Fifty Shades Of Sophia

By Believeeexoxo

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The sequel to Fifty Shades Of Justin has finally arrived. Life for Justin and Sophia has never been better... More

Fifty Shades Of Sophia
Chapter One- "You Think We're Ready?"
Chapter Two- "Good To Know."
Chapter Three- "Don't Worry About It."
Chapter Four- "You Need To Relax."
Chapter Six - "Is She Okay?"
Chapter Seven - "I Know So."
Chapter Eight- "You're Engaged."
Chapter Nine- "Don't Be Mad."
Chapter Ten- "Tell Me What This Is."
Chapter Eleven- "Put You Down."
Chapter Twelve- "Because I Had To."
Chapter Thirteen- "What Did I Do?"
Chapter Fourteen- "Two Minutes."
Chapter Fifteen- "I MIss You."
Chapter Sixteen- "Stay Out Of It."
Chapter Seventeen- "Don't Leave."
Chapter Eighteen- "I Can't Do This."
Chapter Nineteen- "You Don't Get It."
Chapter Twenty- "I Know You Are."
Chapter Twenty One- "There Isn't Going To Be A Next Time."
Chapter Twenty Two- "I Want You."
Chapter Twenty Three- "A Beautiful Person."
Chapter Twenty Four- "We'll Find A Way."
Chapter Twenty Five- "What If She Was?"
Chapter Twenty Six- "I'll Make Sure Of It."
Chapter Twenty Seven- "A Little Fun."
Chapter Twenty Eight- "I Just Need You Right Now."
Chapter Twenty Nine - "It's You."
Chapter Thirty- "Because Of You."
Chapter Thirty One- "I Couldn't Wait Any Longer."
Chapter Thirty Two- "Open It."
Chapter Thirty Three- "Merry Christmas."
Chapter Thirty Four- "Happy New Year."
Chapter Thirty Five- "The Wedding."
Chapter Thirty Six- "Nothing In This World."
Chapter Thirty Seven- "Do You Even Realize?"
Chapter Thirty Eight- "Forget It."
Chapter Thirty Nine - "It Was Planned."
Third Book :)

Chapter Five- "She's Incredible."

79.4K 1.1K 1.1K
By Believeeexoxo

Chapter Five

"She's Incredible."

Sophia's Point Of View-

            “Justin take a picture with us!”

            “Sophia why do you have a ring on your finger?”

            “Justin answer us!”

            The sea of questions surrounded us like a tornado as we waited outside of the airport for Jeremy to arrive. I honestly hope Jeremy shows up because one, I was worried that Justin wouldn’t know what to do with himself and two; we were getting swarmed with people. It didn’t matter how much security we brought with us because either way we still got bombarded.

            Justin removed his sunglasses and leaned in to take a picture with a couple of screaming teenage girls. It didn’t matter if he took a picture or not because they always wanted more. One picture was never enough.

            “Are you guys getting married?” A fan spoke up and shoved a camera in my face.

            I didn’t know if Justin wanted us to publically announce it yet so I just remained silent and sent her a shy smile, praying she wouldn’t ask again.

            Canada was so much colder than California was. I could feel the wind whip against my face, causing the red in my cheeks to come out. I felt like I couldn’t feel my nose because everything was so numb.

            “God dammit where is he.” Justin muttered and took off his jacket to put it over my shoulders.

            The fans continued to swarm us and I prayed to god Jeremy would get here soon. Justin hasn’t been in a good mood all day today, especially on the plane. I know that this is the last thing he wanted to do but I know that in the end this would be a good thing for him.

            “Justin!” I heard a male’s voice shout from the pick up zone.

            I turned my head to see a tall figure poke his hand out of the window of a jeep. I was starting to think it was paparazzi until he removed his sunglasses and his eyes instantly reminded me of Justin’s. I then pieced it together that this must be Jeremy.

            I immediately felt Justin’s whole body stiffen once he made eye contact with his father. I can only imagine what he must be feeling like right now. Wrapping his jacket tighter around my shoulders, security pushed away the fans and led us over to the door of the jeep.

            Justin took my suitcase from my hand and threw it into the trunk as I slid into the backseat of the jeep. Jeremy put his hand on the back of the leather headrest and sent me a dazzling white smile that reminded me of Justin’s as my eyes were instantly drawn to his sleeve tattoos on each arm. I tried to analyze them until I heard him clear his throat.

