Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

Door _raxeira

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Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... Meer



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Door _raxeira

"So naïve...."

Those two words broke Frisk.

Not because they were rude, or that they came from Napstablook.

It's because they were true.

She was naïve. She couldn't even see past one villain. Muffet would say that Frisk was only trying to see the good in everyone, but Frisk knew better.

She let out a sob when she thought of Muffet; of her life, back in Autumn. Back when everything was simple- you wake up, go to work, eat, then go back to sleep. Everything was an endless cycle of normality. Maybe that boring life was what Frisk craved.

Maybe she broke that cycle too soon.

All her new adventures- were they worth it? They were different- they happened so fast, she didn't have time to process them.

The visit to the hospital with G- it was awkward, a first meeting, conversations being locked up because they had just met. It was odd, but kind of funny, when Catty thought they were a couple. They had just brushed it off.

Meeting Undyne for the first time and answering questions at the police station was super chill. As soon as Frisk met Undyne, she felt as if she could tell her her whole life story. Undyne was cool like that. The first impression Frisk got was that her fish friend was fierce, yet understanding.

The 'blind date' with G was sooooooo awkward. Frisk pictured it as them going to dinner as friends, but looking back on it, G, herself, and Kitty were more like a small family. Those short, semi-awkward conversations, was probably the budding of their soon-to-be romance. Getting to know each other was easier than most people, at least, for Frisk.

That moment in the carpark; god, that was, up until the present moment, the most terrifying moment Frisk had ever endured, besides the lab, of course. She didn't want to get hurt, but she'd rather that she got hurt than Kitty. Passing out was like going to sleep, but with a throbbing chest.

The attacks aimed at her the following week was just plain confusing, only because she didn't know why. She felt slightly rejected from G's coldness, but looking back on it, Undyne was right. He was just pushing down his emotions.

Speaking of which, the conversation she had in Undyne's kitchen was...interesting. At the moment, a feeling of bliss made Frisk giddy, but confused. At the present, that conversation left an ache in her heart.

Her and G's journey through the Hotlands was one she wouldn't re-do. Even though she was mortified on what she spit out at Grillby's, she would rather that than never confessing her feelings at all.

At the lab, meeting Alphys for the first time, and trying to figure out what was going on with someone was just, relieving. So much was on Frisk's mind at the time, she felt as if she was in a daze.

And the kiss, god, the kiss she and G shared was something she would never regret, no matter how evil he would become. The kiss reminded Frisk that she wasn't alone; she had so many people to lean on, who would protect her.

'I guess that made an 180º turn,' she thought to herself.

Her time discovering the resets in the warehouse were crucial- no matter how hurtful they were. She would never forget G trying to fight the corruption. It was that moment, thinking back on it, where Frisk really did forgive G. He was merely a puppet, something she could relate to.

And losing Undyne was also important. Even though it hurt like hell, and the guilt was eating her alive, it was that moment where Frisk snapped back to reality, realising she couldn't rely on anyone anymore.

And meeting Napstablook and Flowey, getting introduced to the Underground, was nothing like she had ever gone through before. It was learning about a whole new world  (A/N: A WHOLE NEW WOOOOOOOOORLD) in the matter of a day. It was so overwhelming, but at the same time, she savoured that wistful feeling.

Losing them both meant a lot to her, too. It reminded her that she was just a pawn; a slave, a piece of entertainment for Gaster and Chara.

Gaster and Chara.

They were behind all this.

All the scheming.

All the heartbreaks.

They were behind Frisk losing everyone she cared about.

(A/N: except muffet, her parents, but ya know what I me-)

And now, Frisk in the present, surrounded by her friends, who wanted to kill her, she was filled up with so much determination, anger, and anguish, there was only one way to let it all out.

She screamed.

She screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed until the point of where the author is wondering if that's actually how you spell screamed (xD)

She screamed so loudly, everyone, even G, flinched in pain as their hands flew up to cover their ears.

She screamed for so long, no one remembered what it felt like when she wasn't screaming.

She screamed out all of her emotions; like a refreshing moment of euphoria.

Soon, there was nothing left except love. And not LOVE, but love.

And determination.

Love and Determination.

Two of the most important things.

Frisk looked around her, unaware that her scream was so powerful, it caused everyone to fall over 3 ft away from her. Unaware that all of the lights had been turned on and she could see the whole room.

