
By NoelLumos

162 22 8

Shortly after arriving to the states Pyru a young prince encounters two boys Danny and Parker. swept up into... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8

Part 6

7 2 0
By NoelLumos

Pyru lay in bed softly breathing, as he rested peacefully Danny snuck into his rooms and closed the dark curtains to make the room dark, glancing over at Pyru he saw that the boy only slept under the sheets. he could clearly see the outline of his body and blushed faintly seeing as he was naked "now that's my type of sleeping... man i sound dumb" he muttered and went out of the room. Pyru smirks and opens his eyes. He had always been a light sleeper, stretching he sat up and looked around the large dark room. it felt odd not sleeping in his own home, in his own bed with his family and friends close by. With much protest he got up his cock slapping his leg making him flinch and a red tint enter his cheeks. walking lightly over to the closest in which he stored his stuff he rummages until he finds his Red Silk vest with the hood and the Black Pants that had the Red Dress with gold bells at the bottom. sliding those on not caring for the underwear sense they made it hard to fight. Yawning he walked to his bathroom and brushed his teeth his eyes closed as he was still sleepy. "maybe i should pee while im in here...." he walked over to the toilet and unlatched his skirt and pulled out his cock to pee, he frowned "i hate using the bathroom it's like a waste of time. i could be out there curing cancer or something but im stuck in the bathroom" once finished he relatched his skirt and headed out of the room.

Looking around however he saw that Danny wasn't around but Parker was, he lay asleep on the couch with the Sun Blocking Curtains closed over the large windows so no light got in. Pyru sighed wondering if he had caused Danny and Parker to sleep separately. Silently tip toeing, Pyru dances to and fro, tossing in spins and leaps as he silently made his way across the room to the kitchen where he landed in the pose of the swan. Smiling trying not to laugh at himself he rummaged through the kitchen to try and find something to eat. His eyes fell to a cake frowning at it he glanced at anything other than "i really don't need sugar this early itll make me sick" he mumbled as he grabbed a cheese stick and put it in his mouth closing the fridge. That's when hands grabbed him by his shoulder and he fall backwards into nothingness.

The feeling of floating was making his stomach sick. Opening his eyes Pyru nearly let out a squeal he was falling and fast into what seemed to be the ocean. quickly out thrusting his hand the broom appeared he slammed into it hard hitting his gonads, wincing in pain he let out a soft squeak as the air rushed out of his lungs and the wave of nausea settled in his stomach. Fighting to hold onto the broom he managed to slow his decent, looking around he saw he wasn't to far from the city but he was unsure how he got here until someone landed on his broom. "This isn't a taxi get your ass off my bro-" he stopped as his eyes traveled the length of the boy before him. the white silk pants, the white and black rob, the flowing black hair and those green eyes with the cocky smirk sent a cold chill down his spine "Your suppose to be dead." the boy smirked leaning down "is that anyway to speak to me?" Pyru huffed and turned his broom upside down to make the boy fall but he simply floated in place. Righting himself Pyru turned a glare at the boy "you have no business here, and as far as im concern we no longer have an arrangement. you Bailed on our country. on me Mihal. How dare you show yourself in front of me!" inhaling filling his stomach with his rage he casted a spell "draigan kee saans!" fire burst from his mouth only barely missing Mihal, who was rather surprised. "Well that wasn't very nice. look Cintaku i-" Pyru clicked his teeth "don't call me your love." Mihal smirks and puts his arm around Pyru and nips his ear, like an off switch Pyru couldn't move. "listen, i didn't abandon you i left to become stronger, and i have become so much stronger. You are mine, you can't fight that, you will give into me" Pyru's insides felt with a dark feeling as his eyes turned silver when he was in danger.

