Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia...

By HopelessAmorous02

926K 23.1K 3.7K

Highest Rank: #2 in passion : #1 in kidnapping : #3 in posses... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 24

14.4K 471 81
By HopelessAmorous02


It's been almost two weeks since my last update and I just want to clear some thing up. At the moment my life is a bit hectic with person problems and starting school again soon and learning how to drive, I haven't had time to just sit and write for you guys. I know that I have a responsibility to you guys as well but i'm doing my best to try and juggle the two and as soon as I get everything together I will put up regular updates, so just give me some time please.

Did not proof read. It's still early but i'm so tired so sorry for any mistakes and also: WARNING, chapter included light incest and other stuff that may cause triggers so read at your own risk.

Amira's POV

He went to her first.

He touched her first.

He whispered softly in her ear.

What hurts the most is that he didn't even look at me. Not once. It was like I wasn't even there and I didn't know what hurts the worst. My aching body, my breaking heart or my crushing hope that had hopes for us.

I was so stupid to believe her words.

And now I feel like i'm choking on my own self pity. Even though it hurts to see him being like this, cold and unattached, my eyes couldn't leave his dangerous, dominating body. The way that his shoulders are squared making his body appear larger, his legs apart, his body tense - locking his muscles.

"What is this about Aiden?" He asks again, his back towards me so I couldn't see his expression.

Aiden took a step forward but Xiden took a step back, his body coming closer to mine, his warm barely reaching me. Aiden eyes catch the movement and a look of bewilderment etch on his face, his eyes widen with disbelief, "Brother,"

"Half," Xiden says cutting him off. "Half brothers." The words look like they pierce Aiden straight through his heart; he looks pysically hurt, like someone had punched him in the gut driving all the wind out of him. That's how shocked he look, he couldn't even move, a look of utter devastation and hurt was all that you could see on his face and my heart hurt for him. Even though he brought this on himself, I wouldn't wish that sorrowful look on his face on anyone.

"Is that all we are now? Is that all you see me as after all we've been through, huh?" he shouts with a crazed look in his eyes. "Are you doing this just for some girl that you've only known for a month, is she more important than your family, your fucking brother!?" Xiden didn't response, he just stayed silent looking ahead and from Aiden's enraged expression I know that Xiden isn't going to answer anytime soon. But, is he really doing this because of me, I hope not, I don't want to be the cause of two brothers not talking to each other.

Aiden face scrunch up in anger before he bellowed at Xiden, "ANSWER ME LITTLE BROTHER! Are you really putting this whore over our family, our bond -" It happens so fast that if I blinked I would have missed it. He moved so fast that my eyes barely caught the unexpected movement and i'm sure that Aiden wasn't expecting it either because he couldn't block the punch that Xiden connected with his face knocking him to the ground.

I look at Xiden's back with wide eyes, as he stalk over to Aiden who is still on the ground, the back of his hand on his bruising jaw as his eyes look up at his little brother with no emotion. Xiden grabs him by his jacket collars, yanking him up in front of him so that they are face to face, "Don't you dare bring her into this," his voice was so calm, too calm but it didn't stop the chills that travel down my spine and the slight fear that I felt looking at this version of Xiden and I didn't like it, my heart didn't like the fear that I felt towards him. "She might be the reason why i'm putting my foot down when it comes to you but that was something that I should have done a long time ago -"

'A seven year old Xiden rushed downstairs to his mothers call. His mother is a beautiful lady with blonde hair and brown eyes with a curvy figure and kind smile. "Yes mama," he said when he reaches her in the kitchen, an apron tied around her waist as she stood around the stove.

She turn off the burner before turning to face her one of her sons, "My big boy," looking at him lovingly she brushed his growning hair out of his face. "Why are you growing so fast? she asks and he shrug his shoulders giving her a wide grin. "Your so cute my handsome prince," she started attacking his face with kisses and he giggles trying to get away from her warm embrace.

"Daddy help!" he calls out as soon as his father steps fully into the kitchen after watching the loving scene of his wife and son. He swoops in and take Xiden from his wife, raising him up on his shoulders, far out of his wifes reach.

Xiden saw his mother pout and immediately wanted to get down off his father's shoulder but his father kept him up there. "Why the long face, shorty?" he teased. Looking at Xiden's father one wouldn't​​ take him for one to joke or smile with his 6'5 frame, intimidating aura, dark matching eyes to his son and a permanent scowl on his face. He was known to merciless and unforgiving, evil.

Xiden's mother let out a puff of air, "I am not short, you're just a giant." That statement cause him to raise his eyebrow at her, a smirk that meant no good on his lips, "Oh?" he questions just as his mother's cheek flame red. Xiden tried to put his toes in his father's mouth but his father not thinking anything of it lightly bit him causing him to laugh then proceed to place him on the ground, "Hey son, why don't you play with your brother."

"Okay dad."

Xiden barged into his older brother Aiden's room startling the fourteen year old boy. Aiden chuckled as he looked at his brother with adoration in his eyes, "Come here." He demands softly and Xiden close the door softly behind him, going over to his brother on his king size bed. Aiden covered Xiden's lips with a tender kiss, and Xiden not knowing what to do stayed still, letting his brother do as he pleased.

