A Thorn on a Rose (OHSHC) (Bo...

Oleh Sinful-stories

55.3K 2.9K 1.5K

-Second book to the Rose series, happens after The Song of Roses.- It's been a couple weeks since Himiko had... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
<Not a Chapter>
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
After The Story

Chapter 7

1.8K 99 21
Oleh Sinful-stories

After wondering around the mall a bit with the host club, Kyoya and Himiko headed into the limo and started to head back to the house.

"You know, Miss Setsushi, earlier when we were talking about Miss Sukini, You seemed very uneasy."

Himiko looked at him, "Who wouldn't be uneasy when people are talking about someone who died?" She asked calmly.

Kyoya looked at her, their eyes meeting, thankfully, Himiko managed to make sure she was calm. "Now that I think about it, You look quite a lot like her."

Himiko's heart skipped a beat due to fear, and she hoped it didn't show on her face. "It must be a coincidence." She said, keeping her voice level. "I've only heard of this girl through Rin"

Kyoya was quiet for a minute or two, then he looked away with a sigh. "I guess you're right." He said, crossing his arms and closing his eyes, leaning back. "Foolish of me thinking such a thing."

"I never took you as one to lie, Mr. Ootori." Himiko stated, "That cousin thing was quite clever, especially on the spot."

Kyoya didn't move from his position, he just opened his eyes and glanced at Himiko through the corner of his eyes. "You already know that I don't want anyone finding out that you're my bodyguard. If anyone in the host club did, they would have a fit. Saying that you were my cousin would cast away any suspicions. Though I doubt any of them suspected anything except maybe you being my girlfriend."

"And that would still probably cause them to freak out." Himiko muttered, mostly to herself. The car halted to a stop and after a minute or two the door was opened, Himiko got out first standing at the door and looking around to make sure there weren't any threats. Once Kyoya was out, the door was shut and the man drove the limo away.

The two headed inside and Himiko shut the door behind her.

"I'm going into my room to work on homework, I suggest you do the same." Kyoya said over his shoulder, heading up the stairs.

Himiko followed after him, "Alright." She said simply, turning into her room right before Kyoya turned into his.

When she got in, she saw both Rin and Kimi laying around doing nothing, Kimi was reading a comic book and Rin was typing on the computer in the room.

"Welcome back, Sa." Kimi said, using Himiko's new nickname. "How was the mall?"

"Could of been better." Himiko said, falling back onto the bed and looking up at the ceiling.

"Somthin' happen?" Rin asked, turning around in the chair.

"Well, I now know for a fact that Kyoya as being targeted." Himiko stated, raising her hand and looking at it through unamused eyes. "But they don't seem serious about it." Sitting up, she looked at both Kimi and Rin, "Or maybe he was just new, but they attacked him in plain sight, and was easy to take down."

"Maybe they didn't know he has body guards?" Kimi suggested.

"That would make sense." Rin agreed, "If they didn't know that we were hired, then they would't take the situation as seriously, thinking that it was just offing a high school kid."

"But now that they know they have someone protecting him..." Himiko started.

"They'll be harder to spot." Kimi continued.

"And harder to take down." Himiko finished.

"But we'll be fine." Rin said, standing up with a smile, "We've been trained for this."

Himiko smiled, "Hell yeah we have," she said, her original personality creeping through, "Man, you have no idea how hard it is to act like I don't care when I care so much!"

"Really? You care?" Kimi asked sarcastically.

Himiko snorted and punched her lightly in the arm, then she grew serious, "Though Kyoya seems to be suspicious of me."

"Suspicious? Why?" Rin asked.

"Apparently dyed hair and different colored contacts don't do enough to hide your appearance." She said as she stood up and walked to the mirror, looking at herself in it. She felt guilt and remorse rise in her chest, and blinked as her eyes started to water. "They all think I'm dead." She said softly, her hands tightening around the dresser.

"Oh, Himi..." Rin muttered, heading over and placing his hand on her shoulder.

Himiko felt the tears start to fall down her cheeks and she turned to look away from the mirror, leaning into Rin and grabbing onto his shirt while she buried her face into his chest. "T-They think I-I'm de-ead." She sobbed out. "I-I'm so-o so s-sor-" She started, only to be shushed by Rin.

"Himi, you didn't have a choice. You knew you wouldn't be able to kill your friends, besides, you made the right choice, in the end, nobody actually died." He whispered.

Himiko sniffled and pulled away from Rin, looking up at him. "I-I guess you're right." She said quietly, wiping the tears from her eyes, "Thanks for letting me cry on you, I feel m-much better." Suddenly, Himiko heard the snap of a phone camera and she looked over to Kimi who was holding up a camera.

"You guys would be such a great couple!" She exclaimed.

Himiko looked at Kimi, slightly annoyed. "Are you serious."

"Oh, did I ruin your moment? So sorry~" She teased.

Himiko glared a her for a second before she started to laugh, "Man, I could never be mad at you." She said, "Honestly, you guys are some of the best friends a girl could have."

"Aw, thanks." Kimi said, tackling Himiko with a hug to the side.

"Yeah, and you're not so bad yourself." Rin said, placing a hand on Himiko's shoulder with a smile.

Himiko let a smile creep onto her face and hugged the two, "You guys, I would die if I didn't have you two."

Rin looked at Himiko, "You didn't." He stated, unamused.

"Oh, I totally did." Himiko said with a wide smile.

"But seriously, you two would seriously be the cutest couple." Kimi stated.

Himiko just sighed, "Alright, Kimi, let's get our homework done." She said, "We may be bodyguards, but that doesn't mean we should let our grades slip."

"You're like a nagging parent." Kimi said, with a sigh.

Himiko just shook her head, amused, getting to work on her homework, her mind lingering on the day she just had, knowing that the three of them might have something in store for them in the future.

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