Pyru managed to git his mouth working again despite Mihal's mouth on his ear "you don't sound like you..." the boy smirks and licks his ear "you're right, im so much more. When im done with you your heart will be mine and mine alone as will your body" he smirks his eyes flashing green as he slides his hand down Pyru's shirt playing with one of his nips, Pyru winces not wanting this and he yelled for help in his head. "What wrong my love? Do you not like my touch?" Pyru whimpered as Mihal's hand ran up is leg and cupped him. No matter how hard he couldn't seem to break loose or even move Someone please save me! He wiggles a bit but it was all he could manage Stop him! he shouted in his head and as if on que a large blast sent Mihal flopping into the water below "Pyru!" Pyru lets out a breath and quickly grips his broom closing his eyes as he flew with all his might away from this scene.

Danny and Parker watched as Pyru flew off, Danny's heart clenched as the tears flew from Pyru's eyes when he flew by "wait Py!" Parker grips Danny's shoulder "we have bigger fish to fry" Parker arches his eyebrow looking down at the water where Mihal was rising from the water a rather amused look on his face as he glanced up to them "do you mind, me and my feonce were haveing a intmate momment." Danny glared at him "are you really his fiance? because on my way to the shout my Ghost Senses were tingling" Mihal laughs "oh right, yes im really him. Bring him back to me if you would" Dany snorted with disgust "haven't you heard that No means No? he clearly doesn't wanna be with you" Mihal snickers "i guess i'll have to go after him then." Danny's hands caught aflame and Parker summoned his Flamburgis Sword. Mihal arches an eyebrow "two agenst one? well that's not very fair..." he stops smiling as he looks twords the south of the city, Dany tilted his head and looked where he was but saw nothing "Well i must be off" Danny jumped and looked at him "do what?" Mihal smiles and bows "tell my lil angel i shall return for him in do time" then he stood up and a dark aura came off him his eyes became a empty blue and white as he stares at Danny "you and i will have a talk later." and with that the man vanished in a cloud of dark mist that shortly dissipated. Danny and Parker exchanged looks and Parker shrugged "it's times like this i wonder if straight guys have it easier" Danny smirked and patted Parker's chest "from what i hear it's like taking an arrow to the knee." and with that they fly off after Pyru.

Pyru stood atop of the Inn the wind ruffling his clothes around him making him look like an avenging goddess of flames. His tears have dried but his feelings were all over the place, clenching his fist he looked up to the sky and screamed. In response clouds formed over the Inn and began to swirl, soon rain was falling over the city and lighting clashed as if to mimic Pyru's pain and anger. His eyes turned silver and he quickly spun around to meet Danny's eyes. Pyru soften a bit as he looked at Danny "what." Danny smiled weakly and shrugged "just checking on you is all... see you didn't like the sunny weather." Pyru looked up and softly snorted, but his heart sunk as he looked down "I don't know who that was.... but i couldn't do anything back.... i was weak, and scared." Danny reached out and caressed Pyru's cheek "hey it's alright to be scared every now and then i-" Pyru let out a yell "I can't afford to be scared! what's left of my country depends on it!" with the shout the storm got stronger as did the wind. Danny gently pulled Pyru into a hug "hey... it's okay, you have us here now remember, where your friends and we will stand by you no matter what okay? Me and Parker have fought many great evils and overcame them we will help you with yours." Pyru listened as he was embraced by Danny, the warmth of another living being soothed him and eventually his heart calmed as did the storm. The clouds settled but remained as Pyru took a step back and wiped tears from his eyes "are you sure?" Danny smirked and winked giving his cockiest grin and a thumb-up "sure the fuck do, i ain't leavin you hangin Pyru!" Pyru blushed thinking Danny looked like the handsome hero in fairy tales which made him smile "thank you. I'm glad i have friends like you two" they smiled at each other for a bit "Oh my god just kiss already" Danny turned to look at Parker who winked, Danny walked over and punched his arm "nah maybe later come on im starving let's have pizza!" Parker groaned as he followed him in "not again let's have something else you always get pizza!" Pyru smiled as they walked back inside the building. It quickly faded as he turned and looked out the city though he had been calmed he couldn't shake the feelings of where he was touched. Looking down at his arm he rubbed a hand over it. It was still so cold.