            “I’m guessing you’re Sophia, right?” He sent me another cheesy grin and I couldn’t help but smile back.

            “Yes I am.” I replied shyly. “It’s nice to finally meet you Jeremy.”

            Justin opened up the door and slammed it shut, making it so the car was finally surrounded with silence. I was starting to feel thankful about being away from everyone until I realized how awkward this car ride was going to be. Justin wasn’t speaking whatsoever, he just remained silent and put his sunglasses back on.

            Jeremy pulled away from the curb, following directions of security, and put his signal on to exit out of the airport. I could feel the tension rise in the car with each second that passed by. This was unbearable.            

            “So,” Jeremy spoke up to interrupt the silence. “How have you been Justin?”

            I looked over to him and awaited his response but I didn’t hear one. He just kept his mouth shut and twirled his watch around his wrist. I reached my hand over and pinched him slightly, only for him to give me a death glare.

            “I know this probably wasn’t the way you wanted to see me but the security wouldn’t let me get out of the car. It’s crazy how popular you are dude.” He laughed and shook his head.

            I laughed along with Jeremy and tried to get Justin to join in but he just kept his gaze down focused on his lap. Reaching my hand over, I intertwined my fingers with his and gently brushed his knuckles to try and relax him. I really wanted him to say something but I don’t think I was going to get him to budge.

            Jeremy sighed and shook his head before focusing his eyes back on the road. If we had to spend the whole weekend like this I was never going to make it. To try and get the mood to lighten I decided to speak up.

            “It was nice of you to invite us for the weekend Jeremy.”

            “It’s not a problem Sophia.” He chuckled and looked at me in the mirror. “When I found out my son was getting married I was just dying to know who the lucky girl was.”

            “Cut the shit.” Justin interrupted him.

            I felt my whole body stiffen, not knowing what would happen. Why the hell does Justin have to make everything awkward? I get that he was mad at his dad but was now really the right time to bring this up?

            “Excuse me?” I watched Jeremy’s eyes narrow in the mirror.

            “You heard me.” Justin replied. “Stop acting like you’ve been a good father for my whole life when I’ve seen you less than ten times. You barely even know me.”

            “Justin.” I whispered, trying to stop him.

            “Sophia stop.” He tugged his hand away from me and cracked his knuckles.

             I didn’t even know what to do right now. I felt like I was being put in an extremely awkward position. It wasn’t like Justin to act this way towards anyone before so for him to be so rude towards him was shocking. I know he didn’t exactly like his father but I never thought he was this serious about it.

            “Justin how many times do I have to tell you I’m sorry?” Jeremy said lowly.

            “Until you actually mean it.” He shot back bitterly.

            “Justin I’ve told you so many times that I’m sorry and I’ve meant it every single time. I know I haven’t been there for you as much as I should have been and I truly am sorry for not being there. I’m trying to fix all of this right now. I know that the past hasn’t been good between us but is it really so bad that I’m trying to make a better future?”

            Justin continued to remain silent and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. I know he’s been hurt by Jeremy in the past but I really wish he could just open his heart up once more and let him in. It seemed like Jeremy was truly sorry for what he did from what I could tell.

            I brushed Justin’s knuckles once more with my fingertips and saw him look out the window beside him, still not answering. I didn’t know what else to do except move closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. I think the only thing that I can do right now for him is be here.


            The car pulled into the driveway of a beautiful large one-story ranch house. It looked like something you’d see in a magazine or something.  The exterior of the house was painted a light blue and there were cobblestone steps leading up to a dark wood front door.  It was in the middle of nowhere so there weren’t any paparazzi around. It was so perfect.

            “I love this house.” I said breathlessly as I stepped out of the car.

            Before I had time to hear a response, the sound of little footsteps came thumping down the gravel road.

            “Justin!” A high-pitched voice screeched.

            I turned around to see an adorable little girl with blonde hair fling herself into Justin’s arms. Justin didn’t know what to do at first; he just picked her up and held her close to his chest. I was under the impression that he had never met her before or his little brother so she must have known he was coming.

            “You’re Justin right?” She giggled and played with the ends of his hair.

            For the first time of the whole day I saw a huge smile form on Justin’s face. I finally started to not feel like shit for making him come here. I was praying that this day would get better so maybe it finally was.

            “Yeah.” He smiled and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m guessing you’re Jazzy?”

            “Pew pew!” I heard another noise come from behind me and I turned around to see a little boy with the same color hair in the stance of spiderman. I immediately burst into laughter and shot him back in the same stance he was. 

