Aleana and Aragorn

By RubabShaukat

617K 13.9K 2.2K

Aleana is the daughter of Gandalf the Grey and a dear friend to Frodo Baggins. When the ring falls in the pos... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52 (Epilogue)
Next Story

Chapter 51

8.8K 197 18
By RubabShaukat

***Aragorn POV***

I watch helplessly as my vision from last night comes to life before my very eyes. My eyes fill with tear as Aleana runs towards the mountain and her necklace falls from my neck, crashing to the floor, breaking the gem. The others look on with just as much shock, and though we had destroyed Sauron, none of us could bring ourselves to shout in victory.

Suddenly a colorful butterfly flits about my head before moving to Gandalf and landing on his shoulder. It seems to whisper something in his ear and Gandalf's eyes widen in surprise.

"What is it Gandalf," I ask, but he ignores me, calling to the eagles and quickly climbing on the back of one before flying towards Mount Doom. We stand there, unsure of what was happening, but understanding finally dawns when the eagles once again come into view. Within their claws, I see three carefully held figures. Aleana, Frodo, and Sam.

Hope festers in my heart and we quickly mount our horses and ride towards Minas Tirith as Gandalf flies there. I watch as the eagles drop off all four of them on the top of the healing tower and as soon as I enter the city, I dismount, running towards the healing room.

By the time I reach there, all three of them had been shifted to their separate rooms. Gandalf stood waiting outside, for us, and I run to him. He looks up at me with a smile, happiness flourishing in his eyes.

"Are they..."

"Frodo and Sam will be fine, they made it. Our hobbits live," Gandalf says happily and I smile, but I cannot be happy until I know of Aleana.

"And Aleana?"

"She will live, but..."

"But what," I ask, running out of patience. Gandalf sighs before continuing.

"She is no longer immortal, and I am quite sure she has lost her powers as well. Her life will be long still as is yours, but one day she will pass."

"This is my fault," I whisper and Gandalf puts a hand on my shoulder.

"No, this is not anyone's fault. She knew what would happen and even if she was in the undying lands when we destroyed the ring, the outcome would be the same. Do not blame yourself," Gandalf tries to make me feel better, but I can't stop the guilt that finds it's way in my heart.


Frodo and Sam wake the same day, and we had all been happy as we were all reunited. Aleana had still not woken, and I couldn't even bring myself to go see her. My steps would falter outside her door and I could never muster up the courage to even place my hand to open it. And just like that, each day I would turn away, only hearing how she is faring from Legolas.

Everyone else had started the preparations of crowning me king, and though I wished Aleana to wake before the crowning occurred, I also knew that this was important and must be done as soon as possible. And so I let them continue as I continued to sulk, feeling guiltier by the day.

***Aleana POV***

I open my eyes slowly, the bright light blinding me. After a few more attempts, I manage to open my eyes and at first I think this is the afterlife, but with one look around my room, I realize I am in the Healing Rooms of Gondor. Slowly, I sit up, happy that I had survived, but I'm confused as to where everyone else was.

Suddenly the door to my room opens and I look up expectantly, hoping it is Aragorn, but it is Legolas followed by Lord Elrond. And though I am happy to see them as well, I cannot shake away the slight disappointment I feel.

"How are you faring, Aleana," Lord Elrond asks.

"Quite alright, but what of everyone else? Frodo? Sam," I ask alarmed.

"All are well, my child," Lord Elrond smiles, taking a seat beside me and I smile in relief.

"It seems good has prevailed."

"Yes, but I need to ask you. Do you feel any different?"

"A little, but is that not normal?"

"There is something you must know, Aleana. You," he pauses before continuing, "you are no longer immortal and nothing can be said of your powers."

My eyes widen in surprise, unsure of how to feel. A part of me had been lost, what would I do without my powers? My immortality? It is what made me who I am.

"Aragorn blames himself," I look up from my thoughts at Legolas as he continues, "he did not even have the courage to come see you, only asking of your well being from myself. He believes he is at fault for what has happened to you."

"Of course he does," I smile, realizing something in that moment, "but it is not my powers nor my immortality that make me who I am. For father has shaped my heart since I was a child, and as long as that same heart beats within me, I am happy and at peace with what has happened. Where is Aragorn?"

"Being crowned King at this moment," Lord Elrond answers with a smile and stands. He motions an elleth standing outside the door to come forth and she walks in, holding a beautiful green dress and an elvish headpiece, "I think it is time you meet the King of Gondor."

I smile, nodding before getting up and taking a quick bath, and then with the help of the elleth, I step into the dress. It is a beautiful silk, in shades of green. It is sleeveless, and fits me perfectly, and the elleth ties a belt around my waist. Another cloth is draped across my neck and secured in the front with a golden pin, and the cloth falls over my shoulders, making for sleeves. She then takes the elvish headpiece, a beautiful silver with chains falling from it all around, and secures it atop my head, allowing my hair to fall to my waist in their natural waves.

She places green slippers before me and I step into them. With one last thanks and a look in the mirror, I step out the baths. Lord Elrond and Legolas rise from the bed, looking me over with awe.

"You look most beautiful," Lord Elrond says and Legolas nods his agreement. I smile and thank them and then Lord Elrond steps forward, offering me his arm. I loop mine through his and he smiles down at me, "let us take you to your king."

I nod, and allow them to lead me to the courtyard. My eyes find Aragorn at the front, singing in elvish, his eyes closed. A crown sat atop his head, himself adorned in the traditional garb of a king of Gondor. He looked most handsome, and I can't help the blush that rises to my cheeks. We move through the crowds, Aragorn unaware as he finishes the song of Elendil before walking down towards the people.

Legolas intercepts him, blocking me from view and Aragorn places a hand on his shoulder.

"Hannon le [thank you]," I hear Aragorn whisper to Legolas, who nods in return before moving out of the way.

Our eyes meet, Aragorn's widening at seeing me as tears fill them. Tears spring to my eyes as well as we look at each other for a moment, before slowly moving towards one another. Stopping a few inches away, I look up at him as he continues to look at me in surprise and awe. Suddenly his eyes cast down and I see the guilt in them.

"I am sorry," he whispers, voice heavy with grief.

"You should be," I answer and he looks up surprised, "not once did you come visit me. Not once did you hold my hand, asking me to come back to you. And then you blame yourself for something that you could have neither stopped, nor changed."

"I am so sorry, your loss of-"

"I do not think my loss as a consequence, instead I view it as a gift, Aragorn," I cut him off, "I have lived many lifetimes, too many, and nothing would make me happier than living my last with you. If you would let me," I bow my head in respect.

He lifts my face towards him holding my chin. I smile at him. Aragorn looks at me for a few moments and then crashes his lips onto mine in a passionate kiss, lifting me up and turning around with me as he does so. Everyone claps and cheers and we pull away as he sets my feet on the ground once more. I look past him too see father smiling and I turn my gaze back to Aragorn. We kiss again tenderly, before pulling away and Aragorn buries his head in my shoulder, causing me to laugh with happiness as I clasp him to me.

Stepping away, he takes my hand in his and walks through the people once more, this time with me by his side as the people bow as we pass. I nod my head in respect to them as does Aragorn. We come to a stop in front of the four Hobbits and I watch them with a smile as they bow to us.

"My friends," Aragorn says and they straighten, looking to him, "you bow to no one."

He kneels down in front of them and everyone kneels with him. The Hobbits look most embarrassed and I send a wink their way before kneeling beside Aragorn, before the four Hobbits that had saved Middle Earth.

A/n: Just one more chapter left! Can't wait! Hope you liked this chapter!

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