Fantasy or Reality (Life is S...

By Nikida-San

113 0 0

Today was the day she was going to be moving out of her comfort zone, Blackwell Academy the prestige art scho... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10 (End)

Episode 4

12 0 0
By Nikida-San

Photo Credit:

      Flora woke up a bit disoriented from not know where she was until the previous night snapped her back to reality. This is Mr. Jefferson's home. She got up and walked into the kitchen to see a shirtless Mr. Jefferson drinking coffee. Flora never found herself interested in anyone until that moment, yes, she thought girls were pretty and boys were handsome but Mr. Jefferson was perfect. "Good morning, Mr. Jefferson," Mark smiled and looked over at his young student before waving her over. Flora slowly walked towards her teacher before taking a seat beside him.

"How did you sleep? I didn't want to wake you up so I left you on the couch," Flora shrugged as she played with her fingers. She was sure her face was bright red and she didn't want Mr. Jefferson to see her embarrassed face. "I guess that's good, I should get you back to school before everyone gets up, it's the weekend and I'm sure you want to spend time with your friends," Mark stood up and disappeared upstairs for a bit before returning fully clothed. Flora got up and followed him out to his car, unaware of the eyes watching in the distance.

The first thing Flora did when she got back to her dorm was, pull out her sketchbook, she spent the next few hours drawing the image that clouded her mind since she's seen it. Mark Jefferson, the one man she found to be so inviting and attractive all at once. When she finished her drawing, she took a shower before walking into Max's room. Max looked like she was struggling with homework, then again Max was always struggling with something.

"Hi Max, how are you?" Max turned and smiled at Flora, didn't even realize she was in the room. "Hey Flora, how's it hanging?" Flora shrugged before laying back on the bed. No matter what she couldn't get Mr. Jefferson out of her mind, he was clouding her everything. "I'm great just bored, I was going to ask if you wanted to hang but you seem like you're busy trying to figure out your homework," Max nodded looking back her algebra homework before letting her head fall and hit the desk. "It's alright Max, I'm sure you'll get it eventually. If you need me I'm going to be in my room," Flora got up and walked into her room and mentally freaked out when the boy from yesterday was lounging on her bed.

Nathan was anxious about getting to know this pretty girl who seemed to have a freaky obsession with that weird Max girl that Victoria always talks shit about. All her sketchbook had in it was drawing and sketches of Max, and one of Mark Jefferson. The door opening pulled Nathan out of his thoughts, as he noticed Flora stiffen up.

"Can I help you?" Her voice was so melodic like angels singing in Nathan's mind. "Yeah, The Vortex Club party, Victoria told me you've never been to a party and your outfits suck so as president of The Vortex Club I'm taking it upon myself to make sure you don't look like an ass," Flora frowned at the boy, this must be Nathan Prescott she thought. Your clothes are not that great I guess and your kind of small so you can't fit in any of Victoria's clothes. You might be able to fit in Courtney's clothes," Nathan grabbed Flora's arm before dragging her into Victoria's room, Victoria, Taylor, and Courtney all sat in the room conversing until they saw Nathan with Flora.

Victoria frowned when she saw Flora, she was already being forced to invite her to the party now Nathan is bringing her all in her area. "What's up Nathan?" He pointed to Flora who was staring at the floor. "She needs a new outfit for the party, think you guys can give her some guidance?" Nathan asked looking at his frustrated friend. He didn't care that Victoria didn't like her, he wanted Flora and he was going to get her no matter what.

"I'll see what I can do but she can't fit an any of our clothes, she's short and has small boobs and wide hips. So, we'll have to improvise with something in her closet because I'm not spending money on her," Nathan rolled his eyes at Victoria's comment before taking out a couple hundred dollars and handing them to Victoria. Victoria thanked her friend before pulling Flora out of the dorm, money = shopping.

Victoria dropped the little group to a mall about two hours away from the school, three chatted while Flora followed behind like a lost puppy. She knew nothing about hanging out at the mall with friends, well acquaintances because Victoria was certainly no friend. Victoria glanced back at Flora occasionally and couldn't help but feel a little bad for her. She obviously didn't have friends back wherever she came from so she was painfully awkward when it came to situations like this one.

Victoria stopped walking and linked her arm with Flora before pulling her into Forever 21, it was the perfect price range for this little dove. "What type of things do you like? I know for a fact that you like pink since you're always wearing it but anything else here that sparks your interest?" Flora looked around the store as her eyes met a short rusty colored puffy dress. Flora had the accessories to dress it up, she would add a bejeweled belt, and silver earrings to give it life.

