Broken People

By Lloviendoestrellas

101K 20.9K 3.4K

No querían a nadie como ellos, porque eran personas rotas. Portada: @isnunchi More

They [broken people]
June [too free soul]
Lirio [The flower boy]
Violet [wake up]
Chris and Alex [two broken friends]
Lana [living]
Finn [he's 21]
Birdy [the bird with broken wings]
Nathan [tired of all]
Azul [she makes art]
Aaron [nothing feels right]
Julie [they hate]
Evan [you don't know him]
Destiny [silence, please]
Edmond [time]
Luna [she is a nighttinker]
Charlie [i'm sorry]
Sky [falling]
August [secret artist]
Stephanie [3 AM]
Noah [just art]
Elizabeth [she doesn't care]
Will [life scares him]
Lila [we think...]
Aristóteles [they expect more from you]
Molly [remember?]
Víctor [alone]
Emily [stay alive]
Norman [Norman, but not normal]
Amelia [last time]
David [somebody stole the reality]
Margaret [always in peace]
John [a loser hides]
Margo and Caroline [friend, please]
Sarah [nobody has freedom]
Albert [traveler]
Amy [let it all go]
Andy [forever young]
Lena [be music]
Nick [you're not real]
Winter [warrior of the night]
Fred [it's okay]
Carmen [i'm with you]
Vincent [creativity]
Stella [we exist]
Harry [just be you]
Olivia [never forget]
Tyler [nothing to lose]
Helena [cut and paste]
Ed and April [just friends]
Samantha [it's more easy]
Steve [be more]
Anne [nothing in short verses]
Ryan [more than a bedroom]
Aurora [you're a dream]
Oliver [lost boy]
Ellie [forest of the dead]
Justin [tears of dead mind]
Venus [in the system of humans]
Louis [don't talk about you]
Eleanor [calm]
Thom [you are not]
Sophie [not all the monsters]
Vanessa [we are perfect]
Bobby [nothing will make you come back]
Diane [the time it's not more than a illussion]
Park [dead things]
Alice [stand]
Dante [four seasons]
Lukas [midnight]
Penny [rooms]
Zack [beach of lost souls]
Elisa [dementia of poet]
Samuel [stop your crying]
Isabelle [stuck]
Jacob [big bad world]
Lucy [talking]
Joshua [colors]
Barbara [without name]
Cameron [your life]
Rebeka [unfamiliar humanity]
Sean [for you]
Heather [go to sleep]
Daniel [nobody can save you]
Lina [take a breath]
James [the sun and the stars shine for you]
Riley [art]
Eddie [you're not okay]
Gemma [for beautiful minds]
Arthur [more than a soul]
Bella [die young or live forever]
Austin [mistakes]
Marina [deep]
Ethan [sit and listen]
Rita [ceiling]
Delia [waste the moment]
Dan [halfway to nowhere]
Ariadna [lose your mind]
Charles [come to the real world]
Ally [find me]
Brandon [youth]
Rachel [rules]
Colin [home]
Hope [starry night]
Charles [the world on fire]
Nicole [dead art]
Miles [little soul]
Lara [long time]
Ian [secrets in the dark]
Cara [change]
Elliot [need yourself]
Eloisa [open the door, kill the clocks]
Theo [one more light]
Liliane [piece of heaven]
Benjamin [under the sun]
Candace [cold heart]
Tony [shadow of the life]
Agnes [a sky without stars]
Asher [the world dies]
Cassie [in this walls]
Calum [nice dream]
Dandelion [hopeful]
Lewis [ode to dreams and flowers]
Agatha [broken thoughts]
Elenio [faded]
Alana [it's time]
Levi [the light that never comes]
Halley [out of the solar system]
Tobias [in the lonely hour]
Sage [under the sky, these faded verses]
Julian [memories of a broken heart]
Frida [incomplete]
Kurt [the world is dying]
Wendy [tomorrow never comes]
Alphonse [if you leave]
Ana [better]
Bernard [all comes down]
Florence [rain down]
Dante [about ghosts and lost homes]
Melissa [life is so far away]
Seth [life is better than this]
Blair [crying under the wall]
Alexander [somewhere]
Brigitte [chaos]
Édouard [melancholy]
Anastasia [world without life]
Shawn [nothing at midnight]
Jasmine [don't losing a piece of you]
Daron [life isn't just a losing game]
Celine [isn't wrong]
Dean [souls like shooting stars]
Arabelle [something good]
Brennan [welcome to the perfect illusion]
Larissa [kingdom of a lost dream]
Dorian [living through a storm]
Juliette [sharp edges]
Frédéric [lost in the moment]
Victoria [darkside of the sun]
Sigmund [talking to yourself]
Iris [nobody knows you when you're drown]
Zale [get free]
Phoebe [empty words]
Timothy [you only attack yourself]
Beth [you're young, wild and free]
Damien [a violent soul made of moonlight]
Gaia [worried sky]
Félix [not ready to be found]
Lidia [stars of the past]
Émile [not young enough]
Ada [timeless life]
Todd [about to break]
Genneviève [you've got nothing now]
Jules [nowhere is a right place to dream]
Freya [is this happiness?]
Stefan [out of the black]
Solène [dreams speak with knives]
Noël [the time almost killed your light]
Astrid [mind in a cage]
Cyprien [everybody's changing]
Faith [bullet with bird wings]
Natt [fade out like a lost spirit]
Lyra [the storms are like falling words]
Ellery [moment of surrender]
Odette [learn to let go]
Erwan [can't feel the life]
Sybille [more than faces and frozen memories]
Ludwig [born to be free]
Angèlique [who lies under the stars]
Gaël [you don't belong here, the birds will be always lost]
Sanne [faces like tears of the moon]
Marco [take the death out of the sea]
Tessa [too young to cry for the stars]
Dáire [the truth runs like free souls]
Arianne [alone sometimes]
Walt [disintegration]
Berenice [what is day without a little night]
Antoine [you never learn about all the stars in your lungs]
We are more than broken people
Nota de autora y agradecimientos

Ben [broken dreams, castles and dragons]

338 85 17
By Lloviendoestrellas

Y lee cuentos durante la noche, solo.
Porque no necesita que nadie que lo haga por él,
porque tiene sus propios finales felices.
Nadie está, todos se divierten, y mira, estas en tu habitación intentando encontrarle un final feliz a los sueños rotos.
Escucha a tu madre y a tu padre escuchar anécdotas de la abuela, y a tus hermanos quejándose de que hoy no hay buenas películas.
Tu hermana menor duerme; lástima, no escuchará el final de tu historia; siempre susurras tus cuentos más felices mientras duerme,
quizá su mente deje de crear pesadillas así.

Hay dragones y castillos,
pero no princesas, ni príncipes, ni nada.
Porque es un dragón con sueños rotos
intentando repararlos.
Cerrando los ojos y conteniendo las lágrimas.
"Los dragones no escriben cuentos"
Ellos son malos, y nos lastiman.
Los cuentos son para almas puras que sufren del insomnio gracias a las estrellas,
soñando con bosques verdes y montañas sin una cima en verdad.
Y en lo alto de un castillo abandonado, está él, mirando como los dragones también pueden quemarse a sí mismos,
porque todos estamos llenos de sueños rotos y dragones,
mientras en alguna parte, alguien más observa desde el castillo.

Tranquilo, Ben, los dragones no existen para nosotros,
pero la realidad a veces supera a la ficción.

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