She recognized the two figures that stood by a giant mauve animal head, covering their ears.

They were the ones who did this.

They were the ones who did all of this.

She strode towards them, ignoring G and Undyne and Flowey and Napstablook.

Their attacks hit her, but she was barely fazed by any of them.

It was like she was invincible.

She walked towards Gaster and Chara, repeating those words.

They were the ones who did this.

They were the ones who did this.

They readied themselves, Gaster hiding behind the machine, per usual, while Chara gripped a knife in her hand.

Once Frisk reached her, she was practically glowing with determination. Chara, on the other hand, was shaking with rage. Two powerful emotions, powerful enough to create anything out of the ordinary.

They both struck their weapons with such power, when the glass shard connected with the knife, they were both blinded by light.

When Frisk could see again, she found herself in a room that was entirely white, similar to the one when she reset.

She was trapped in chains, cuffs attached to her joints. Chara lay across from her, the same chains holding her down as well.

Once Chara looked up and saw Frisk, she leapt forward, trying to get to her. Frisk winced as Chara let out an angry growl, looking at Frisk so intently she felt guilty.

"Chara," Frisk said, voice stern. "Stop. You're going to hurt yourself."

Chara kept struggling. "No!" She screamed at her. "What do you care? You're just the enemy!"

Frisk nodded, trying not to move anything. "I know. But maybe we can work this out?"

"Never." Chara spat, venom in her voice. "I will never stop trying to kill you. I will never stop until Gaster gets what he wants."

Frisk stayed silent for a moment before speaking very quietly. "You do know that he's going to kill you, right?"

Chara froze and looked up with hatred. It made Frisk scared if they ever got free of the chains.
"What?" She asked, just about furious.

Frisk gave a small smile. "You guys want to kill off humanity, right? Did you forget that you're kinda a human?"

Chara stared at her as if she were dumb. "Gaster wouldn't do that. We're partners."

Frisk shrugged. "Doesn't matter when you're on a craze for blood."

Chara took this in. She stared at the floor, dumbfounded. Frisk almost thought that she was dead. She hung limp like a doll, limbs pouring over each other.

A long time passed, and Frisk started to play with her hair for entertainment. Soon, she too didn't have enough strength to stand, so she hung limp as well. At least, she did until she heard a laugh.

She looked up. Chara was laughing. She was dying of a laughing fit. It wasn't even a genuine laugh, it was one that gave Frisk the impression that she was stupid. It was an 'oh my god does she actually think I was going to believe her' laugh, which made Frisk feel even more crumpled than before.

"Oh, you are so dense, aren't you?" She spat, an impious smile on her face. Frisk faltered for a moment before smiling herself. They were in a strange situation, and the first thing they did was fight.

She looked at the white room. If this was limbo, Frisk was not about to spend the rest of eternity with Chara. "Chara..." She chose her words carefully, knowing the slightest wrong word wouldn't go well with her.

"Do you know where we are? Is this limbo or..?" she trailed off, scared about her reaction. Chara just let out a sad laugh.

"Oh, I know where we are. We're in a time warp; nothing in real life is happening. We'll be trapped here forever, unless..." She didn't finish, shaking her head as if the event was impossible.

Now Frisk was curious. She peered at Chara abnormally. "What?" She repeated, interest burning in her eyes. Chara shook her head. Frisk was getting impatient. Not caring how it came across Chara, she said: "Aw, come on! What were you going to say?" 

Chara looked at Frisk with such distaste it made her back away, but to Frisk's surprise, she finished. "We won't get out unless we merge souls, combining our emotions."

Frisk backed away in surprise, and Chara cackled. "Which means you and I will be here for a long time, because there's no way I'd merge souls with someone like you."

That made Frisk a little ticked off. "Why not? It's not like we have to see each other after that. You'll probably get to kill me."

Chara sighed. "You're such an idiot. If we merge souls, when one of us dies, our 'soul' goes to the other participant. We'll be haunting each other forever. It's a way to cheat death, but once both of us die we'll be gone for good." 

Frisk brought out her soul. "Come on, Chara. We both know we don't want to be here. And it's not like I'm gonna say anything as a ghost!"

Chara raised an eyebrow. "You've already accepted death?" Frisk nodded. "Just please, one thing. Don't experiment on my soul. Get rid of it."