            “What’s your name?” I bent down so I was eye level with him and analyzed his spiderman pajamas.

            “Jaxon.” He said proudly. “Are you Sophia?”

            “Yes.” I responded shyly. “Did your dad tell you we were coming?”

            “Yep! He said my brother liked spiderman too. Is that true?” 

            I turned back to look at Justin and smiled when I saw him spin Jazzy around in the air. It was so adorable to see him with kids and know he was so good with them. I’m glad he finally had a chance to meet these two.

            “Hm…” I trailed off and looked back at Jaxon. “I think it is. Why don’t you go ask him?”

            Not hearing another word, Jaxon ran his little feet in the grass over to Justin and jumped up and down to get his attention. This was probably the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and I kind of wanted to record it so I could send it to Pattie. I bet she was beyond worried right now at what was happening.

            “I think he likes them.” Jeremy chuckled and came up to stand beside me. “Were you the one that made him come here?”

            Blushing, I looked up into the sky and gripped Justin’s jacket tighter around me.

            “I wouldn’t say I had everything to do with it but I definitely persuaded him to come here I think.” I admitted.

            “Well I can’t thank you enough.” He said, his voice getting serious. “I’ve been trying to get him to come down here for a long time now and I’m glad he finally decided to listen to someone.”

            I felt myself instantly get happier as I watched Justin play with his siblings. I know Justin didn’t want to come here but I think now that he was here he was having a better time than what he expected. I honestly think Jeremy cares for him and I hope in time that Justin can see that as well.

            “Me too.” I replied and shivered from the wind.

            Realizing I was cold, Jeremy went to the back of the jeep and removed our suitcases from the trunk.

            “Alright c’mon guys! Let’s show Sophia and Justin around.”
            I watched Justin fling Jazzy onto his back and I saw Jaxon run over to me.

            “You’re really pretty.” He blushed and grabbed onto my hand.

            “Aww.” I crooned and held onto his tighter. “Did Justin tell you to say that to me?”
            His eyes got wide and he started to giggle.

            “No! I can get the ladies without my brother.”
            My mouth dropped open at how flirtatious he was at only the age of four. I couldn’t help but wonder if Justin was the same way. I mean, if Jaxon got older to be like Justin then lord help him. Justin was a horn dog.

            Opening up the front door, Jeremy stepped inside and invited us in. The interior of the house felt really at home. It had a large open space with country accents thrown around here and there. The living room had brown leather couches with a large fireplace surrounding it and Jaxon and Jazzy’s toys were spread out around the floor. I couldn’t help but wonder what life with Justin would be like in the future. I hope that our family will be exactly like this.

            “Well this is it.” Jeremy said and placed our suitcases against the wall. “The house really isn’t that confusing. If you go down the left hallway that’s where my bedroom and Jazzy and Jaxon’s is and if you go down the right hallway that’s where yours and Justin’s room will be.”

            “Where’s your wife?” Justin spoke up.

            Jeremy’s eyes became softer and he glanced around the room as if he didn’t know what to say because Jazzy and Jaxon were still there. I didn’t want this conversation to be held in front of them so I decided to take them someplace else.

            “Hey guys,” I bent down in front of them to get their attention. “Do you want to show me your rooms? I’d love to see them.”

            “Yes!” They both jumped up and down and grabbed onto my hands.

            “Wait until you see mine!” Jaxon exclaimed. “There’s Spiderman EVERYWHERE.”

            I erupted into laughter and tried to keep up with them as they dragged me away towards the hallway.


Justin’s Point Of View-

             “So where is she?” I questioned him again, waiting for an answer.

             This whole weekend so far was going like shit. The only thing that I was happy about was that I finally got to meet my brother and sister. My dad has never made a good impression on me and he still hasn’t. I wanted to believe that he was sorry but to be honest, I don’t think I ever could.

            “Erin and I had some problems.” He admitted and leaned against the door. “She moved out to an apartment in town. Jazzy and Jaxon see her during the week and I get them on the weekends.”

            “So you got a divorce?”

            I couldn’t help but be inquisitive. I think I at least deserved to know what’s been going on with his life while I haven’t been apart of it.

            “Yeah.” He muttered and looked back up at me. “Justin, I’m really happy that you’re here.”

            For the first time in my life I actually saw tears come into my father’s eyes. I knew from the very few times I’ve spent with him that he wasn’t an emotional person so to see him get like this was astounding.

