Kirona/ SoMa Soulmate AU

Von LevisTeacup

2.7K 66 26

Eye color au!! You can see every color in the world except your soulmate's eye color until you meet. Mehr

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 3
Bby Dates

Untitled Part 2

738 13 6
Von LevisTeacup

Maka sat across from Crona settled back into a booth letting the coffee in her hands warm her fingers. This was her favorite cafe and she insisted on bringing Crona out today seeing as the last time they spoke was about a week ago when they passed each other at some point. Plus she wanted and practically begged Crona to get a cup of Maka's favorite for himself to try out.
"-I'm not sure how to explain it.. It's.. A very bright and welcoming color." She tilted her head as she looked down gesturing to the yellowish/gold coffee cup in her hands. "It's kind of like fire. But not as red. Like a calm fire.." She looked up at Crona smiling warmly at him as she tried to picture what his soulmate looked like; somebody with yellow eyes of all colors.


Crona sat there, his hands overlapping each other on table as he stared at Maka's cup. The dull grey mug offset the pale skin on her fingers. He did his best to take in what she said and imagine this "yellow" color he sadly couldn't make out. "W-welcoming, huh?" He smiled. He couldn't help but close his eyes and try to picture the eyes that he was destined to fall for. These golden eyes that would change his way of viewing the world forever. His smile fades when his insecurities start to seep into his mind. What if his soulmate doesn't accept him? What if he's not good enough. He's never really been good enough for anyone, not even his own mother...he snaps out of his thoughts and looks down at his cup. Steam rose from the warm beverage. He hesitantly takes his cup and slowly takes a sip, careful not to burn himself. "Mmm, this tastes great." He hums. The drink instantly making him forget about the negative thoughts, just for a minute.


Maka sighed softly leaning back into her seat as she took another sip of her coffee, humming in agreement over how good her drink was.
Somehow Crona's negative thoughts had managed to infest Maka's mind as well wondering just what color her soulmate's eyes were supposed to be. She always imagined them as blue. Something to compliment hers nicely. But it seemed she could already see blue quite well. So what was this mysterious color that she couldn't see? It was the little things that bugged her about it. The little bell on the door of the cafe, those horrendous and ugly roses she would see when she walked through the local gardens. Everyone seemed to swoon over how pretty the 'red' roses were but to her they were disgusting, plain, and overall unattractive from every aspect and point of view. "... What about red..?" She asked quietly, lazily pointing a finger in the direction of the cafe door where the little bell had chimed signaling someone leaving. "Why does everyone like it so much..? It doesn't seem like there's that many red things around so why get excited over a color that doesn't really matter?" She pouted as she looked down at her coffee nearly spitting the words out harshly and bitterly although she didn't mean it. Truth was, she wanted nothing more than to be able to see whatever color it was.


Crona was caught off guard by her rant, "ummm...well.." Crona starts. He really had to think on this one. Describing something properly for him was hard enough because of his lack of confidence but, a color nonetheless. But he wanted to make sure he did a good job for Maka, "Red can be many different things depending on how you look at it..." he starts, "Heat it one thing it reminds me the burning heat of a fire. A-also, some people may associate it with romance and passion..." Crona blushes, looking away from Maka in embarrassment. "Which is why people like roses so much..." he grabs his arm, pulling it inward, "but it can also be the fury that burns in ones eyes after getting mad or frustrated." He looks back up to meet Maka's eyes. Those bright green eyes that never judge him, and are always so inviting. He's thankful to have her in his life. She's really the only pleasant person he hangs around. And that's definitely saying something. "W-was that helpful? I don't know how to deal with being put on the spot..." he grabs his mug and takes another sip of his "Maka special".


She listens carefully, closing her eyes as she tries her damnedest to imagine what this color is but she can't imagine if it's dark or light or both or whether or not when she looks at her partner it'll be something of lighthearted romance or a burning anger that will always make her somehow afraid. With her experience in men, (which was only her father) she could get anyone. She could get a cheater, or an abuser, or even someone who had no interest in her. Finding your soulmate didn't necessarily mean they would be a good person because if that was the case there would be world peace and that was something she thought about a LOT. "Thanks.." She opened her eyes as she looked back at Crona. Sometimes she wished it would just be Crona. It would make life a lot easier with the addition of already being best friends. "I suppose one day I'll get to see it." She sighed deeply pushing away her coffee cup and stretching her arms out a bit. "Are you ready to go?"


