Lost Souls

By JaneenHowie

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Welcome to the new generation called Lost Souls. In this new world the strong can barely survive and the weak... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to my Life (The beginning, duh)
Chapter 2: The Forbidden Zone
Chapter 3: Me, Myself and I
Chapter 4: Past Dangers
Chapter 5: Encounter
Chapter 7: Crazy to Downright Scary

Chapter 6: So it Begins

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By JaneenHowie

I shivered from my dream and tried to calm my racing heart, darkness had layered the earth with a blacken sheet sucking out the light. The hope the light could bring, the hope of freedom at this point. I grimaced as I felt Strong arms wrapped around my waist as a blanket covered both of us, my back to him. My brain seem to freeze and go over the same sentence over and over again. He was touching me. He was touching me! Wrestling out of his arms I ran to the nearest tree and used it for cover. My neck still throbbed and back but not as bad as before, it was just stiff.

"Really?" A sleepy voice grumbled.

What did he expect? For me to cuddle up with him and say sorry I attacked him because I panicked and didn't know he was my savior. That I wouldn't attack him because I didn't know if he was infected. So I would give him the better of the doubt like my Mom did for my Dad and let him live. Ha, I would kill myself before I said that.

Thank you! I didn't know you saved me... Ignore my other half, she just doesn't know when to play nice. Don't worry I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

"....And you think I'm the dumb one!" I yelled out loud in outrage to her sudden comment.

"Of course. And blind too, because right in front of us is a nice male specimen...I wonder if Juliet thought that of Romeo." She said back

"Well Juliet could think anything she wanted about him. She didn't have to worry about him going reaper on her ass! This is why we have rules. Kill humans on site. Not wait until they gain the Reapers Gifts; speed, strength and added knowledge. That puts us at a disadvantage, we can't beat that, we already tried."


"We can try again and we still own him something."

"A arrow to the heart." I spotted my bow by a rock this time but I couldn't find my arrows.


"You know what, I don't care what you think, I'm in charge and you are just a voice in my head."

"I like what the other one is saying."

"Other One?" My attention zoned in on it, the male, who I didn't want to put a name to.

"What other... wait you mean the unreasonable, crazy, voice that goes off in my head." My brain clicked everything into place.

He shifted from foot to foot, giving me a uneasy look. Like I was the one infected and was about to attack him. Who knew, maybe I was. No one can tell if your infected or not. That what People said at least. But there was one thing I was certain about and that was he was distracted by me. If that was true then I could make it to my bow on the left of him, grab it and kill him.

"Yeah." His voice faded out. "I like the other personality of you."

"Personality...It's not a personality it just a voice in my head who doesn't know when to shut up."

I love you too, Bear Shit.

I strolled forward trying to act nonchalantly about it, going for my bow. Hopefully my wrist could take it. As I approached, it felt like ants were crawling up and down my body. My hands were wet and clammy which shook as I then stood in his space and a foot away from my bow.

"Okay...Believe what you must. " He stared deep into my eyes like he was trying to figure me out. I was a mystery to him. Reaping Idiot, it's simple, I. Want. To. Kill. You.

Quaking in my shoes, I smiled up at him in innocence. Nope I'm not about to kill you. His eyes narrowed into a glare that froze me to the spot. There was something about that glare, something that screamed my demise.

Hot sun's rays, scary and gorgeous. I going to add that to the list.

"The list?" I echoed out loud.

"The list of traits we are looking for in a -"

"Stop right there I told you before to stop thinking those thoughts! We are not..." It , toke a step back from me, making me look up. His head was tilted to the side with worry again. Gone was the face of death. Good, I checked the distance between us, good and...

I grabbed my bow, mannered the string off which turned to a staff. A fighting staff. And Good. Thanks for the distraction, your weird obsession came to some good. Although we do need to talk about this later... of how you went from a smart, annoying ass, to a hopeless person. Juliet wasn't even as bad as you.

I was greeted with silence.

Silence...sweet! Smiling I balanced my weight to both feet, griping the staff.

It, stared at me with a frown and then he sighed. Anger blossomed in my stomach as a acid taste filled my mouth. He was acting like this was no big deal, that my killing attempts were futile. Sure he killed a Reaper... an shiver went down my back, but if I killed him that meant I could too.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you."

Still smiling I answered. "But I do."

Swinging forward, I attacked, aiming at his head. Ducking he rolled my way grabbed my wrist and then twisted. Warm stabbing pain greeted me, making me scream out and drop the staff. Taking avanting of that he squeezed harder and rubbed, until I was on my knees, five minutes later. Warm salt tears streamed down my face as he whispered in my ear.

"How about now."

Diffently, but I will wait until your asleep to suffocate you. I wasn't about to say that and give away my plan, so instead I glared.

"It would be wise not to attack me again." He once again looked into my eyes and smirked. Making his eyes gleam.

"You don't want to make even more of a fool of yourself now." I was pretty sure I almost bite my tongue off from saying something, which I really wanted to do. But I refused to answer now that I was once again helpless. At least if I was talking to him before I would have had a weapon. But if I talked now and he per activated. I was doomed because the virus would know I was helpless and attack sooner. So, I wouldn't talk. Because more than half the time a reaper gift activated it was because of a human. Talking, touching, hearing or seeing, it activated. I didn't want to chance that.

"Anyways now that I have you attention and you're not about to attack me, let's have a chat."

Great, just what I didn't want to do, in more ways than one. I kept staring at that cocky smile on his face. Something about it made me want to smack him.

"First thing I want to talk about is, what made you go into the town with burned hands? I get the food part, but what happened before that? Because I ran across some bodies, was that you?"

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