What We Call Life (My Hero Ac...

By AlekatiaMoon

39.3K 839 1.1K

MHA x reader You were one of the rare ones. Two quirks that didn't even manifest until you were ten, but by... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Another Day, Another Fight
Important Announcement

Chapter 3 - Deadly Training

1.7K 45 53
By AlekatiaMoon

            Hey, my lovely readers. I'm so sorry that I haven't worked on this for at least two years. Things just kind of didn't work out and this wasn't one of my main focuses. Please forgive me and rest assured that I will be starting to update this again. New chapters will probably happen once to thrice a month and if one won't be published, I will let you know. So let us continue on your adventure!



          I awoke to the loud beeping of my alarm clock. I yawned in exhaustion because I stayed up all night to complete the homework Gryphon assigned to me. Sadly, I only got through about four books and two papers, obviously, I did the easiest books first. I completed them in the order as followed; Physical Science, Geography, Biology, and Periodic table - Gases and Liquids. When I checked the time I quickly jumped up from the chair I fell asleep at and tried to rush around my room. Although gravity decided to curse me and I fell face-first on the floor. I let out a huff as I lifted myself off the ground.

       Quickly running downstairs I started to prepare breakfast. What I made today were pancakes, with a plate of strawberries and blueberries, and a basket of warm bread. I just finished setting the table when I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed to the door and my eyes opened wide in surprise when I saw Gryphon standing outside my door at 6:00 in the morning.
      All he said was, "Hello, a beautiful morning isn't it?" with my mouth agape I just simply nodded. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" and with that statement I snapped out of my trance and invited him in. He walked straight to the kitchen and sat down at the table. I glanced curiously over at him but silently added another plate to the table. I wonder what my brother will think of this.
       As I finished making the breakfast I heard my aunt storm down the stairs. "(Y/N)! What did I tell you about cleaning my balcony last night!? You were supposed to sweep off ALL of the dead leaves! I just went out and instantly I stepped on a-!.....Oh why hello there handsome. What can I do for you?" my aunt stopped shouting when she noticed Gryphon sitting silently at the table, drinking a glass of wine that came out of nowhere. "You seem very stressed, would you like a smoke?" Gryphon replied smoothly holding out a cigarette, that again came from nowhere. My aunt placed a hand on her chest and smiled cheekily, "Oh why thank you. You're such a gentleman. Do you know.....that monster?" she looked at me during the last question and I looked towards my feet in shame. "If you mean the child, then yes I do." Gryphon glanced at me as my aunt threw me a powerful glare. "Well, I'll be back in a little bit, I just need to freshen up." and my aunt sauntered out of the kitchen. Gryphon whispered, only loud enough for me to hear, "Thank god." he then looked at me and showed me his ring finger, "Don't worry I'm already taken." I nodded with a sweat-drop. 

        Soon Thomas walked down the stairs and the instant he saw Gryphon, he was instantly standing in front of me in a protective stance. "Who are you and what are you doing in here? Did you touch (Y/N)? Who let you in?" he gave Gryphon a hard glare. "My name is Gryphon and I am here to have breakfast. We haven't had any kind of inappropriate physical contact. (Y/N) herself let me in. Any other questions?" Gryphon replied smoothly. Thomas looked at me with a questioning look. "He's my mentor, big brother. Gryphon is going to train me so I can get into U.A. High School. Please don't be mad, the least we can do is provide a meal for him." he hesitated and looked at me then to Gryphon and back agin until he finally nodded and slowly sat down at the table, straight across from Gryphon...silently staring...not looking away at all.

        Then my younger brother Alex walked down and jumped onto my back full of excitement, "Guess what big sister! They discovered a new rock that could power all the worlds generators in Taiwan!" I smiled at him and set him in his chair, "Really? That's amazing!" Alex nodded with enthusiasm. "Oh yes, that material, although I don't think it would be enough to power the whole world. They would need a substantial amount of it but since it is one of the rarest metals in the world I don't think that would happen anytime soon." Alex's eyes opened wide. "You know about the Subzero titanium silver colloid!?(I don't know lol, I just added some metal word like things together XD) They said that some might be stolen to be sold on the black market since it would be able to power practically anything for an unknown amount of time." Gryphon nodded, "I wouldn't be surprised if they stole all of it, although they would have to go through a very large amount of security. Probably only someone with a very powerful quirk would try to obtain all of it though." Gryphon and Alex continued to talk about this unknown powerful metal. I guess I don't have to worry about Alex liking Gryphon. I sighed in relief, my worry slowly fading away.