Aiden pulled back only to brush the hair that fell onto Xiden's forehead. Xiden looked at him with no emotion just like how his older brother taught him when they were alone, "How did you sleep?" he spoke softly but Xiden didn't understand because Aiden has snuck into his room and cuddled him all night.

"Good," he answered anyway. Xiden's eyes then lit up as he remembered what he did earlier. "Guess what happened?"


"I did what you did to me with dad and he bit my toes!" Xiden's laughter died in his throat as he hunched over on the bed holding his stomach whimpering in pain. Xiden look up at his older brother to see anger in his eyes and he whimpered knowing what his brother does to his whenever he got angry.

"Why the hell did you do that? Didn't I tell you that it was only for us to do, a brotherly activity. Gosh why can't you do anything right." Aiden rages then look down at a crying Xiden who looked down ashamed. "I'm sorry big brother, from now on i'll keep it between us, only for us." He said with hopeful eyes looking at his brother who smiled sadistically at him but his hopeful look never faltered because he wanted to do anything to please his brother.

"Turn over."'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my watery eyes stayed glued on Xiden's back as he start to shake slightly​. I watch with a heavy heart as he relive what he went through as a child, at the hands of his brother, someone who was supposed to protect him was the one causing him harm and it broke my heart.

I know that Aiden's influence on him was strong, but, I didn't know that it was this strong. 

Aiden trained him to do what he wanted, the please him from a young age so that it was instilled in him, it was like second nature to Xiden to move when his brother told him to and he did it until Xiden moved away at the age of eighteen.

My poor Xiden.

'At the age of fifteen Xiden's parent got worried that the two ha been spending too much time together. They send Aiden to stay at his uncles house to put some distance between the two but when they woke up the morning they saw the two brothers sleeping peacefully in their room. They tried a number of other things but nothing worked, they couldn't separate the two inseparable brother no matter what the tried.

The two was always spending there time together, excluding anyone else from what they did.

Xiden father was training him to take over the head of mafia for when he retired but he was also trying to get him to talk about what he and Aiden does whenever they are alone, which is almost all the time, but the brother remained silent, his cold dead eyes focusing on his father as he stayed quiet. His father sigh and shook his head, they're was no way to get any of them to talk and he was getting agitated with them. Sooner or later he had to find out.

One day he waited until they left, walking into the forest at the back of the mafia mansion before he followed them. He made sure to keep his distance but not stay far enough to lose sight of them.

He followed the two brother for about twenty minutes before they reach a cabin? Since when was there a cabin in the wood? Is this what they had been doing all this time? There isn't anything wrong with having a secret hideout but why couldn't they tell us about it.

He watched as they went in and waited for exactly five minutes until he went in after them but when he opened the door he did not expect to see what was in front of him.  In the wooden cabin was a single bed with black and red silk sheets with, and around the room was tools, sex objects like whips, chains, paddles, gags and more that he hadn't even seen before but one thing was a mystery; where did his sons go?

In the underground room Xiden was tied to a chair, his wrist and feet bound by leather straps that were joined on the chair. He was naked, all of him exposed to his brother, his best friend and his mentor. Aide brought a whip down on Xiden's skin, the sound echoing in the empty space as Xiden only looks at him, his eyes dead, emotionless just like how he likes it. He always wants to please his brother and since they build this building years ago it has been their 'training room' when Aiden want to have sessions.

The sessions varied on Aiden's mood. He knew that my father was a mafia leader and that I would have to take over soon knowing that i'm his heir so he decided to give me additional training to help; they would consist of whipping, gagging me then dunking me in water - and he was there to talk me down, to hold me, to love me...'

I open my mouth to say something but close it back when nothing comes to mind. There was just no words. What can I say to take his pain away, to ease it, to just let him know real love, not the sadistic, twisted way that Aiden thought him.

I watch speechless as Xiden pushed him before he swig at him and hit him in the face but Aiden didn't drop like the first time. He stumbled back a bit before charging at Xiden and that's how the fight ensued. They were swinging wilding at each other, hitting anywhere on the body that they could reach, They are trying to cause any amount of physical harm to each other mercilessly and I hated it. I didn't want to see it, I don't want to witness two brother trying to hurt each other.

I didn't even realise that I was screaming. I was screaming for them to stop but my pleas fell on deaf ears because now Xiden was on top of a bloody Aiden raining down his fist on his busted up face.

I didn't realise that I was crying. I wad crying for what happened to Xiden but also witnessing the breaking bond of two brothers and how they were merciless to each other, all the blood, too much blood. I continue to scream and it was like my screams were finally heard. An older man dragged Xiden off his almost unconscious brother before halting up a battered Aiden and turn to leave the room without a word, but then he stopped and turn to Xiden. "I heard everything and this isn't over." They left leaving me and a still fuming Xiden.

After a few minutes he was calm enough to pull of my restrains, still not looking at me all this while and it hurt because he just bared so much in front of me. I am still trying to process the information myself but I know that he needs me now. I place my hand on his cheek, lifting his face to see mine, locking our eyes together, "I - I don't know what to say Xiden," I whisper softly to him, the emotional look still present in his eyes, the same look he had that day, but I won't flinch away or be scared of him in this moment.

"Don't say anything, just hold me."

Not my best chapter, actually, I don't know how I feel about it. I just sat at my laptop and that is the end result.

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