Harry Potter's Twin Sister an...

By bookworm332000

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[COMPLETED] Harry and Lily Potter had a pretty eventful first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizar... More

Harry Potter's Twin Sister and the Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 1- Summer at the Dursley's
Chapter 2- Summer at the Weasley's
Chapter 3- The Start of a Great Year
Chapter 4- Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 5- The Memory
Chapter 6- The Voice
Chapter 7- The Rogue Bludger
Chapter 8- The First Victim
Chapter 9- History of Magic
Chapter 10- The Duelling Club
Chapter 11 - Justin Finch Fletchley
Chapter 12- The Main Ingredients
Chapter 13- Back to Square One
Chapter 14- The True Identity of John Doe
Chapter 15- T.M. Riddle
Chapter 16- Tom Riddle is Dead
Chapter 17- The Acromantula
Chapter 19- The Wand
Chapter 20- Back into the World
H.P.T.S. and The Prisoner of Azkaban

Chapter 18- Escape to the World of the Living

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By bookworm332000

I found myself unable to speak suddenly. My eyes were still locked with grey ones in shock. John nudged me hard in the ribs, and the breath I was forced to release seemed to dislodge the words from my throat.

"You can see me?" I croaked, eyes widening impossibly more.

"Of course I can!" He looked offended, a scowl coming over his pale features. "I'm not blind."

"I hadn't thought so," I sneered like a true Slytherin. "But as you mentioned, I'm petrified. I've been stuck on this damned plane for months and no one could see me."

This statement seemed to shock him out of a retaliating argument. Instead, his next words were sincere.

"Why can I? And who's your friend? I've seen him before. I thought he was but another young ghost, but I've seen him few times."

John looked surprised.

"This is John, he was petrified inside the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago. We're stuck here, and you're our only hope of getting out."

"Excuse me?" John interrupted, grabbing the parchment from my hand and glancing back down to the name he'd been pointing at and trying to get me to read. "But your name is truly Princeton Van Taverner, is it not?"

The Baron narrowed his eyes. "That is for Slytherins to know, and Slytherins only. Lily! I had your word!"

"Princeton," I groaned, rolling my eyes slightly. "It's the end of May. I've been petrified since December. A lot comes up in conversation when you're stuck on a plane where no one knows you exist."

The Baron said nothing. I sighed, the ghost really was very stubborn. He was always one to get into small arguments over everything with the Slytherins. He seemed to accept my apology, however, for he floated closer and spoke after a moment.

"Yes, my name is Princeton," he said, shooting me yet another returned glare. "Why do you ask?"

"You were petrified last time the chamber was open," John said, glancing once again at the parchment he held tight in his hand.

"Yes, however, it was mistakenly. The beast had been going for the muggleborn behind me. It was quite the same situation as Nicholas and the Fletchley boy. I do not know anything about the Chamber of Secrets, though."

"That's okay! You can get me out of here!" I said, practically jumping out of my shoes with excitement. The Baron seemed taken aback, but accepted what I'd said without a word.

"What about your friend here? John?"

"I'll be here for a few more days, but Lily has the knowledge to catch the heir and get me the hell out of here. I was here for fifty years, I can wait a few days," John said with a smile. I felt bad for leaving him once again, after he had already suffered fifty years alone.

"Well, I'm here to help, I suppose. What do you need?"

First thing was first, I needed to get back into my body, and out of the hospital wing. Without a word, I beckoned for the Baron to follow me. John, the Baron and I set off through the dungeons to the forgotten potions cupboard that I'd found during my wanderings. It was really hidden quite well; down a hidden corridor, through a portrait door into a hidden unused classroom, and tucked in the very back corner. I'd only been able to find it after following Peeves to the corridor, where he'd gone through a doorway to a cupboard full of boxes of dungbombs that I was sure belonged to him.

The Baron looked around the setting or the hidden corridor. "I've been in this corridor a few times before, but Peeves is very territorial of his cupboard."

