
By NoelLumos

162 22 8

Shortly after arriving to the states Pyru a young prince encounters two boys Danny and Parker. swept up into... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 5

8 2 0
By NoelLumos

The awkwardness in the suite was so thick Danny felt like it could crush them. clearing his throat, he spoke up "so i guess we should start discussing things. like who we are, what we are and in your position Pyru why you are here." looking over at Parker who was more than a little annoyed by this little gathering, he shifted and groaned "Danny i don't see the point in this, do we really need to do this?" Danny glanced at Pyru who has puffed up a bit "yes we do it would make Pyru more comfortable and me as well" Danny smiles reassuringly at Parker who scoffs. Danny sighs, this wasn't winning any points with Pyru. sitting up he winks at Pyru "then i will go first. im Danny Fenton, 18 years old. i grew up with a sister and mother and father in a small town called Amity Park. I guess you're wondering about my powers?"

Pyru nodes softly "yeah that did cross my mind to ask" Danny smiles at the small blush on Pyru's cheek, this boy was super adorable. "well when i was 14 my mom and dad, who are ghost hunters by the way. Well they built a strange gate device. Well it didn't work so i had went in after they left too see if i could fix it, my parents can be a bit airheaded and they built the on and off switch on the inside" Pyru giggles then quickly covers his face "oh.. um sorry" anny smirks not offended in the least "it's alright it is rather laughable. Well i wasn't really paying attention so while i was looking around i had accidentally pushed the button, well the device turned on and i was blasted with energy from the Ghost Zone, i'll get to that in a minute. Okay so this energy rearranged my molecules. When i woke up i had white hair and glowing green eyes. i could do more or less what ghosts could with the exception i could turn back and forth between the two forms." he glanced at Pyru who is now sitting back letting all that Information sink in.

Pyru was a bit overwhelmed with a story like that but at the same time it was very interesting. he smiled "okay so im assuming the Ghost Zone is Neather Realm of realm of spirits?" Danny nodded his black hair sliding into his eyes. Pyru though that it was a cute look. turning he faced Parker "well um i guess it's your turn?" Parker gritted his teeth then stood up "um maybe some other time i don't feel like sharing." Pyru reached out "please i'd love to know more about a new fri-" Parker turned and glared at him, Pyru tensed and his eyes went silver his muscles tensing for a fight. Parker tsked and turned "when someone tells you they don't wanna talk get a clue ok?" Parker nodded and looked down as Parker headed off to his room. The two boys watched him walked off feeling a bit tensed. Danny turned and smiles slightly "he's a bit touchy about his past.... or anything about him really...." Pyru nodded looking at the door feeling disheartened. "Yeah... well then i guess i'll tell you about myself. as you know im a prince and i am currently of the age 20. i come from a long line of Kings and Guardians. These Guardian Kings or Queens protect their people and land from beings of the other world anything from witches to demon. From a young age i was trained to fight and vanquish these spirits." inhaling and bracing himself as he was getting ready to tell his purpose of being here.

Glancing up at Danny he saw the stars in his eyes which made him feel as if his cheeks were heating up, knowing his face has changed a shade he looked down making the veil drop as he continued. "Well, a year ago something happened. Something large on a um world ending scale. some marauders were digging around an old ruin my people were sure there was nothing in it, but we were wrong. These marauders had uncovered a tomb, thinking they struck gold they began to loot the place. One touched a sarcophagus. In doing so his life was drained for the Entity inside, this Entity was knwn by the name Akmeh-Rus a powerful Necromancer who in life ruled over the lands bringing forth demons, corpses and the damned but in death he became a god. On pair to the egyptian god anubis he nearly killed the world until a woman, one of my ancestors seduced him and using her own body trapped him within her eternal embrace. Oh i went off topic i do that sometimes.." Pyru's face flushes even more tinting his already pink cheeks a dark velvety crimson. He looked up at Danny and was surprised to see his face had paled and his mouth had droped. Clearing his throat Pyru continued "well they released him and my lands were ravaged with famine and plague. The dead would rewake, spirits long gone returned, ancient evils were awoken by his powers and my land has been thrown into war between the living and the dead. In one of these wars Akmeh-Rus took a hit from my Soulfia, an attack the combines the energy of the Mind, Heart,Body and Soul which made his physical form shatter, in a rage he fled and we lost him. Until a few weeks ago when one of my friends here in the States told me of all these strange occurrences and deaths here in this city. So i came here to try to put a stop to it.... and thats why im here."

