For the Road

By BSloves1D

591K 21.6K 19.5K

Running a popular fan account shipping two members from the famous band One Direction is the only claim-to-fa... More

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By BSloves1D

Jay smiles as she sees her son walk into the kitchen. He leaves tomorrow to start the European leg of the tour. It'll be another two months before she gets to see her boy again. She gestures for Louis to take a seat at the table.

"Mum, I've got something that I should tell you," Louis starts. Jay's eyebrows furrow as she takes a seat in front of her oldest child. She can tell there's something worrying him, and she wants to get to the bottom of it.

"You can tell me anything," She reassures him. Louis nods and fiddles with his hands a while longer before opening his mouth to speak again.

"I kissed someone at your wedding and it wasn't Eleanor. I really liked it and... the next night—when I was spending the night at Eleanor's—I broke up with her. I explained everything, and she was okay with it. I told Lottie and she helped me admit my feelings to the person that I kissed. You have to promise not to be upset when I tell you who it is, okay?"

Jay's worried. She's a little upset with her son for cheating on his long-term girlfriend, but that's his business. He got it sorted out, so it isn't like she could help him with that. She tries to remember who she saw her son with the night of her wedding, but she wasn't really paying attention to Louis.

"I'm okay with it being anyone as long as it's not one of your cousins," Jay replies. Louis' eyes widen, and he immediately tells her that's not it. She lets out a sigh of relief. As long as whoever it is makes Louis happy, she doesn't care.

"It was Harry, Anne's son. We kissed, made out actually, and uh... Lottie helped get us together in a way. We're not like... dating or exclusive or anything. We agreed on trying something out. I know that I like him and that he likes me, but... I don't know. We've chatted tons and have had a million phone calls and such, but I haven't seen him since the wedding. I leave tomorrow, and I need your advice. Should I call him and explain everything or go drive and see him," Louis asks

Jay sucks in a breath. She wasn't expected this at all. After a moment of thinking she finds something to say. "Well, you aren't going to be seeing him for two months, so I suppose you should drive and go speak to him in person. Do you mind if I call Anne and warn her? I can make sure she doesn't tell Harry, so you can still make it a surprise," Jay suggests. Louis nods.

"Yeah, I don't want to scare his family or anything. I should get going then, huh?" Louis stands and brings his mother into a tight hug.

Jay is surprised to see how happy this makes Louis. She hasn't seen him this excited over a person in a long time. She smiles as she realizes how happy Harry must make him. Jay watches him pick up a pair of car keys and leave the house. Once he's gone, she pulls out her phone and calls her friend.

"Jay! It's been so long since we've had a chat!"

"Very true, we need to meet up for coffee again soon! Listen, I'm not sure what Harry's told you, but Louis is driving down to your house now," Jay explains. "You can't tell Harry! It's supposed to be a surprise for him, but I didn't want Louis to scare you."

"Wait, what do you know," Anne asks. Jay hesitates, not knowing how much information to give to Anne. She doesn't know what the other Mum already knows and doesn't want to out the boys, but she needs to tell someone. She hurries into the other room, away from any listening ears.

"Louis and Harry like each other. Apparently, they agreed to try things out with each other and see where it does. How much did Harry tell you?"

"He told me about the same story! Except, they made out at your wedding! Harry made me promise not to tell you, but you already know about them liking each other. It's crazy isn't it, that our sons end up falling for each other," Anne laughs. Jay lets out a little smile. It is strange.

Until a couple of months ago, the families didn't even know each other existed. Jay thinks for a moment about how many things have changed in the short span of time. She can't believe that complimenting someone at a café could change someone's life so dramatically. She doesn't want to think about what could've happened if her and Anne never became friends. It's a world that Jay doesn't want to live in.


Harry's in his room, plucking at his guitar. It's a present he got a couple years back on his birthday and he plays it from time-to-time. He finds his fingers drifting to the first chord of his favorite One Direction song. He finds himself starting to sing the song quietly to himself.

A loud knock on the door startles him and he nearly drops his guitar. His mother sticks her head in and smiles. "Harry, you have a visitor," She announces. Harry rolls his eyes. With his luck, it's only the mail man.

"Is it anyone important," He asks. His mother pretends to think, then shrugs.

"Depends on what your definition of 'important' is," She replies casually. He becomes annoyed. Why can't she just tell him who's there?

"Mum, unless it's Ed Sheeran or One Direction I really couldn't care less," Harry admits. He goes back to his guitar and starts strumming the song again. He hears his door shut and he's thankful his Mum's finally leaving him alone. He loves her to death, but she's a little annoying at times.

Harry starts singing the song again quietly. He gets through Niall's solo and begins singing Liam's when he's interrupted.

"You sing that better than Liam, but don't tell him I said that," Louis jokes.


Hey guys! Don't get too excited... Larry isn't together quite yet. In case your lost: Harry agreed to help Louis sort through his homosexual feelings. Doesn't mean they're boyfriends.... yet ;) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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