The Brimstone Chronicles - Th...

By KarjenMurray

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"It is known to all pantheons that the universe spoke and created all. It is known to all pantheons that the... More

CHAPTER 1 - Genesis
CHAPTER 2 - The Possible Truth
CHAPTER 3 - The Wyvern Sanctum
CHAPTER 4 - Galaxia
CHAPTER 5 - Circulus Magorum
CHAPTER 6 - King Solomon
CHAPTER 7 - Immortal Night
CHAPTER 8 - Heritage
CHAPTER 9 - No More Lies
CHAPTER 10 - Nexus
CHAPTER 11 -Damned Fate
CHAPTER 12 - The Calm before the Storm
CHAPTER 13 - Sibling Rivalry
CHAPTER 14 - Carpe Momento
CHAPTER 15 - Original Sin
CHAPTER 16 - The Reckoning
CHAPTER 17 - The End?
CHAPTER 18 - Provenance
CHAPTER 19 - The Will of Bodhidharma
CHAPTER 20 - By Order of Their Majesties
CHAPTER 21 - Powerless

CHAPTER 22 - Heart of Darkness, pt. 1

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By KarjenMurray

With the exception of Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael and the Essences, everyone returned to the study in Galaxia's castle to discuss their next move. The former agreed to stay in Eden until Lucifer recovered from his summoning.

"Before we make our next move... I have a personal favor to ask of you." Alexander addressed his companions, clearing his throat as well to get Arianne's attention who was talking quietly with Nyxx by the bookshelves.

"Yeah, yeah, we know." said Shift, "You wanna go look for your grand-dad. It's cool, we get it."

"I'm not asking you to come with me."

"Are you kidding me?" Shift looked around the room for support, "Dude your family's a blast. Especially after the way you went berserk on that witch for trying to kill your baby brother, there's no way I'm missing your reunions!"

Alexander tensed at the mention of the incident but relaxed, deciding the Speed Demon meant well, "Umm, thanks, I guess. Is there anyone else who'll come along?"

"Shift can't survive without me so I don't have much of a choice." said Kryssana.

Nexus laughed deeply then answered, "I have seen a very dark side of you, Alexander. Undoubtedly demonic, I am nothing less than curious to see what will be revealed of your ancestry."

"I go where you go." Leliel nodded to Alexander.

"You shouldn't even be asking." Arianne said, "But if it makes you feel any better, I'll be there to kick your grandfather's ass for leaving his kid behind to become the jerk we all know as your father."

"Here-here." Shift and Nexus agreed.

"Don't even look at me." Nyxx backed away, "I've known your mother's side of the family for generations, the possibility that your father's side might be anything like Merlin's father is just..." She shook her head, "Nope. Count me out. You kids have fun. Oh, and Alexander?"

"Yeah?" Alexander replied.

"Bring my daughter back alive." Then she looked at Dennis sadly and was gone.

The moment Nyxx left, everyone else looked at Dennis, waiting for his decision. Eventually, Dennis noticed the silence and looked up. Finding that everyone was looking at him, he sighed, "Fine. But after this, I'll be leaving...I have my own family issues to take care of. I'll be there for the final fight though, I promise."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Shift patted him firmly on the back, then turned to Alexander, "So where do we start looking anyway?"

"Home." Alexander replied, "His blood will be stronger in my father's, though it seems I only got his darker genes."

Even though it was the middle of the night in Kingston, Jamaica, James knew his father would still be awake since he never went to bed until three am. James now understood why his father had such an odd sleeping pattern: he must have kept waking at three in the morning as I grew up fatherless, eventually deciding to stay awake until three am instead so his mind and body would be too exhausted to rouse him. Now James and his comrades stood outside on the driveway after sending his father a text message:

Family emergency. Just you, outside in 5 minutes.


As Alexander amused himself thinking back at the text and the demonic translation of his name, the front door quietly opened and his father crept out in an attempt to not wake Janet and Kareem. As Andrew neared the grill, Alexander spoke, "I would ask why you're still here, but Arianne explained to me that after Kareem's attack you decided to stay and straighten up your act."

"That is my decision, yes." Andrew seemed more reserved now, or contrite, it was difficult to discern which since his brow remained forever furrowed from a lifetime of scowling.

"Right. I came here to ask about..."

"Your grand-father. On my side." Andrew finished, and then an almost discernible smile played across his lips as he saw his son's reaction and said, "I thought as much from the moment I saw how you signed your message."

