Thigh Highs

By ColoredLove8

176K 2.9K 2K

Jungkook loves wearing female clothing. Taehyung will never admit it but he loves seeing Jungkook in female c... More



11.4K 449 144
By ColoredLove8


I woke up to my alarm clock. I have to go to work today. I didn't really mind cause I worked at Victoria's Secret. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes. I decided on something simple but fun.

As I was heading out my phone started buzzing. I opened it and it said Jimin Hyung in bold letters. I was going to be late if I answered, so I decided to text him really fast first.


👯‍♀️Chim Chimmie👯‍♀️

Sorry, I'm about to head
to work. I'll call you later

It's fine, you work at VS right?
Yeah, why
Was thinking about going
out for lunch, wanted to know
if you want to come with

Yea! I'd love to hyung
Ok, see you later

I looked at the time 7:14. I have to be there in 16 minutes. Crap! It take half an hour to walk there. How am I going to get there without being late. I grab my house keys and ran out the door. I got one forth of the way there and it was already 7:20.

Then I saw that it I was really close to Tae's house so I ran to his door and knocked. He opened the door and I started rushing my words.

"Kook, slow down. I don't understand you." Tae said to me

"I was heading out my door to go to work when Jimin hyung called me. I would have been late if I answered it so I texted him instead. I got distracted and it was already really late. So I started running but I didn't get that far and only had ten minutes till I had to be there. So I ran here to ask you if you could drive me." I said, slowing down but still talking fast

"I can drive you, but you better hurry. Go ahead and get in the car while I grab my keys." He said while laughing slightly

"Thank you so much." I said while already heading to the car.

We were driving off a minute later. He put on the radio to calm me down. Fireflies came on. I just sat and listened. Letting the music calm me. We pull up to the mall. I look at the time 7:24. If I run I'll make it on time.

"Thanks again Taehyung." I say as I kiss him on the cheek bolting out of the car

"Your welcome." I hear him yell



(Right Brain) He kissed my cheek...
(Left Brain) Yes he did, wait...NO
(Right Brain)OMG HE KISSED MY CHEEK!!! (Left Brain) Wait, calm down it was a simple kiss on the cheek, it didn't mean anything.
(Left Brain) No, he was thanking you. That. Is. It. Nothing else.



Time was going by really slow. Only a handful of people have came in. One of them being a woman and her young son. The woman acting normal and the young son squishing the boob part of bras. Which was very hard to not laugh at. So I texted Jimin to keep myself from dying of laughter.


👯‍♀️Chim Chimmie👯‍♀️

When do you want to get
lunch? My break is from 12
to 1
Let's try the whole hour
I'm feeling subway

That sounds amazing right now.
See you in a bit😂


Right as I was putting my phone up, the lady came up to the counter. Her son following behind.

"Ma'am, do you know wh-" She stopped midsentence as she looked up at me

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" She said bowing as she realized I was male

"It's perfectly fine, I understand." I said back trying to calm the lady

" Ok, I really am sorry though. You can't really tell until you get really close. Even close it's hard to."

"I get it, it's not the first time." I said while laughing, "So, what do you need again miss?"

"I don't actually remember anymore, sorry. Dehyun! Don't you touch that bra!" The woman said running off after him

After I stopped laughing I headed to the Subway in the mall. I passed a lot of stores as I did. One being Hotopic. I saw a really cute outfit in the window that I would have to go buy later.

As I got to the food court I saw a man who looked familiar. I couldn't remember why so I just kept walking. I soon saw Jimin waving at me.

"Hey hyung."

"Hello Kookie." He said back returning my smile

He stood up and I realized he was wearing that dress I got him to buy. He had heels on as well, so he was the same height as me since I didn't have my own pair on.

"Hey, I can finally see more then the top of your head." I said while laughing

"Why do you only pick on my height? Yoongi hyung is only a centimeter taller then me." He asked while pouting

"Because I'd like to keep my limbs assembled." I answered while we started walking to Subway

After we got our food we sat back down. "So what's with the dress and heels?" I asked, genuinely interested. He starts telling me what happened that morning.


"Yoongi hyung, I just finished the laundry. Can you fold them while I go help Seokjin?" Jimin yells to Suga

"Sure." Yoongi yells back.

Yoongi started pulling the clothes out of the washer. As he did, he pulled out the dress. Jimin forgot he put it in with the rest of the clothes. While Yoongi was looking at the dress Jimin walked back in.

"I'm finished Yoon-" Jimin stopped talking when he saw what Yoongi was holding

Suga just looked at the dress, to Jimin, and back to the dress.

"Uh, I can ex-" Jimin was cut off by Yoongi

"You should wear this today." Suga said

"What, why?" Jimin asked confused

"It's obviously yours, and it's in the washer meaning you were planning to wear it sometime soon. And I think you'd look really nice in it." Yoongi said he walked closer to Jimin

"Ok, I will then." Chimine said nervously as he grabbed the dress and ran to the bathroom


"So Yoongi wanted you to wear it?" I questioned

"Apparently." Chimchim said before taking a bite of his sandwich

It was silent for awhile. The strange conversation bringing a new aura to the table.

"So how is your love life going?" Jimin asked after it became too much

"What love life?" I said while laughing

After our laughing fit Jimin got serious.

"But really, why haven't you looked for someone?" He asked

"I don't know, I have a really high standard when it comes to guys I guess." I answered

"And what are those standards?" He said

"Um, he has to be a goof ball, but someone who will take what I say serious. Someone who cares about my well being. I want him to be able to be cute with me. And to not worry about what other's would think of me if we went out. God, I want a cuddler too."

I realized Jimin was starting at me.

"What?" I asked

"You're oblivious."

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "What, why?"

He sighed, his eyes rolling before staring at me. He placed his hands flat on the table. Leaning a tad bit closer to me.

"You say you're picky and that you've never found someone who meets your standards. Yet your standards match someone you know perfectly!"

"What, who!"

His eyes widened, "Taehyung you idiot! You are literally begging for a guy who is just like him! And he's right there!"

Now it was my turn to roll my eye, "He is not my dream guy. He's Tae for gods sake! And even if he was my dream man, there is literally zero chance of him liking me."

Jimin scoffed at me, "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that."

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