Inlove With My Bestfriend


120K 3.3K 889

(C O M P L E T E) Your old typical cringey wp story. What if you suddenly fell inlove with your bestfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Not An update
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

5.7K 170 31

Y/n's POV

Hahahaha Baekhyun is really a great friend he even made me laugh.

"Oh yeah I'm going to meet Jungkook today."Baekhyun said.

"Soo??"I said then remembered Jungkook.

"I know you wanna talk to him"Baekhyun said, wait do I?

"I'm not going with you" I said.

"Yeah I know you would say that so I brought this"Baekhyun said then handed me a biscuit???

"What will I do with a biscuit?"I said.

"There's a small like piece of paper in there just write what you wanna say to Jungkook"Baekhyun said.

"Oh"I said I wanted to say many words to him but I cant do it...

Maybe writing it will be a good idea? Right??

"You turn around and don't even look at what it said okay"I said.

"Yeah yeah"Baekhyun said.

So I grab a pen and write my letter to Jungkook.

Dear Jungkook,

          Hi! How are you? I just wanna say that..... that..... I love you. I really wanna say this but... nvm but I hope your happy with Eunji! Stay strong you guys!!

                                 Love From,
                                 Your fan/

Well that was all I wanted to say to him.

"Hey Baek Im done give this to Jungkook and don't say it was from me but from one of his fans"I said to Baekhyun and gave him the biscuit and he went to the place where he will be meeting Jungkook.

Baekhyun's POV

Time check: 12:15

Im gonna be late it takes atleast 10 minutes to go there...

Then I still have 5 minutes but I should be the one who arrives first so lets run dashi run run run.

Fast forward~

So Im already here waiting for Jungkook.

There are many cute puppies here soo cute!!

Then I saw a person heading the way here that must be Jungkook.

Yep there he is.

(PS: Just ignore the pilot and think that Jungkook wore that)

Then I wave at him signalling that I'm here so he went in and took a seatin front of me.

"I already bought coffee"I said.

"Oh yeah almost forgot"Jungkook said and stood up.

"Annyeonghasaeyo"He said and bow.

"Drop the formalities call me hyung"I said to him.

"Ok hyung"He said.

"Uhm so"I started the conversation.

"How are you and Eunji?"I asked.

"Well we're ok"He said.

"Oh almost forgot a fan gave this to you she said that she didn't want to give it personally so here"I said and gave him the biscuit.

"Ah hyung If you ever saw that fan again say thankyou to her"He said.

Yep I will surely say it to her.

"Oh yeah and theres a letter beside the biscuit"I said.

Then he read it.

Jungkook's POV

I read the note then It touched my heart do I know who gave it to me?? Nah

(Ps: If you wanna know what the note saids again go back to chapter 9)

Well I just wanna say thankyou to the fan who gave it to me I hope we can meet kamsahamnida!!

Then my manager texted me saying that we need to practice *sighs*

"Hyung I need to go now my manager is waiting for me thanks for the treat."I said and bow then he said bye.

Baekhyun's POV

As Jungkook went back I texted someone.


Bk: Hyung help me.

Unknown: With what?

Bk: Y/n

Unknown: Ok how may I help?

Bk: Help me make Y/n confess to Jungkook.

Dun dunn dunn (Imagine the sound effects please🤣)

So how was the chapter?

Who was the unknown person? How will they manage y/n to confess to Jungkook?

We'll find it out at the next chapter.

Lets go~~


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