
By HanaMiha

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(Not reread to have errors fixed yet) Have you ever wondered what would happen if Yuma grew too old and had t... More

broken bond
take a chance
Halfway to forever
Never Again
Friendship Overlay!
Extended ending


205 4 2
By HanaMiha


English: Yuè Tsushima

Japanese: 故対馬

Romanji: Tsushima Yuè



Hair: Metallic gold and grey

Eye: Sky blue

Gender: Male

Birthday: February 21th

Age: 14-15


Pocket Monsters
Stars in the night


Social media- (really doesn't care about it)
Going to church- (he says it's too boring)
Being alone

Favorite food: Udon noodles and rice cakes.

Least favorite food: Onion rings

•Yuma Tsukumo (former incarnation)
•Astral (former incarnation husband/other half)
•Ren (former incarnation son)
•Elisa (former incarnation daughter)
•Kai (former incarnation son)
•Mrs. Tsushima (biological mother)
•Mr. Tsushima (biological father)
•Maika Tsushima (biological sister)
•Shigeru Tsushima (adoptive brother)



Occupation: Student (Heartland High)



(Yu-gi-oh ZeXal Oc)
Anime Fan fiction:




Gagaga magician deck




Yuè has short metallic gold hair, One side longer than the other, with one large grey streak from across his forehead to cheek. He has large sky blue eyes.

Yuè wears navy blue knob like earrings. A half white, half grey shirt with a round black collar. He also wears a white crop top sweater, That has navy blue sleeves and pockets with yellow stars while the back of the sweater is also yellow. On both sleeves sides there are blue streaks. The hoodie of the sweater is  blue. He wears black baggy jeans like Yuya. No Extra pockets. Along with a blue belt with a blue and pink rectangular deck holder with a yellow star on it. His shoes colours match his jacket.



Most times, Yuè can be very hyper especially during the day. He's normally kind to others he's pretty goofy, when trying to cheer others up or it's just him. occasionally lazy: Yuè at times, when he can't be bothered with a difficult task doesn't try to face it. Clever: Even when he doesn't pay attention in class, he at least finds some time to study up. heroic, playful, childish, adventurous, Cheerful: Yuè is pretty much like a child towards most things but he knows when to get serious. When sad he can seem a little standoffish. Others would find him annoying because of his way of being too loud and stubborn.



-Bicycle riding
- Self-motivation



Yuè, a common Chinese given name. More commonly used for females. It could be 悦(happy), or 越(beyond), or 月(moon)



When Yuè was a young child, He used to always be out and about adventuring places he felt like he'd been before. Often he'd get in trouble for this, Because he kept sneaking out the house to go off to strange places he'd say he dreamt about. Other than that, His life was like any normal kid with two parents who loved them. They used to take him out often so he could go off and adventure the places he claimed he saw. Going to the Zoo with his siblings and going out to Heartland Hills was his favourite two places. When the bridge shut down a few years after, due to too much accidents on the narrow stretch. After a few years, He got tired of this, maybe because he also grew out of it. He fell in love playing duel monsters and pocket monsters because of their similarities to each other. From then, He had been obsessed with the game and now challenge duelist around the world, Whenever he and his parents travel.




Yuè and Kayo has been good friends ever since they met. They normally would spend most of their time with each other. When Astral appears, Yuè's strange behavior makes Kayo worry about him. Yuè has an idea that Kayo likes him. It can be confirmed when Kayo blushed when Yuè patted her and when Yuè suggested they go the movies, she thought of it as a date. Yuè feels nothing but platonic love for her.


At first, Yuè didn't think of Astral as more than a friend. But after spending time with him and seeing a few memories. He fell right back in love with him and slowly finding their way back into their relationship and happiness they had before.


At first, Yuè thought Maika was pretty strange wanting to dress and female and being called so. After a while, He didn't really care what Maika wanted to do anymore. The two of them are very close and get along well. And supringly talk avoit


Yuè never did like Shigeru's bad attitude attitude or that he was always being teased by him. The both of them would always get into fights with each other when growing up and even now. Despite all the bickering they do, Deep down they love each other. Of course, they'd never admit it to anyone.