     Then Elizabeth walked down the stairs and simply sat down at the table and sneered at me. "What did you make me today? It better be good or else I'll throw it right back in your ugly face and don't forget I'll have different meals next week, I'm going on a diet." I bowed my head to show understanding and heard Gryphon chuckle. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house, if my mom finds out about this, you'll be sorry! You're ruining my morning." Elizabeth glared at Gryphon. "My name is King Gryphon the third and I didn't realize I was in front of a fellow royal today. If you are talking about the elegant lady that was here minutes ago, she is very fond of my presence. I didn't realize you paid the bills, it must be a very challenging job." Gryphon comments chuckling to himself. Elizabeth's eyes widened as she smiled gently at 'King Gryphon', "Oh I'm so sorry your majesty, usually the monster brings home unwanted guests." Elizabeth glared at me, "If the beast gives you any discomfort I can send her to stay outside." Alex couldn't contain it any longer and he burst out laughing earning a disgusted look from Elizabeth. "Y-You! You actually thought he- he was a King! hahahaha!" Elizabeth was blushing red. "Shut up you little brat! You wouldn't even know royalty if it hit you in your disgusting pig face! You're aren't even that smart so don't act all full of yourself!" She slammed her hands on the table and started eating like nothing funny happened. I could barely contain the slight laugh that was in the pit of my stomach as well. Although I feel bad she embarrassed herself. Gryphon was chuckling as he said, "Technically, I could be a king with the amount of money I have." I nodded since I have experienced first hand his enormous pile of wealth. 

        After everyone calmed down and Aunt Sarah came back down, with an abundance of makeup on, we all sat down to have breakfast together. Thomas started a conversation with Gryphon, "So why are you training (Y/N) to get into U.A? Did she help you and you're repaying her, or did she impress you?" until Elizabeth interrupted the conversation, "Wait. you're training that monster, over someone like me? She has killed people before you know, how does that make her anywhere qualified to be a hero? What if she runs rampant again and kills an entire city, that beast shouldn't have even been born! Although I wouldn't have much to learn from someone like you anyway, you look super weak. I'm already super strong, so no doubt about it that U.A High will accept me, but again I would be way better than a thing that shouldn't even be allowed to live! Once you get scared of that monster you'll come running to me but it will be too late, you better ditch her now while I consider still being trained by you." she smirked while straightening her posture. My vision clouded as I looked at the floor, remembering the accident once again. She was right though, I want to be a hero but I have already hurt and killed multiple people, even if by accident, I'm a monster. My fists clutched tightly onto my pants, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill.

       Gryphon slightly glared at Elizabeth and spoke in an icy tone, "If you think so highly of yourself then let's make a deal. If you get into the Hero course of U.A then the 'monster' will come live with me and not enter the Hero course. So then you wouldn't have to see her ever again. I'll even take in her brothers if she insists. But, if she gets a higher score than you on the exam and also enters the Hero course then I will train her to be the top hero... And also I don't remember you ever saving anybody's life and trust me I would know, there's more information on this paper, I happen to have on me for just this kind of occasion." He gave a challenging smirk and slid the paper over to her and Elizabeth was red with fury. "Deal! That thing will never be better than me!" Elizabeth then quickly stands up, takes the paper, and storms out of the house to school. I couldn't help but smile as I wipe the tears from my eyes. Gryphon turns to me and says, "Come over this weekend. We'll begin your training right away, you better be prepared because I won't go easy on you. Don't prove me wrong (y/n)." I quickly nod and eat my breakfast.

