Is He Dead Yet? -zombie apoca...

By tvmovie_addict

1.9K 103 44

Genna and her friends go to a party in the rich part of the suburbs. That is when terror strikes the neighbor... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Part 3

223 17 9
By tvmovie_addict

As Phineas was driving, he told them his part of the story. Genna and Cindy heard with interest and awe, giving him the center stage to talk. He told them almost everything, except he left out the part about the man.

Genna and Cindy were both glad that he made it out alive. However, Cindy felt that he held something back from them. The way he told the part about facing those people alone didn't feel right to her. She hoped that Phineas would talk about it later since he was preoccupied at that moment, so she let it slide.

"So what the heck were those things back there?" asked Cindy. "If it is what I think it is, and I don't really want to say it, but they could be zombies," replied Phineas.

What?! How could zombies exist in this day and age? They were just creatures that waddled around and ate peoples brains. "Are you absolutely sure about that?" Genna asked. "I mean how could this even be possible? Through some sort of black magic? A type of drug that causes one to hunger for flesh?"

"Come on, Genna, don't be so dramatic. This is probably some sort of flash mob that has weird fetishes." Cindy denied, not wanting to believe anything that she'd experienced.

"You know that's not true and we both saw it with our own eyes. Those people tried to attack and eat us." Cindy gave up on even trying to talk her way out of this with Genna. They continued their ride, not able to comprehend their wild night.

"Where are we going now, back home? Should we call the police about this?" asked Genna. So many questions, yet we were not sure of the answer. Phineas replied, "We're going  to the hospital. I need to get my mother from there. After that, we can go to the police."

Cindy and Genna both felt unsure about his decision. Both of them know Phineas' mom is his only family living with him and that he loves her very much. But what if more of those crazy people follow us into the city? Should we risk going there instead of the police first? Cindy knew if she argued now, it might piss Phineas off and they might continue arguing about it.

After several minutes of driving through the city, we passed some shops with TV screens at the window. It was displaying something that said 'BREAKING NEWS', but Cindy didn't get a good look at it. She then grabbed her phone from her purse and looked for any news updates. Her eyes grew wide from what she saw as she scrolled down the screen. It read:




"Err, guys. I think we have a problem." Genna scooted closer to see what Cindy was looking at. "Oh, no."

"That can't be good. What is it?" asked Phineas. Cindy hesitated replying, but said, "There are more zombie attacks in other parts of the country, not just here."

"Are you sure we'll make it in time to warn the cops about what happened? The zombies could already be here and we may not even know," Genna said nervously.

"Look around you, no one's eating each other, no one's panicking. The cops should know about the other attacks and be on alert. We should be fine for the moment. If it ever comes to it, then we'll go to the nearest city or town for refuge."

"No, the city might be too dangerous because of traffic and it would be chaotic to travel in and out by car if the zombies attack there," said Cindy. "My father owns a sort of private cabin in Michigan, I'm sure we can hold up there 'til this all blows over."
Phineas pondered over her words, then said, "Seems pretty far to get there, but sounds like a plan."

We finally reached the hospital. Phineas parked the car and went straight to the lobby while Genna and Cindy followed. He asked the receptionist, "What floor's my mother stationed at?" She looked up and recognized him immediately. "Oh, hey Phineas. Good to see you here. Your mother's kinda busy at the moment. She's helping Dr. Jamal with surgery and shouldn't be bothered right now."

But Phineas didn't care and said, "What floor?"

"If its an emergency, I can call her down now." "Please do it quick." The receptionist picked up the receiver and dialed into the keypad. Genna whispered to Cindy, "Um, is Phineas alright? He looks really on edge." Well you're not wrong.

Phineas was pacing up and down the corridor, impatiently muttering to himself. "I guess he's just really anxious about his mom." Cindy shrugged, not sure what to say. She didn't know what was going on in his head, but she really wish that she did.

The clock on the wall read few minutes past 11. Cindy felt sleepy and her eye's started to close. The elevator down the hallway opened and out came Phineas' mom. He ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "Woah, you really miss me that much, huh?" She pulled away and asked, "What brings you and your friends here at this hour?" She looked at us suspiciously.

"Mom, I know this sounds crazy but we have to get out of the city. We are in a lot of danger and I don't have a lot of time to explain."

"Did you vandalize something? Any illegal activities I should know about?" said Mrs. Lane, looking suspiciously at us.

"No, its not that. The city might be under attack at any moment and we have to find a safe place away from here. We have to go NOW." Phineas reached for his mothers hand to get her out of the hospital but she pulled away. "Phineas, what are you talking about? We can't just leave, I'm still on duty." Down the corridor were cries of anguish. Cindy exchanged a look with Genna. They all turned to see zombies marching down the hallway. Crap. This is not good.

Phineas grabbed his mother's hand and pulled her outside. She tried to pry him off, giving shouts of protest. Doctors and patients in the hospital screamed in terror as one by one they fell to their hungry jaws. Genna stood frozen with shock as a limping patient fell to the floor, unable to help him up. Cindy had to grab Genna by the hand and pull her away. Both of them climbed into the back seat while Phineas tried to have his mother calm down.

Loud explosions erupted behind them, cars had crashed into each other and blocked the streets. Snarling zombies were everywhere now, eating the people still standing. Sounds of a firetruck and police cars drew closer by the second.

Genna interrupted their dispute and said, "Hurry, we have to go now before the zombies eat us." Phineas revved the engine to life, driving speedily past traffic lights and slow cars, probably breaking every rule on the road.

"ZOMBIES?!" his mom said, astonished at the word.
The sounds of people screaming in terror and several gunshots were heard in the distance.

All of them sat uncomfortably in the car, feeling anxious about being killed by actual zombies. Cindy was worried for her family and wondered if they would ever make out of this alive to see them and vice versa. They continued on in silence and prepared for the long journey to Michigan.

Cindy pulled out her phone and looked at the time. It was almost midnight.


(A/N: yay another part of the story! Sorry if this kinda sucks or whatever but I just want to have fun with a random story. I'll probably cringe at this later on. Anyway, hope u all enjoyed it. :3 )

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