Character notes

Yuè's design was taken off an very old oc mine and my kid sisters jacket. So no I didn't steal a design. I also forgot to draw the emporers key



English: Kayo Hoshimi

Japanese: かよ星美

Romanji: Hoshimi Kayo



Hair: forest green, sky blue and lavender

Eye: yellow

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Birthday: June 6th


Cosplaying anime characters
Watching online videos
Surfing the web
Hanging out with Yuè


People who are too annoying or talkative

Favorite food: mochi

Least favorite food: tomatos


•Yuma Tsukumo (Great grandfather)
•Astral (married name: Tsukumo) (Great Grandfather)
•Elisa (Great Grandmother)
•Ren (Great grandfather)
•Kai (Great grandfather)
•Mrs. Hoshimi (mother)
•Mr. Hoshimi (deceased)
•Nao Hoshimi (half brother)



Occupation: Student (Heartland High)



(Yu-gi-oh ZeXal Oc)
Anime Fan fiction:








Kayo has peach skin and yellow eyes with long, Forest green hair with sky blue and lavender bangs. The blue bang points to right, stucked behind her ear while the other lavender bang hangs in her face. The rest of the hair, Which is the forest green parts off into two sides. Both sides of the hair which are ponytail like are zigzaged, Until the end which points upwards.


Her uniform consist of a long sleeved buttoned up white shirt, Blue mini skirt,  Blue ascot, Black stockings, Black school shoes with blue bows and a purple vest.




Kayo can be described as serious and aggressive by her classmates. She isn't afraid to say anything to anyone. Because she knows the world is tough, To get through it she builds a tough demeanor to scare off others, which doesn't exactly always work. Around her family and friends she's a sweet, helpful and compassionate girl who can also be described as antisocial, Since she's always on her electronics. Sometimes because she's in the other persona too much, She'll accidentally be hard on her brother or too serious with others.






The different meanings of the name Kayo are: Japanese meaning: Beautiful generation



As a child, Kayo would be seen mostly on her own crying her eyes out because of low self esteem. Her father would tell her to roughen up, Since there always will be people who wants to pull you down. Even after getting advice from her father, For a while she's insecure.




Yuè, is one of the few persons who can actually took the time out to get to know her and accept her. After meeting they spend most of their time with each other. He even taught her how to duel. Overtime she got used to him and their relationship became a sister and brother one. The two have a really strong bond, Even to the point of hurting if the other is. She would get easily riled up by him or worried, especially when he would do something stupid. For years many boys didnt take an interest in her, Other than wanting a sexual favor. So when she met Yuè and he was one who actually cared for her more than others she fell for him instantly.


Kayo didn't like Astral at all when she heard about him. She didn't like how she made Yuè feel or the way how Yuè talked about him would make her upset. Eventually she accepts him and that they like each other. But she doesn't try to befriend Astral.


Nao is the younger brother of Kayo. Due to father's recent death and her mother busy at work. Kayo occasionally has to skip school just so she can care for her blind brother. She loves him dearly and would do anything for him.


Character notes

Kayo was not supposed to look anything like Kotori. My mint marker failed on me but I like the color anyway. Her name starting with a K is also taken from the name Kiyohara (an old oc of mine). I was going to name her Kiyo but I changed it to Kayo

Anyway. You see how Kayo's eyes are golden. She is one of the great grandchildren on Astral's and Yuma's kids. She is capable of Zexal but only with Yuae or Astral(might change that later)



English: Maika Tsushima

Japanese: まいか 対馬

Romanji: Tsushima Maika



Hair: metallic gold

Eye: pink

Gender: Male (yes male)

Birthday: May 5th

Age: 13


Pocket Monsters
Cross dressing
Victorian era
Victorian era dresses


Cats (allergic)
Dueling (says its too confusing and is too lazy to bother learning it)
Needles (fears them)
Citrus fruits


•Mrs. Tsushima (biological mother)
•Mr. Tsushima (biological father)
•Yuè Tsushima (biological brother)
•Shigeru Tsushima (adoptive brother)



Occupation: Student (Heartland High)



(Yu-gi-oh ZeXal Oc)
Anime Fan fiction:










Maika is a very bubbily and kind soul. She's one of those person who'd you'd easily make friend. He is quite sensitive and emotional. Any scolding or so would have him in tears. Being weak is his greatest flaw.





From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 衣 (i) meaning "clothes" combined with 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good".



Since birth, Maika has been very feminine.
He used to wear his mother's dresses and play with her makeup. Mrs. Tsushima didn't think much of it then, Since he was a child. As the years went on, He got worse. To the point of taking interests in boys. When Mr. Tsushima figured he needed to have a chat with his son. He discovered that Maika loved who he was and that he didn't want to change.  From then, Maika has been treated like a female and allowed to dress like one.




Maika would always get upset with Yuè cause he never understood his ways of liking the things he did.In time, Yuè got used to her and now two of them get along fine.



