Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

Autorstwa _raxeira

86.9K 3.1K 3.1K

Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... Więcej



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Autorstwa _raxeira

As soon as they stepped into the elevator, it started to freefall. (A/N: that's like one of my worst fears lol)

Frisk's eyes glinted with determination as the momentum from the fall blew her hair up. Focus, she told herself. stay determined.

Once they crashed to the bottom, a cloud of dust sheathed them. Frisk looked out the doorway and stepped over the debris to exit the elevator. Flowey, however, fell unconscious as an outcome of the sudden impact.

Frisk looked around her. Everything was dark, but she sensed people in the darkness. She wandered around blindly, occasionally bumping into tables and bruising her sides, she called out to the darkness.

"Hello?" She said, voice trembling with anger. She was furious that whoever was waiting was just waiting. "If you're going to do something, just do it now!"


Frisk sighed. She was tired of Gaster and Chara playing with her life and hiding in the shadows. "Show yourselves!" She screamed into the obscurity. "I'm tired of just waiting for you to come out!" (A/N: that's what my friend said to me lmao)

Still nothing.

Frisk sighed, knowing full well what exactly would draw them out of hiding. She placed a hand to her chest and thought about all her happy memories. Soon, a red heart appeared in her hand. "Is this what you want?" She said, taunting the darkness.

A chill was sent down her spine when a breezy voice spoke.

"Why, yes, that's exactly what I want."

Frisk felt herself tense up. She knew that voice. Although it was too late, she managed to dodge a glowing spear. A few lights turned on, and she saw her old fish friend, her eyes as red as her hair.

Undyne shot more spears towards Frisk, missing a few, but catching the end of her hair or shirt on another. Frisk, once again, refused to fight her friend. It was unfair enough that Undyne had been corrupted, but making her fight Frisk was just downright cruel.

She dodged this way and that, barely missing the sharp tips of her attacks; it was like Undyne knew Frisk strategies (even though there wasn't a lot of it) and planned her aims ahead of time.

Frisk tried to call to her. She tried to get Undyne to snap out of it (A/N: Thinking about it now, monsters who have been corrupted are kinda like Lost Souls. huh.) "Undyne, please!" She cried, giving her best shot at thinking about what might change her back. "You're not like this! You love tea! And teasing me and G about being a couple! And watching anime with Alphys! Stop this, please!"

A small but angry voice came from behind her.

"That's not gonna work. I already told you nothing would."

Frisk sighed in relief, ignoring the actual context of the comment. "Flowey, I-" She froze. His eyes.....

They were blood red.

That was impossible.

"Flowey, no..." Frisk said, voice breaking. He had been the last person she had left. And now he was gone.

She was all alone.

He advanced slowly, grinning wickedly at her. "Flowey..." She tried to form a sentence, but the lump in her throat wouldn't move. She wanted to ask him when, she just wanted to know whe-

"During our little fight." A deep voice spoke. She tensed, knowing exactly who it was and where they were. She felt his breath on her neck, close enough that if Frisk turned they would kiss. She attempted to elbow him from behind, but he teleported farther away from her. 

"What?" She asked him, voice quiet. Trying to tame her anger, she tried to listen to what he would say. He gave a proud smirk in her direction, and she did everything in her willpower not to slap it right off his face.

 "Well, after you and I had that little quarrel, I took the ghost and proceeded to corrupt the flower using-" He didn't continue, however, because Frisk used that opportunity to deliver a punch to the jaw. Even though she was a pacifist, he kind of deserved it. 

He fell back, hand flying to where she had punched him. A little bit of blood trickled down his jawline, and splattered onto his shirt. He growled. 

"You're gonna regret that, girlie." 

Frisk decided she wasn't done yet. "Oh really? And why is that?" She asked innocently. "Last time I saw you, you couldn't manage a single hit on me."  

He put a hand to his heart, acting hurt. A smile creeped onto his face. Frisk hated that. She hated how even though she tried, hard, to beat them, they were always the ones in control. 

"I can't, but he can." He said before snapping his fingers. 

A small sob uttered behind Frisk, and she turned, shocked, to see Napstablook, sitting there, crying. "Frisk!" He cried, tears falling from his face. "Help me!"

Frisk was at his side instantly. 

"Napst?" She asked, voice etched in concern. "Are you okay? What did they do to you?"

He turned to her, sadness and desperation clear in his puffy, red eyes.

She stepped towards him, offering a hopeful smile. "What have they done to you, Napst?"

He hung his head low, body bobbing up and down from letting out a few sobs. "Frisk-" He panted, clearly exhausted. "They've- I can't- bad- it's just-"

She let out a cry of relief. She was going to take Napstablook, destroy them, and get them out of there. She was done, done with them being able to do whatever they wanted with her. It was like she was a puppet- they were controlling her life just for their entertainment.

Turning to G, or at least what was left of him, and applied a ready stance, totally about to kick his butt. (A/N: Okay that was kinda out of place but let's be honest she probably would).

Both of them wore smug faces; however Frisk's fell when she realised something.

'...sadness and desperation clear in his puffy, red eyes.'

She froze.

They were red.

His eyes.

They were red.

By the time she realised it and turned around, it was too late.

Napstablook grinned creepily.

"So naïve..." 

Words: 1110

Eyyyyyyy anotha chapter!!! Sorry this one took longer, but I kinda lost inspiration in the last half, as you could probably tell by the quality of it.

I've officially started school.... *cue screaming noises in the distance* Ugh it's been literal hell. I'm now a sophomore at my school, and my class is meh, 

Also! Thank you guys! For what, you may ask? Well, for this!

I never would've imagined that this book would be as popular as it is! Thank you thank you thank you!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and voting! I love reading your comments; 80% of the time they make me laugh so hard. I love you all so much!

*mwah mwah* 

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