I had to chuckle at that. It sounded quite like Peeves. I led them through the corridor, and stopped only when we neared the dead end. The Baron looked around with eyes narrowed slightly. I ignored him.

I turned my attention to the large portrait of the Whomping Willow, in all of its magnificence. It was a shame that the portrait was hidden down in this corridor. I would much rather pass it on my way to classes than that blasted portrait of grumpy Miss Edna Greckle and her hissing hairless cat. I tugged on the golden frame and it swung forward, revealing the doorway to the classroom behind it. The Baron frowned.

"What?" I said, cocking an eyebrow.

"The doorway wont have opened for him," John explained, grabbing my attention. "He's still on the other plane. Sir, you'll have to open the doorway as well."

All this plane stuff confused me. The Baron didn't bother to swing the portrait open, instead choosing to glide through it (though to John and I it looked like he was flying through an open doorway). I turned to John and shrugged, figuring it worked just as well.

John and I stepped through, joining Princeton in the musty air of the unused room. I didn't hesitate to look at all the dusty potions equipment as I had before, but instantly led my two companions to the cabinet tucked safely in the back corner. I let the Baron swing it open this time, so it would open for the both of us.

"A blessing that Peeves didn't find this," the Baron said, reading the labels on many of the small potion vials. "Some of these are dangerous."

"It'll be our first priority when all's done with the Chamber of Secrets," John promised, putting a hand to his heart. "But for now, the vial of the Draught of Mandrake."

I placed my version of the draught back where I had found it, joining together the vials from both planes. The Baron picked it up, eyeing it wordlessly before pocketing it. Ghosts confused me as well. The vial somehow disappeared behind a transparent pocket.

"You can turn invisible, correct?" I said to the Baron, who nodded. "Get that to my body. And please, sir, don't tell anyone about this. I'll get to Harry and get the Chamber closed."

The Baron nodded, and was off without another word. I turned to John, who looked slightly downcast. I lay a hand on his arm.

"I wont be long."

He only nodded. I hated that I had to abandon him alone yet again on this blasted plane, but it was the only way we'd both get out. We only had a few minutes before the Baron got to my body and revived me.

"Try and find the Baron again. He's a good guy, to us Slytherins anyway, but he'll keep you company at least."

John nodded again. "Thank you."

I had no time to reply before I felt myself fading. I watched John fade as well. It was a weird sensation, but before I knew it, I could feel the soft hospital wing cot beneath me. My grip when I was petrified was so tight on my wand, that everyone since had failed to retrieve it, and so, unlike the others' who were stored in Pomfrey's quarters, I still had my wand. I tried not to make noise as I sat up to the seemingly empty room.

"Baron, if you're still here," I said quietly. "Please keep John company. He's been there alone for fifty years."

"Fine. Only because you said it wouldn't be long, and because I want the guy that petrified me fifty years ago taken care of," said the bodiless voice that could only belong the invisible Bloody Baron.

"Thank you. And if any of you other petrified victims are here, I'm doing my best. And Hermione? Please don't blame yourself. I saw how upset you were when you heard I was petrified on my way back from meeting you. That wasn't your fault."

The sun had by now risen, and by the bustle I could hear outside the doors, classes had started. I knew that the disappearance of my body would be the source of much worry, but I also knew it'd be kept on the down low. I had to get to the invisibility cloak on the seventh floor.

I waited until the noise outside died down, and then peeked into the corridor to make sure there was no one, I set off. It was only a moment before I heard someone approach behind me. My stomach dropped as I turned like a deer in the headlights.

"Hey there," John said with a smirk.

I glared at him and the Baron next to him, trying to calm the heartbeats that seemed to be echoing throughout the halls. I would have hit him, had I been able to. Hearing footsteps ahead, I realized I could use John's not actually existing, to my own advantage.

"Thank god you're here. I need you to help me get to the Gryffindor common room without being spotted. Check the corridor ahead for me?"

It went like that up all seven floors. John and the Baron would go ahead to make sure no students, professors, or ghosts were there to discover my mysterious awakening, and I would slowly move forward after getting the all clear. We reached the Gryffindor common room after long and tense moments.

