Percy Jackson Champion of the...


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I SUCK AT SUMMARIES DONT JUDGE ME Highest I know about it being in Fanfiction is #214. COMPLETED Percy Jack... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
A question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter I am just rambeling
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Thee End

Chapter 11

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For all you guys who message me I can't answer. My thing messed up so no matter if it's the right email it doesn't register it as the right one so I can't respond.

Go read The New Olympian and Percy and the Primordial council by Primordial-Miky9 . I really like them so yeah.

Percy POV


"Everyone find some cover!" Resonated through the forests of Bastogne as artillery pounded the ground as I ran through the forests, trying to find a foxhole which I luckily did as I jumped in it, barely avoiding a incoming mortal and looked at the most intense display of firepower I've ever seen in my entire life. After a few minutes of watching the trees and everything else be destroyed around me, I started to laugh.

First, a little chuckle then it slowly grew, reminding me of the first time me and Crystal snuck off and went to the Fourth of July fireworks, despite Alexander's protests, remembering we would create our own fireworks and pop them out in the forests, avoiding the police and just overall having a good time. Seeing all these explosions and display of firepower was possibly the most beautiful and terrifying thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

After a few minutes, the artillery stopped, leaving a destroyed forests and unmoving bodies of my brothers in arms, eyes staring at nothing, lifeless and dull. Like that same day in the forests of Bastogne, "Everyone okay?!" I shouted from my foxhole as I heard multiple 'yes' till I heard a faint sound "You hear that?" I said to Lipton as he must've hopped in the same foxhole when I was going into flashbacks.

"Is that Joe?" He said as I put my finger to my lips, signaling silence as the sound was heard again "That's Joe. I thought he was behind me." Lipton said as I hopped out of my foxhole, moving towards Joe "Percy, what are you doing?" Lipton whispered harshly as I spoke "Going after Joe." I whispered back till I raised my voice "Everyone stay in your foxholes." I said moving past foxholes, some with a shell in them and disembodied parts.

I walked deeper into the forests, in reach of the artillery where I saw Joe, laying in the snow, his right leg separated from his body, groaning as I rushed towards him, grabbing his straps and dragging him back to safety, or what I thought was safety. "I need my helmet." He said, struggling out of my grip, but in his condition, he wasn't going anywhere "Forget it Joe." I said, slowly pulling him towards one of the foxholes where Riley and Johnson were at, "Mortars!" I heard as a loud booming sound was heard as my eyes widened as a explosion landed a few feet away from me, "Percy! Come on, you can do it." I heard Johnson say as I continued to drag Joe through the snow.

I wish I could've used my powers, but doing that would be suicide because the Olympians are watching us fight as we speak, but more importantly, watching me. And if I reveal my identity, it will endanger all those around me, mortals and demigods alike "Percy. Come on! You're nearly there!" I heard as I continued to drag Joe through the snow, hearing Riley's shouts till it went silent but I didn't dare look back. I had to focus on the task in front of me, getting Joe safely out of here.

I continued to pull Joe through the snow, knowing that Apollo is trying to give me as much time as possible by blinding the Germans shooting the artillery but he's also breaking the Ancient Laws and risking his life trying to help me. "I'm hurrying Apollo." I muttered, knowing he's listening as I just neared the foxhole till an explosion landed directly in front of me.

Dream ends

I sat up quickly, gasping for air and looking around, trying to figure out my surroundings till I realized I where I was. On a quest to save Artemis, protecting Tyler. I laid my head back and draped my hand over my head, the other searching for the pills Apollo gave me in my pocket but didn't feel them anywhere as I double checked my pockets but couldn't find them anyway as I quickly searched around me for the pills.

"Looking for these?" I heard from behind me as I spun around and saw Zoe Nightshade sitting in the back seat, with my pills in her hand "Give me those." I demanded, but she shook her head "I want to talk to thou about some things." she said as I narrowed my eyes "What kind of things?" I said suspiciously as she rolled her eyes "Nothing bad. Just about what happened at the museum, what these pills are for, and why you look like you just woke up from a horrible nightmare." she said as I hesitated but nodded as she crawled into the passenger seat "So, what were thou dreaming about?" she said as I spoke "Just a dream." I said but she obviously didn't buy it.

