Dealer!Osomatsu-san x Reader:...

By ancient_angie

30.6K 744 698

> [For Female Readers] Now, are you ready for a time in the casino? With Sextuplet?!~ (Y/N) moved from (coun... More

Who is he? Page 1
An Invitation of a dream Page 2
Meeting the NEETs Page 3
Fallin In Love Page 4
A Day with the NEETs Part 1 Page 5
A Day with the NEETs Part 2 Page 6
Privacy and Secrets Page 7
The Painful Date Page 8
The Unexpected Date Page 10
The Protective Date Page 11
The Devilish Date page 12
Rescued by the NEETs page 13
Stay with Us page 14
{Special: A Christmas Eve Night} part 1
{Special: A Christmas Eve Night} part 2

The Niceness Date Page 9

1.4K 35 35
By ancient_angie

You went home after the incident with Karamatsu and his brothers.

Of course when you got home, you greeted grandmother and laid in your bed.

Thinking of who would invite you on a date or would ask to hang out with you. Of course, you thought they were nice people including when they didn't harm you.

You smiled at the thought of it. You fell asleep without any hesitation.

The morning rosed and you didn't really felt like getting up.

Although, you also didn't want to sleep the day away. You got up and took a shower then got dressed in your casual clothing.

When you were done, you went to the kitchen to talk to grandmother. Although, she wasn't there.

You started to feel worry until you saw a note on the wooden table.

You picked it up and read it...

Sweetheart, it's alright.  I'm out on some errands and I didn't want to wake you from your wonderful dreams! Please enjoy your day without me!

Love Grandmother ♥

You sighed with relief, knowing she was safe and sound.

Then you heard a knock at the door. You checked to see who it was.

You opened the door and saw Choromatsu.

Of course, you greeted him sweetly," oh! Hello, Choromatsu!"

He spoke with nervousness," h-hello, (Y/N)-Chan!"

"Why have you come here?"

"Oh, well..I wanted to ask y-you on a.."

You finished his sentence," date?"

He blushed at your word and nodded. You giggled and said," Well sure, Choromatsu!"

He smiled which was cute to you.

When you both started walking on the sidewalk. You asked," where are we going?"

He answered quickly," To a anime store."

You smiled and said," I love anime stores!"

"You do?!"

You nodded and he started blushing while smiling.

He rubbed the back of his head and said," I thought you wouldn't think it was a date."

"Date or not I'm in for Anime any day!"

You laughed and he did the same.

Finally, you two arrived at the anime store.

Choromatsu spoke," ladies first."

You smiled and said," you're such a gentlemen, Choromatsu."

He blushed at your response. Then he entered the store with you.

You looked around and saw an whole Nyaa-Chan section of the store. You were about to say something until Choromatsu said like a fanboy," Nyaa-Chan!~"

You stared at him as he run over to the section. You giggled and went over to him.

He looked through the section like a mega fanboy and you couldn't help but to smile.

He noticed and started blushing. Then you asked," you must really love Nyaa-Chan?"

"Yeah I do!~"

"Well I'll let you enjoy this section!"

When you were about to walk away until he grabbed your arm and said," there's somewhere else I want to take you."


"It's a s-surprise"

You smiled and nodded. While Choromatsu looked through the Nyaa Section, you stood outside waiting for him.

You noticed some guys looking at you with a naughty look. You couldn't stand it.

Of course, you wanted to punch them although your body didn't do that.

You felt disgusted, luckily Choromatsu came out from the store.

Choromatsu asked," are you ready to go, (Y/N)?"

You nervously answered," y-yeah.."

While walking he noticed you a little off. He asked concerned," are you feeling uncomfortable?"


"Well you seem a little off, (Y/N)..I'm concerned."

You looked at him and spoke," well there were these guys..who looked at me..and let's just say it wasn't nice.."

Choromatsu stop in his track and you did too. You questioned," Choromatsu?"

He answered," you should have told me, (Y/N)."



"You looked so happy..looking at that Nyaa Chan section..I didn't want to ruin the mood."


He grabbed your hand and bravely spoke," then I'll look only at you!"

You blushed since you didn't know he could be so confident.

You started to smile and said," thank you, Choromatsu!"

He blushed at your response and you giggled.

You both started walking to the surprise place that Choromatsu said.

Finally you both arrived in front of a 5 star fancy restaurant.

Your eyes widened and you said," beautiful!" Choromatsu smiled at your reaction.

Then he said," I rented the whole restaurant for tonight just for you."


He nodded and you hugged him. You happily said," thank you, Choromatsu!"

Throughout the whole restaurant night together, you both enjoyed it without interruptions. Well not yet.

When you both walked out the restaurant, a car pulled up next to you two.

Choromatsu said in surprised," they were following us?!"

Osomatsu rolled down the window and he smiled while teasing," enjoy your date?~"

Choromatsu answered while trying to keep calm," you should know, Osomatsu!"

Osomatsu laughed then looked at you. Then he said," (Y/N), let us give you a ride home."


Choromatsu opened the door for you and you thanked him then got into the car. He did the same.

3 minutes in the car ride and you fell asleep upon Choromatsu's shoulder. Of course, the other 5 didn't take too kindly about it.

Todomatsu spoke with a pout," No fair, Choromatsu-niisan!"


"I want (Y/N) next!"

Jyushimatsu disagreed and yelled," No! I'm next!"

Karamatsu joined in by saying," Now, brothers~ let's be fair about this!~"

Ichimatsu give out a "Tch" as to signal he was annoyed by Karamatsu. Karamatsu looked at Ichimatsu and spoke," Oh! Yes! Ichimatsu is next to have (Y/N) tomorrow!~"

Ichimatsu replied," whatever..."

Choromatsu looked at you and smiled as you slept the whole ride home.

~Sorry for any mistakes! School is not getting tough yet but it's still August so yeah...We all know later on during December through May it will rough in school..but We can do it! Now remember to stay happy and have a wonderful day! This story will be updated when I'm free!~

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