Crona gives her a smile and sits down his mug, "uh huh," he gets up, pushing in his seat. Maka offered to pay for his drink since she was the one who wanted him to try it. He refused but with Maka's persistence, he gave in. He at least left a top on the table. They get to the door, to which Crona chivalrously opened for Maka. But just as he opened the door, a guy with white hair steps inside, without a word. He seemed troubled, and had headphones in so he must not have been paying attention to where he was going, "Hey wait!-" but before Crona could get those words out, "oof!-" the guy ran right into Maka. "M-maka! Are you okay?? Hey, you shouldn't be wearing headphones while walking into an establishment!" Crona scolded the guy, in defense for Maka, of course. He couldn't stand up for himself much, but when it came to his friend, his best friend, he would fight for her honor. He got a good look at the guy now, leather jacket with skinny jeans. Looks like someone who would be friends with his big brother Ragnarok, and that's not a good thing. And what makes the situation even worse, was the way him and Maka were looking at each other..."M-Maka?"


Maka happily paid for both of their drinks just amazed that she even got Crona to try it in the first place. He'd probably be hype drunk from the caffeine later and thought of it made her giggle quietly seeing as how Crona was anything but an excitement level over a 3/10.
As Crona opened the door for her, she offered a smile as a thank you before stepping through only to collide with someone hard enough to knock her back, hitting ground with a little thump. Jesus, how embarrassing. She shut her eyes for a moment rubbing at her hip before she began to look up at whoever the fuck had the nerve to not watch where they were going. "Ow.. God, I'm sorry. My faul-"
She looked up meeting eyes with him, feeling her stomach twist in all sorts of weird a new ways that she had never felt before. There was this new color that she'd never seen before in her life. It was dark and piercing and somehow seemed to look right through her. An unsettling feeling that made her feel exposed both physically and emotionally. There was definitely a passion there but as for what kind, she couldn't really make out.
That unsettling feeling began to slowly diminish as she watched the small and random things around her begin to slowly flood with this new color she always wondered about. And the look on his face implied that he was getting to see a new color too. Which only meant one thing. This person standing in front of her who had so rudely knocked her down by not watching where he was going.. Was hers.. And she was his. These two people were made for each other. And that was an exciting yet terrifying thought to think about.


Soul watched as the world before became brighter, more alive. Outside through the window, those dull trees he despised for most of spring and summer, became lush and flourished with hues he had never come to know until now. Looking back to the girl he trucked down, her wide green eyes looked right into his soul and touched it to its deepest core. He had to clenched his chest, afraid his heart would burst from this emotion, the deep connection with this girl he had only just met. He figured he should probably say something because just staring at someone you just ran into is not cool at all. He took out his headphones which were strung through and under his shirt, letting them dangle, "I'm so sorry, that was totally my bad." He offered her a hand, to which she took, her hands were soft and warm, just like her eyes. He lifted her up. "Are you okay?" Those lively eyes flickered at him, and he almost didn't care to not look cool for once in his life. It's finally happened. He met his soulmate.


She couldn't really bring herself to look away from his eyes. They were all too incredible and after not being able to see this color for nearly 18 years, she wanted to know every aspect of this color and see it for what it really was. "I-.. No that was my fault. I wasn't looking." She laughed weakly taking his hand bringing herself to her feet to at last get a good look at his face. He looked so tired and laid back. He was like every kid in high school that simply didn't give a shit about their grades and skipped all the time. And although Maka refused to judge a book by it's cover, that sort of stereotype didn't match with her personality at all; but she pushed the thoughts away wanting to know him for who he was rather than what she though up about him. This was the man she would be spending a significantly more amount of time with daily and that made her heart swell with so much heat and joy. "Should we-.. I mean.. C-can I.. Hug you..?"


Soul was taken back by her question. He blushed slightly and tried clearing his throat to cover it up. He wanted to shout "FUCK YES?" And embrace this girl with all his strength and never let go. But at the same time, how lame would that be? Her eyes sparkled before him, filled with such wonder and joy. How he wanted to just become lost in them. He was captivated by this new found "green" he was hidden from his whole life. "Uh..yeah s-sure, I guess," he finally said as he held open his arms and awaited her hold. They each stepped forward and slowly wrapped their arms around each other. Hesitant at first, but slowly they melted into each other in a warm embrace as if they had been waiting for this moment their entire lives, which I guess technically, they have. Soul closed his eyes as he squeezed the girl, feeling her face bury into his neck. He does the same, taking in her scent. She smelled of vanilla, her fragrance sweet and warm. Soul almost, ALMOST could cry at this moment. He felt so happy and complete. This was the moment he was waiting on. This was what he was missing.