"Then why... why declare earlier that I wasn't your son? Why act so surprised and fearful?"

"When you spend your life despising your origins and living in a world ignorant of the reality of those origins, you eventually tire yourself out and one of two things happen: Either you give in and embrace your roots, or you forget and sever them so that you may live out the remainder of your days in what peace is left for you to find."

"But you're so..."

"Human? Believe me, son, I learned that truth decades ago. When I discovered what my father was, it was one of his enemies who had come to my mother looking for him. Angered by my father's absence, the demon attacked my mother and struck her dead before he turned to me. I saw his true form then, and that of my father who appeared at the moment of my mother's death, summoned by her dying breath. My father -jet black skin and all- saw my dead mother with his fiery eyes and swiftly slew the demon that killed her... Then he was gone, never even looked in my direction. Years ago, when I turned twenty-one I decided that I needed to know if I was anything like my father. A foolish idea, really, surely there must have been a safer way to find out. Nonetheless, I went prowling the streets of Rema, looking for trouble. That night I learned just how pathetically human I was and that the only thing my father ever gave me was the gift of true sight." Andrew said the word 'gift' with so much loathing that Alexander almost pitied his father.

"So you don't know where he is then." Alexander deflated.

"Actually I do now. When you were born, he came to me in a dream that morning; said only one word and left."

"What did he say?" Alexander straightened now.

Eyes closed, Andrew took a breath before he reopened them. At that moment his eyes went from the darkest brown to the bloodiest red, and when he spoke his voice was almost mist-like, "Diyu."

"The Chinese hell..."

"The Chinese nether realm?" Shift inquired as they left the driveway, "Just how many hells do we plan on visiting in one month? And why can't we go somewhere less life threatening? Like Hawaii! I've never been there..."

Kryssana laughed before she replied, "Hawaii, nice? Hawaii was once a hell realm, you oaf. That's why they have all those volcanoes; it was a realm that stretched from there to the chain of volcanoes near Japan. Something happened that killed all its demons and their king – without a being of power to maintain it, the realm rose from its depths and joined the human realm."

"I happened." Nexus mumbled.

"What was that?" Leliel asked, overhearing Nexus while she was listening to what Kryssana was telling Shift.

Nexus took a breath then spoke louder, "I happened. It was a dark time for me, I was grieving. I saw it as justifiable that I destroy every demon I came across."

Shift stepped away from Nexus, "Considering only two in our little entourage aren't of demonic origins, let's try not to cause you any grief, shall we? In fact, forget I said anything about Hawaii."

Kryssana shook her head in pity at Shift's conversational maneuvering, "Alexander, how are we getting to Diyu?"

Alexander went into his mind for information on Diyu and learned then that Diyu's only entrance was meant for Diyu's inhabitants – who all had wings. Turning to his comrades, Alexander asked, "How many of you can fly or have alternative means of air travel?" Leliel and Nexus were the only ones who replied positively since they had wings.

"Five. You want me to carry five people?" Dora appeared next to Alexander in her human form.

"Can you?" Alexander pleaded.

"I'd tell you to go to hell but the situation defeats the feeling I would hope to convey."

"I can fly." Dennis offered, "Well I can now anyway."

"So that's four people." Said Alexander, "Can you?"

"Maybe, but I feel like carrying only two today." Dora replied.

Alexander glared for a second then grinned, "Fine, then you'll carry Shift and Kryssana. I'm sure I can find a spell to levitate myself and Arianne."


The sky was tainted with the shades and scent of sulfur, the ground paled with a sickly purple-like color. Everywhere you looked there were hordes of demons above and below, yet none reacted to the entrance of Alexander and his companions through their only portal – one that remained unguarded.

"Either we're really lucky and security just happens to be on lunch, or the seemingly endless population of demons means no one's dumb enough to invade this place." Said Shift, as they landed in one of the few gaps among the hordes going about their business.

"Let us not be the first to be so foolish." Dennis retorted. Dennis had discovered he could fly the same way Alexander could.

"Should we at least ask directions?" Kryssana asked after dismounting from Dora's harness.

"Perhaps this is all too late," Nexus turned to them, "but neither of us know where or what to ask for."

Alexander hung his head at his own stupidity, "Ugh...I was so caught up with finding my grandfather I forgot to ask what his name was!"

Shift laughed, "And I thought I was the nonchalant one. Kid, you took the cake and ate that one."