~time skip to le weekend~

        I gulped nervously as I stared at the gigantic building once again. I wonder what type of training he'll have me do. I quickly walked through the only doors outside the skyscraper to be met with an old man wearing a priest outfit. He looked at me with warm brown eyes and smiled, "Ah, you must be Miss (Y/n), the young master has been waiting eagerly to train you. Don't let his grumpy attitude get to you, he's really a kind man." I nodded as he led me into the elevator. "Now as you may have noticed this building has 17 floors in all, each of which will have certain ways of helping you train in every single aspect. Also, as you can see from the outside, this building has no windows nor other exits per the young master's request and other reasons he may or may not share with you in the future. Today you will be training on floor 15, which is the special VR training center. A special warning for you, it may be VR but it can attack you and you can attack it, do not hold back whether you see something kind or deadly." I nodded again in slight understanding, "Any questions so far Miss (Y/N)?" the kind man asked. "Um, I was wondering what your name was? Oh, and how long have you known Gryphon? And why do use honorifics on everyone, like young master and miss?...Uh, if you don't mind telling me?" I questioned curiously. He laughed gently and the wrinkles on his face lifted into a bright smile. "Ah, of course where are my manners. My name is Micah, I'm the pastor in the young masters' home and sadly his only friend. I've been with the young master for nearly two decades now, and other than me and the young master himself no other living person has entered this place in that time, you are the first exception the young master has made in all that time, please treat him kindly." I nodded with a sad smile, "As for the honorifics, I was raised by a kind family in Europe who found me on the streets as a child, I lived with them until I moved to Japan a few decades ago. They were very polite people and even to their closest friends they used honorifics, it is a habit that will stick with me to my grave... Ah! It looks like we are here Miss (Y/N). Please do stand in the center of the room until the young master shows. He's having his daily coffee break right now so he shall be here in a couple of minutes." I smiled and thanked him as I walked out of the elevator and directly into a large circular room. Next to the elevator stood a lone door that I assumed led to the observation deck that sat above the elevator itself.

    I walked to the center of the room slowly and waited for a couple of minutes thinking to myself. If Micah has lived alone with Gryphon for twenty years then how old is Gryphon? And if no one has entered this building in that time, what happened to Gryphon's mom and dad, and since he has a ring, his spouse?" multiple questions swirled through my mind and did not stop even when Gryphon came through the elevator and went straight to the observation deck. He pressed a button that I guess led to speakers and he spoke in a flat tone, "I assume Micah already told you about the VR system?" I nodded my head, "Okay then we'll dive right in. Use your powers to either defend yourself or defeat the randomly generated enemy. You'll have to handle it for at least five minutes, and after this I will organize a schedule on the things you need to work on, now...begin." the speaker shut off with a click and instantly my surroundings turned into a dense jungle. I gulped as I felt the floor below me shift into soft dry dirt. I won't be able to run quickly on this broken dirt and the jungle is dense so I have barely any visibility, this is already dangerous. I stared intently at the jungle as birds and monkeys called out.

     All of a sudden a bush to my right shook and the jungle went completely silent. I'm not liking this. Yellow cat eyes met mine as sweat rolled down my back. I needed to prepare myself but those eyes glued me to my spot, I couldn't move an inch in fear of triggering an attack. "What are you waiting for, attack!" Gryphon commanded I flinched as a giant tiger jumped out of the artificial bushes. It bared its fangs with a deep growl as it circled around me watching me as prey.

     I quickly told myself to focus because I knew Gryphon was serious. I'll probably rely on my air quirk more in any battle that I'm in so I'll try using that as my main offensive strategy. I focused on my hands and small baseball sized balls formed in both my hands made of compacted swirling wind. The tiger growled at me and pounced in the air straight towards me. I quickly threw the air ball in my right hand at the menacing tiger shouting a random move name, "Earoketto!". The ball struck right at the tiger's chest and the tiger was thrown on its back about five feet away. The tiger instantly rolled over again and continued to circle me.