Danny sat there in shock taking it in, all of it. ahh the wonders of world ending vengeful spirits. Shaking his head he stood up and walked to the balcony phasing through the glass. Pyru followed stopping to open the window to get out onto the Balcony. he poked Danny in his tummy "um Danny?" Danny looked down at him and then sighed "well fuck here we go again." he about laughed when Pyru took a step back, lifting his hand to his mouth and his eyebrows shooting up as his eyes went wide "you've fought him before?! Danny tilted his head "what? no, no i mean me and my friends have done allot of these Apocalypse Battles with GRR I'm An Angry Spirit Blah blah blah Blah. Well i guess it could be worse" Pyru looked like he was torn between wanting to laugh or faint so he went with a droped jaw "how could this be worse?!" Danny smirked "well, he could have a crazy witchy ghost wife bent on world domination or he could be your fiancee!" Pyru tensed at the mention of a fiancee which made Danny do a double take "oh please tell me he's not your fiancee?!" Pyru waved his hand in front of him shaking his head "No no of course not... the man my mother was trying to make me marry disappeared the day that Akmeh-Rus woke. Dad says he ran away like as you all say, a little bitch. Mom said he's dead but i think he's probably cowering somewhere in the homeland."

Frowning Danny looked at Pyru "so you have a fiancee? do you love him" Danny didn't know why he had asked such a stupid question and the look on Pyru's face made him even more regretful. However Pyru answered "we are talking about the world ending and you ask me something goofy like that?" he sighs with a smile before jumping up like a cat onto the edge of the Balcony, Danny's heart was now racing "hay don't fall!" Pyru smirks and twirls as he walks up and down the Balcony edge "well i had affection for him but im unsure if i loved him. It was an arranged marriage. So he is only my fiance by my mothers wishes." Danny sighed and without thinking "that great." Parker turned and looked at him "what did you say?" Danny turned a dark shade or red, he scratches the back of his head nervously "i said what about your dad?" Pyru stopped posed like a bird about to fly, he glances over his shoulder looking at Danny "well Dad does not approve. He wants me to marry a woman, being gay is not allowed in my country. Well unless you're royalty thin exceptions are made. Even still my dad does not approve." Danny frowns not liking this "what happens if your gay and not royal" Pyru began walking again the wind began to pick up making his hair and clothes flutter as if they were alive. "nothing really, a fine and maybe hard manual labor. However when i become king i will change the law. No one deserves to be punished for whom there soul desires." Pyru stopped and glanced up at the moon as silence fell between the two. Danny smiled "well it's almost morning. prob wont be going to sleep wont to go get some coffee?" Pyr turned to face Danny "i would love to" and with that fall backwards off the Balcony.

Pyru closed his eyes loving the sensation of falling and the wind in his ears, he heard Danny shout and laughed a bit, turning he put his arms at his side and nosed dived, opening his eyes he grin as the ground grew closer, glancing back Danny had gone ghost and was rushing after him panic on his face, smiling he returned his gaze to the ground and threw out his hands a large cloud of purple smoke erupted covering the ground, Pyru laughed as he bursts from the smoke on a broom flying in loops and twirls up to where Danny had stopped his face a mixture of relief and annoyed, gliding the broom to a halt beside Danny Pyru smiled the adrenalin still coursing through him "sorry i couldn't help it, the look on your face though makes it all worth it. "Danny sighs and punches Pyru's arm, wincing at the sting they both laugh "i'll race you to Amuos Cafe & Cakes" Danny said light heartedly. Pyru smiled "Oh if i win it's your treat!" Danny laughs and brushes his hair with his hand "oh yeah and if i win it's your treat and i get a free shower with you." Pyru smiled and crossed his legs sitting sideways on the broom placing one hand on either side of him, gripping the broom "you're on Danny" and then he was off the wind blowing around him, Danny shortly behind him, glancing back he laughed as he shot up into the clouds, the soft looking cotton balls made his hair and clothes moist, droplets forming on his skin as he flies through them, looking back he tilts his head "oh did i loose him" looking around he laughed when Danny popped up beside him his arms behind his head "oh wow fancy seeing you here, do you come here often?" Pyru laughs again and dives down leaving Danny in the clouds.