Arianne punched Shift lightly on his shoulder then took Alexander's hand, "Relax, I realized and turned back to ask your father while Kryssana was telling Shift about Hawaii."

"When did you get to be so awesome?" Alexander teased gratefully.

"When? You haven't even begun to see just how awesome I am." Arianne winked.

"Ugh, get a room you two." Leliel mused.

"Anyway," Arianne continued, "Your grandfather is Xan Yi. Our only problem will be finding him in this...haystack."

"Who are you?!" A seven foot tall demon with jet-black skin and red tribal-like symbols glowing on his shirtless torso appeared in the middle of the group, filling the sulfur air with the scent of burning amber. He wore a pair of red jeans ripped at the knees, red bracers, and his eyes were the same blood-red shade as his waste-length hair and short-but pointed- goatee. A pair of black horns protruded from his forehead and curved upwards with red rings marked around each of them. His most intimidating features however, were his black leather-like wings with horns at their tops and ends, and red veins that pulsated with a sort of menacing rhythm.

"A- Arianne Morgan."


At the mention of Nexus' name, the demon hissed, "Slayer, what business do you have here?"

"I am of no threat to your kind any longer. I have...purged myself of that past."

"The past and its descendants are not purged of your deed. While some of us may hold your actions in awe, others look down at your senseless slaughter."

To ease the tension before things got physical, Leliel stepped forward, "I am Leliel, Dh'Arch Angel."

The others took Leliel's hint and followed suit, "Shift, Speed Demon. No bad blood here."

"Kryssana, Demon-kin."

"Dennis Wight, a Protogenoi."

Dora took on her human form but kept her talons just in case, "Arutimettodoragon. Wyvern."

The demon smiled, and it was creepy, "Not just any Wyvern, but the first. It is truly an honor to have met with you in my lifetime. And what of you, young man? Your soul seems familiar yet your aura appears non-existent."

Alexander gulped, "Why do you guys always leave me to introduce myself last?"

"Because everyone we meet wouldn't care who the rest of us are once they know who you are." Arianne whispered.

Alexander cleared his throat then looked up at the demon, trying not to break eye contact, "My name is Alexander St. Matthew Salem, the f..."

"Xander?! Son of Andrew?!" The demon stepped forward for a closer look, causing Alexander to step back with caution.

"Y-yes. Do you know where I can find Xan Yi?" Alexander had just readied himself to draw his blade when the demon suddenly grabbed him by both shoulders and lifted him with a deep and joyous laughter.

"My grandson! I knew you seemed familiar, just like your father did at your age." The demon placed Alexander down and walked around him, examining him. "You've grown so well too – properly fed and clothed." Then he stopped in front of Alexander, "But how are you here? Have you inherited my power through their dormancy in Andrew? Come boy, speak up."

It took Alexander a few seconds to register that this really was his grandfather standing before him, this seven-foot-tall embodiment of darkness, "Uh...yes, a little, but mostly no."

"You speak in riddles, Xander. Do you have my power or not?"

Arianne held Alexander's hand then squeezed it reassuringly before answering for him, "Alexander has your powers, all of them I think. But as he was about to tell you before you interrupted his introduction, he is also the Fourth and final Arch Mage."

Xan Yi laughed contentedly, "My grandson, an Arch Mage – the Eternal at that! I can see why Unae made such a decision. Who better to be the Eternal than one who stands as a bridge reuniting the Divine and the Arcane? And you've a woman with an inferno in her spirit, part demon too! Ah I've never been so proud in all my centuries!"

At Xan Yi's last rant, Arianne released Alexander's hand and balled her fists, "Is that why you abandoned Andrew? Because you weren't proud of his humanity?! I can't tell what's worse, the person you are or the person you let your own son become. Even now, all you can boast about is the strength and importance of your grandson rather than ask how is life has been or the well being of his mother and father – your own son!" Arianne's eyes burned crimson as steam began to rise from her skin, even Dora reverted back to her Wyvern form and Leliel drew her rapier.

Xan Yi merely blinked twice before answering, slowly and morosely, "I did not abandon my son. When I killed my wife's murderer, I went in search of the swine that had sent him. After much...inquiry, I learned that it was Nekros, king of the remains of Greek bones, who was orchestrating the deaths of all mortals descended from Hypnos – some nonsense about a blood feud. In the end I killed Nekros, which was apparently a violation of my pantheon's laws and thus lead to my capture and return home. Here was sentenced the cruelest of fates: I am forbidden to leave Diyu until the death of my son."