        I quickly ducked and braced myself for the inevitable...until it never came. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the VR was turned off. I looked towards Gryphon and he had a very disappointed  look on his face."You know from what I saw from you fighting that slime monster I expected way better combat skills, but apparently, I was wrong." I couldn't say a word. I knew I was weak but did he really have that high of hopes for me? Enough to actually be disappointed with how bad I did? I can't lose him, he's the only shot I have at becoming a real hero. If I don't have him no one would accept me. I quickly grabbed his arm as he was walking away, "Please...I can be stronger...Just give me time, train me, and I swear you won't be disappointed again! Please..." his eyes met mine as I continued to plead silently. "Well, I have one more test. If you succeed, even slightly, I shall reconsider training you.....Micah will decide the test." he suddenly continued walking, leaving me there stunned.

 Once the elevator door dinged and I knew I was alone a giant smile formed on my face, "Yes!" I jumped up in the air, Micah seemed like a nice guy, I can't possibly mess up this second chance!

~time skip~

   I was wrong...so very wrong...Micah made my challenge a chess match against him. Turns out he's really good at chess. My brain hurt at all the possible outcomes that each move would make while Micah sat relaxed in the chair across from me just smiling his kind wrinkly smile. Although at this moment he didn't seem very nice. Out of 18 moves I have yet to capture one pawn and I only have my king, one bishop, and one knight left. I haven't gotten a single pawn, how is that even possible? I win against my brothers all the time. Suddenly after all this struggling, I noticed one place where his pawn was unguarded, I hopped at the opportunity and used my knight to attack. I smiled as I collected my very first piece but it quickly fell when Micah still smiled and lifted up his queen and placed it in a checkmate zone. I looked at him while he stared at the board with his warm brown eyes. I looked towards Gryphon who was silently sitting in the corner drinking wine. His eyes met mine as he silently stood and walked out of the room. 

         I clutched my hands under the chess table while I tried to hold in the tears. I failed. "That was a good game, you did very well Miss (Y/N). Thank you." Micah said in a kind tone I just nodded my head, stood from the chair, and silently rushed out of the room. 

    Once the elevator hit the first floor I walked out of the building as fast as my feet could carry me. Thanks to my teary eyes I couldn't see where I was walking and ended up bumping into someone. I sniffled a little and quickly apologized as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "No worries Miss (Y/N). It's a shame you're going home so soon, I would've been happy to play you again." I shook my head at the floor. "Gryphon probably wants me out of here as soon as possible, so I'll be leaving now, sorry." Micah shifted his feet, "Why would he want you out Miss (Y/N) you accomplished the task that was given to you. You succeeded, even if only slightly... good job." I quickly looked up and met Micah's smiling face. I shouted in disbelief as a bright smile grew on my face.

       All of a sudden the elevator dinged and Gryphon walked out holding a group of papers. He sighed and walked up to us, "Seriously, you couldn't have just stayed on that floor, you realize how many possibilities there were to which floor you were on? Such a hassle." he grumbled and I couldn't help the big smile that was stuck on my face from pure happiness. I'm going to have a teacher. Someone believes in me. Without realizing I ran to Gryphon and hugged him tightly, I felt him stiffen but I just said thank you over and over again. He suddenly pushed me away and looked to the side with an irritated expression. "Go home, practice starts tomorrow, I'll have your full schedule by then." Gryphon turned around and quietly went into the elevator, we met eyes and all I did was smile, he grumbled some more incoherent words before the elevator finally closed. I quickly thanked Micah and ran out of the skyscraper happily.

~time skip to tomorrow~

   I looked at the schedule I held in my hand apprehensively as Micah stared at me with a smile. Since I met with them yesterday today would be the start of the training schedule which would be....physical workout. I'm not that physically fit so this might get a bit interesting. Due to my air manipulation quirk, I somehow got asthma as a consequence, though it isn't so bad unless I'm using my quirk.