"I know demigod dreams aren't always the best, but you look like you just walked through Tartarus. You were muttering names like Joe, Riley, and Johnson over and over again, you were sweating profusely, and when you opened your eyes, you had this wild and broken look in them. That wasn't no ordinary dream." She said while I stared ahead, not really wanting this conversation to happen right now, especially with someone I see as my sworn enemy outside fully immortals.

"It was from when you were in World War II, wasn't it?" She said with sympathy in my voice "You should really leave and keep your nose out of other people's business, demi-titan." I snapped as she recoiled in shock and slight hurt, then it changed to anger "No wonder everyone stays away from thou. Thou have no feelings, I may be a hunter sworn off love but I do understand what thou are going through. It may not be close to thou but I do understand, sorry for trying to help." she said getting ready to leave but I quickly grabbed her hand "Wait, I'm sorry. It's just-" I tried to find the words but thankfully, she understood as she released her grip on the door.

"Yes, it was from World War II. We were in the forests of Bastogne, sent to hold the line and preventing them from using the crossroads and sending supplies over. It was dawn, we were just keeping watch till an explosion was heard. It was a daily thing they did, pounded us with mortars at dawn, then at noon, we were expecting it so we all quickly hid in our foxholes, one of my friends, Joe Green, was a little farther ahead and more in range of the artillery."

After the first barrage, Joe must've gotten hit and no one heard him, but I did so I ordered everyone to stay in their foxholes while I went to get him." I said as I continued to explain everything to her, while she sat there, listening. It just felt right, having someone to compare to, someone whose felt the same pain like me and been through the same thing. Not as much but pretty close "We were there, watching thee. Artemis wanted us to come with her, in worry of us getting caught in the crossfire. We assured her we would be fine but she didn't listen." she said as I smiled "Artemis said thou were the only decent male out there, risking your life to protect others, even though she didn't know it was thou at the time, none of us did. Not many boys have that kind of courage." she said as I smiled.

"And what are the pills for?" She said "The pills prevent all bad memories and dreams from entering my mind. I didn't take them this morning so I had a dream, as you can tell." I said as she nodded "If thou want to forget the bad memories, then why don't thou have Ananke or Chronos erase them?" she said "I never said that I wanted to forget, did I?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"The way thou say it, it seems like thee want to get rid of the bad memories." She said as I nodded "I do want to forget it all, the killing, the wars, and everything else but I deal with it so I can keep those who I lost in my head. I deal with it because while I may have lockets and pictures of them, the wars keep their voices, the jokes they made, and everything else about them in my head and I couldn't afford to lose that. I have accepted their deaths and moved on, just like how I accepted Crystal's death and moved on, although that one took slightly longer." I said.

"Why did thou burn the pelt from the Nemean Lion?" She said as I looked at her, knowing exactly where she's going with this "I know what you're thinking and I'll tell you right now. I meant what I said before, I don't like Hercules nor do I want to be like him. Who would want to be like a hero who used people and constantly slept with women?" I said shaking my head, disgusted.

After a few minutes of silence, I realized having this talk with Zoe was nice "Thank you, Zoe. This actually helped me." I said looking at her but she wasn't looking at me so I followed her gaze and saw she was staring at our intertwined hands as my eyes widened 'How did that happen? And why have I yet to let go' I thought as I quickly let go of her hand "I'm sorry." I said, expecting a slap to the face or a knee to my jewels for touching a hunter, but surprisingly, I didn't receive one.

Quickly to avert from what just happened I pulled out Riptide "I know your story. Why you hate males and heroes in general and I can say, I don't blame you." I said as her eyes widened, then they narrowed "How do thou-" she said but I interrupted her "I don't know, weather it was Fate or my sister, Ananke, I don't know. But I believe this belongs to you." I said holding Riptide out to her while she looked at it in shock, then at me.

"Why are thou giving this to me?" She questioned while I chuckled "It is yours, is it not?" I said putting it in her hands and closing hers around it while she looked at me with tear filled eyes but she was smiling "This means so much to me, I don't know how to thank thou." she said gratefully but I waved it off "No need to thank me, just returning what was rightfully yours before it was stolen. Besides, I have plenty of other weapons." I said smiling as she smiled back and pulled me into a hug as my eyes widened in shock till I snapped out of my dazed state and wrapped my arms around her.