"I guess that is something you would wear, frumpy and has layers. It's ugly but you can probably pull it off, go try it on," Victoria said handing the dress to Flora who gladly took it and ran to the dressing room. "So why are we doing this again?" Courtney was confused as to why they were helping this nobody out, she didn't matter to her so why should she help her? Taylor on the other hand secretly liked Flora, knowing that Victoria would be upset if she tried to befriend the girl she stayed quiet.

As the small group waiting for Flora to finish up in the dressing room when one dress caught Taylor's eye. It was a white cocktail dress with lace sleeve and it just screamed Flora, she picked it up as Flora walked out and shook her head. "Here try this one, I think it's going to look very nice," Flora nodded walking back into the dressing room. She quickly pulled on the white dress and smiled when she looked at herself. In her eyes, she looked like a princess and she loved it, wait until she told her mother she went shopping with friends.

Flora skipped out of the dressing room and spun around so the others could see her, Taylor clapped, Courtney rolled her eyes and Victoria and nodded. "Not bad, Lewis, not bad at all," Victoria said. Victoria gave Flora the money to pay for her dress as Taylor and Courtney browsed around the store. "Now that you have a dress all you need is shoes and accessories, it shouldn't be too hard to find since you don't need too much to distract from the dress," Victoria said waiting in the line with Flora.

Flora shook her head and frowned as some of her hallucinations started to whisper and talk about her, it had been so long since they bothered her and now suddenly, they were tormenting her. Victoria noticed Flora get tense and it made her a bit uncomfortable. This is like what happened on a few weeks ago when she threw that drawing her. "Hey, are you alright?" Flora handed Victoria the dress and money before running out of the store and out of the mall, the voices were getting louder and Flora was started to lose herself.

God damn kids and all their pranking shit, they want all these drugs but want to throw a hissy fit when they can't handle it. Fucking Blackwell little shit stains. Frank was wiping all the mess of the side of his home when he noticed Rachel run by, his heart stopped as he ran after her. Where the hell has she been and why would she return without going straight to him? Knowing Rachel, she got herself in some sort of trouble and just escaped. Frank knew better than anyone else what Rachel was capable of and how reckless she really was. As soon as he grabbed her and she looked up at him he realized he grabbed the wrong person. This girl looked so much like her it was almost scary when he really looked her over he noticed she was shorter than Rachel and her eyes were weird. They were beautiful but at the same time it kind of freaked him out.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else," Flora took a couple steps away from her attacker and sighed when she the voices quieted down. "It's ok, I um, are you ok? You kind of look sad," Flora said quietly. She was still a little freaked out by him grabbing her but she was intrigued by all his tattoo. "I'm fine, just mind your own fucking business," Flora frowned and started to get angry. He just grabbed her and then has the nerve to be mean, what if she was a bad person she would've cried out and got the man arrested.

"Look I'm just looking for someone that looks a lot like you so when I saw you I was really happy she came back but it wasn't her so I'm a little bummed out," Frank said looking down at the pavement, he looked over the Rachel look alike one last time before turning his back to her. The more he looked at her the more he wanted to know about her, she was enticing and he wanted her. "Well I'm sorry you couldn't help you," Frank shrugged before he noticed more Blackwell students. He shook his head before turning and walking away from the Rachel like-alike and back to his RV.

Flora frowned at the conflicted man before realizing the other girls were standing beside her and frowning. "Why did you run off like that? I had to stand there in line like an idiot and pay for a dress that isn't even mine," Courtney yelled crossing her arms. Victoria was livid but she knew something was off about Flora she just didn't know what it was yet. She was going to find out what was wrong with her and when she did she was going to do what she did best, and this is being the top Bitch. Victoria put her hand on Flora's shoulder and smiled at her. "It's all good, Flora just needed a breather. Trust me I don't blame her with all the stuffy people in that store. Let's get her back on campus so we can pick out her accessories and shoes," Victoria said pulling Flora to the car.

The car ride was quiet and Flora was so happy to be back on campus, she just wanted to go to her room and be by herself and call her mother. She thanked Victoria and the others and walked into her room locking the door, she hung her dress up before laying on the best and relaxing. Flora quickly passed out in her room enjoying her dreamless slumber.