Monday - Floor 3 - Physical Workout

                    Floor -2 - Water aerobics

Tuesday - Floor -1 - Combat Training

Wednesday - Floor 12 - Quirk Studies

Thursday - Floor 9 - Reflex Training

Friday - Floor 11 - Quirk Training

Saturday - Floor 15 - Mental Training

                    Floor - ? - Surprise training

Sunday - Challenge Day (Review everything you learned that week)

~On Floor -3~

         I laid on the floor barely able to breathe as Gryphon stood towering above me. "You haven't even used your air quirk yet. You've only been running for two hours straight. We'll need to work on that since your air quirk diminishes your ability to breathe over the course of its use in a time limit. Which basically means you'll be defeated even before a battle begins." He looked around once more and stated, "Well you still have twenty minutes left until you're done running, so get up and don't stop again." I sighed quietly, calming my breathing, and raised my tired body. I stared determined at the course in front of me and quietly continued to run.

Tuesday ~ Floor -1 ~ Combat training

           My body ached as I felt new bruises form all over my body. Gryphon was not going easy on me, even though I was a beginner. I continued to stumble clumsily as I tried to at least land a single punch on him. He easily evaded any move I made. "Your stance is poor and you're too slow. Stay light on your feet and focus on defence since your still new to physical fights. Find your opponent's weakness before fighting." I nodded and looked for any weakness. I couldn't spot a single one. "If you can't spot a physical weakness then try and throw your opponent off by making remarks or comments." I nodded again in silence trying to think of something to say. "I remember seeing this shirtless boy on the beach with weird green hair, I believe it was your friend Izuku. He was working really hard and seemed to be getting extremely fit." my mind went to picturing Izuku working out without a shirt and couldn't help but blush at these weird thoughts. I lost focus and Gryphon knocked me on the head. "And you're out, you would've lost the fight if I were a real villain. Keep your focus on what's important and don't get distracted by simple thoughts." as Gryphon walked away he held his hand up, "Also I never saw the guy. Your younger brother mentioned him once and I just made everything else up. Think on your feet and you might actually win a fight eventually."

Wednesday ~ Floor 12 ~ Quirk Studies

          I stared absentmindedly at the board. Micah was trying to teach me about what quirks I would be weak against and what ones I would easily win against but I couldn't focus. Gryphon was sitting in the corner of the room we were in, reading his mysterious book again. I wonder what's in that book and what Gryphon is thinking. He's very interesting and I can't wait to find out more about him. I hope he'll be nicer in the future because I really want to become his friend. "Miss (Y/N)? Can you answer my question?" I looked back to Micah surprised. "Ah y-yeah...uh...ya'know.....it's umm....." I slowly became quieter as I tried to think of what he might have asked. He sighed softly and gave a light smile, " What is one kind of quirk that could help benefit the power of both of your quirks together, and why?" My mind went blank. "Um...well... I guess an enhancement quirk that could spread over a wide area would help. Since it could enhance the range and strength of my attacks depending on the type of enhancements possible." I stated as my mind reeled for any other possible quirks that could benefit both my quirks at once. Micah nodded as he went back to explaining about a number of different quirks written on the board.

Thursday ~ Floor 9 ~ Reflex Training

 "OW! I shouted as yet another floating block ran into me. Gryphon put me in an open white room and wanted me to try and dodge every block that came my way. I've only managed dodge about twenty out of the fifty that have floated out of the walls. "Think back to your training on Tuesday. Stay light on your feet, focus on the task at hand, and breathe. Don't focus on a single block in front of you, think of every block in this room and imagine the path it will take. Be prepared for anything that will come your way." Gryphon spoke sternly as he watched from a glass room above me. I nodded and tried to focus on everything but was once again hit by another block, I fell face-first into the ground, "OW~!"

Friday ~ Floor 11 ~ Quirk training

     I sighed quietly as Gryphon tried to explain how to use a quirk for the fourth time to me. "It's not working Gryphon. What quirk do you have anyways? I've never seen you use it." I commented as my eyes shone with curiosity. He shrugged his shoulders and just said, "Not important. Now stop trying to distract both of us and try again. All you have to do is lift up a bowling ball with air." I sighed once again and nodded in defeat.