Twirling Pyru goes down above the street cars had began to come to life, people stirring and heading to work, Pyru looked down smiling at these folks living there every day life. He grinned with satisfaction as he saw the cafe in his sights, "alright let's get this in over time!" but before he could finish the final stretch the cries of a child caught his ears looking back he saw a girl sitting on the ground, her dog had apparently gotten loose. Sighing he made a fast U-turn making the windows of a nearby apartment shake as he flew past the girl. Looking around his eyes went from left to right at high speed looking for the dog. Smiling when he spotted the Doberman he reached out to the dog "se soulever!" The dog let out a small whimper as it began to float, slowing down Pyru moves his hands twords himself making the beckoning motion, the large dog floated twords him and stopped above his broom, turning Pyru flew back to the grl and placed the dog down "here you go, don't cry lil one." the girl stared in awwh at him. Pyru gives her a thumbs up and blasted off until he saw the Cafe again smiling as he didn't see Danny he stopped jumping off of his broom which vanished as he twirled landing like a tornado doing a few spins before stopping.Putting his hands down to his sides he walks into the Cafe a friendly elderly lady welcomed him "hey how many will be seated today?" as yru was about to speak he heard Danny's voice "he will be sitting with me ma'am" a smile creeps up on Pyru's lips as he turns and sees Danny sitting there with a cocky grin "i win."

Danny listened to Pyru tell him about the girl and her dog and it brought a smile to his face. "Well that was certainly kind of you. Not many people would stop to do that" he watched as Pyru's face flushed from cheek to ear, he leans down and sips is frappe as his friend slipped softly on his latte "i suppose so... anyway it should be pretty quiet during the day so it is usually my down time or when i sleep." Danny tilted his head at Pyru curious about that statement "is that because the spirit activity at night?" Pyru nodded glancing out the window. Danny wanted to reach out and brush his cheek but the door swinging open with a rather perturbed looking Parker made him stop. Parker strode up and scooted Pyru to the further wall. He saw Pyru's eyes flash silver which made him worry about how Parker and Pyru being able to be friends "what's wrong with you bud?" Parker snarled "you leave me alone at the suite and then i get a call that someone threw himself off the balcony and vanished and you ask me whats wrong?" Pyru shrank away from Parker obviously wanting to avoid a fight. Danny feeling like things could go south any minute tried to calm Parker down "hay we were just goofing off you and i do it all the time. your fangs are showing." Parker licked his now elongated canines and then inhaled closing his eyes. letting out the breath after his fangs receded. "fine. but next time a little warning and would it hurt to invite me?" Danny nodded "okay we will do that. Sorry buddy" Pyru nodded "me to, sorry" Parker glanced at Pyru and sighed reaching over ruffling his hair "it fine i guess. if your all doe lets go. By my car this time" parker gets up as Pyru tries to fix his hair and together with Danny walked out of the cafe. As they leave the waitress walks over to the gentleman in the corner "can i get anything for you sir?" he glanced up at the woman his emerald eyes glistening "no thank you i found what i wanted." brushing the woman's hand, he leaves some cash and leaves. "Sir you left to m-" her eyes widen as she grabs at her neck, her eyes bulging as she apears to be choking as she collapses onto the floor her hand lolling out.

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