Maka kept herself stiff just long enough until she was able to fully feel his arms around her. He certainly didn't look like it, but he was bigger than her. Much more built and far more warmth to give in this little hug that they were sharing. Poor Maka couldn't keep herself from trembling, shaking like a leaf just from sheer happiness and she knew the man she was hugging could feel just how bad it was; and while Soul could keep himself from crying, Maka couldn't. Of course it wasn't anything big. It was anything but, actually. Tears slipped down her cheeks silently not even so much as an increase in her breathing or little crying hiccups. She was just quiet and too afraid to let go in fear of what he would say if he caught her sobbing like a child.
She buried her face into his neck taking in everything that she could before she inevitably had to pull away and reveal her eyes that were now bloodshot and tear stained.


Crona watched the couple. He felt awkward just standing there while they shared their moment but, what else could he do? This was hard for him. Not only did he not trust the guy he just met but, he knew by their faces that this was Maka's soulmate which meant there was nothing he could do about it. Crona clears his throat, hinting that he was still there. The snow haired man turns to see Crona and quickly turns, leaving an arm still around Maka. "Oh, uh...are you guys together...?" Soul looks Crona up and down, making him even more uncomfortable than he already was. "N-no. We're just friends," the words hurt more than it should've coming out of Crona's mouth, even though it were true. Soul looks down at Maka then back to Crona, "Oh, I guess I interrupted you guys, my bad. I'll let you two continue then-" Crona saw the sparkle in Maka's eyes leave when he removed his arm around her. "N-no! No, it's fine. You guys continue. I was just headed home anyways..." He didn't want to do that to her. Her happiness meant more than her walking home with him. Even if it was the one thing he looked forward to when he woke up this morning. Crona opens the door and turned back around to see the light brought back to Maka's eyes once his arm wrapped tightly around her, "Just please take care of her, okay?" Crona pleaded. Maka was a big girl, and was very much capable of taking care of herself, but she's also been hurt so much by men in her that Crona wanted to prevent that by all costs. Soul gave a toothy smirk, showing off his razor sharpe teeth, "Don't worry. She's in good hands," he gives her a slight squeeze. Crona waves goodbye and heads out the door, where reality sets back in.


Maka hesitated as he asked if Crona and her were together. "No no- we're not-" but before she could finish, Crona was already explaining and soon enough, Soul was moving his arm from her around her to allow them to get back to hanging out and as badly as she wanted to protest, somehow Crona was already beating her to it insisting on giving them time together.
"I'm so sorry, are you sure you don't mind..?" She felt horrible mostly because she knew Crona was upset. Of course he was. She promised the day to him but she would at least hope that he would understand considering the circumstances.
Crona simply agreed and wished them a farewell before leaving the two of them alone.
"I- uh.. Hey.." She looked up at this man who still had his arm wrapped around her feeling just a hair nervous after his little flirty remark. "I.. Don't think I ever got your name.." She laughed nervously and awkwardly seeing as how his name should've been the /first/ thing she learned.


Soul, taken back by her question, joins her in her awkward chuckles. He can't help but find it hilariously random that he met his soulmate and was already holding as if they had been together a while but yet didn't know her name, nor her his. He unwrapped his arm and tugged at the sides of his jacket "The name's Soul Evans," he gives her another sharp smirk, "and yours, emerald eyes?" 'Emeralds are green, right?' He thinks to himself. Realizing how ridiculously uncool that little nickname sound, he shoved his hands in his pockets hoping she didn't think it was as dumb as he did.


Maka quietly whimpered at the loss contact of the warm arm that was wrapped around her but didn't make too big a deal out of it. She'd be getting plenty of attention a lot more from him, she was sure of it. Although she couldn't really say that she had ever heard of someone with the name 'Soul' before it sounded sox cliche and stereotypical fuck boy that she wasn't even sure he was telling the truth. But then again he had no reason to lie and the name fit him all too well.
"Oh.. Uh-" Her faced flushed pushing a bit of hair back behind her ear. She silently swore at herself for not putting her hair up today like always. Having her hair down was like walking out in just her bra. It made her feel over exposed like people were seeing a side of her that was unprofessional and sloppy.
"Maka." She stuck her hand out for him to shake quickly retracting it before realizing just how idiotic it would be to shake his hand after already hugging him and keeping warm beneath his arm. "Do you.. Maybe wanna sit down together..?" She asked nervously gesturing over to a little booth.