We stayed that way a little longer than expected so I pulled away, trying to figure out what the Hades is wrong with me "I think you should leave Zoe. I don't want Phoebe to think that I tried something." I said as she nodded and opened the door and was about to leave but stopped and looked at me with obsidian eyes "Your sister speaks very highly of thou in the hunt, Percy. Maybe thou should give her another chance." she said getting out and getting ready to close the door but she stopped and asked a questioned that actually shocked me.

"Are we...friends?" She said uncertainly while I chuckled "I thought we already were friends. We aren't calling each other names and aren't trying to kill each other. So yes Zoe, we are friends." I said smiling as she smiled back and closed the door as I leaned my head back, letting my thoughts wander "What is wrong with me?" I muttered before falling asleep.


I opened my eyes to see I was in a throne room but this throne room, unlike the Olympian throne room with pictures of the greatest heroes and greatest achievements, this throne room was pitch black with fifteen thrones all in a circular formation with stars and constellations moving around the walls as I smiled.

I was home.

"Don't get so comfy Perce. This is still a dream." Aether said as the primordials all appeared on their thrones, smiling at me "I know Aether, just feels good to see home. Even if it is a dream." I said, slightly disappointed "Saw your little talk with the hunter, getting cozy with Artemis's lieutenant aren't you?" he said wiggling his eyebrows as I glared at him "No Erebus, just returning something that was rightfully hers." I said, looking away from him.

"Did you two have to be so close and have your hands interlaced to exchange something?" Eros said with a smirk as I growled "Just wait until I get back to the Void. If this is your doing, you're going to be the first to suffer my wrath, than Erebus." I said as his eyes widened "Hey, I'm not doing anything. This is all you little brother. Nor is it Aphrodite's doing, but once she finds out about this, she will interfere." he said shaking his head.

"Percy." Father said as I looked at him "Yes father?" I said as everyone went silent and looked towards him "We know of your plan if it doesn't go well with the Olympians, but are you positive you can do it?" he said seriously as I nodded "Yes father, I can do it." I said determined while he studied me for a few seconds till he finally nodded.

"Alright, another thing. It concerns the quest to save Artemis." He said as I gestured for him to continue "Due to the quest, Zoe Nightshade is destined to die fighting her father, you know this correct?" he said as I nodded "I want you to save her, she plays an important role in the future and a great impact on a few people." he said as I nodded again, even though I was going to save her anyway.

"There seems to be something on your mind, son. Care to share it with us?" Father said as I hesitated for a few seconds till I finally spoke "I've been thinking and I was wondering if a immortal can take back a blessing?" I said as they all raised an eyebrow "Yes Percy, an immortal can take back a blessing? Is something bothering you?" Hemera said as I spoke "I was thinking about giving up a few of the blessings I have. I have a feeling people think I'm powerful because of the blessings I have and I want to prove them wrong. Show them I don't need blessings to win my battles." I said as they nodded "Which ones do you want to remove?" father said as I thought about the ones I want removed.

"I would like for Eros, Ourea, Ananke, Hydros, Pontus, and Thalassa's blessings to be removed please." I said as they stood up and walked towards me "Are you sure Percy? Without these blessings using your water abilities will take more energy." Ourea warned but I nodded "I'm sure Ourea, plus I feel like I'm about to explode with all this pent up energy. Be nice to actually feel like I can breathe." I said as they nodded as I glowed a sea green color, then a ocean blue, a earthly brown, a purple, than a pink color till I felt less powerful but felt like I can breath.

"If you ever want the blessings back, just tell us and we will give them back." Ananke said as I nodded, thanking them "Your stamina will still be the same Percy, since that you worked on, but you will drain faster when using your water abilities since you're in the body of a fourteen year old and your body can't hold that much energy till you grow older so don't push yourself." father said as I nodded as the throne room started to get blurry "Your waking up son, if you ever need guidance or help, pray to us and we will guide you." he said as I nodded as my world went black.

