Redefining Love (Original)

By BayRenmen

7.6K 200 33

This is Sherri and Teri story. This is the first story that I've written here and the original version. This... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

824 16 2
By BayRenmen

"I am praying that these two actually get along or hell, even like each other", Peter Paige said while looking at his co-executive producer Bradley. They just finished casting for their new show "The Fosters". It was going to be an original series on ABC Family, about foster, foster-adopted, and biological kids growing up in a house lead by a same-love couple. The two execs were so excited and carried away with the reality of putting a show like this on the air that they forgot about conducting a chemistry read between the two leading ladies.

Sherri Saum, who was chosen to play the sweet and caring Lena Adams, was a little early and was already sitting there waiting. Peter knew her through a mutual producer friend and just knew that he wanted her as Lena. Sherri was just sitting there quietly waiting while on her phone. Peter noticed that she didn't seem like herself, on account of she kept looking around, messing with her hair, and would occasionally tap her foot on the chair leg next to her.

Right before he could speak up the elevator doors rang open. In walked the beautiful Teri Polo. She had her blond hair pinned up into a semi-messy bun. She was wearing a nice cream colored dress that stopped mid-thigh, showing off her amazing legs. And she wore the biggest smile imaginable. She came around the corner, and before anyone could greet her, she took one look at Sherri and said, "Well shit! I can play a lesbian and fall in love with that every day". With arms wide open she walked over to Sherri as everyone in the room busted out laughing. Well, everyone except for Sherri, who just stood and smiled. When Teri made contact they quickly hugged and Sherri pulled back. Teri had a questioning look on her face but quickly disguised it. Sherri awkwardly waved and said, "Hi I'm Sherri". Then glanced back down to her phone not really unlocking it, but just nervously trying to distract herself.

Teri stepped back and gave Bradley a look, as if to say, "Is she for real?" The producers gave each other a worried look. They loved Teri Polo for years. They desperately wanted her in the show. Also, Sherri is a perfect fit for Lena. So they desperately needed for the chemistry to work between them even though it did not seem to be going that way. "Here let's try some improv scenes", Bradley said trying to break the awkwardness. He then whispered to Peter, "They are going to be in love with each other come hell and high water".   

After receiving some direction the two women put their things down and got adjusted sitting next to each other on one of the couches. Sherri still wasn't making much eye contact and by this point Teri was starting to lose hope and wasn't making much eye contact herself. "Ready whenever you two are", Peter called out. Teri started first as her character Stef Foster. "Ok Lena, what is up with you? You haven't said a word since I told you Mike is my new partner". Sherri turned and looked her directly in her eyes. "Honey, you don't find it weird that your ex-husband requested this?"  Teri softened her posture and placed her hand on Sherri's thigh, "Oh my love. You don't have to worry about that; I chose you. Ever since the day I met you I knew that you would be the only person on this earth that I would ever be in love with. Ok. The only one". Teri sat back on the couch a little and smiled softly at Sherri and said in a calming voice, "Come here". Sherri moved closer and rested her head on her shoulder and turned her body facing Teri so that she could wrap her left arm around Teri's waist as she pulled her legs onto the couch. Teri kissed the top of her head. "I know that", Sherri replied, "but it's bad enough you have to go out and put your life at risk everyday". "I'm a cop, love. It's my job". "But he gets to be there through all of it. If something goes wrong you will have to run to him. He already had his chance when you two were married". Sherri looked up into Teri's eyes as she continues to stroke her beautiful brown curls. "And I don't want to have to share you with him," Sherri said in the cutest voice imaginable. There was a slight pause as they gazed into the other's eyes. Teri had to admit, Sherri was gorgeous. Her smooth caramel skin made Teri warm on the inside. Her head of curls made her have the urge to constantly nuzzle Sherri's hair. Her big brown eyes were simply captivating. Teri quickly snapped herself out of the trance and got back to improv before they could yell cut. "But Sweets, you will always have a part of me that he will never have, and never did have". "And what's that?" Sherri said in her own slight trance herself. "My heart". With that Teri leaned down and kissed Sherri full on the lips. By the way Sherri was acting earlier, Teri expected her to pull back, but she didn't. The kiss did not last long, but long enough to send a shiver down each of their spines. Both women slightly blushed as Sherri sat up.

They looked at the producers who were all grins. Finally Peter and Bradley said in unison, "This could work".

The producers told the two that they did great and that they could head out. Sherri said her short goodbyes and bolted out of the door. Teri looked at her wide eyed and turned to Peter and Bradley. "I don't know about this one". "No. Sherri is really great. Such a sweet heart, we swear", Peter defended. "Yeah. She was just nervous. You two will warm up to each other. Especially after working with each other so much", Bradley chimed in. "Look, I'm as hot as my ass in this dress. She's the one with the ice cold walls," Teri chuckled.  "By the end of season one you are going to be in love with her. I could tell by what we just witnessed on that couch", Bradley reassured. "Yeah maybe with Lena, not so sure about Sherri", she said while looking back at the door

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