Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

By _raxeira

86.6K 3.1K 3.1K

Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... More



1.5K 47 11
By _raxeira

Hullo! I made this as kind of like a 'timeline/synopsis' kinda explanation, just because I'm a horrible writer that doesn't know how to make a decent plot. 

Anyways, onto the storyline (this is in timelines, additional information at the bottom): 

First Timeline:

-Sans was a skeleton who idolized Gaster

-He was friends with Napstablook

-He got a job as an assistant scientist for Gaster and Chara

-Created the timeless convolver and corruption machine, although the corruption machine was weak because it was made of a regular soul injected with determination, or DT.

-After Gaster took over, He created a reset as the result of the corruption machine being composed primarily of DT and Sans hitting it with immense heat from a Gaster Blaster.

Second Timeline (After the first reset):

-Sans never got the job, or was into science, for that matter.

-No one remembered the previous timeline except for Flowey, who told Napstablook. (And Gaster but more at the bottom)

-The monsters broke the barrier, Sans changing his name to G to forget his past self.
-Frisk moved into the city, never falling into the Underground and was kidnapped by Gaster and Chara, who had the blueprints for the corruption machine, and were hunting her for her soul.

-She supposedly died after a huge amount of DT was injected into her and Gaster quickly put her soul in the timeless convolver before she reset.

Third Timeline (After the second reset):

-Frisk's last save point was when she moved to Asriel City, the timeline continuing there.

-G ends up getting arrested for drug dealing. Undyne, being Papyrus' friend and all, decided to let G out with the deal of serving the police instead of being in jail

- G and Undyne meet Frisk when she knocks out a criminal

- Frisk and G get closer after Frisk meets Kitty Cat, eventually developing feelings for each other (duh it's a sansxfrisk fanfic)

-Soon, they find out Gaster and Chara's whereabouts; they used Frisk's old soul for the corruption machine and planned to kill of all humanity after getting Frisk's new soul to experiment on it more. (at this point Frisk has two souls).

-After meeting with Alphys, who used a memory device to regain memories from previous timelines, G and Frisk shared a kiss (*insert fangirling here*) but ended up being kidnapped by Mettaton, who wanted them as part of his show. 

-Undyne and Frisk worked together to figure out Mettaton's puzzles that would lead them to G, Frisk accidentally saving at a strange painted star on the wall.

-They failed to save G the first time, which lead to him killing Frisk and her resetting (I'm not gonna count those 10 resets or next as new timelines because the last save point was shortly before that and nothing changes drastically)

-After failing to save G all 11 times, Frisk suggests they escape, and they do, figuring out that they were in a warehouse in Snowdin. 

-They use a bonfire to oven teleport to Grillby's, who wanted an explination.

-Unfortunately, he never got one, because a corrupted monster attacked the bar, looking for Frisk. However, Undyne sacrificed herself so Frisk could run.

-Frisk ran all the way out of Asriel City, into the Underground on accident.

-She meets Napstablook and Flowey, who explain all of the backstory and stuff.

-They're on a tour of the ruins when someone (although it's pretty obvious who it is) interrupts them.


Okay! Now that that's done, let's get onto the plot holes!

How do Gaster, Frisk and Chara remember past timelines?

Gaster wrote himself a letter if there were ever to be a reset explaining everything (Everyone had theorised on resets, but it was a myth, but apparently not to Gaster) along with the blueprints and Frisk's old soul. 

Frisk can remember the resets because she can reset, an outcome of having the most powerful soul; determination.

Chara doesn't actually remember past timelines, in fact, she's not even a scientist. She's more of Gaster's bodyguard/partner (not romantically, I mean like business partner). She just follows Gasters orders (come to think of it, she's more like a slave).

How does Alphys know Frisk?

It was mentioned earlier, however I wasn't very clear :(. Alphys was an assistant scientist to Gaster in timeline 1 and 2 (similar to Sans' job). She knew Frisk because she was Gaster's assistant while he and Chara experimented on her. After the second reset, she quit, because she used a memory device to recollect memories and didn't want to deal with his sickening experiments.

It looked like G was fighting the corruption machine! Does that mean there's a way to reverse the corruptions?

 Yes, as said in the previous chapter, however doing so will cause another reset as an outcome of Frisk's soul being the corruption machine. 

But I'm not spoiling anything ;)


YAYYYY!!! Everything's done, and I wrote it in like an hour! I hope this clears some things up for you guys, but if you're still confused, ask me something in the comments! I'll be glad to answer them. :3

*mwah mwah*

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