Love of my Heart (Greyson Cha...

By artbuff

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A Fanfiction inspired by one of Greyson Chance's songs called Light Up The Dark. "I am love sick and I just... More

Love of my Heart - A Greyson Chance Fanfiction
Chapter 1 - Ice cream fight
Chapter 2 - Change schedule
Chapter 3 - Telling Alexa
Chapter 4 - Weird Dream
Chapter 5 - Being chased by the Paparazzi
Chapter 6 - Greyson, becoming more famous.
Chapter 7 - The truth comes out
Chapter 8 - Interrupted Kiss again
Chapter 9 - Finally!
Chapter 10 - At the airport..
Chapter 11 - We're moving?!
Chapter 12 - New girl... Lauren!
Chapter 13 - Today's a big day
Chapter 14 - Talking to Ellen
Chapter 15 - Who's Sandy Wakefield?
Chapter 16 - You again?!
Chapter 17 - I love you, Greyson.
Chapter 18 - Explanation to the family
Chapter 19 - I'm sorry, Greyson.
Chapter 20 - Remembering the memories
Chapter 21 - Sandy, please forgive me.
Chapter 23 - Sandy! You're awake now!
Chapter 24 - At the Mall
Chapter 25 - We're going to LA!
Chapter 26 - It's good to be back at Greyson's arms
Chapter 27 - Happy Birthday, Greyson!
Chapter 28 - Happy Birthday, Greyson :2nd part:
Chapter 29 - Happy Birthday, Greyson ! :3rdPart:
Chapter 30 - Happy Birthday, Greyson ! -the surprise party-
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday, Greyson -the surprise party-
Chapter 32 - A blood donor?!
Chapter 33 - Alexa: I love her like she's my own sister
Chapter 34 - W-Where?!
Chapter 35 - Greyson surprising Sandy
Chapter 36 - I'll be forever and always in your heart
Chapter 37 - Arriving in Philippines
Chapter 38 - Surprises
Chapter 39 - Hanging out in the mall
Chapter 40 - I'm planning to surprise her
Chapter 41 - Pls don't let Sandy know
Chapter 42 - This is it, showtime! (:
Chapter 43 - You could be a superstar!
Interview with the casts
Chapter 44 - Unexpected news
Chapter 45 - Flight to LA. (a boring chapter, sorry)
Chapter 46 - Preparing...
Chapter 47 - Don't be nervous, Sandy.
Chapter 48 - Greyson?!! You're here?!
Chapter 49 - Lauren, what are you planning to do?
Chapter 50 - He's mine. He's never been yours!
Chapter 51 - Everything turned wrong!
Chapter 52 - You have no heart.
Chapter 53 - Never thought it would be like this
Chapter 54 - Home Is In Your Eyes
Chapter 55 - Who's Nina?
Chapter 56 - We meet again.
Chapter 57 - Surprises
Chapter 58 - Getting Ready
Chapter 59 - Would You Stop And Take A Look At Me Now?
Goodbye Message
New Chapter - Halloween Special! (Part 1)
Chapter - Not Really

Chapter 22 - Hey Sandy, Wake up soon.

2.1K 15 10
By artbuff

Sandy's POV

I woke up and saw everybody around me. I'm in a hospital room. I don't know why. But I feel dizzy and my head really hurts. It hurts damn so much. I looked at everybody but they were all blurry. I fell asleep again.

Greyson's POV

I don't want to leave Sandy anymore. I love her so much. This hurts me a lot. 

"Hey, Sandy. Remember when we were little kids, we were Field Trip partners and we always chase each other at the beach?" I said between sobs. I didn't get any response. All I can hear is the beeping of the monitor.

"We were always there below the stars." I added and cried beside her. "I love you, Sandy."

I walked out of the room and sat at the waiting area. I saw my mom there talking to Aunt Carly. Aunt Carly was crying non-stop. My mom tries to calm her down but she can't stop crying. Aunt Carly went inside the room again.

"How's Sandy?" my mom asked.

"They don't know when she'll wake up and she could get an amnesia said the doctor. She had hit her head on the floor so hard and it bleeded non-stop. She's so pale." I explained with my voice cracked.

"She'll be okay. She's a strong girl. She'll be fine. Everything's gonna be alright." my mom said.

"I know, but what will I do if she wakes up and remember, she broke up with me."

"You know what to do." my mom  said then she gave me a smile and left me there. She went outside to call my dad about what happend.

"Greyson, we better go back now. You still have some works to do on LA." my mom said as she came back.

"I know. I'll say good bye to Sandy and her family."


I went inside again on her room and everybody left the two of us.

"Hey, Tootsie. It's me, your Mr.Nerd. Wake up , soon. I miss you so much and please let me explain as you wake up. I love you." I whispered then left.

"Sorry." I said to her family and they gave me a it's-not-your-fault look.

"Bye, and we're really sorry for what happend." my mom said.

"Thanks for visiting."

Then we went back to LA and it's already morning. I probably didn't sleep. I crawled to my bed and slept until it's 1pm. I got up from bed and took a bath. I need to get to the studion to record Stars.

"Hey, did you rest well?" my mom said as I walked downstairs. She pretty rested a lot this day.

"Yes, mom. I'm going to the studio to record my song."

"Oh, I'll bring you there." my mom said as she put away her apron .

We went to the studio.

"Ok, good luck. I know you'll do great honey. Have some fun!" my mom said then she dropped me off at the studio.

"Hey, Greyson! Let's record first then let's talk." Ellen said but she's happy.

"Ok, Ellen."

I went inside the recording room, put the headsets on then sang "Stars".

I started . After I finish the whole song, Ellen and the 2 guys applauded.

"Amazing, Greyson! Good Job!"


Then Ellen motioned me to sit at the couch there and so we could talk.

"So, Greyson...." Ellen started.


"What happend?" Ellen asked.

I told her about the Lauren thing. (Sorry, I don't want to type that damn story about Lauren coz' it makes me mad.)

Ellen was not surprised at all.

"I knew that Lauren girl could not be trusted." 

"I know. I thought she's nice"

"Well, anything else I should know?" Ellen asked.

"Yes." I said and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Sandy's in a coma right now."

A worried face formed to Ellen's face. I know she wanted to know what happend but she didn't say a thing.So I decided to tell her the story.

"Her sister said that she just saw Sandy bleeding her head at her bathroom. Maybe she slipped and hit her head o hard on the floor. The doctor said it may cause an amnesia."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Greyson." Ellen said. I just nodded.

Then I got a text from Lauren. Damn it! Great timing!

I didn't even read the message, I deleted her number from my phone and I changed my number but texted everybody my new number before I dumped my old one so they would know.

Lauren just ruined my life, I don't want her to  re-ruin my life again.


I don't want to upload the next chapter if I didn't get atleast 10 votes here. Hehe, childish, eh? (: 

Can't wait for Sandy's big move to Philippines! (:

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