Soul repeated the name over and over in his mind 'Maka, Maka, Maka...' that name was like a symphony, an orchestrated piece he would play over and over on the piano he hadn't touched in forever. But if it meant preforming her name and writing her song, he would do it in a heartbeat. He took her out stretched hand and placed it to his mouth, giving the top a little peck, just like in those cheesy chick flicks he watched from time to time, "It would be my pleasure," he keeps a hold of her hand and escorts her to the booth she picked out and makes sure she takes her seat before sitting across from her on the other side. There was a moment of silence for them. They had an equal understand of how oddly wonderful this was. How this discovery has and will change their lives forever. So, I guess taking it all in meant just sitting there, not saying a word, and just taking each other in for a bit was what had to be done. It wasn't awkward, no, it was...beautiful. Like the way Maka's hair failed over her shoulders. Or the way she gently pushed it behind her ears when she felt uncomfortable. How did Soul gather that from only being with her within a moment? Who knows. The only thing he knew was that he needed to know more. More than just what he saw. He wanted to know more about her. He was eager to get to know THE Maka. The green eyes beauty. His soulmate that brightened his whole world with just a mere glance. "So, tell me a little about yourself?" Soul asked, trying to keep it vague despite desperately wanting to ask MILLIONs of questions.


Maka settled back into her booth seat glorifying the time she had to just sit and look at her new partner. It was actually incredible how much this shade of red changed the environment around her. The hue from the sun outside seemed to shine just a hair brighter giving the world a much more warm feel.
That was something Crona had described it as, right? Something warm and passionate.
She kept her hands nervously in her lap only raising them to push her hair out of her face which seemed to always get a cute little smile from Soul. God, how she'd already fallen in love with that smile of his. It made her smile right back at him and that's all she could do. She smiled back at him until her heart swelled with so much joy that something as simple as Soul existing earned him a little fit of giggles from her.
"Oh gosh.. About me.. Well. That was my best friend you just met!- Crona. He's always been there for me through everything. Uhh.. I like to study a lot.. Learning new things is pretty cool. And when I'm not reading or studying, you can find me with Crona.. Crona and I like to come here a lot for coffee.. Well.. Mostly just me. Crona's not a coffee person. Well at least I don't think? I made him try coffee today for the first time and I think he liked it but oh god I'm rambling a lot. It's just no one ever really asks about me because I'm kind of boring and you're so.. Not and attractive and this is weird. I'll stop. What about you..?" She stopped taking a breath face palming herself for letting herself get so carried away but couldn't keep herself from smiling for letting a little compliment to him slip from her mouth like that.


Soul couldn't help but chuckle as she went on and on. He could honestly listen to her forever her voice was smooth and sweet sounding, even when it sounded nervous. He had wished she kept going. He liked learning about this new person in his life. This person who was NOW his life. Even though they didn't seem to have much in common as far as hobbies go, those differences still seemed to intrigue him, "Ahhh, you don't seem TOO boring, and I am pretty attractive," he jokes, raising his hands behind his head, looking away then back to her, giving her that same grin he had been sharing this whole time. He watched her eyes slightly dim, possibly taking the joke to heart. He put his arms back down, placing a hand over hers that was lying on the table, "I'm totally kidding. Not about the attractive part, but the rest definitely," he gives her hand a squeeze as her eyes light up again, "Jeez, smart AND beautiful? I feel like I won the lottery!" Her cheeks dust with a pink blush as he gives her a wink. she lets out a slight giggle and pushed her hair behind her ear once more. Leaning back in his chair, he shoves his hands back in his pocket, "Ahhh, me? I'm not much of a reader. Unless it's music, that I do a bit of," he look up at her to see her curious expression, "I could, play you a piece someday, if you'd like?" 'After I write it as soon as I get home' he thought.


Maka gave a slight roll of her eyes at his little snarky self concieted comment."oh god-" she mumbled quietly laughing softly at him but listened regardless as he continued on. Piano seemed to catch her attention making her eyes light up at the comment. "Wait.. Really..? You'd.. Really play for me sometime..?" She reached forward across the table grabbing at one of his hands. "I would.. Actually really enjoy that.. I haven't heard anyone play piano in forever.."


