Dive In (VKOOK)

By bts_vs_fics

250K 11.6K 2K

[COMPLETED] Jungkook is a new lifeguard at Bangtan pool, and he's extremely excited. The swim team needs a c... More

Dive in
The new lifeguard
Harder than that
Swim meet
He's fast
I hate you
4x fast
He's tired
Week End
Not so happy
Don't touch me
I believe in you
What happened
Want me
Moving on
New coach
Pool sleepover pt.1
Pool sleepover pt.2
Pool sleepover pt.3
Pool sleepover pt.4
Pool sleepover pt.5
Stay away
Day 1- Declined
Day 2- I'll show you
Still day 2
Day 3- mood
Day 4- Bossy
Day 5- evaluation
Evaluation pt.2
You make me sick
Last meet
Finals pt.2
Final relay
Mid date
After date

Final practise

3.7K 189 22
By bts_vs_fics

After a full week of practise, it's now Friday. The last practise of the summer.

Jungkook is a little sad when he thinks about it, realizing how fast it came and how it feels like summer just started. And now finals is tomorrow, and after that, swim team will be over for the entire year.

And what's even worse is that Jungkook still has no clue what's going on between him and Taehyung. They haven't talked about it yet and now summer's going to finish and they won't see each other anymore. Unless one of them changes that.


"Okay guys, I'm glad you all showed up on time for the last practise. Today we will be focusing completely on finals tomorrow." Jungkook starts, looking down to see Hoseok looking up at him.

"Even though some of you aren't going this year... this will still help you prepare for next years finals too. So all of you will be assigned a different practise regiment for what you're swimming tomorrow." Jungkook says with Lisa nodding beside him.

Jungkook looks down and catches Taehyung's eyes first.

He's counting on Taehyung the most out of all his swimmers. So today, he'll try his best to prepare Taehyung for finals.

"Taehyung, for your set, you'll start with 4 laps of butterfly drill. After that do 4 sprints. Once you're done I'll give you the next part." Jungkook tells the boy.

Taehyung nods, letting out a relieved sigh when he hears that his set isn't too hard. Jungkook ends up giving Yoongi the same set as they're both swimming fly in finals.

Jungkook gives the rest of his swimmers different sets based  on their best stroke and with that, everyone begins their laps.


Once Yoongi and Taehyung are done their set of fly, Jungkook gathers them at the wall for the next set.

"4 laps of butterfly kick-on your back. After that I want you both to do 6 laps of drill and then 4 sprints." Jungkook tells both boys.

Yoongi pushes off the wall first, starting his set while Taehyung is about to push off the wall.

"Wait Tae-" Jungkook says quickly, Taehyung stopping himself from pushing off suddenly. He turns around to see Jungkook crouching outside the water, trying to get close so Taehyung can hear.

"Yeah?" Taehyung asks.

"For your fly, I want you to glide more. Each stroke you should be underwater for at least a second gliding." Jungkook says, only trying to give his best advice so that Taehyung learns all he can for tomorrow.

"Okay.. but uh... usually my stroke is so quick that my body doesn't fully glide.. how do I get my body to fully do it?" Taehyung asks, surprising Jungkook quite a bit.

Generally when Jungkook gives advice, Taehyung either nods and leaves or he disregards it. It's strange to see him asking a question.

"Hm well... it'd be better if you got out and I showed you." Jungkook says with a plan already in his head.

Taehyung doesn't hesitate to push himself out of the water and stand in front of the lifeguard, even though he's a little curious about what Jungkook is going to do.

"Turn your back to me." Jungkook tells Taehyung, watching the younger point his back towards Jungkook, his face facing the grass area.

"It's all in the hips. Usually you cut the motion short, but I'll show you what you're really suppose to do." Jungkook says, causing Taehyung to turn his head for a second to catch what Jungkook is saying.

However as Taehyung turns his head, his motion is quickly stopped when he feels two cold hands on his waist.

Taehyung jumps from the touch, turning back around to give Jungkook a questionable look.

"What are you-"

"Don't worry Tae, just let me.." Jungkook says with a small smile creeping up on his face as he turns the younger back around.

Taehyung stays still this time, anticipating Jungkook's hands on his hips.

And of course, Jungkook's hands find the same spot, causing Taehyung to blush slightly when he thinks about it.

"The motion you're suppose to be doing is like this." Jungkook says, his voice practically whispering in Taehyung's ear.

Jungkook pushes Taehyung's hips forwards, then bringing them backwards in a full roll of the body.

Taehyung understands what the older is trying to demonstrate, however his face won't stop burning and he's stiff with Jungkook's hands gripping his waist tightly.

"Loosen up Tae." Jungkook's gruff voice automatically causes Taehyung to loosen his body, letting Jungkook push it forewords and backwards til he's doing the complete fly kick.

"Now put your arms up." Jungkook says, however he's already sliding his hands up from Taehyung's waist to his arms and lifting them above Taehyung's head.

Taehyung just stands there, Jungkook holding both his arms straight above his head as he continues the fly kick motion.

Jungkook watches from behind, letting go of Taehyung's arms and admiring his work.

"Perfect..." He let's out after watching Taehyung continue the mermaid-type of kick.

Taehyung feels goose bumps forming on his body as he feels the elders eyes on him. He stops his motion after a while, feeling like he's demonstrated enough. Especially when he's in public, still at the pool with Jungkook's intense, hungry gaze on him.

"Now do that in the water." Jungkook says after Taehyung finishes the motion.

"Alright. Is there anything else I need to know... coach?" Taehyung says with a small smirk that causes Jungkook to also smirk. He leans in so that his mouth is inches away from the younger's ear.

"Yes actually...you should know that you are very...skilled with your hips." Jungkook whispers deeply, causing Taehyung to blush for the millionth time. He backs away from Jungkook with a little bit of shock, but Jungkook's cocky grin doesn't go away.

"What! It's a good thing to have...for fly. Remember that." Jungkook says, however his eyes are saying something and Taehyung definetly catches it. And both of their eyes linger for a few seconds, the eye contact is strong.

"Alright now show me in the water and continue your set." Jungkook says, breaking himself out of his little trance. He can't get distracted with Taehyung today, especially when he's trying to get the boy to focus on finals. However he isn't doing a very good job...

At all..

I'm waiting for my mom in a store so I'm publishing this now cause she takes hella long 😂

Btw I had my semi finals for swimming and I did pretty well!! But not as good as I wanted lol

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