English (adoptive): Shigeru Tsushima

nickname: Isuzu (Maika. Because she scrambled the letters in his real name and adoptive in a words game they played once)

Originally: Aziza Isaias

Japanese: 茂 対馬



Hair: dark purple

Eye: gold

Gender: Male

Birthday: September 10th

Age: 16


Listening American music
Provoking Yuè


Favorite food: any fast food

Least favorite food: none


•Mrs. Tsushima (adoptive mother)
•Mr. Tsushima (adoptive father)
•Maika Tsushima (adoptive sister)
•Yuè Tsushima (adoptive brother)



Occupation: Senior (Heartland High)



(Yu-gi-oh ZeXal Oc)
Anime Fan fiction:








Shigeru is Egyptian, meaning he is dark skinned. He has long dark purple hair that ends at his waist. His eyes are gold. He has a slightly muscular body, but mostly slender.


He wears a normal white, long sleeved (to elbows) shirt with black skinny jeans and black boots.


Red shorts with a black tee shirt.



Shigeru can be just as childish as Yuè sometimes and then denies he is, Knowing that he doesn't want to have anything in common with his annoying brother. On his own, He is quiet and paints often or just chills listening to music. When he isn't, He is very mischievous, provoking Yuè whenever he can cause of boredom.





The name Aziza is an Egyptian baby name. In Egyptian the meaning of the name Aziza is: Precious.



Because of Aziza's parents being too poor to care for him, He was taken by health care and then put in an orphanage. A few years after, He was adopted by Mr. And Mrs  Tsushima. Since, At the time Mrs. Tsushima was unable to have kids. He was remained Shigeru and lived with them.

Shigeru couldn't help feeling lonely. He used to pest his parents for a brother of sister. Finally deciding to try, Yuè was born and not long after Maika.




(I failed here istg)


English: 奈央 星美

Japanese: Nao Hoshimi

Romanji: Hoshimi Nao



Hair: lavender and yellow

Eye: white

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 5th

Age: 12


Dogs (thinks they feel fuzzy)


Prickly objects
Loud sounds

Favorite food: Melon

Least favorite food: Pear


•Umiko Hoshimi/Mrs. Hoshimi (mother)
•Kayo Hoshimi (sister)



Occupation: None


(Yu-gi-oh ZeXal Oc)

Anime Fan fiction:








Nao has a darker shade of green hair, along with lavender. His eyes are a pale yellow.
He has pale skin and skinny.

He normally wears a blue and orange kimono, that has a single dark red strap. (irdk how to describe it)



Nao is a shy and gitttery boy who is allergic to most things and processed foods. He is  also quiet and rarely speaks, He enjoys listening to music. Because of his blindness, He is unable to do most things and needs the help of others daily.






The meaning of the name Nao is Possisive Particle, Love, Affection



Nao has been blind since birth. When he was a child, He didn't like leaving the house at all and they'd usually catch him talking to things who weren't there. His mother thought maybe it was just his imaginary friends. To not be as lonley, Mr.Hoshimi got a puppy for him. Ever since he and that dog has been together. It has become his seeing eye dog, But he still needs assistance from his older sister Kayo.

When Mr.Hoshimi died. This started again. This new 'imaginary friend' would be called Otto.(for short of otousan which means father in Japanese). Now a days, He goes out way more often than he used to since he met Yuè.




Nao loves his sister very much and would like her to stay with him as long as she can. He's so attached that he gets upset whenever she's gone for too long. Which makes him get angry when he hears she's out with Yuè.


Nao didn't like Yuè, Because he thought he was trying to take his sister away from him. He grows a liking for Yuè after meeting him because he was the first person other than his family to say something positive to him  and not make his blindness be an issue.


Nao thinks Astral's 'aura' is very strange. He recognizes that he's a spirit, That follows Yuè around. He also knows that he isn't evil and is around Yuè to protect him or so. He thinks that Astral might be a dead family member.


Character notes

His hair colour can be confusing af. Not sure whether to keep it full green or have one part lavender and then the rest green.

(I don't think I'll finish the rest so they can be classified as Mary sues huh?)


Information Shit posts

Now for the colours I used for their hair and bangs. Much like Yuzu and her counterparts. It shows how connected they are to each other.

Yuè's hairstyle really stressed me out- I didn't want something too similar and too much. I it had way more to it but I removed it.

Forgive me for the card size. Mine is that small ...I noticed theyre bigger in the anime

I can't shade or draw fingers im still a small beginner bean;;


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