Soul tried to keep from blushing at her suddenness, holding his hand and all. Man, he's supposed to be doing it to her! "Ah- heh yeah! I-I do," he looks down at her wide eyes staring back at him in awe. He can't take it. "C-cute..." he mumbles and quickly pulls his hand away to cover his face, keeping her from seeing his now rosy cheeks. He clears his throat and tried regaining composure. "Hm, Well, I guess I can't back down now," he straightens the collar of his jacket, hoping his cheeks regained normal tone before he looked back at the girl in front of him. He returned his hand into hers and gives it a squeeze, "so, uh, you gonna order something?" He looks over the menu.


Maka's eyes lit up once more, fluttering at the glimpse of a little day dream that crossed her mind for a moment. Sitting next to Soul on a bench while he played her something nice. She wondered if he would choose something well known or even if he wrote music himself..
She pouted slightly as he moved his hand away from hers but then realizing the cause for it, she didn't mind all too much. He was blushing. 'Cute..' She thought, mocking him through her thoughts. He was the one blushing.
But her thoughts are interrupted as he reaches for her hand again and just like that, she's finding herself stumbling over the little questions she's asked. "I could just get coffee again.. Sorry, I'm pretty boring. Besides.." She pauses mustering up the strength to turn the tables on him. Two can play the smooth suave game. "I'd rather save my appetite for the date that we're going on later today."
She sat back in her seat rubbing her thumb across the back of his hand before immediately back tracking all of her hard work. "I mean.. If you're not busy.. Or if you already have plans, that's fine too.. Or-.. Or you might not even wanna go out on a date?? Is it too soon to have dates?"


"Ah..." a date?? Soul was ecstatic to say the least. Despite his "cool guy" image he tried to portray, he was actually kinda lame. And probably more boring than Maka thinks. Yes, he rides a motorcycle, and yes, he can play the piano. But that's literally it. On top of it all, he really only has one close friend...which he told him they would have a bro night and catch a movie...but he can honestly hangout with Black★Star any time considering they're roommates, he'll understand right? Shaking out of his thoughts, he sees Maka patiently waiting for his answer. "Psh, I'm never too busy for a lovely lady," he bring her hand to his mouth and gives it a smooch. "And aren't I the one that's supposed to ask you first?" He raises an eye brow. "It would be an honor to go out on a date with you, Maka." He let's go of her hand and gives a slight bow, like a prince accepting a dance with his princess.


Maka was set off a little by his hesitant answer. She didn't want to interrupt any plans he would've had but at the same time, this was supposed to be a special day and she deserved to be a little selfish.. Right..?
Her worries were soon subsided as he agreed happily getting that same little excited giggle from her.
God, he was already proving to be so cheesy about things but somehow she preferred this over the personality she pegged him as upon first glance.
"What would you like to do..? I read that dinner is supposed to be a good first date.. It gives you a chance to get to know your partner and ask them questions; but it kinda looks like we're already here.." Her voice trailed off quietly realizing she'd let it slip that she actually read up on dates and what to do. Hopefully he hadn't caught onto it and just dismissed it as something she'd read in a stupid, random tumblr post rather than her physically taking time out if her day to Google this shit. "Movies are a good second choice.." She mumbled quietly pushing that same bit of hair behind her ear to remind herself to shut up and stop talking so much.
Maka was normally a quiet girl but when she was nervous, it certainly showed by her talkative tendencies."


God, she was just so damn adorable, it was killing him. She couldn't tell but he was probably just as nervous if not more. He's just better at hiding it with his facade. And the fact that she's actually read books on dating was less than shocking to him, but still just added to her bookworm, study savvy personality. Here he goes trying to act like he had all the answers to this "dating" thing. Soul leans forward, grabbing her hand once more, "dinner is nice, tho movies sound good, but I want to do whatever YOU want to do." He gestures their hands towards her and flashes that signature smirk of his. "I'm not really into following guidelines, especially when it comes to going on dates with my lady," maybe he should reel back the 'I play by my own rules' gig, "but if a dinner and or a movie if what you want to do then, I'm down," 'nice save' he thinks to himself. 'I really hope she doesn't think I'm as big of a jerkoff as I sound...'