Dream ends

I opened my eyes only to feel a sharp pain on my left cheek and Thalia lingering above me, her right hand raised "Don't you dare slap me again." I said, freezing her in her tracks as she slowly put her hand down, smiling sheepishly "You wouldn't wake up. I tried shaking you but you wouldn't wake up so I did things my way." she said as I nodded "Fair enough, I would've done the same thing if I were in your position." I said getting out of the car to see everyone up and moving.

"Percy! You won't believe this." Tyler said walking up to me "What is it?" I said with a raised eyebrow "This train took us as far as Cloudcroft, Mexico." he said excitedly 'Apollo's up to something' I thought as I played along "What?! How?" I exclaimed as he shook his head "I don't know, but I do know it saved us time." he said as I nodded, turning towards the campers till I felt someone's eyes on me.

I turned around to meet the obsidian eyes of Zoe Nightshade staring at me. I smiled, not really expecting her to smile back in front of her sisters, who are supposed to hate men but surprisingly, she smiled back. That's when I noticed Riptide was back in its original form, which was a hairpin that she had in her hair.

"What are you smiling at?" Tyler said, breaking my attention on Zoe "What?" I said as he rolled his eyes and looked around till he noticed I was staring at Zoe, again. "No way." He said in a voice that was filled with shock and disbelieve "Yes Tyler, we made up and now we're friends." I said turning around "Are you sure its just friends? You seem like you want more than that?" he said smirking as I looked at him.

"Very funny Tyler. Very funny indeed." I said glaring at him but deep down, maybe he was right...but...I didn't love Zoe, especially after all the encounters we've had in the past. Right?


"Grover, are you okay?" Tyler said frantically as Grover laid there, groaning muttering 'foo' over and over again. "Let me handle this." I said summoning a bucket of water and pouring it over him, making him jump up, spluttering out water and looking around with hope in his eyes "What happened goat boy?" Thalia said "I felt it. I felt the presence of Pan." he said as Zoe's eyes widened.

"Uh, Grover. No offense, but who is Pan?" Tyler said confused as Grover looked at him "Pan is the god of nature. We satyrs have been looking for him but could never find him, like he disappeared." he said as I went to speak but a snort was heard as something came bursting through the trees, making us scramble back in surprise and shock.

As I pulled out my bow to shoot it, Grover stopped me "Wait, don't kill it. It's a gift from Pan." he said as I looked at him "Grover, that's the Erymanthian Boar. That thing isn't a gift." I said as Tyler rolled out of the way to avoid getting clobbered by the raging pig "Trust me Percy. We just need to secure it." he said as I studied him for a few seconds till I nodded as I looked at the pig, then behind me as a thought appeared in my head.

"I wonder.." I mused as the boar ran at Thalia and knocked her down, getting ready to stomp her into the dirt but I created a small earthquake, throwing it off its feet as shadows swallowed Thalia and spat her out beside me "Thalia, I need your shield, I got an idea." I said taking her shield from her and stood at the edge of the snowy hill "Hey, over here!" I yelled as it turned and glared at me "Percy! What are you doing?" I heard Tyler shout as it ran towards me as I turned around and grabbed Thalia.

"Sorry Thals." I said putting the shield underneath my butt and jumping down the hill with Thalia screaming as we sailed past trees and rocks as the Erymanthian Boar kept having a hard time getting down the hill till it finally got caught in a group of trees as me and Thalia skidded to a stop, Thalia clutching me like I was her lifeline.

"We're safe." I said prying her shaking hands off me "I'm really sorry, it was either that or you get stomped in and I don't think Zeus will appreciate that. Plus we're cousins, we look out for each other. Despite our fights and rivals, we're family." I said putting my hand on her shoulder as the others came down the hill.

"You two okay?" Tyler said as we nodded as Grover looked at the boar "This'll take us west. We need to ride it." he said gaining looks of shock and disbelieve from everyone "And how will we ride that without it throwing us off in mid-flight?" Phoebe demanded as I saw an apple on the ground as an idea appeared in my head "I got an idea." I said picking up the apple and a broken branch, then taking out some rope, I tied one end around the apple and the other around the stick.

"You can use this. It'll keep the boar going and focused on the apple and not on who's riding it. Point it west, I'll follow." I said, giving the stick to Grover "Since your part animal, you have a better chance of getting on it than the rest of us here." I said gesturing to the boar.

