My Man (Complete)


4.7K 99 56

Dysfunction originated in Las Vegas, and two sinners find a way to survive through all the hell and destructi... Еще



175 3 1

I lay down on the bed. Ronnie sits next to me.

"How are You feeling? " he asks.

"Like shit." I laugh then try to sit up.

I'm big now. It's almost time for the baby to be here. I dropped the news to the media on national television and things have gotten easier.

Ronnie has been glued to my hip whenever possible. I just wounder how things are going to play out.

Ronnie has always been the love of my life, but I'm not sure if he knows that. I refuse to date him again. Pushing away so the pain wont hurt as bad. Although I have been mega horny lately. I'm not gonna lie and say we haven't fucked around a lot.

"Are you coming to my show tonight?" He asks.

"Yes." I nod and he helps me sit up. "After that it is strict bed rest."

"Deal." He chuckles.


Ronnie performing is one of my favorite things. It makes me feel so young again. And it makes me so proud of him.

The last song ends and he comes off stage.

After the meet and greet we can go home.

A music journalist comes up to me while I wait.

"Can I do a quick interview with you?" He asks.

"Sure, but I'll need to have a review of anything you write before you publish it." I waddle to the green room.

He gets out a tape recorder and presses record.

"So how's the pregnancy so far? Are you ready for the kid?" He asks.

"Very ready so far. I'm a little nervous about it, but more so excited."

"Whos the father?"

"No comment at this time."

"What about the rumor that Ronnie Radke is the father?"

"No comment at this time." I laugh.

"Oh? I see whatcha did there." He smiles. "What about the future of the band?"

"A lot of big shows coming in the future. I won't be doing touring for quiet some time. Most of the band gas already started side projects. Is suggest everyone start checking them out."

"What about your plans for the future?"

"I'm planning on being a mommy for the next eighteen years or so. When my baby girl is old enough I will start touring and doing music again."

"Okay, back to the whole Ronnie Radke thing."

"We are not dating. Just good life long friends."

"Decided on any baby names yet?"

"Yes, but we are going to keep them quiet for now."


"The baby's father and I."

"So there is a baby daddy out there?"

"Yes. It takes two to tango."

"Will he be involved in the baby's life?"


"Will you come out with the baby's father soon after the birth of the baby?"

"Also yes."

"What was it like growing up with such news about your parents?"

"It was troubling. Caused a lot of pain in my life. To this day I know very little about my father because I don't want to know. I'd rather keep the good memories I have of him rather than what the rest of the world saw."

"What about your mother?"

"I don't want to get into that. She is was a great mom with personal struggles. She did a lot of great things for my brother and I."


"She made my brother and I a huge breakfast every Sunday. And we ate Mexican food every Tuesday. No matter what was going on in her life, she made us a home cooked meal ever night."

"Was she a good cook?"

"The best. Its what I miss most about her."

"Do you think you'll turn out like her?"

"I was like her. She was a stripper. I was too. She was fucked up a lot. I used to get fucked up a lot. I plan on cooking just like her for my kid. Other than that I won't be like her."

"So do you see a future with Mr. Radke? You two spend a lot of time with one another."

"He'll always be the love of my life weather we are together or not. As you see, we are always going to support each other."

"That is all that I need to know. I'll send the finished draft to your manager before publishing."

"Thank you."

He leaves and Ronnie walks in.

"What were you doing?" He questions.

"An interview."

"Only you could get interviewed at one of my shows." He sits next to me.

"I'm more famous than you." I tease.

"I don't care." He rests a hand on my baby bump.

"I know you don't." I put my hand on his.

He's quiet for a minute and then speaks up. "So... Fuck. Can we get back together already?"

He catches me by surprise.

"Oh. Well. Ron."

"Fine. I get it."

He seems bummed.

"We have a lot to figure out before we can get to that point." I point out.

He nods. "Fair. I guess. Lets get you home now."

He helps me up. Then we walk to the car. A couple paparazzi snap photos of us. It seems like they never leave us alone.

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