Eric's space adventures

By dylanrenz1993

146 12 4

What happens when a boy named Eric Get abducted by aliens and gos on a out of this world adventure. More

Part 1 Abducted
Part 2 Friends
Part 3 Training and feelings
Part 4 Danger
Part 5 Destination unknown
Part 6 Unknown Dangers
Part 7 Village of Felines
Part 8 Bandits of brittle cave
Part 9 The Prison
Part 10 Goodbye Friend
Part 11 The Desert of Burgon 3
Part 12 Arthur
Part 13 Help
Part 14 Tavoni Vs Gwen
Part 15 Bounty hunter Guild
Part 16 First day of training
Part 17 three years later
Part 18 the search begins
Part 19 the great escape
Part 20 The Final battle with Falcon
Part 21 Time to relax
Part 22 A unwelcomed surprise
Part 23 Love blossoms
Part 24 Return to Giega 12
Part 25 The things you have to do
Part 26 A new friend
Part 27 The hunt for Mr.sandiaga
Part 28 Eric's new love
Part 29 Rose's power
Part 30 Young love
Part 31 The Dream
Part 32 The Ruins
Part 33 Back To Space
Part 34 Return to the bounty hunters guild
Part 35 Tavoni's funeral
Part 36 betrayal
Part 37 lockdown
Part 39 Rescue Eric
Part 40 Eric vs Lord Varin
Part 41 Destination Earth
Part 42 Ellen's insanity
Part 43 Goodbye Ellen
Part 44 Earth
Part 45 Gwen's Story
Part 46 An unexpected arrival
Part 47 goodbye Clara
Part 48 The Final Battle part 1
Part 49 The Final Battle part 2
Part 50 Aftermath

Part 38 Lord Varin

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By dylanrenz1993

Rose was In a glass chamber with scientist looking at her she looked around confused.

W...Where am I. Rose Said

You're In a test chamber we want to test your abilities. A Scientist Said

What are you talking about ? Rose Asked The Scientist

We know about the other you that comes out when you're angry and we want to test It to see If we can control It. The Scientist Said

Rose's eyes went wide.

No I won't let It out I don't care what you do. Rose Said

You will or do we have to kill your friends. The Scientist Said

Rose Started to cry.

Please don't kill my friends. Rose Said

Then let It out. The Scientist Said 

F...Fine. Rose Said

Rose sat down and closed her eyes and started to concentrate.

Come out please. Rose thought

Why should I. It thought

If you don't come out they will kill are friends and our father. Rose thought

Why should I care I have no friends and he's not even our real father. It Thought

If you don't I'll kill myself. Rose Thought

You wouldn't dare. It Thought

Try me. Rose Thought

Fine. It thought

Thanks. Rose Thought

Rose opened her eyes to reveal red eyes.

I'm going to fucking kill you all. It Said

Good now show us your power. The Scientist Said

Let me out and I fucking will. It Said

Ha you think we're that stupid will send In a prisoner. The Scientist Said

A door opened and a prisoner was thrown In.

No please I don't want to die. The Prisoner Said

It looked at the prisoner and smirked. 

Don't worry I won't hurt much. It Said

It walked over to the prisoner and grabbed him by his shirt collar.

N...No put me down please. The Prisoner Said

Ok. It Said

It crushed his throat and killed him then dropped him on the ground.

There happy now. It Said

Yes we're quite pleased with the results. The Scientist Said 

The doors opened and two guards walked In and over to It.

Come on will take you to your cell. The guard Said

Fuck you. It Said

It jumped at one of the guards and ripped his arm off and he screamed then the other guard tried to grab It from behind but It turned around and sliced his throat killing him.


Sorry we can't opened the doors anymore and risk It getting out. The Scientist Said 


Sorry. The Scientist Said 

The intercom turned off then It looked at the guard.

Please don't kill me I'll tell the passcode to get out of this room. The Guard Said

It smiled.

Start talking. It Said

It's 54097245. The Guard Said

Thanks and good night. It Said

It hit the guard In the head and knocked him out then walked over to the door and entered the code then the door opened It ran out of the room and over to the Scientist.

How did you get out. The Scientist Said

The guard told me the code and know I'm going to fucking kill then eat you. It Said

PLEASE NO STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Scientist Yelled

It jumped at the scientist and killed him then started eating him after It was done It closed It's eyes and when It opened them they were normal again.

Rose looked around confused. 

Where am I. Rose Said

Rose looked down to see blood and guts on the floor.

Oh no what happened what did It do. Rose Said

Rose walked out of the room and down the hall.

I've got to find my friends. Rose Said

Eric was looking around the room intell Wildlust walked In and smiled at him.

Lord Varin Is almost here let's go. Wildlust Said

Wildlust unstrapped Eric and put him In handcuffs and they walked threw the halls.

Were you taking me ? Eric Asked Wildlust

To the ship port to wait for him. Wildlust Said

After walking for a few minutes Wildlust stopped In front of a door and typed something into a keypad then the door opened.

Come on let's go. Wildlust Said

They walked Into the room to see a big space port with bunch of ships.

So Is he here yet ? Eric Asked Wildlust

No and shut the fuck up. Wildlust Said

Eric growld.

Whatever. Eric Said

Rose was running thru the halls Until she saw bunch of dead guards In front of a cell she ran over to It to see one of the guards was alive.

What happened here ? Rose Asked The Guard

It was that fucking cat person and his friends they did this. The Guard Said

Rose's eyes went wide.

Where did they go ? Rose asked the guard

The guard pointed down the hall to a door.

That way. The Guard Said

Thanks. Rose Said

Rose ran over to the door and opened It and ran down the hall until she saw Greg Abby and Ellen.

GREG!!!!!!!!! Rose Yelled

Greg turned his head then smiled.

ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!! Greg Yelled

Rose ran over and hugged Greg then kissed him.

I'm so happy you're alive. Greg Said

Me too so where's Eric ? Rose Asked Them

We think he's at the ship port. Ellen Said

Why ? Rose Asked Ellen

One of the guards we killed said something about It before we killed him. Ellen Said

Ok then let's hurry. Rose Said

They ran down the hall until they came up to a door with the words ship port above It.

Here It It but how do we get In. Abby Said

Don't worry about that. Ellen Said

Ellen smashed the key pad with a wrench and broke It and the door opened and they ran In and stopped when they saw Wildlust's laying on the ground they ran over to him.

What happened here ? Abby Asked Wildlust

That bitch Gwen betrayed me and left with Lord Varin. Wildlust Said

Where's Eric ? Abby Asked Wildlust

Lord Varin has him. Wildlust Said

Shit now what. Abby Said

Rose looked over and saw a ship.

How about we take that ship and go after them. Rose Said

Abby Smiled.

Sounds like a good plan to me. Abby Said

Ok then let's go. Greg Said

Eric was sitting In a cell on Lord Varin's ship when Lord Varun walked up with Gwen.

Hello Eric It's nice to see you. Lord Varin Said

Shut the fuck up. Eric Said

Now now Eric It that anyway to talk to your father Eric's eyes widened.

                                                            END OF CHAPTER 


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