Behind the Curtain ||DISCONTI...

By raiinybay

2.6K 135 41

raised with pain the smell of blood a familiar melody harsh lights screams when the curtains close the circ... More

Nothing but Water
The Train Ride
A Savage Monster
LEAST Favorite Place
The First Show
The Wild
The Lion Tamer Act
Show Time
Flight for Freedom
Tyrannical Piece of Flesh
Feeling Alive
Little Human
Yes, ANOTHER Notice
Who are you?


155 7 1
By raiinybay

Blaire's POV

I slump back to my pen, my depressing thoughts weighing down on me. I flop down onto the packed dirt and straw, exhausted.

I roll over onto my side as a ruffed up street car quietly pads over to me. "Hey Anil." I say.

Anil is a street cat who's sneaky. She likes to sneak into the circus to give us information and such, and in exchange we give her food.

"I's gots some info you might wanna hear, but its pricey." She says.

"I'll give you half my steak, okay?" I tell her.

"Aight, that's good enough fur me. Didja know dat the Del'cour Circus been losin' money? So, in order to bring in more bills, dey gotta step up the game. King ordered a whole new set o' whips, and if you don't behave, he'll sell ya to a breeder."

Then, Anil walked off. "I'll be back fur dat steak!"

I let all this sink in. King will sell us if we don't do things right, and he'll beat us, since he's lost money.

Great. I'd been having thoughts of rebelling and running away, but now...

Terrific. Things just got a whole lot more complicated.

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