Loving You Is Hard ✔

By sometiimes

34K 478 65

Beck and Cat are great friends they meet after to school to rehearse a play things get hot between them then... More

Authors Note 😉
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

1.5K 21 4
By sometiimes

Cat pov

I was peddling home on my pink bike my thoughts wouldn't stop coming I was just wondering why beck almost kissed Jade when he's dating me does he still have little feelings for Jade?

I finally got home and parked my bike on the patio and opened the door and saw Jade on my couch and Nona In the kitchen.

" Cat Jade's here to talk to you " Nona said

" Oh yay! " I said a little sarcastically

" let's go talk outside Jade " I said gesturing jade out the door.

We got out side and I shut the door and stared at Jade.

" what do you have to say? " I asked

" I want to say I'm sorry for almost smooching your bf and do staring at you oddly and being jealous of you two when I shouldn't be " Jade said

" I accept your apology " I said

" friends? " jade asked

" Yay Friends! " I said

I hugged jade and I know she hates hugs but she didn't care about this one.

" three..two...one we're done " jade said

I departed out of the hug and jade said she had to go home I said bye and skipped into my bedroom happily.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my pear phone and went to the Slap.com And tweeted This

" I'm so happy I'm friends with everybody Now yay! "
       Feeling = Happy 😃

I Exited out of the slap and plugged my phone into the charger since it was almost dead.

I Went to the Kitchen and Nona was sitting down on the couch watching Toilet Wars.

" Nona I'm going to go get some..ummm" I tryd not to sound suspicious

" Cat are you going to get some bibble you know your not supposed to " Nona said

" I don't think a little will hurt " I said

" Cat... " Nona said

" just a little " I said

I walked out the door and got on my bike and peddled to the Bibble store .

I walked in and went to the counter the lady saw me and faced me.

" well cat you know your not supposed to have Bibble " the lady said

" Just a little bag please! " I said begging

" fine don't tell my boss he knows about your Bibble Problem " she said

She grabbed a little bag and handed it to me I smiled and left.

I got on my bike but I was stopped by someone  it was Tori she Smiled to me.

" Hi Cat! " Tori said

" Hi Tori! " I said

" let me guess you got Bibble " she said

" maybe " I said

" Cat..." Tori said

" Bye tori got to go " I said peddling away

" wait Cat! " I heard Tori's voice trail off

I Got to my house and parked my bike on the patio and walked in the house Nona Left a now saying she went to go get groceries Which was good because we had no good here.

I decided to get ready for school tomorrow because I had to get up early.

I got my outfit out for tomorrow I picked a light pink dress and some white pumps and a white head band .

I grabbed my Pajama's and took them to the shower with me I took off my clothes and stepped into the warm shower it felt good having that warm water against me.

I squirted some of my favorite shampoo in my hands called sweet like Candy and put some in my hair so it smelled amazing for tomorrow.

I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and got out of the shower I grabbed a towel and went to my room.

I got dressed in my pajamas and I was ready for bed I walked out of my room and Nona was putting away groceries.

" Night Nona! " I said

" Night Cat! " Nona said

I walked to my room and Got into my silky smooth Covers and plopped my head down on the pillow and went straight to sleep.

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