"Percy, I don't think we can all ride that at once. It can probably only hold four, five at the most." Jennifer said as I nodded "I'll take Thalia and Bianca." I said because Thalia is scared of heights and Bianca is a daughter of Hades, being in Zeus's domain, he'll notice and kill her. "She is not going with you, boy." Phoebe spat, glaring at me as I sighed, not wanting to deal with this right now.

"She'll be fine Phoebe, I trust him." Zoe said gaining looks of shock from everyone and betrayal from Phoebe "There are reasons Bianca doesn't need to be in the sky. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to, but whatever." I said putting my hand on Thalia's shoulder "I'll come with you. I don't feel safe in the sky anyway, even if its a few feet in the air, I'd prefer solid ground." she said walking towards me as I nodded.

"We'll go as far as the boar will take you. Once it starts acting up, get off and give it the apple, Grover." I said as he nodded as they slowly, and reluctantly got on the boar.


"Get off Grover, let it go back in the wild, something its far from." I said as they quickly dismounted as Grover gave it the apple. "Where are we?" Bianca said as I looked around "We're in Gila Claw, Arizona." I said as their eyes widened "Took us pretty far." Tyler said as we looked around the desert landscape and noticed a junkyard.

"Why is there a junkyard in the middle of nowhere?" Tyler questioned "That is the junkyard of the gods. Things they threw from Mount Olympus, such as prototypes, and other things they thought were useless." Zoe said as a limo appeared in the distance.

"Huh, that's something you don't see everyday." Grover commented as the limo stopped in front of us. Once the door opened, a sword came out and appeared at my neck as everyone pulled out their weapons as Ares, god of war, stepped out in all his glory.

"Long time Ares. How you been?" I said as he looked at me "Well, look what we got here. Your story's out kid, all of Olympus knows your secret." he said as I nodded "I know, but that's because you can't keep your nose out of other people's business, especially powerful people's business." I said smirking as he took off his glasses, showing his nuclear eyes.

"You ain't nothing kid, only reason you beat me is because of that power." He said as I laughed "No, I beat you out of pure skill, yes, I did shadow travel a few times but I didn't use powers, that was all you. You just don't want to admit it and you know it." I said as he pressed the sword in deeper, drawing blood.

"You think this scares me? I've seen things more horrifying than a pitiful war god." I spat as he growled "Ares, leave the boy alone. I wish to speak with him." a female voice said as he lowered his sword "Your lucky there's a lady here, punk." he said as I snorted "More like you're scared to embarrass yourself in front of everyone again. Feel free to attack me, but this time, I won't hold back." I said as he grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me till we were face to face.

"I'm going to enjoy seeing you scream in pain when Zeus kills you." He spat as I laughed "Is Zeus really that stupid?" I said as lightning rumbled dangerously but I ignored it "If he really wants me as his enemy, then so be it. I'll kill him first, then you, then every other Olympian I hate." I said smiling as he narrowed his eyes and threw me back.

"Your times running out kid. Best you make it last." He said as I shrugged my shoulders "Of course, make a wise choice in the future war god, it may just cost not only your throne, but also all of Olympus." I said "Percy, can you come in here please?" the voice said again as I looked at the others. "I'll be back. Tyler, stay here and don't do anything stupid." I said as he glared at me as I walked past Ares and to the limo as I got in and smiled.

"Lady Aphrodite, it has been too long."


"Remember Percy, be careful in my husband's junkyard." Aphrodite said as I nodded as Ares pulled me out the limo "Time's up punk, now get lost." he said tossing me back into the others "What did Aphrodite want?" Zoe said as I looked at the retreating limo "Nothing, just a small talk and told us to be careful in her husband's junkyard." I said but she didn't seem convinced "Having a talk with Aphrodite means bad luck Percy, last time she talked with someone it was Paris and look how well that went." she said as I shrugged it off, but deep inside I know I'm screwed after this quest.

"We'll talk about it later. When we head into the junkyard, don't touch nothing." I said looking at Tyler and Grover "Why?" Thalia said as I looked into the junkyard, not knowing what will happen since I don't have Ananke's blessing anymore "I don't know but do me a favor, don't pick anything up." I said walking into the entrance to see all kind of things.

