Six to: Save? or Slay? (Finis...

By yunru28

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Only the six elements, Darkness, Light, Fire, Water, Earth and Air, can open a door, that will destroy the wo... More

Six to: Save? or Slay? (Finished)
Running Away
It's Been A Few Years...
We Meet Again
Crystal Forest
Meeting Lia
The Oresoren
A Family
Erik Joins The Party
Parting Ways...For Now
In Search!
An Army...?
Asher Curtiss
Secrets Unfold
The Man-Eating Ruins
Leaving Early?!
The War Is Almost Over
The War Has Stopped But...
Walter and Roxanne
This Is It!

The War!!

127 2 7
By yunru28

"Are we there yet?"


"....How about now?"




".............................................................................Are we there now?"

"Have we stopped in front of a large white tower?"



"WELL I'M TIRED OF WALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




Lia and Arian fell silent as Alex yelled at them. Alex glared at them crossly as they marched. Truth is, you could actually see the white tower that Asher had mentioned as they set off, but Lia was too stupid to notice. Roxanne scoffed as she watched it come closer and closer to them.

They all had to go back though the woods, into town, and out through the other side. The town's people thought it was a parade of some sort. So as they walked by, the towns people waved to them and threw them roses...Arian got one thrown on her head, so she caught herself on fire and burnt it. Erik on the other hand, took the roses and they are now currently in his pocket.

As they got closer to the white tower, Asher suddenly held out his arm to halt the army. They did as told as Walter walked up beside him. "What's wrong, sir?" He asked. But Asher didn't have to tell him. Walter's eyes were wide as he stared out at what was in front of him.

Lia skipped over to them. She saw what was in front of the tower. "Ashey! I thought you said that this would be an surprise attack!" She whined.

Asher sighed and pushed his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. "I thought so too but..."

Roxanne face-palmed herself. "They're already waiting for us." She murmured as she watched the Red Army standing there, also staring at them.

Asher turned to his soldiers. "Elements, stay to the right. Remember, save your friend, then go defeat the leader of the Red Army and this war will stop."

Erik saluted him. "Yes sir!" He suddenly pointed to the right. "Charge Elements!"

Just as he said that, Asher lifted his hand and yelled out, "CHARGE!"

Lia screamed as she jumped out of the way when the Purple Army ran toward the Red. They were all yelling and screaming as they ran onto the flat, dirt area where the war was going to happen. Alex called the group over and they headed over to the right where less fighting will be. Lia got a bit confused as there was a twisted path ahead of them. But every chance they got, they went to the right path.

Alex suddenly stopped, grabbing his mace. "Guys, watch out!" He warned.

Roxanne took a Ninja Star from her pocket and suddenly threw it. The group heard someone scream and a faint thud. They just realized that Red Soldiers were on behind rocks and boulders and were about to surprise attack them. Lia pouted and stomped her foot. "Hey! I didn't want to fight!" As one of the Red Soldiers drew his sword to her, she yelled at him and summoned her staff. She pointed it at him calling out, "Holy Cross!" And all of the sudden, the floor beneath the guy turned white. The dude suddenly flew up into the air and a large yellow cross appeared in the sky, terminating his immediately.

Erik gasped and his eyes almost popped out of his head. "W-Where did you learn THAT move?!"

Lia giggled and twirled her staff. "Pretty neat, huh?"

Roxanne cleared her throat impatiently. "No time to talk. Here comes some more!"

But they didn't have to kill them. The familiar cry of the certain little otters rang through the air. And that's when the Red Soldiers fell to the ground, and behind them stood the Oresoren.

Now it was Roxanne's turn to have her eyes almost pop out of her head. "Quppo, Pippo, Poppo!" She exclaimed. She ran over to them, kicking the unconscious bodies of the Red Soldiers out of the way before kneeling down to them. "There is w war going on! You guys should be back in the village!"

"But we couldn't leave you!" Quppo told her. "You're one of us!"

Roxanne rolled her eyes. "No. I won't allow you to fight. Go back home."

"But we can't just stay home while you guys are fighting!" Poppo said.

Roxanne shook her head. "I said no. I will not allow you guys to participate in combat."

"But we know martial arts!" Pippo pouted.


"Roxanne..." Alex said.

Roxanne stood up and whipped around, a glare on her face. "What?!" She barked.

Alex slowly approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "We know your concern for the Oresoren. But, you have no right to tell them what to do. If they want to fight, let them. It's their choice."

Roxanne turned away, anger boiling up inside her chest. She let out a loud sigh. "Fine. Whatever. As long as you guys take care of yourselves. I..." She hesitated before saying, "I don't want you to get hurt. I would miss you,"

Quppo smiled. "Aww! You're so sweet Roxanne!"

Roxanne blushed. "N-No I'm not!"

 Arian crossed her arms, looking up at the white tower. "Can we hurry it up?" She demanded sourly. "Xaden is still in there!"

Alex nodded. "Yes. You're right. Roxanne, we need to go!"

Roxanne smiled at the Oresoren. "Take care of yourselves!" She told them before running off with the others.

"Ors Ors!" The three of them saluted before running off the other direction.

As the group got closer to the white tower, Arian jogged up to Roxanne. "Are you sure that's you're okay with just letting them go like that?"