The Baron, invisible, was able to get the portrait door open without be being seen by the fat lady, and John gave me the clear for the common room and Harry's dormitory. I grabbed the invisibility cloak, and went off to Harry and Ron's first class, which was thankfully with the Slytherins.

I waited until class was out. Harry, Ron and Sydney all walked together. It was difficult to get their attention while they were being shepherded to class by Snape. I didn't want to freak them out, so I stayed hidden and walked with them.

Harry, I thought. Harry, don't freak out. Got it?

Harry's eyes widened, and he stopped walking, causing both Sydney and Ron to walk into him. Lily? How... But you're...

Keep walking! I scolded, watching as students shot Harry confused looks. He did as I said, ignoring Ron and Sydney's questioning. And yeah, I know, I'm supposed to be petrified. I got out. Listen, I know everything there is to know about the Chamber of Secrets. You somehow need to get all three of you out of class.

Where are you?

Behind you, under the invisibility cloak. Harry, we need to close this chamber and I have a whole lot to tell you.

Fine. Fine. Snape usually doesn't take us all the way to class anyway. He couldn't care less, I don't think.

Harry was indeed right. Snape deserted them a few corridors away from the next classroom, telling them he was 'confident' that they could make it to their next class alone. As soon as he'd left, Harry, without any warning or explanation, grabbed both Sydney and Ron's arms and dragged them into a broom cupboard. I followed close behind as I'd gotten so good at doing.

As soon as the door was locked and shut behind us. I ripped the cloak off my head. Sydney and Ron both stared wide eyed, and Harry quickly pounced on me in a hug. I laughed and hugged him back, but didn't waste any time.

"Look, there's a lot I need to tell you guys. I know everything. I know all about the Chamber of Secrets."

"How?" Sydney asked, obviously biting back questions about how I had been revived before everyone else.

So I began to tell them all that happened, from the beginning of the school year to now. I told them how I'd encountered a Ravenclaw who wouldn't tell me his name, and how I thought he was just a normal student. Then about all I discovered about the petrified plane, and about how John was petrified but we could see only each other, and no other petrification victims. I recounted how we'd visited the Chamber of Secrets, but didn't yet tell them where it was, or what the beast was. I recalled how hard we'd worked to find the heir, and how we'd found it was the same person, using the diary to possess someone else into doing his work. Finally, I told them how the Baron had been able to see us, and how we'd gotten him to give me the potion.

"But where is the Chamber? What's in it? Who is Riddle using?" Sydney said hurriedly.

"It's in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. There's a basilisk in it," I said, carefully avoiding her last question.

"Basilisks," Harry said, trying to recall when I'd talked to him about them over the summer, and failing. "Remind me."

"A basilisk is a large serpent, which is why only Harry and I have been able to hear it. It's using the pipes to move throughout the school, which is why, Harry, the voice seems to be coming from within the walls. The basilisk's gaze is deadly, but-"

"No one saw it directly!" Harry said. Although Newt Scamanders Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them didn't speak of the basilisk being able to petrify, it wasn't hard to piece together. "Colin saw it though his camera, Hermione and Penelope Clearwater were found with a mirror, and I bet you anything that was Hermione's idea, Justin saw it through Nick, who must've saw it directly, but couldn't die again, and Mrs Norris..."

"The water!" Sydney exclaimed. "The corridor was flooded!"

"Who's the heir controlling?" Ron asked again. I was suddenly quieter, and fidgeted with the green and silver tie around my neck, much like Fudge had done before delivering his bad news to Hagrid.

"Riddle... Ron, he's using Ginny," I said, looking at the floor as to not meet Ron's eyes.

Ron slid to the floor of the cupboard. Sydney sat beside him and patted his back comfortingly. There was moments of silence, in which I refused to rip my gaze from the cold floor. Ron stood confidently a few moments later.

"Let's go then," the stupid Gryffindor bravery had come through in his voice.

