Night Watch

By Nitrospin

317 20 77

Forecast and Prediction must rid their city of evil before it consumes everything. COMPLETE! Apart of the "Ta... More

Part 1: Glows
Part 2: Neon
Part 3: Focus

Part 4: Rage

54 5 5
By Nitrospin

"The feeling of rage and evil is filling; overflowing!" The demonic woman-voice yelled through the doorway.

"Oh my God, is that..."

"Lucille, yes." Cast finished Prediction's sentence.

The house started to shake, the mist started to swirl around the house, the ground started to heat up.

"This is so bad, how do we fight her without killing her?" Prediction asked standing in a fighting stance.

"Try your best to not do fatal blows. Knocking her out may do it." Forecast said while thinking of ways not to kill her.

"I told you your soul will be mine! I will devour you and rule this city." A 6- foot medium- bulked up demon said breaking through the door in front of the hero's view of Lucille.

The demon had two horns and black armor that covered the torso. His feet were covered at the top with black armor and small spikes.

"I really love killing demons. I'll take the demon, you save your woman." Prediction leapt at the demon.

"Wait!" Forecast yelled.

Before Forecast could stop her the demon grabbed Prediction's neck midair.

"Gah! Let me go!" She struggled out.

The demon squeezed and squeezed.

"Is this all you have to offer me?" the demon asked about to snap Kiya's neck.

"The only thing I'm offering is your heart in my hand!" Cast yells as the demon is choking Kiya.

"You talk like that while I hold her life in my hands?" The demon laughs.

"We'll see if you can talk fried!" Cast shoots a lightning bolt straight at the demon's face.

The demon catches it with his unoccupied left hand, then he starts to struggle as he realizes it's not going to deflect away.

"Now!" Cast yells.

Prediction opens her electrified eyes and throws off her helmet. She begins to make him vibrate, the lightning bolt catches him off guard and shocks, not effecting Kiya.

"I should probably let you know now, she's actually going to kill you," Cast said laughing through his mask.

Kiya smiles at the demon and grabs the demon's hand crushing it.

"You're more of a demon than I'll ever be." The demon roared out.

"Wrong, I can never be as ugly as you!" She yells as she then twirls and throws the demon through the side of the house.

"Kill him!" The demon commands Lucille.

Lucille flies to Cast wanting to kill him. As Cast dodges Lucille's attacks over and over he noticed how red her skin had become, how sharp her nails had gotten, how white her hair had turned. He felt so angry at how he'd let this happen. The heartbreak made him feel anger and loss, but he knew what he had to do. Forecast grabbed Lucille's right hand, punched her in her chest causing her to buckle, and then punched her in the chin knocking her to the ground.

"Give me more rage!" She screamed as she got back up with even more aura surrounding her.

She was getting faster, deadlier. Cast kept punching her over and over in the face, her stomach, and her ribs. She kept pushing, getting faster and faster. She finally got the upper hand, scratching at Forecast's mask and armored chest plate, punching him over and over in the head knocking him to the ground hard. She pounced on top of him, pinning him.

"You will be tortured and drained of your life!"

She began to repeatedly punch him in the chest. Blow by blow the chest armor cracked and Lucille's punches got stronger.

Prediction and the demon clashed violently. Prediction was dealing more damage than the demon could keep up with. The demon tried to tap into Pre's mind like before, but it was no use, she was too powerful. She repeatedly bashed her hands into his face with the intent to kill with each furious strike. The demon blasted fire at Prediction so he could jump away and gain some stamina. The fire did no damage to her as it blasted and covered her whole body.

"You will not kill me! I am Grim Noir!" With that outburst, the demon let out a flurry of fire-tipped quills at Prediction.

"You can't be serious." She says as time began to slow, almost looking as though it completely stopped.

Prediction turned each quill with the swipe of her hand at the demon and resumed time at regular speed. Each impact of the quills gushed out blood from Noir. Noir dropped to one knee from all of the pain he felt, his chest armor ripped like paper.

Over and over, Lucille is breaking Cast's armor and knocking the wind out of him, he knows he has to stop her, he knows that killing her may be the only way. He doesn't want to live without her, but he also doesn't want to die by her. He creates a storm above them and calls down streams of lightening that shocks the two of them. His gauntlets surging from all of the lightening crashing down on them.

"Ahhh! You can't win!" Lucille screams as she starts to fall onto the ground.

"Pre, hurry up will ya." Forecast muttered under his breath while lying on the ground next to an unconscious Lucille.

Prediction started tapping into the mind of Noir, she could see the Hell he came from, the people he turned into monsters, the people he murdered. Seeing all of this made Prediction feel even more rage and hatred.

"How could you do this to so many people, you're a complete monster and you must be destroyed, you must be killed!" Prediction snapped throwing glowing purple kunai with her power.

The kunai went into both of his arms, blowing them violently off of his body. Noir knew he couldn't win, he didn't even make a sound of weakness as he bled out.

"I am not the only demon that wants this city, I am just the beginning," Noir says laughing.

Prediction walked up to the kneeling demon and smiled.

"Then they have no idea what they are up against." Prediction grabbed Noir's throat and began squeezing.

"Hahahaha." The demon laughed.

The demon began turning bright red, luminescent lights escaping through his body. His surroundings pulled slightly to him before exploding in Prediction's face knocking her to the ground hard. Lucille started to wake up after the explosion, she looked over at Forecast with rage and with confusion. She could still feel the power of the demon that abducted and changed her.

"Who are you?" Lucille asked Forecast.

"Someone who knew you were in danger." Forecast answered helping himself up.

He looked at Lucille to see that her body was turning back to the beautiful way it was before it was tampered with. Forecast helped up Lucille and walked over to Prediction who was stretched out on the ground.

"You did well, you're starting to learn how to use all of your powers. You could be a top hero at the World Protection Agency." Forecast said as he picked up and put her mask on to hide her identity.

"I'd rather stay here with you, the WPA is overrated." Prediction said as she crawled to her knees.

"Lucille, we can help you and provide you with relocation." Forecast offered, helping Kiya to her feet.

"Who are you?" Lucille asks, still feeling the power surging through her.

Forecast takes off his mask to reveal who he really is. Lucille's eyes widen and tear up.

"What is going on? Why was I attacking you? I'm so sorry." She begins to softly cry.

"There is a lot to explain and so much to take in. I can help you understand." Cast said, inches away from her face.

"Now is really not the time to kiss." Prediction mocked wanting to leave the destroyed house.

Lucille laughed and asked Forecast who she was. He simply responded with "my partner."

"I have more than enough money to fix what was destroyed, let's just leave this place and go somewhere safe," Lucille added while looking at the house.

"Nowhere is safe, but together we can survive." Forecast said grabbing Lucille's waist.

"Then let's survive." She said softly as she kissed him.

"Your breath probably smells like demon." Prediction said under her breathe.

"What was that?" Lucille said offended.

"I said, we need to go like right now."

"Yeah, she's right we need to go." Forecast said walking with both of them to the SUV.

"Turn on some music, this was an awesome victory!" Prediction shouted from the back seat as they drive off into the city.

The demons will always return. Your souls will be ours!

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