Different - Luke Hemmings Pun...

By OurBritishSouls

15K 348 70

He's not the same guy I fell in love with two years ago... He's different and I don't know if I like it or no... More

Different - Luke Hemmings Punk AU
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

1.3K 38 4
By OurBritishSouls

Chapter 4

"Let me go!" I pleaded but the man just laughed and gripped me tighter.

"Now, now, I can't do that sweetheart." He whispered in my ear and pulled something out of his jacket. It took me a moment to realize that he was holding a gun.

"Please don't do this! Please I'll do anything but please don't!" I sobbed and he chuckled dryly.

"I'm sorry love." He spoke with a smirk on his face before pulling the trigger. A dreadful pain shot through my stomach and I gasped for breath.

"Elena!" Someone screamed and I grasped my stomach tighter before sliding to the ground.

"Elena please stay with me!" The voice pleaded but I couldn't do anything except from closing my eyes.


"Elena!" The same voice yelled and I jolted up in my bed, searching for my breath. I didn't realize I was crying until a sob escaped my mouth and I was lifted into someone's lap. "Shh it's okay! It was just a dream." Luke tried to calm me down without any luck. "No Luke! It wasn't just a dream! This could have happened! I could have... I-I... maybe..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. The events from last night came floating in which only made me cry harder. "Please don't think about that. You're here now and you're safe. Nothing's going to happen." He whispered and my breathing relaxed. His soft voice always had that effect on me. "Are you okay?" He asked after a while and I swallowed before answering. "No. But I will be, eventually." I said and he hugged me tight. It shocked me how nice Luke was being. It almost seemed like he was the old Luke again. "Wait my mom! She doesn't know I'm here." I suddenly remembered and started to panic until he shushed me. "Calm down. I texted her from your phone saying that you fell asleep on the couch. Don't worry about that. We'll go to your place tomorrow morning so you can get dressed and get your books but right now you should just get some sleep." Luke said and I praised myself for not having a password although that really had to change.

I climbed out of his lap and got back under the sheets, trying to get comfortable which was easier said than done, because my whole body hurt. In the meantime Luke had gotten up from the bed and started walking towards the door until I stopped him. "Please stay. I don't want to be alone." My voice cracked and a tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away. "Uh sure." He replied awkwardly and climbed back in bed next to me.

I could tell he wasn't feeling very comfortable by the amount of space he left between us. "I'm sorry. You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I'm just a little bit scared, it's nothing. I shouldn't bother you with this." My voice cracked and he rubbed his neck.
"Hey don't say that. Come here." He spoke softly and I scooted closer to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I laid my head against his chest, hearing the calming sound of his heartbeat.

We stayed silent for a while until I decided to speak up. "Luke, how did you find me?" I asked and lifted my head from his chest so I could get a clear look of his eyes. "Oh, you're still awake? I thought you were sleeping. Eh well, I couldn't just let you walk home. I may be an asshole but come on, I'm not that bad! After you left I grabbed my keys and got in my car. You had just left like 10 minutes earlier so you couldn't have been that far. I drove all the way to your house but I didn't see you and it was almost impossible for you to be home already but I had to make sure. Now I couldn't call your parents because maybe they thought you were still with me and I know that they don't give you that much space anymore since you know, the incident. Maybe you just needed some space but I needed to know if you were home or not, which would have surprised me, so I asked a friend to call your parents and they told her you weren't home and that's when I got worried.
I drove around town for a while until I realized where you could be; the park. I remembered that that was where you went when you needed some alone time but you weren't there either. I parked my car there and walked around until I walked past an ally and heard this weird noises. I didn't know it was you but I couldn't just walked past it. I'm glad I didn't." He said and I didn't realize I was crying until he whipped my tears away with his thumb. It was mesmerising that even in the dark room you could still clearly see how blue his eyes were.

"I know that you think that I don't care and yeah that's kind of true. I don't really care about anyone but we did use to be best friends and that gives me a feeling that I have to, err, protect you, you know. I just wish I would have been faster. I should have known you wouldn't go straight home I could have prevented it." He rambled but I stopped him. "Please don't say that! I'm more than thankful that you were there. There are worse things that have happened in my life, I'll get over it. It does kind of sucks that all the bad things happen here in Sydney. I just want to go back to Belgium, yeah it wasn't perfect there but it was better than here." He gave me a sad smile in response. "Yeah I understand." He said and closed his eyes. I know he was probably tired and wanted to go to sleep but there was one thing I needed to ask before.

"Luke?" I mumbled and he opened one eye to look at me. "Mhh," Okay, here goes nothing. "Why did you stop calling? Did I do something wrong?" His jaw clenched and he turned his back at me before answering.
"Go to sleep."
And with that the conversation was over.