"We could always go to one of those theaters that serves food too.." She suggested giving a soft shrug hoping that he wouldn't mind spending a little extra for a nicer date. Then again she could always pay for him. But weren't guys supposed to pay for the lady? No no no, there was no way in hell she was letting him pay for her. "Besides.. There's a few good ones out right nowthat I've been dying to see but just never had the time to.. Nor had anyone to go see them with" she added in quietly knowing it wouldn't slip past him but throwing in a little playful pout seemed to take the seriousness off of it.
"Anything in particular you wanna see?"


'Theater that serves food huh?...' Soul ponders the thought, 'but I also want to sit and talk more like now...' "Let's see a movie and then have dinner, how does that sound?" He asks after a period of time. He really wasn't totally sure what was best? Not that he hadn't been on dates before, he just hadn't been on many. None of them mattered like this one, he actually cared about what Maka wanted. A movie AND dinner probably didn't seem like the cheaper option, but it's not like Maka would be paying for herself anyways. He's got her covered. "I'll pick the movie, you pick where we eat, deal?" He holds out a hand for her to shake in agreement. "Ah, how about that one gory movie that just came out?? It's like the second of this trilogy series I LOVE and have been dying to see it," Soul silently hoped it was one Maka was dying to see too


Maka nodded in agreement taking Soul's hand in hers to shake. She wasn't about to be stubborn over something small. She could always take him to her favorite restaurant anyway. And there were far too many movies she wanted to see. The chances of him picking something she didn't want to see was highly unlikely.
Except, she stopped staring blankly at him as he suggested the movie he wanted. No. Absolutely not.
"Oh! Yeah that one looked pretty cool!"
Unfortunately for Maka, she was all too good at faking smiles and agreeing to things to apease someone else. She absolutely despised horror movies with a passion. But if he was making her sit through a horror, then he could bet his ass she was making him sit with her at one of those new and much fancier restaurants that she adored.


Souls eye light up when she seemed just as excited to see the film as he was! Ah, it was like a dream come true. He laughed, "haha well then I guess it's a date!" He gives her a wink and leans back in his seat, placing is hands behind his head as he relaxed. "Alright, so now you pick where we eat," they seemed to have a lot in common so, he was pretty confident in whatever she may choose. Just as he built his confidence up, it can crashing down, "you mean that fancy restaurant down the street?..." he said, trying his best to mask the disappointment. "Oh, that's your favorite? Me and my buddies have always wanted to try it there!" Yes, it was a lie. A BALD FACED LIE to be exact. The name he can't even spell, much less pronounce. The vibe in there seemed too high maintenance and up tight for him. God, and the food....he wasn't really down for eating food that sounded like it belonged in a science book. A deals a deal. The real horror of the night will be the dinner. But, god she was more than worth it. 'Just tough it out, Soul. For HER.' He screamed at himself. Hiding the pain, he gives her a smile, "soo what time should I pick you up?"


As soon as he asked, the words were out, immediately knowing exactly where she wanted the two of them to eat and the terribly hidden disappointment on his face made her feel only slightly guilty. "That's the one! I promise it's not as bad as it sounds." She threw in waving her hand dismissively at his expression and hesitation.

She was going to make the best of tonight regardless of their contradictory interests in date ideas. At least with the movie, she could pretend to be scared and hide in his shoulder.. Maybe even win a 'comfort kiss'. Except the only fault in her plan was that she couldn't pretend.. She would actually be terrified..

Maka pulled out her phone quickly pulling up movie times. "There's one at 6:45... How about 6? Gives us time to get there, get snacks, and good seats." She chimed happily, making sure to send Crona a fast little text.



Soul takes her word and tried relaxing his face. "Alright then, 6 it is" He puts his hands on the table, pushing himself up to a stand. "Well, since I'm going to need to know for later, how about I take you home?" He holds out an arm, waiting for her to grab. She hesitates at first but he smiles as he felt her arms loop with his. Being as he usually was the only one taking his motorcycle for a ride, he only had one helmet. He hands her the helmet, which she refuses at first, "Just take it, I'll be fine I promise." They load onto the cycle and take off. He tries enjoying every moment of being this close to her. Not only that, but seeing the world as it was right now was just as incredible. The hues of lush greens hat spread throughout the town. Hues that he was never able to see until now. He was amazed. He almost zoned out and forgot where he was going. They finally arrived to her house and said their goodbyes, "See you tonight, beautiful," he says through his helmet he put on through her persistence as soon as they arrived to her house. And just like that, they parted ways even just for a moment. Soul felt like it was an eternity. The only thing distracting him from the though of being away from Maka was the whole new world she's introduced to him through her eyes.



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