Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

By _raxeira

86.6K 3.1K 3.1K

Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... More



1.8K 69 91
By _raxeira

Frisk's head snapped to Flowey, taken aback by his question. Showing someone your soul was like stripping yourself naked. Exposing all of your secrets for whoever to see.

"W-What?" She stuttered. She had only met Flowey that day, and now she was about to show her soul to him. 

"Show me your soul." He repeated. Frisk figured that he wouldn't be asking unless for an important reason, so she complied.

She put her hand to her heart, thinking about all the happy things she had endured throughout her life. Slowly, a red heart faded into view in front of her. Napstablook looked away, being polite, but Flowey stared straight into it. He gestured for Frisk to do the same.

She stared into her soul (literally). At first, she saw moments from her childhood; playing with her parents, her friends, and all that jazz. It flashed to when she moved to Asriel City; young and blind, looking for a fresh start. It then changed to her time in the lab; she winced as they experimented on her. 

After all that, it portrayed her most recent journey; travelling with Undyne, meeting Kitty-Cat and Alphys, and the kiss she shared with G.

Her blood boiled at the kiss. She was so angry at him for everything! To think her lips touched his... 

She shuddered. Not wanting to think about it, she looked back at her soul. It was a point of view Frisk had never seen before. It was similar to the lab; Gaster and Chara looking down at whatever she was, inspecting it. Shocking it. Injecting it with DT. 

Then, it changed. It was still a perspective that was completely foreign to Frisk, but she saw herself and Undyne, bursting into the warehouse they had been in before. Frisk's eyes boggled. This was supposed to be my soul. Who's perspective is this?

"This is as I guessed...." Flowey said. He stroked (or what Frisk assumed to be stroking) his chin. He looked at her with such intensity that she forced herself to look away. She had learned that Flowey was very blunt, and she wasn't sure what he was going to say.

"Yes? What did you guess that was so correct?" She asked him, feigning confidence and interest. In reality, she was scared. She was terrified of what he was going to say; something else impossible that would just add to this whole situation.

And she was right to be scared. What came out of his mouth was something she- or Napstablook, who was still covering his eyes- would never imagine. 

"You are the corruption machine, Frisk."  

Frisk stared at him, not comprehending the words that had just come out of his mouth. What he said seemed- no, was- impossible. How could she be the corruption machine if she was right there? 

Napstablook gasped. "T-The timeless convolver." He stuttered, suddenly realizing everything. Frisk was still in the dark. "What?" she said hoarsely. She looked at her two new companions, confusion clearly shining through her eyes. They shared a knowing look; one that was Frisk was tired of. As if she were a child that wasn't trusted with things she's clearly involved in.

"Well?" She snapped, annoyed. "Are you going to tell me what you two are silently having a conversation about?" Flowey looked at her and huffed. "Well, with that attitude, I don't think we have a choice." He said, turning to Napstablook, who just shrugged. He sighed. 

"Okay, so basically, you know how Napstablook explained the machine that supposedly keeps items from other timelines without causing a space-time continuum?" Frisk nodded as he went on. "Well, apparently, the timeline where you were kidnapped and experimented on, Gaster still had the blueprints for the corruption machine, and the last ingredient was a red human soul, hence your kidnapping." 

Frisk didn't know how he knew all this, but she didn't question it, so long as her questions were answered.

"And the only reasonable explanation for the things we saw in your soul was that you died, they took your soul and used it to create the corruption machine." He said, finishing with a smug look on his face.

Frisk wanted to slap it right off. "What about before they kidnapped me? Napst said that G- er, Sans- created the corruption machine." 

Flowey nodded, still smug. "And that he did. But an other soul with DT injected into it is less powerful than a red one injected with it." 

Frisk was at a loss for words. All this new information, and she still didn't seemed satisfied. "Is there a way to reverse the corrupted victims?" 

Her companion rolled his eyes. "Idiot. Of course, all you have to do is set it to reset and put them in. Although it will create a literal reset, so that wouldn't be good." 

She froze, an unsaid fact spoken in her head. 

I can't save them without forgetting them.

She shook her head, trying to get all of the deep talk out of her train of thought. She offered Flowey and Napstablook a small smile. "Thank you." She said, still not satisfied. 

Flowey livened up a little. "Now that that's out of the way, why don't we show you around the rest of the Underground?" 

Frisk accepted.

They were walking through the ruins, Napstablook pointing out great spots for lying on the floor, and Flowey over exaggerating the greatness of all the Ruin's puzzles.

Soon, they arrived at a bed of golden flowers, sunlight pouring all over the diameter of the buttercups. Frisk stood in the middle and looked up. She watched as the lights coming from above danced with different yellows, oranges, and whites.

"Flowey," She breathed. "It's so beautiful." She turned to him, who was still smug at the moment, an i told you that the ruins were cool look on his face. "Of course it is, I picked out this place for our tour." He remarked. 

Frisk giggled and turned to Napstablook, who was lying on the floor, looking up at the light. "What about you, Napst? Don't you think that this place is wonderful?" 

A deep, masculine voice that was too familiar made Frisk and Flowey to freeze. 

"I don't know about the ghost, but I really do love the ruins."

Words: 1118

Heya! I kinda have a plot worked out, but nonetheless, I will post an update about a plot overview. I was reading this over and realised that there are a lot of plot holes, which I will try to patch up. 

Also! I'm not sick anymore! *hooray!* Which means I'll be updating more frequently, but school starts in like 3 days. -_______-

Anyways, that's all for today. Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting! I love you all!

*mwah mwah* 

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