Chara's eyes glinted with bloodlust. That was all she ever wanted, to get rid of this lousy human. She brought out her soul too, the red glow enveloping both of them.

Frisk's eyes widened. She didn't think Chara would have a red soul, too. They brought their souls close together, and Frisk touched hers with Chara's. In a split second, she felt as if her brain was detached from her body, anger developing rapidly in her emotions. She saw all of Chara's life, from her childhood to working with Gaster.

She felt insanely sore, her head hurting like hell.

Then, it stopped.

That sudden freshness that Frisk felt made her dizzy. She stumbled around for a moment before looking at the all familiar warehouse.

Chara stood in front of her, sympathy on her face, which got switched out her anger.

Frisk understood why. Chara wasn't a bad person, she was just corrupt. She felt bad for killing Frisk after all the suffering she had endured, but at the same time, killing her would end all of her problems.

Frisk stood there and closed her eyes waiting for the impact.


She imagined what would happen after her death. Hopefully, they would finally be ready of their bloodthirsty craze.


She imagined Undyne, G, Alphys, Kitty, Burgerpants, Muffet, and her parents.


Napstablook. Flowey. All of her new friends who would be free from this corruption.


A scream.

A scream came out when Gaster shoved a knife in Chara's back. A literal backstab.

Frisk doubled over in pain, groaning at the immense pain shooting into her back. It was like a hundred rubber bands were shot at her back hard. Tears welled in her eyes when she realised the emotional shock Chara must have been going through.

Chara looked up at Gaster with such an emotion, Frisk saw it right away.




"You wouldn't think I'd spare you, would you, human?" Gaster spat, twisting the knife in her back.

Frisk tried to clutch where the pain was coming from, but couldn't reach it.

Chara was sobbing from the physical and emotional ache happening in her mind. Frisk could tell, because she was going through the same thing. Chara locked eyes with Frisk and mouthed something Frisk couldn't comprehend.

what? Frisk mouthed back. Chara let out a whimper before her eyes darted to the corruption machine.

"...m-er-....soul-" She was interrupted by Gaster taking out the knife in her back cleanly. Chara and Frisk both screamed.

Frisk now understood what Chara was asking. She wanted Frisk to merge souls with the corruption machine.

But how?

Gaster seemed satisfied with Chara and turned to Frisk, who pretended to be dead. He stepped towards her, and Frisk's heart raced. She tried to be as still as possible, trying not to give away that she was still alive and semi-well.

He huffed in annoyance and gave her a kick to the abdomen. It hurt, but she was determined not to let it show. Once she lay there for what felt like forever, Gaster finally walked over to a table and started to write and such.

Frisk inched over to the machine, wondering how she would merge souls with it. Luckily for her, as soon as she touched the cold maroon metal, she felt a pulse in her soul. It was quick, but surely there. She ran her hand over the side, and the pulses kept coming.

Getting up to her feet, Frisk summoned her soul. The machine whirred to life, and Gaster finally looked up. As soon as he saw her, he ran over, screaming something about a 'true reset' or whatnot.

Frisk didn't really care; this is what Chara wanted, a way of escape.

She closed her eyes and concentrated. Think of all your happy memories. She told herself. Like always, her brain immediately shifted to G. Because that was the only thing that she could think of, she thought of G.

His smile.

His jokes.

His teasing.

His aroma.


Her soul pulsed with such power, Frisk saw an identical red heart fade into view, right in front of hers.

The corruption machine's soul.

Her soul.

She stepped forward, feeling Gaster's hands trying to pry her away from the other soul. Frisk didn't budge at all.

And when the two souls touched, Frisk felt such a wave of determination she collapsed to the floor.

She found herself in the same black room where she would reset, however, there was no pain. Frisk saw the reset button in front of her, but there was a small speck of white far away.

Frisk ran. She ran and ran and ran until the white speck got bigger and bigger and bigger.

Soon, she was standing in front of an exact replica of her body. It was an outline that presumably perfectly fit Frisk. She took a deep inhale of breath, trying to clear her head.

This was it.

She stepped into the outline, her body fitting perfectly in the mold, just as she assumed.

Then, she watched as the whole room turned white.

Frisk closed her eyes; and this time, she would finally be free.

Words: 2646







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