, backing out. Before Morty could say anything, having barely any time to react, the damaged vine carefully prodded his mouth as though asking to go in. Morty was a kind-hearted young man, though he didn't have much say in it as the vine slowly snaked down his throat. He could still taste the alcohol on the surface, the vine obviously having gotten into Rick's mouth before the man bit down. The brunet's brow furrowed with the taste, but it didn't last long anyway before his back nearly broke convulsing so hard. Without even realizing it, the brunet was coming hard and fast, the thin tendril backing out quickly and almost watching the spurts. Morty nearly choked on the vine, finding that the others had moved away and his come had hit Rick in the face. The man stared at Morty with wide eyes, making 'that face' as vines hurried to curiously rub against the substance littering the man's face. The brunet scarcely had time to think before another vine pressed within his slit, wanting to see what the other had. It burned like a bitch, having something small yet big forcing its way into the brunet through such an opening, and his legs twitched with the pain. Another tendril snaked into his hole, alongside the other, and Morty wanted to scream, never having been so full before. It was almost too much as the new intruder wriggled in up to the point in which the other remained, both squirming around and before Morty knew it he was coming a second time, his scream vocal as the vine withdrew from his throat. The sound reverberated through the trees as Morty screamed like an animal, his back violently arched again and legs spasming to the point in which he almost had cramps building. He watched the vines allow his spunk to hit Rick again, watching the man scrunch his eyes shut as the vines continued moving within him. He was upright, held at Morty's level a few feet away. Morty watched the man spasm on his own, teeth barbarically bared as his own head lolled backwards, Morty's spunk on the man's face. Rick came nearly as harsh as Morty, his come missing the brunet to his appreciation, though some vines hurried to inspect it.

"Son of a- Fuck!" Rick cried, feeling himself full to his limit as a third vine snaked up his ass. He doubted Morty was having a better time, but damn that scream, the way his come hit Rick twice in the face... just damn. The man shamefully lapped up what he could from near his mouth, tasting the salty, viscous substance Morty had showered him with. He hadn't been able to help himself, coming from the sheer taste and feel of the tendrils pleasing him in a way he's had several times before. Really, if these curious beings could ever spruce things up a bit...

Morty cried out again, his body wracked with yet another orgasm, the vines never-ending curiosity drawing it from the brunet. There were fewer now, as though more and more were getting what they wanted, though they waited to the side, almost conspiring with one another. Morty whimpered as the tendrils finally withdrew from around him, his lungs burning as he drew heavy gasps in, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his heart pounded in his ears. His grandfather looked much better than Morty, though still breathing heavily. The vines had cleaned his face, taking all of Morty's sticky seed with them in curiosity as they backed away from Rick. The man's eyes were trained on the brunet, his jaw clenched as best he could muster as Morty stared at him through half-lidded eyes. The duo expected to be put down on the ground at this point, waiting anxiously for the vines to release their hold.

They never expected to be moved like dolls.

The pair found themselves drifting together, the vines reappearing and those wrapped around their limbs carefully readjusting. "R-Rick?" Morty questioned, staring at the man. "Wh-What are they do-doing?"

"I don't know," Rick nearly whispered, watching as he grew closer to Morty. His cock twitched as he caught sight of Morty's every curve so close and exposed now, brought back to life from remaining half-hard, the man wondering if he would ever reach full orgasm tonight or if he would be left with a half-assed release.

Morty's eyes were wide as the vines pulled his legs as far apart as they found they could, keeping his arms at his sides. He stared fearfully as they moved Rick, the man staring at the vines. A look of understanding passed across his features and he called out a series of 'no's that had Morty's blood cold. Rick was afraid.

The adolescent wriggled fearfully against the hold he was captive in once more, begging the vines to just stop already. However, they seemed even more curious, almost as though wondering if the two were supposed to fit together like puzzle pieces.

Morty wriggled as he was rotated, his back to Rick as he was no doubt brought closer to the man. He nearly sobbed, wanting to be put back on the ground. This unwanted experience had gotten further than anything in his life, and he was having severe King Jellybean flashbacks.

Rick stared as the tendrils held Morty suspended before him, the brunet's back to the man as they seemed to wonder what to do with the two. They were Barbie's right now, as far as Rick was concerned, used like toys. His blood boiled beneath his skin as Morty's ass was so close to his face. The brunet squirmed fearfully in front of Rick, tugging against the restraints. The man remained perfectly still, the twisted part of his mind wondering where the vines would take this.