Once inside the atmosphere was totally different the guys were rough housing and some large breasted woman was sitting on the couch with a fox pipe. She dressed oddly, she wore a tight fitting black dress that cupped at her boobs midway showing a lot of cleavage, she had bracelets up to her elbow, long flowing purple hair and a black hat that pointed then slouched into a curl, her pink soft eyes contrasted agenst her white as snow skin and her heart shaped lips were as red as cherries. Pyru stared at her confused as to who the heck she was when suddenly she shot up and screeched like a banshee "Oh my sweet bussomes he is sooo adorable!" before Pyru could even run, his face was stuffed between the woman's monster breast and he knew he was going to die "this woman is gonna kill me help!" the woman hugged him "my you are the cutie patootiest lil thing ever!" Parker laughs and point while Danny tries to help "La'blanc please let him go your tits will kill him." she laughs and lets him go and Pyru never felt such relief he inhaled a large gulp of air and fell onto his butt. Shaking his head he looked up at the lady as she took a hit from her pipe "who are you?!" the woman smiles and blows bunny rabbits of smoke as the bounced around her before vanishing "me? Oh why i am La'blanc Witch of Dreams!" Danny smirked "more like the witch of tits." he looked at Parker for approval but parker shook his head and gave him a thumbs down. Pyru stood up "well it's nice to meet you i am-" She slaps his shoulder which caused a stinging feeling to course through his shoulders. "I know who you are silly i took a peek inside the boy's head! now sit sugar! Acting like you wanting to run away or something" Pyru laughs nervously in truth he was not wanting to be that close to a woman's breast ever again.

A few hours past La'blanc had managed to get both Danny and Pyru waisted, Parker laid outside on the balcony asleep and in his boxers whilst Danny was strung over the top of the couch like a wet shirt wearing absolutely nothing. Pyru and his quick wits had managed to only get im tipsy however he was in awe that La'blanc wasn't even buzzed as she downed her twelfth hundred botle of the finest vodka from Russia. "You are a monster" Pyru exclaimed and he kinda believed it. She laughed boisterously, almost like santa Pyru thought as she raised the bottle "Indeed i am mah boy! In the last three hundred years i haven't met a man who could get me drunk or even last as long as i ahahaha!" Pyru shrugged and quickly changed the subject not wanting to be lured into another drinking contest. "so what is it you do?" La'blanc smiles and points at Pyru er finger on his nose "i shall tell you what i do! I alter reality! Create New Realities! I Make dreams for every living creature in the world and i feed on Nightmares! i am like the fairy godmother but without the annoying nagging and saggy boobs. Honestly she acts just like a grandma!" she takes a swig of her vodka. Pyru laughed a bit, he would ask her later why she was acting like the fairy godmother was real. "So have you seen any interesting dreams?" She put the bottle down and got started on her next one "hmmm, no not really but i did get this really strange nightmare from a Romani Seer down in Mississippi not to long ago." Pyru tilted his head something urged him to ask "What was it?" She looked at him "well i mean, it was rather dark." she takes another swig before crossing her legs "lets see. the lady was running for her life, scared. Which is how most nightmares are anyways. The sky was a black and greenish fog no sun whatsoever. the ground was bare, and there was bones of animal and people alike. The wind was stagnant with the smell of decay. Well she was running as fast as she could when she stopped and was cornered by Revenants. you know those dark evil spirits of warriors and knights. well she turned and fled from them only to come face to face with this giant darkness but she couldn't make it out, well it grabbed her and before it killed her it said this" she leanes in real close but Pyru didn't move away he was frozen to the chair. She got a real serious look on her face as she said the words pyru was afraid to hear "Ka tae te mate ki te rangatira, the last thing she saw was a tree with ravens flying away." Pyru fell back his heart filled with fear Death comes to the prince. Her loud laughter snapped Pyru out of his fear and he looked up at her as she was heading to the balcony "but it was just a dream nothing more, well i must be off people are about to start sleeping. It was Nice meeting you Pyru" she waved as she jumped onto a large purple cloud and drifted off. Pyru stood there, unsure what to feel or think, so instead he shut off and picked up Danny and carried him to his bed where he cuddled into the drunk ghost boy and cried.

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