"Ron, we can't rush into this. I promise you, Ginny is safe for the time being. We're only second years, we need to tell McGonagall," I said. It seemed to comfort Ron knowing Ginny was safe, for he nodded.

"McGonagall doesn't have a class right now," Harry said after thinking for a moment. "Let's get to the staff room."

We all piled under the invisibility cloak, rushing through empty corridors. We burst into the staff room, and, finding no McGonagall, waited. Harry and Ron were both pacing, while Sydney and I dared sit in the teachers' chairs. I continued to fidget with the tie around my neck.

McGonagall never did come. Instead there was only her voice, magnified magically and echoing throughout the castle.

"All students return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers return to the staff room. Immediately, please."

"Do you think someone else was attacked?" Ron asked, stopping dead in his tracks. "Or did they notice your body was gone?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. But I'd like to stick around and find out."

We burst into action, all moving to hide. Uncomfortable all packed under the cloak, Harry and Ron jumped into a wardrobe full of teacher's cloaks, while Sydney and I stood beside it, rendered invisible by James Potter's cloak.

The first person in the room wasn't a teacher, but John. I stuck my head out from under the cloak and beckoned him over. When he stood close enough for me to whisper to, I apologetically stuck my head back under the cloak.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked him hurriedly.

"Lily?" Sydney interrupted. "Who the bloody hell are you talking to? Is John there?"

I'd told Sydney, Ron and Harry all about John, and how the Baron and I were somehow the only ones able to see him, petrified or not. I nodded quickly, and before the teachers could enter and cut short my conversation with John, I let him continue.

"I have no idea. Pomfrey's noticed the disappearance of your body, but they seem to somehow know you've awoken and are wandering around the school. They've set out a search for you, but this seems more urgent."

I wasn't able to answer as the door was flung open. The first to arrive was Snape, looking somewhat worried. The teachers flowed in quickly, the last to arrive being Professor McGonagall. When she did, a hush fell due to the grim look on her face.

"It has happened. A student has been taken by the monster. Right into the Chamber itself."

The reaction was instantaneous. Flitwick let out a gasp as Professor Sprout clapped her hands over her mouth, Professor Sinestra's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and Professor Binns looked to the ground dejectedly.

Snape's knuckles turned white from the force of the grip he had on his chair. "How can you be sure?"

"The heir of Slytherin left another message, right under the first. 'Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever'," McGongall, who was very pale, collapsed into a chair.

"This can't have anything to do with Ms Potter?" Snape said, worry lacing into his voice and making me smile slightly.

McGonagall shook her head, with a sigh of defeat escaping her lips. "I'm not sure of anything, Severus."

"But Minerva," said Madame Hooch, her golden eyes glowing. "Who was taken into the Chamber?"

"Ginny Weasley."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Surely we still had time. Surely, Riddle wasn't done with Ginny. My hands shook, and I could see that the look that must have been on my face matched with John's. He turned to where he knew I was.

"We shall have to send the all students home tomorrow," McGonagall said. I turned back to where her eyes were now watering. "This is the end of Hogwarts. Dumbledore always said-"

The blonde headed fool I hadn't even noticed was missing burst in the door. He flashed his 'oh so dazzling smile' at the teachers and swished his turquoise robes as he made to take a seat beside Snape. Snape's upper lip curled, and I noticed all the teachers were looking at Lockhart with fire filled eyes.

"Sorry," Lockhart said cheerily. I wished to dart out from under the cloak and wipe the grin from his idiotic face. "Dozed off. What have I missed?"

"Just the man," he said, an angry smirk creeping slowly across his face. "The very man. A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Taken into the Chamber of Secrets itself. You moment has come at last."

Snape had taken the chance to wipe the smile of Lockhart's face for me. I was glad to see that Lockhart had paled, and was fidgeting nervously, glancing from teacher to teacher as if hoping someone would save him. It was quite the opposite that happened.

"That's right, Gilderoy," Professor Sprout said, exchanging a glance with Snape. "Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?"

