Crossed Beyond Stars

By _Player_02

12 5 0

Join Rebecca, a 16 year old teen with an important task. To save the future. Read this fantastic sci-fi origi... More

Author's Note


4 3 0
By _Player_02

The day started of as usual for Young Rebecca as she climbed out of her resting pod. Today was a special day for Rebecca though. Today, Rebecca was going to be assigned her Task that she must carry out for a good part of her life until she has reached retirement age. When Rebecca exited her resting pod she began to pace back and forth in fear of what Task the elders would place upon her. She decided pacing wouldn't do her any good and walked over toward her changing area. As Rebecca was getting dressed there was a knock on her room's door. She finished dressing herself and went to answer it.
When she pressed the release button on the sliding door it opened to reveal her father wearing his Third Rank General suit. "Father," Rebecca said in surprise, " you're here early." Her father stepped into her room and straightened his posture.
" The elders want you to meet them in the council room as soon as you're dressed, something of the up most importance has happened,"Rebecca's father said as he looked at his daughter with pride, "you'll do fine."
After Rebecca's father left Rebecca's room Rebecca sighed in relief and went back to getting ready.


As Rebecca slowly walked down the hall she thought of all the possibilities of what task the elders would give her. When she reached the hall to the entrance way of the council room Rebecca felt her heart rate slowly pick up. The closer she was to the entrance, the faster her heart rate. When she reached the door she immediately stopped and stared at the button. She slowly reached out her arm and pushed the open button to the entrance door. When the door slid open she quietly walked into the gigantic room full of chairs circling the stand in the middle where the head elder was, joined by the fellow elders. They patiently awaited for Rebecca to walk down toward them and take a seat. "Ah, Rebecca," the head elder said, " we've been awaiting your arrival." Rebecca silently spoke.
      "U-umm.... It's nice t-to finally meet you.." she said quietly, fiddling with her thumbs. The head elder politely smiled and glanced over her shoulder to look at the fellow elders as they smiled at Rebecca's shyness.
      " Well, you're not here for a long, civil conversation, so I suppose we shall get on with the giving of the task." The head elder said as she exited her stand and walked toward Rebecca. "Rebecca," she said, " you have been chosen with a task that hasn't been needed in centuries." The head elder reached for a chair and pulled one over and placed it in front of Rebecca and sat down. "You are the one," She said after she sat down, " you are the future. Rebecca, you are the courser." Rebecca looked at the head elder in confusion and silently sat there for a moment.
    " I-I'm the what?.." Rebecca silently said as she looked at the head elder with confusion. The head elder grabbed Rebecca's hands and closed her eyes. Rebecca became more confused as the head elder silently sat there. Before Rebecca could do anything a vision of her appeared. She appeared to be walking through a dark hall, with a male that looked to be her age or a little older and a small, robotic auto-matron. When the vision was over the head elder immediately let go of Rebecca's hands and fell to the floor. Rebecca quickly reacted and got down on the floor to help the head elder.
    " f-find him," the head elder quietly muttered, " he will answer to the n-name of... Mat.." The head elder passed out in Rebecca's arms from exhaustion. The fellow elders rushed over to assist Rebecca in picking up the head elder.
     " We'll take it from here, dear." One of them said as two of them lifted the head elder up and started for the door. "You best to be leaving so you can prepare, you have quiet a journey ahead of you." All of the fellow elders exited the room, leaving Rebecca alone by herself.


Rebecca walked more slowly than usual to her quarters that night. When she finally got to the door of her housing unit she leaned up against the cold, steel door for a short period of time before the door slid open. Rebecca shyly looked up at her father. " Rebecca." Her father said loudly, straightening his posture. Rebecca un-slumped herself and did an army salute.
"General Smith, sir." She said, trying to not sound worried. Her father examined her facial expression for a minute before asking her what was wrong. Rebecca looked away for a second before meeting his eyes. She spoke in a low tone, "Its a long story."


After Rebecca told her father about what happened he stared at her with a blank expression. "What does this mean, father?" Rebecca asked, with a worried tone. Rebecca's father sighed and gave her a worrisome look.
     "Rebecca," he spoke in a low, calm tone, " this means you're ready to take on the responsibility that your mother had."

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