Max was hanging out with her friend Warren, she really liked Warren he was quirky and fun kind of like her. After she watched bitch Victoria steal Flora for the day it made her a little jealous, why was Victoria giving her all this random attention. What was Victoria up too? "Earth to Max, are you catching what I'm saying?" Max smiled at her friend sheepishly before shaking her head. "Sorry Warren, I wasn't really paying attention, I'm actually a little worried about a friend," Warren nodded knowing exactly who she was talking about.

He didn't know Flora personally but she was very pretty and a little strange, it kind of made him jealous to see Max and Flora hanging out. "Hey Warren, I'm going to see you later, I want to go check on my friend and make sure she's still alive since Victoria and her posy is back," Warren nodded giving Max a large smile. "Alright, I'll catch you on the flip side, keep it real Max," Max walked back to the dormitories and noticed Courtney and Taylor trying to pry open Flora's door.

She walked up to them and they both turned and frowned at her. "What the hell do you want hipster?" Max rolled her eyes and pointed towards the door. "I want to know why you're trying to get in her room," Taylor flicked Max off and stomped off with Courtney on her tail, making Max feel a little better, but why were they trying to break into her room in the beginning? Max pulled out the extra key she had for Flora's room and unlocked the door. When she opened it Flora was sitting at her desk with headphones in drawing something. No wonder she didn't hear them trying to bust the door in, Max thought walking up and touching her shoulder.

Flora jumped when she felt a hand on her but she relaxed when she realized it was just Max, she had completely forgotten that she gave Max an extra key to the room. "Just so you know Taylor and Courtney were just trying to break into your room, how are you doing?" Flora pointed at the white dress laying on the futon. "Is that your dress for The Vortex Club? It's so pretty, I'm sure you can dress it down a bit with those sparkly pink sneakers you have. And you can wear that pink charm bracelet Kate made for you." Max said trying to cheer up her friend. Flora wasn't feeling like visitors after her weird shopping trip, for some reason, she couldn't get the man that grabbed her out of her mind.

"Have you ever run into someone and they just cloud your mind and they're the only thing you want to think about?" Max understood that better then everyone, here she was talking to the girl that she was possibly in love with. The girl she ran into, the girl that clouded her mind every day, the girl she took photos of all the time if that wasn't love Max wasn't sure what love really was. Max shook her head before taking a seat on the bed, she took a quick photo of Flora before laying back on the bed. "So, have you heard about the missing girl Rachel Ambers?" Flora asked looking at the missing person's flyer she got out of Chloe's room. Chloe was so passionate about finding her missing friend and it made Flora a little jealous. "No but it's pretty sad seeing her missing persons flyers all over the place," Max said

Max and Flora hung out for the rest of the night, she drew pictures of Max as Max took pictures of her. It was after midnight when Max left Flora in her room, Flora went back to drawing until she heard her door open. She didn't turn thinking it was Max coming back because she had forgotten something. When the door closed she turned to see Nathan looking around her room.

Flora frowned and grabbed her blanket to cover herself, she was in the comfort of her room so of course, she wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt. "Can I help you?" Nathan ignored her and looked over at the white dress hanging up in the corner of the room. "How about a "thank you, Nathan, for paying for my dress. Is this the best she could do? I gave Victoria $350 this dress isn't even worth 60 bucks," Flora made a face before turning back to her drawings. "Thank you and I don't need to spend $300 just to look good, I'm ok with my 30 dollar dress," Flora heard Nathan scoff as his heavy footsteps moved towards her.

Nathan looked at Flora and noticed her drawing the selfie hippie, Maxine Cough something or the other, why would she be drawing someone as boring as that bitch? When he looked through her things earlier he noticed almost all her drawing were of her, there was a handful of Holier than thou Kate, and one of a shirtless Mr. Jefferson. "Draw me," The statement kind of threw off Flora, no one had ever asked them to have her draw a portrait of them.

"It's kind of late and I'm not in the mood to draw, it's going to take hours and it probably won't come out good since I'm tired. Plus, I like to capture photos of people showing who they really are and even though you're really pushy and kind of mean I don't think that's who you really are," Flora explained putting away her sketchbook and the rest of her equipment. "Fine, we can hang out for the rest of the week, and that way you can get an image of my shitty personality so you can draw me," Flora chuckled and shrugged before opening her door and motioning for Nathan to leave.

"I want a drawing of me so don't let me down Lewis," Nathan said walking out of the room. Before Flora closed the door, Nathan rushed back in placing a quick kiss on her lips and sprinted out of the room leaving Flora frozen. She closed the door and touched her lips, Nathan Prescott had stolen her first kiss and she was ok with it.

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