            “You are?” My throat started to close up and I cursed myself for getting emotional. I promised myself I wouldn’t get like this.

            “Yes Justin. I regret every second that I wasn’t in your life. At the time I just wasn’t ready to be around your mother because we weren’t good for each other. I didn’t want you to be around the fighting. Granted, I still could have seen you on my own time, but I was stupid and naïve. I was a teenage parent and if I could take back everything that I’ve done I would. I just want you to know that.”

            His eyes scanned over me, waiting for an answer. I didn’t know how to react because this was everything that I’ve been wanting to hear since I was six years old. My whole life all I’ve ever wanted was a father that cared and maybe now I was finally getting one.

            “I love you Justin.” He whispered quietly.

            I let a tear accidentally escape my eye and I quickly wiped it away before wrapping my dad in a warm embrace. That is all I’ve wanted to hear from him for so long. I can’t believe that after all of this time he’s finally said it.

            “I love you too dad.” I muttered in his shirt.

            I’m not sure how long we stayed in a hug but he eventually pulled away and started to laugh.

            “Now tell me about this fine girl you brought down here.”

            I immediately felt a smile form on my face knowing that my dad approved of her. I am more than happy that she convinced me to come down here because I could finally feel like I was truly loved. I knew that Sophia loved me but I just always had an empty space in my heart because my father was never there to fill it. But now that he was I felt like I was on cloud nine.

            “She’s incredible.” I said in disbelief. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

            He nodded his head and started to head towards the TV.

            “I know. She seems to really care about you Justin. I’m glad you’re marrying her. I’m really excited to get to know more about her this weekend and I’m glad you and I are finally on a good note. I know everything isn’t fixed between us and I know I still have to earn back your trust but I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I want you to know that.”

            I sent him a smile and watched him take out Spiderman the movie.

            “Let’s just get this done and over with.” He shook his head. “Jaxon won’t let you leave before you and Sophia watch this so I think we should do it now.”
            “Alright.” I eagerly sat down on the couch and watched him put it in the DVD player. I was so excited to spend time with my family finally after so many years of being separated from them.

            “Jazzy, Jaxon!” He yelled towards their rooms. “Get out here we’re watching Spiderman!”

            “YESSSSSS!” I heard Jaxon come running out of his room, his little feet pattering on the carpet.

            Sophia came out of Jazzy’s room wearing yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she was holding Jazzy’s hand to lead her over to the couch. She never failed to blow me away with her beauty.

            “Do we seriously have to watch this again Jax?” Jazzy groaned and put her stubby hands over her face. “Daddy I’ve seen this movie like eighty times.”

            “Justin and Sophia haven’t watched it with Jaxon yet Jaz.” Jeremy scolded and pointed for her to sit on the floor. “Don’t be rude.”

            I grabbed Sophia’s hand and made her sit on my lap before wrapping my arms around her waist. She made all of this possible and I honestly don’t ever think I could thank her enough for that. She made me fall in love with her more and more every second.

            “Thank you for bringing me here.” I whispered in her ear.

            She scurried off of my legs and laid down so that her head was in my lap and looked up at me.

            “I wouldn’t have brought you here if I thought it wouldn’t have been a good thing for you baby. You know that right?”

            “I do now.” I replied and brushed her cheek.

            “Guys!” Jaxon whined and pointed to the TV. “Stop talking, it’s on!”

            Sophia giggled and turned onto her side so we could prepare for the long movie ahead of us.

            I never expected today to end up like it did but I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life. I had the best fiance in the world, a brother and sister that I finally met, and a father that finally loved me. What else could I possibly ask for?


YAS YAS AND YAS. OMG I had so much fun bringing in Jazzy and Jaxon! I hope you thought i portrayed them accurately! Ugh, I loved this chapter. I am so happy to start unraveling this story. A lot is in store that you just have no idea about oh my god. 

Alright, well I always remind everyone at the end of the chapter, if you liked Fifty Shades Of Justin it's available to order as a paperback book through (it can ship outside of the USA).

The next update will be next Thursday and for those of you who read my other Justin fan fiction Secret Desire, that will be updated on Sunday :) 

Love you all so much! Please comment and let me know what you thought. Fifty Shades Of Sophia will be published and available for you to buy very shortly. I have about 29 chapters written so far so i'm finishing up the story and then getting it out for you guys as soon as possible!

Twitter: @ believeeexoxo

Instagram: @ drxwsdeanna 

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