Lockhart sputtered incomprehensibly.

"Yes, didn't you tell me you were sure you knew what was inside it?" Flitwick added.

"I certainly remember you saying you were sorry you hadn't had a crack at the monster before Hagrid was arrested," Snape's face was contorted into a sort of smile. "Didn't you say the whole affair had been bungled, and that you should have been given a free rein from the first?"

Lockhart had once again paled considerably, and he looked tousled. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the teachers band together against Lockhart.

"We'll leave it to you then, Gilderoy," Professor McGonagall said, forcing her face into a smile. "Tonight will be an excellent time to do it. We'll make sure everyone's out of your way. You'll be able to tackle the monster all by yourself. A free rein at last."

"Very well," he managed to stutter out, moving ever closer to the door, desperation clear in his eyes. "I'll just... I'll be in my office, getting... er... getting ready."

The only thing preventing me from bursting into laughter was the ever tense situation around me. The teachers had regained their solemn looks, and Snape, who had stood to face Lockhart, collapsed back into his chair. McGonagall looked furious, however, her thoughts obviously still on Lockhart.

"Right, that's got him out from under our feet," she said, voice hard. "The Heads of Houses should go and inform their students what has happened. Tell them the Hogwarts Express will take them home first thing tomorrow. Will the rest of you please make sure no one is left outside of their dormitories. Lily Potter needs to be found at all costs, or I'm afraid we'll have to assume the worst."

The teachers filed out, but Ron, Sydney, Harry, John and I all stuck around. Once the staff room was emptied, Sydney and I came out from under the cloak, and Harry and Ron tumbled out of the wardrobe. We exchanged glances before anyone spoke.

"You think Lockhart is really going to go into the Chamber?" Sydney asked.

"Lockhart is a fraud," I said quickly. "But he wont let his reputation be ruined like that. I'd like to know just what he plans on doing. If he's going to go in, we might as well prepare him. As much as I hate the git, he has no idea just what the hell he's getting into."

"You guys need to get to the Chamber," John said to me. "Ginny Weasley wont last long in the hands of Tom Riddle. I wont be joining you; I think I've figured out why you, the Baron and I were able to see each other. Plus, I wont be any good in the Chamber. You're the only one who can even see that I exist."

"Alright," I said, vaguely aware that I probably looked crazy talking to the empty spot next to me. "I'll get you out of there, I swear it. If you find out why my seeing you is possible, let me know."

Harry and Ron both cocked an eyebrow as I seemingly spoke to no one, but Sydney muttered to them, and they fell silent. I wished John good luck as he left the room, and then turned back to Harry, Ron, and Sydney.

"We need to go into the Chamber. Now. We'll see just what the hell is going on with Lockhart, and then we'll go."

We all ducked under the invisibility cloak once again, running to Lockhart's office. It was a quick but difficult journey, having to run under the invisibility cloak. Nonetheless, we made it within mere minutes, before bursting loudly into the room. Lockhart whipped around as we removed the cloak.

I wasn't surprised to find the room was stripped bare. All of Lockhart's belongings had been hurriedly been thrown into a couple of open trunks in the centre of the room, robes unfolded and posters crumpled. I narrowed my eyes at him dangerously.

"You're petrified," was all he said to me.

I ignored what he had said. "You're running away you bloody coward. You planned to just leave Ginny Weasley down there?"

"Yes, well that is most unfortunate. I got an urgent call... unavoidable."

"You lying git!" Sydney declared. "You did nothing you said from any of your books, did you?"

Lockhart turned dangerously. Sydney only glared and stood taller. Lockhart frowned. "My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people hadn't thought I'd done those things. No one wants to read about some Armenian warlock, even if he did save a village from werewolves. He-"

"Shut up," I groaned. "You really think I'd rather read about you than the warlock who was actually brave enough to save a village from werewolves? You're just a talentless fraud and a coward who is about to leave an eleven year old girl to die."