Roxanne blinked at her. "Yea. I can't just tell them not to. Even If I did and left, they more then likely wouldn't listen to me anyway. So, It makes sense just to let them go."

Arian nodded and turned away. "I see...."

For the rest of the way, they walked to the tower in silence. As the tower got bigger and bigger, so did the entrance. As soon as they saw the door, they began to run. When they reached the wide, double doors of the tower, they groaned when they realized it was locked and needed a card to open it with.

Roxanne lifted her eyebrow, scanning the area. She sighed and rolled her eyes, taking out a Star. "There!" She suddenly called out, throwing the Star right near Erik.

Erik screamed and ducked out of the way. The Star stuck behind him as a figure suddenly appeared. They screamed and jumped over Erik before running to the side so they could get a good look at them. "I thought you were done with those games, Cashel." Roxanne told him.

Cashel shrugged. "Of course not. Games are fun. Actually, do you want to play one now? It's called, 'Get the Card and Stay Alive.'"

Lia's nose wrinkled. "That's a stupid name."

Cashel glared. "Well then, you don't play, you don't get in the tower."

Alex leaned on one leg. "It's as if you want us to get in."

Cashel shrugged once more. "Maybe. Maybe not. Just come and-" Roxanne took the time and jumped on him, holding an knife to his throat.

"Card please?"

As he shook with fear, he cried out, "Back pocket! Back pocket!"

Roxanne smirked and took the card from his pocket. As he was crying out and begging her not to kill him, Roxanne got off of him. "You have till three to run....1..."

Cashel got to his feet.


He was now running.

"Three!" Roxanne suddenly threw the knife in her hand in it hit him square in his neck. He stopped and fell on his stomach as blodd gushed out of his neck and formed a pool near his face.

Everyone was stunned. They first stared at Cashel, then at Roxanne. Lia gulped and took a few steps away. "You just...Killed him without any hesitation! And look at you know! You don't even seem that you regret what you just did!"

Roxanne turned away and walked toward the door and opened it with the card. "I know..." She whispered so Lia could just hear what she was saying, same with the others. "I'm just used to it." She walked inside, getting strange looks from the rest of the group. But eventually they tried to forget about it and followed Roxanne inside.

As they ventured inside, they saw that the walls and floors were white as well. Some of the tiles on the floor was brown ever now and then, but other then that it was white.

Also as they went inside, they realized that someone was already waiting for them.

Erik took out his spear and jumped out in front of the group, looking at five Red Soldiers. "YAHHOOOO! Where's my horny woman at huh?"

"H-How dare you say that!" Melanie pushed two Soldiers out of the way and stood in front.

"I didn't get my kiss again sweetheart." Erik said, and kissed the air.

Melanie scoffed and took out her sword, pointing it toward Roxanne. "You! I shall get revenge on you for what you did to me earlier! Attack!"

Roxanne pulled out her sword from it's sheathe and ran toward Melanie. She slashed at the woman, but Melanie blocked her attack before attempting to kick Roxanne's legs. Roxanne jumped out of the way and kicked Melanie on her jaw. Melanie gasped and staggered back, rubbing the sore spot on her jaw.

"They don't call me Melanie The Crimson for nothing!" She cried out. She pointed her sword at Roxanne and a fire ball suddenly appeared and was heading straight for Roxanne. Roxanne ducked and the ball ended up going to Arian. She saw it coming and held out her hands and absorbed the ball with a smirk.

Melanie gasped with disbelief. "You stupid Elements!" She cursed under her breath before coming at Roxanne again.

Roxanne sighed. "We don't have time for this!" She suddenly closed her eyes and slid her sword back in its sheathe. Melanie stopped in confusion, until Darkness began to rise off of Roxanne. When she opened her eyes, she pointed to Melanie with one hand, and the Red Soldiers with the other, "Black Hole!" She called out.

A swirling vortex appeared behind Melanie and the Soldiers and began to pull them in. As the Red Soldiers were dragged inside, Melanie was attempting to fight. But she failed as she as well was sucked inside. The hole closed, and Roxanne fell to her knees. Arian ran over to help her up, but Roxanne slapped her hand away and got up herself. "Man that takes lots of energy..." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Where did you learn that?!" Erik asked her as he flailed his arms around.

Roxanne shrugged her shoulders and continued further inside the tower. "Just learned it I guess." Was her reply. She stopped, and without turning around she said, "Maybe we should stop talking and hurry up."

Erik sighed and hung his head. "You are always so impat-"


As fast as the speed of light, Erik ran to Roxanne. Alex calmly jogged to catch up with them as Lia and Arian followed as well.


Xaden was currently standing by his door, wanting to be let out. He could hear the cries of many people below. Something was going on, and he wanted to find out. He was afraid that Arian and the others could be down there as well, since they were the elements. They'd probably manage to get themselves into some kind of mess.

Xaden kicked the door as hard as he could. "What's going on?!" He yelled, knowing there was probably a guard standing there.

The guard kicked back. "It's just a war going on. Now shut up and go enjoy yourself."

Xaden lifted an eyebrow. Enjoy himself? Why would a guard say something like that? That's strange....

Xaden shook his head and slapped himself. Who cares at the moment? He wanted out. And he wanted out, now.

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