Arianne reverted, then Dora returned to her human form, and Leliel almost dropped her rapier. "I'm sorry..." Arianne stepped back to give Xan Yi the space he seemed to need.

Xan Yi met her eyes and spoke, "It I who must apologize. Had I not been so hell bent on exacting the entirety my revenge, I would have been there for my son, and for my grandson." He then looked at Alexander, "I must ask you, Xander, to do for me just one favor."

"Anything." Alexander replied quickly.

Xan Yi smiled, "Be careful with such words, I could have then asked you to demand my freedom. But rather, I ask that you tell my son what happened, and that I beg for his forgiveness."

Alexander thought for a moment before smiling as well, "I have a better idea. I got to meet the Jade Emperor and Empress a while back; even trained with Jianyu, so I'm pretty sure I have some influence here without having to demand anything. Who do I speak to about your freedom?"

" would do that?" Xan Yi stuttered.

"Yep. Just take us there."

"Very well." Suddenly everything changed. Rather than outside in the midst of demonic hordes, they were now in a pristine room made of spotlessly black ceramic tiles inlaid with jade. Before them as a throne made of the same black tile and jade combination but with gold wrapped around its arms and head. Sitting in that throne, was another demon, but this one made Xan Yi look like he should be king.

The demon was obese, with purple mottled skin, two tiny cream-colored horns, and a patch of black hair on his head that looked like it was dying to leave the rest of his head bald. He wore a large green and gold ___that looked big even for him, and the demon king seemed to be dozing off. To top it all off, there were no guards in here either.

Wanting to be strong for his family and friends, Alexander stepped forward and cleared his throat loud enough to wake the demon king.

The demon king stirred, blinked a few times, then chewed on his tongue with a snapping sound before straightening in his throne, "Who would dare interrupt my beauty sleep?!" Kryssana stealthily kicked Shift on his ankle for snickering.

"I am the Yǔzhòu dàshèng, and I have come to request that you remove the demon Xan Yi's sentence. Though reckless, his actions have been found noble and of pure intentions."

The demon king looked lazily from Alexander to Xan Yi and mumbled, "As long as it lets me sleep and keeps my people safe from Universal Judgment..." then louder he said, "I hereby release Xan Yi from his sentence on the condition that he never return to Diyu."

Alexander restrained his excitement and replied, "I accept your condition. We will now take our leave."

As the demon king leaned back and began to return to his dreams, Alexander flashed everyone back to his home.

"Where are we?" Xan Yi asked tentatively.

"Home." Alexander replied. "Oh and you might want to take on your human form, my brother Kareem is still a kid."

It was morning now, and they were just about to approach the driveway when Andrew opened the door, dressed for work. A long silence followed before Xan Yi finally walked up to the grill and addressed his son for the first time in decades.

"Except for Nexus here," Shift said as they again left the driveway, "We're all mongrels of some sort, but you, Alexander, are the King of Mongrels." Shift laughed and continued, "You're part Chinese demon-kin, part Witch, with a tiny bit of Greek divinity from Hypnos, and you're an Arch Mage. It's like the Fates saw your thread and decided to give it all sorts of colours – Ouch!"

Kryssana kept her grip on Shift's shoulder, "You don't know when to shut up, do you?"

Alexander laughed, "Its fine really, my thoughts were along the same pattern. We have more important things to do now though."

"Starting with finding Merlin." Said Leliel.

"Yeah, Arianne's father." Alexander agreed.

"Oh don't worry about that," Arianne chimed in, "I asked Nyxx to contact him; he's waiting for us at the Kingston Harbor."

Alexander smiled at Arianne, "You're making this too easy."


"Nope. Let's go."

"Yeah," said Shift, "the sooner we can get ourselves killed the be – Ouch!"

Kryssana spoke before everyone flashed, "Wait, you're all forgetting a particular promise we made." When the others turned to face her, she indicated towards Dennis with her chin. Dennis was sitting at the end of the driveway with his feet on the road.

Dennis looked up at them and smiled as best as he could, "Hey this isn't a goodbye, so I'd rather you all not look so glum – except you Shift, it's better than your cheesy comments." Everyone laughed, albeit shortly, "Well then, I'll see you soon. Just do me the small favor of not getting yourselves killed before then, deal?"

"Deal." Everyone replied unanimously. And with that, Dennis vanished without a trace, leaving only the emptiness that was once occupied by his intelligence and presence.

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