"Talentless?" Lockhart looked offended. "I say, there is certainly work involved. See memory charms are one of my greatest strenghts."

"The world will know you're a fraud."

Lockhart had whipped out his wand and shot a spell before any of us knew what was happening.


I hadn't thought that attending the fifth year Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff defense class last week would do me any good, especially as it was taught by Lockhart. But the fifth years had paid him absolutely no mind, instead collaborating and teaching themselves and each other, using the content from their textbooks. It was quite interesting actually, to see how well they got on and to see the stuff they were learning.

"Protego!" I shouted, having taken my wand out the moment we'd left the staff room.

The spell Lockhart shot quickly bounced of the pale blue shield I had created before me. I was surprised I was even able to do it. I thanked Merlin in that moment that I was friends with Hermione Granger.

Lockhart fell backwards as the spell hit him, falling against one of his open trunks. I raised an eyebrow at Sydney. I hadn't realized that spells could bounce back. No, that had never happened in Flitwick's lessons. Lockhart looked around with curious eyes, and I knew then that he had lost all his memories.

"Why, hello there!" Lockhart said in a very cheery voice. "Where are we? Who might you be? And if I may ask, who am I?"

"We're at Hogwarts, and I'm Lily Potter, the girl who lived," I said with a very fake, but very sweet smile. "And you, good sir, are a lying, foul, git."

"Petrificus Totalus!" Sydney shouted, wand trained on Lockhart.

In an instant his arms snapped to his sides, and he lay on the floor motionless. I could see the emotion clear in his eyes though, but it was indecipherable. I high fived Sydney quickly. Leaving Lockhart limb locked on the floor, we set out of his office. If he was discovered, we'd be long into the chamber by then.

The journey to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom was a slow and silent one. It was so tense that no one said a word, even when Ron accident tread hard on Sydney's foot. We hesitated once outside the door, and it seemed to were all taking a moment to pluck up some courage. Ron was the one to push the door open.

We ditched the cloak in our double stall from all those months ago. Moaning Myrtle was nowhere to be seen. I was disappointed, having wanted to ask her about what happened the night she died, though I was sure I knew already.

"So Myrtle was the muggleborn who died fifty years ago?" Ron asked.

I had no time to answer as Myrtle flew out from one of the toilets. It was as if hearing her name had finally brought her out to talk. She seemed to be very giggly, and she was certainly relishing in all the attention.

"Myrtle?" I asked. "May I ask how you died?"

If a ghost could blush, she would have. She flew onto one of the sinks, one that was not the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. She giggled once more, fluttering her eyelashes at Harry.

"It was dreadful," she said. "It happened right in here. I died in this very cubicle. I remember it so well. I'd been hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. The door was locked, and I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in. They said something funny. A different language, I think it must have been. Anyway, what really got me was that it was a boy speaking. So then I unlocked the door to tell him to go and use his own toilet and then... I died."

Myrtle was puffed up proudly at having told her story.

"Did you by any chance see a large pair of eyes? Golden? Around here somewhere?" I asked, motioning to the sink that was positioned on top of the chamber.

"How did you...? Yes, I did."

"If you'd like to know what happened, Myrtle, I promise I'll tell you... but later. It had something to do with the Chamber of Secrets, and that's where we're headed now."

Myrtle was drinking in the information like it was the juiciest gossip she'd ever heard. She nodded, and without so much as another word, dove right back into her toilet, causing a wave of water to splash out behind her. After watching her go, I beckoned my three friends over to the sink.

I pointed to the engraving, and hissed before any of them could comment on it.


The entrance did as I said, just as it did every time. The sink slid into the floor, revealing the large pipe below it. Ron gulped, sharing a glance with an equally as nervous Sydney. Harry's green eyes locked with mine.

"I've been," I said. "I'll lead the way."

With that, I jumped down the pipe, deep into the Chamber of Secrets.

A/N: Hello all. I'd just like to let you know that I'll be updating this the 9th and 24th of each month (and it will be the same for the next book). That's approximately every two weeks.
Thank you all for reading.

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