Just as promised, Luke drove me home to get dressed and get my school stuff and waited outside in his car until I was done to drive me to school. How sweet of him right? Yeah. I had been tense all morning and I assumed that was because realization had finally hit me about what happened last night. I think Luke noticed since he completely ignored me or he had returned to his usual arrogant self. Probably the second one. Anyway we arrived at school and honestly I couldn't get out of the car fast enough but Luke stopped me. "What happened last night was nothing okay? I don't care about you. The tutoring thing is not going to work so you better tell that god damn teacher that you're not doing it anymore okay? And please do me a favor and don't talk to me again." He said and his words hit me harder than they should have but I refused to cry over them. "Wow you really are a dick." I replied and looked at him one last time before exiting the car and walking towards the building without looking behind once.

I made sure not to run in to anyone on my way to my locker, simply because I didn't feel like talking at the moment. After I retrieved  my books from my locker, I slammed it shut and turned around to make my way towards my first class until a hand on my shoulder stopped me. My breathing became irregular and I flinched which was something that didn't go by unnoticed by that person. "Elena? It's just me. Are you alright?" Justin asked worried and I swallowed the lump in my throat before answering, "Yeah you just startled me." I replied and he seemed hesitant but decided to let it go, and I was grateful for that. I know that I should probably tell someone what had happened last night but no one could find out about this and that's why I had to talk to Luke during lunch for one last time even though I didn't want to, it was necessary. "Where were you last night." I really tried to push the images to the back of my mind but it seems like everything came down to last night. "Err, I stayed over at Luke's." I replied and his face turned bright red in anger. "I don't want you near him ever again. Do you understand? I don't give a fuck about the fact that you used to be best friends. That boy is trouble." He said through gritted teeth and I have to admit that he scared me a little bit. "Don't worry, I won't hang out with him again. Besides I wasn't even hanging out with him. I was tutoring him and fell asleep on the couch but we're not going through with the tutoring, so I won't talk to him again." I replied and walked past him to my first class which was music.

I wasn't one of those people who played several instruments or had the voice of an angel but I enjoyed it, or at least I did... until Luke walked in. Just perfect. Luckily he was seated on the other end of the classroom and we didn't have to talk or look at each other. Yeah that was until our teacher came up with what for him was an amazing assignment, and to be honest it wouldn't have been that bad if I wasn't paired up with Luke.

So basically we had to make our own song and compose it in groups of two. We had three months time and after that we had to preform it in front of the classroom. I knew Luke was going to take this assignment seriously since music meant a lot to him. But I wasn't looking forward to talking to him. Oh how things can change in such a small amount of time. I actually thought that, seeing how nice and caring he was last night, he would be like my friend again? I don't know what I expected but this wasn't it, that's for sure. Anyway I still had to talk to Luke about what happened last night, whether I liked it or not.

The bell rung and I looked up to see Luke already walking out of the classroom. So much for talking to him. I gathered my stuff and made my walked to my locker to get my books for my one of my Luke free periods; Chemistry.

When I arrived in class, I saw that Rose was already seated and a quickly sat down next to her. I guess Rose noticed that today wasn't my day so she just gave me a questioning look but decided to not say anything, which was something I was grateful for. Soon more students came floating in and class started. "Alright class. Silence please. I have an assignment for you. You're going to do a presentation about and element of the periodic table. Boring? I know right but it's your task to make it as interesting as possible. You can earn a lot of points just for originality. I want you to make groups of 2 and since there is an odd number of students in this class, there is going to be one group of 3. You have 3 weeks' time. Good luck." Mr. Williams said and I groaned inwardly. What is it with teachers and their assignments today?

"Want to work with me?" Rose asked carefully and I shrugged. "Sure, why not?" I replied and she gave me a small smile. "Alright so an element?" I asked and she frowned. "I have no idea." She giggled and I fake smiled. "What about gold? I know it seems cliché and mainstream but there is far more behind gold than just jewelry and most of the people don't realize that." I said and she nodded. "Alright let's do it."

Soon class ended and Rose and I still only had our element. "You can come to my place after school if you want? So we can work on this project a little more." I mumbled and she looked at me worriedly. "Okay..." She said hesitant and I smiled before parting ways.


I walked into the lunchroom, searching for the familiar boy which wasn't that hard considering he was taller than everyone in the school. He was sitting in the very back with 3 guys and one girl. They all looked slightly intimidating and dangerous which made the girl look totally out of place. I made my way towards their table an cleared my throat which caused them all to gape at me. "Err Hi. Luke can I talk to you for a second?" I asked sweetly and he glared at me. "No." Alright this took me by surprise. I know that he wanted me as far away as possible but I actually really thought he would say yes. Surely he should know what I want to talk about. "Please Luke, it's important." My voice cracked and he growled. "I said no! I told you I didn't want to talk to you again so why can't you just listen for once and shut the fuck up! I don't give a fuck about you just go away." He snapped and a lump formed in my troth. "Wow okay. You know, last night I actually thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong. You really are an asshole."


Well yeah Luke is an asshole but a very sexy one am I right ladies? Alright Vote and Comment and maybe follow us on twitter yeah? It's @OurBritishSouls :)

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