Morty shouted in protest as the vines moved him again. He could feel how close Rick was now, feel the heat emanating from the older no doubt directly behind him, and Morty about cried, shouting in broken alien languages he'd picked up, trying to find something that the vines might understand, something that would have them put on the ground again. His voice echoed from the surrounding area, the sound making it very clear that nothing would have them on the ground again. Something prodded at his opening again as the vines moved him further, and the brunet wondered if there were more vines keening for a touch. Another series of 'no's resounded from directly behind him and Morty's eyes were wide. That was no vine. It didn't matter anymore, as Morty regretfully discovered. They must have thought the two were supposed to connect somehow, like the tendrils had with both already.

Morty's cried were loud and unanswered as he was suddenly full again, the vines almost dropping him straight down on Rick. He remained there, unmoving, as though the vines were waiting for something. "R-R-Rick," Morty's broken voice spoke softly, "please m-make it s-s-stop." The brunet finally shattered, tears streaming down his face now. He wanted this to be over. Yes, it was fucking wonderful to be filled by none other than Rick right now, but it was too much. Too much for the poor boy to take.

Rick grunted, vines moving within him now as though trying to teach him what to do. And it clicked. They weren't trying to put them together, they were trying to teach the larger of the two, the 'dominant vine', how to move and explore. "Morty," Rick mumbled, "Morty, they're-- they're trying to--" The man couldn't finish his sentence, his voice nearly breaking as he saw the droplets fall down Morty's face. In a moment of honest care, of honest sympathy, Rick pressed his near-chapped lips as best he could to the brunet's head, laying a kiss in his curls as the brunet quietly sobbed. "They're trying to teach me how t-to-- how to explore, Morty," Rick quietly explained. "I g-gotta-- I-I-I gotta-- I have to do it. They won't let us go un-until I do."

"No... N-N-No, Rick, pl-please," Morty begged. He wanted to just be put down, either on the ground or like a sick animal. Every movement hurt his body. He was absolutely fatigued at this point. "M-Morty, I'm sorry." Morty's blood ran cold. The man had never apologized, and he was doing so now, apologizing because he had to go through with it. It was the only way they would be able to return home. "God," Morty whispered, scrunching his eyes shut as more tears rained down, "no, please." The brunet begged, trying weakly to pull away. He didn't want it to happen like this. Never like this. He wanted it to be something just between them. He wanted Rick to work as best as he could to ensure the brunet wouldn't be uncomfortable. He didn't want to be raped by tendrils and forced to endure another round with Rick.

"I'm sorry," Rick mumbled again. "They're-- They're moving, Mo-Morty. They want me to-- t-to learn like them. I-I-It'll-- It'll be fast, Morty, th-then we can-- we can go home. I promise, Morty." Rick laid another kiss in Morty's curls, glad the brunet couldn't see him as tears slowly ran down his own face. "So sorry," he repeated. Slowly, he used the tendrils holding him up as an anchor, twisting his hips around. He withdrew from Morty before he was back again, trying to make it fast for the brunet. He'd already been through so much. He didn't need his perverted, sick grandfather using his last bit of energy up as he sobbed relentlessly. He didn't need any of this.

Morty whimpered as Rick moved within him, still too full. It was too much, almost as bad as the double-fucking he'd endure with the two curious tendrils. His dreams were literally crushed, his heart breaking further with every quick thrust. He didn't get that happy moment he wanted. Instead, he went through this.

Morty whimpered, panting with the exertion. He was already coming weakly, too sensitive at this point, after a few hard thrusts. Rick panted hard in his ear, pushing himself almost too far as Morty could tell. Rick groaned behind the brunet, Morty wishing he could relish in the sound, could grin and cherish it. Instead, his jaw fell slack, his brow furrowed as he cried out with another orgasm. They were growing less and less, Morty becoming too far exhausted.

The adolescent cried out with what he prayed to be his final orgasm, feeling himself filled with Rick's viscous liquid as the man groaned lowly, pulsing within Morty. He withdrew slowly, laying a series of sympathetic 'apology kisses' in the brunet's curls as he heard him whimper with his withdrawing. The vines pulled from Rick, seeming slightly satisfied. They seemed to take in Morty's appearance, if they were even aware, and the duo was gently set back on the ground. Rick growled a series of 'fuck you's as he snatched his lab coat away, digging his portal gun out and hurriedly scrambling through with Morty passed out in his arms.

When they arrived in Rick's room, the man laid Morty out on his bed, not caring about the mess it would leave behind. He locked his bedroom door and dug in his closet grabbing two pairs of his boxer shorts. He slipped one onto Morty, hoping the brunet didn't mind if they were a little snug on him, before he pulled his own on. Carefully, he set Morty, passed out and sweaty, onto his side, crawling up next to the brunet and holding him protectively. At this point, he could only pray Morty would be okay, though the chances of him coming out of this without permanent scarring were very fucking slim.

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