Saturday ~ Floor 15 Mental Training

      "What would you do in this case Miss (Y/N)?" I stared at the board deeply as if it would give me the answer as Micah patiently stared at me. I looked up at him and said in a questioning manner, "I would use my pawn to take your bishop." He nodded silently in understanding, "Even if it meant sacrificing your other pawn?" I nodded quietly. He just shook his head disapprovingly. "Miss (Y/N) that would mean sacrificing a vital piece to your victory. Even if your pawn does not have any fancy moves it was securely guarding your knight who could then take my queen in a single move. Remember Miss (Y/N) Even if a piece seems unimportant you must always view each piece as a part of the plan for success." I nodded my head in understanding as we continued to review moves that would let me win in different situations. 

Sunday ~ Challenge Day

        Gryphon stood before me in a large empty room on the sixteenth floor. "This is the room you will be in every Sunday. It will be the room you will review everything you learned in that week and the ones before that. Obviously it will become more challenging the longer into the ten months I have to train you. Now let's begin." 

~time skip cause author is lazy right now and other chapters will be more detailed~

I huffed as I laid facing the ceiling, Gryphon does not show any mercy whatsoever. I sweatdropped as he looked down at me. "You did decent for your first week. Now go home I'm tired and don't feel like dealing with you anymore." I nodded with a light smile. Getting on my feet I waved to him happily as I went to the elevator I shouted to him, "Thank you for the training Sensei! See you tomorrow Hehe!" I watched as Gryphon mumbled to himself as the doors shut in front of me to take me to the first floor so I can return home once again.

       As I was walking home I passed by the park I first met my new Sensei at. Ever since I met him my world has changed dramatically in this short span of time. I hope he can teach me a lot in the coming months so I can become stronger and I'll be able to help people.

          When I turned and started to walk through the park I began to look around and smile at all the happy-looking families. My heart felt warm as I looked upon them until I noticed someone's kite began to fly away. As I continued to walk I focused my quirk a little bit and stopped the kite. I made it gently fly back into the hands of the child who had lost it. I felt even happier that I was able to help someone until suddenly I bumped into someone. I stumbled a bit and then looked back to apologize but my speech was cut off. A tall but skinny man glared back at me, he had light blue hair and very chapped lips. He wore a baggy black jacket and tight black jeans. I stumbled a little bit as his red eyes bore into me. "I-I'm sorry sir, a-are you okay? I wasn't watching where I was going." I quickly said as I bowed in apology. I stayed bowing but he didn't say anything, instead, I felt him reach out his hand as grab some of my hair with half his fingers.

        I stood up as he retracted his hand and I looked up to him. I tilted my head as I asked, "Does it hurt?" as my eyes stared at his overly chapped lips. He said nothing as he continued to stare at me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cotton candy lip balm. I stuck my hand out in offering, "Here you go, as an apology for bumping into you! It's my favorite kind, cotton candy. It smells really good and it works well." I held it out until he slowly picked it up with three fingers. "I hope it feels better, have a nice day." I smiled as I turned to walk away but stopped when he mumbled something. "What was that, sir?" I turned and asked him. He stared at me, "Why did you help that kid? It was his own fault for letting go of the string." I tilted my head in confusion. "Isn't it normal? I wanted to help him. He would've been sad if he didn't get it back, and I don't like others being sad." I smiled at him once more. He paused but asked, "What's your name?" "(Y/N) (L/N), what's yours?" he stared down at his new lip balm. "Tomura...." I laughed a little as he mumbled, "Nice to meet you Tomura. I have to get going, but I hope you have a very nice day. See you!" I waved happily as I finally walked away, towards home. What I didn't know is I'd be seeing my new friend a lot more in the following months.

This is Gryphon your grumpy tsundere teacher

And this is Micah the kind old bishop

          Hey guys! I finally updated after two years, I just looked back and this chapter was sitting, basically finished, besides some things, ready to be published. I'm happy to say I am getting back into writing and am going to continue this fanfiction, please be patient as I dust off and refine my writing skills. Although I am very busy so this will only be able to be updated once or twice every other week, but I hope you guys don't mind. I can't wait to see all your comments about what you think about this comeback. Have a nice day!

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