Inks nightmare (Ink X Error)

By Ink_Sans1234

44.7K 1.9K 696

[COMPLETED] Unfresh escapes the antivoid and has to pay a visit to a few friends from the past. Unfresh disco... More

Dream Gone Wrong Chapter 1
Struggles cut short Chapter 2
Thin gone Thick Chapter 3
Sweet Dreams! Chapter 4
Silent Night Chapter 5
Nightmares Come True Chapter 6
Another Day, Another Night Chapter 7
So far yet so close Chapter 8
Boundaries Gone Broken Chapter 9
Who's Pulling The Strings? Chapter 10
Lost In My Head Chapter 11
Appetite Gone Quiet Chapter 12
Memories Unfold Chapter 13
Failed to Protect Chapter 14
Close Friends Chapter 15
Authors Note
Where? Chapter 16
Next Moves Chapter 17
Good Turned Bad Chapter 18
Deals? Why not Violence? Chapter 19
Holding For Hope Chapter 21
Offers to exchange Chapter 22
All Can Change Chapter 23
Forgotten behind the Bleachers Chapter 24
Darkness Chapter 25
The Escape Chapter 26
Reunited Chapter 27
I'm Coming Home Chapter 28
Lemon Warning!!! Chapter 29
Sweet Mornings Chapter 30
Not A Chapter! Sowwey
A/N Apologizing
I See You :) Chapter 31
Never want to Let go Chapter 32
Pasts Conflict Chapter 33
You were there for me Chapter 34
I got Tagged ;-;
Your back!? Not again!Chapter 35
A/N Apologies
This just got personal Chapter 36
I'm sorry my friend Chapter 37

Who's The Weak One?Chapter 20

874 38 10
By Ink_Sans1234

Errors P.O.V

I had UnFresh exactly where I wanted. He looked like a trapped animal, helpless for anything that would happen. I loved it. I felt no pity or sadness for the look of pain the tight strings were giving him. I was never the kind of skeleton for mercy, only destruction had given me purpose. And I plan to absolutely destroy UnFresh's very existence after I get Inky back.

I started walking slowly to UnFresh, "Let me ask a question. Where's Ink?"

UnFresh looked up from the strings making no progress and let out a loud click of his tongue, "I don't feel the need to tell anything to a glitch like you."

I growled tightening the strings more and UnFresh bent down, hissing from the increasing pain in his feet. But that didn't stop him from showing me a small grin.

I stomped my foot down in frustration, "This is no time for smiling! You better tell me where Ink is or-"

UnFresh cut me off, "Or what. You'll torture me endlessly? Throw me in a river? Kill me?" UnFresh laughed, "Face it! You don't know what to do! You don't know if you can even get Ink back!" One of my Blue strings snapped. "I've won this fight and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

I gasped as all the strings that once held his feet securely to the ground had all been snapped. Impossible! I flung strings at him but when I saw him I saw a pocket knife in his left hand. It must've been what he used to cut my strings.....what he used to stab Ink.

I felt my anger rise to my face and let my strings burrow in the ground to soon emerge around UnFresh in a storm of Blue. I threw my fingers down to soon see my strings bend and attempt to strike UnFresh.

One of the strings cut the top of his shoulder and his forehead, while the others he dodged with some pressure. I saw a little of the bright stream of blood trickle down his forehead and off his cheek. He seemed impressed by this action and looked at me with a foul look in his eyes as he sped at me with incredible speed, but I used my strings as a threaded wall. It slowed him down until he tried to go around it. When he did this I already had my wall dismantled and the strings snaking there way above and in the ground. I saw him stop and observe me for a few seconds before jumping into action again with a full speed lunge.

I was surprised and forced my strings to a sharp turn barely missing him and made the blue strings under ground try to cage him but failed. In moments he was on top of me and made a rib cracking kick to my side but I quickly dodged taking a hold of his foot. When I turned to look at him I could see the sides of his mouth perk upwards as he spun and kicked me in the side of the skull with his other foot. I let out a gasp and let go of his foot soon tumbling on the ground and in the dirt. When I lifted my head I spat out a large amount of dirt and stood back up with a few stumbles.

UnFresh yawned, "I thought this would be more challenging but I found out that your as weak as all the rest."

I looked at him and wiped my cheek feeling a bruise starting to form, "I wasn't the weak one the last time we fought. How did you become stronger? You can't be weak and then become stronger over night. I trapped you in the Anti-Void, there was no way you could get this strong or have increased in speed." I started to walk towards him and I stared at him intensely while doing this, "How'd you escape the Anti-Void?"

UnFresh hesitated with his words before he let out a menacing laugh, "I don't have to answer you."

I kept walking towards him, "How'd you escape the Anti-Void?"

UnFresh took a small step back. It left me surprise and wonder, Was he scared?

He kept up his smile, "If your going to keep asking the same question I might as well leave because this is getting boring."

I was a few steps away from him and watched him back up a little more. I had wasted enough time with this Asshole and was ready to finish this. When I looked at him his eyes had a spark of emotion that made him look like he'd been almost murdered. And to be truthful, when I'm done with him he won't almost be murdered. I uncurled a blood thirsty grin that I once had before I met Ink.

He will be murdered!

- Derpy Derp Derp. Don't know what to say down here except comment below what you want to happen in future chapters. I'm thinking about a lemon in a chapter *Insert Lenny Face* only because people have been wondering about it but I'm here to say it won't happen in a while. Anyways, hope yah guys enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! Byeeeee -

P.S- If you comment a character you want in the story (Sans or Papyrus...or both. meh) I will probably add them at some point. No O.C's.

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