"This is cool." Tyler said, picking walking towards a sea green trident but I quickly pulled him away from it "Didn't I just say, don't touch anything." I said "I wasn't going to take it with me." he said but I shook my head "Something's here, Tyler. What? I don't know, but its presence doesn't seem friendly. Just stay close to me and don't touch nothing." I said as he nodded as we caught up with the others.

Once we got out of the junkyard and managed to get across the road, Tyler spoke "See? Everyone's fine." Tyler said till the ground started rumbling as a metal figure started rising out of the massive piles of junk while we stared at it in shock. "Who took something?" Zoe said staring at me accusingly "Why are you staring at me for? It could've been one of you." I snapped at her, pointing at Phoebe and the others "Why would we take something? It was probably you or your brother." Phoebe snapped as the figure stood to its full height with a bronze sword in its hand. "Is that...Talos?" Jennifer said in shock but Zoe shook our head "This must be a prototype, the original Talos is a lot taller than that." she said as Talos raised his foot "Well prototype or not, move!" I shouted as everyone ran in different directions as Talos's massive foot left a giant footprint where we were at.

I quickly stood up and saw Bianca about to get stepped on till I shadow travelled beside her and quickly grabbed her mere seconds before Talos's foot crushed her as we appeared behind a car "What did you take?" I demanded as she looked at me "What are you talking about?" she said confused but I could see right through that lie.

"I'm not stupid Bianca, return whatever you stole or else someone's going to get hurt, or possibly killed." I said as Thalia summoned lightning and directed it towards Talos, making him stop for a split second as he continued moving towards Jennifer and the others "Last chance. If you don't tell me, I'll find out for myself." I said as she opened her hands to reveal a figurine "It was the only one Nico didn't have. I wanted him to have it, to tell him I'm sorry and that I still love him." she said as I shook my head "A figurine isn't going to help for apologies. That much I can say." I said as I looked back towards Talos, trying to figure out what to do.

After a few minutes of silence, I sighed "I'll take care of this. You'll be fine. Can you and the others keep Tyler out of trouble for me?" I said as she went to speak but I put my hand her shoulder as shadows enveloped her as I pressed my hand against the three bullet wounds I endured not even a day ago. "No matter, nothings going to stop me from saving my friends." I said standing up and summoning a decent sized lightning bolt and hurled it towards Talos.


"Where's Percy and Bianca?" Jennifer shouted over the noise as I looked around but didn't see either one of them anywhere till Bianca appeared beside us, looking around confused "Bianca, where's Percy?" Tyler said frantically "He was just beside me. He said he'll take care of this and I'll be fine. He also said to keep you out of trouble." she said as he looked at her confused, as did we.

"What is he talking about?" Tyler said as Thalia summoned more lightning "Well, we better go now. I can't do this for much longer." she said as ozone filled my nose as a bright light enveloped the area around us as I heard a loud groaning sound.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Talos had steam coming off of him while he was on a knee we looked at Thalia in shock. "That wasn't me. I can't summon lightning that powerful, had to have been somewhere near Zeus's lightning whenever he summons it." She said as Tyler's eyes widened "Percy." he said as thunder rumbled dangerously as another strike hit him in the stomach, making him stagger back a few feet "Over here!" we heard as I looked back to see Percy by the entrance.

"Come on!" He shouted, snapping everyone out of their daze as we ran towards him as Talos stood up as Percy raised his hands as lightning lit up the sky as he threw another bolt at Talos "Percy, come on!" Tyler shouted from the entrance but if Percy heard him, he didn't acknowledge him as Talos went to step on him but he disappeared and reappeared behind him, holding a trident in his hands.

"What's he doing?" Tyler said taking a step forward but Grover stopped him "He's buying us time and I suggest we take it. He'll be fine." he said as Percy kept shadow travelling around, confusing Talos till he appeared beside us, panting "That should confuse him long enough for you to get out of here." he said as Tyler spoke "What do you mean, you're coming with us, aren't you?" he said as Percy smiled "I'll be right behind you. Let me take care of this." he said pushing Tyler forward "Why do you look tired?" Jennifer said as I looked and saw she was right, he seems tired.

"I'll explain later, right now. I need you to go." He said turning towards Talos, raising his hands again as lightning, a little stronger than before as he launched it towards Talos as it hit him square in the chest, throwing him into the ground as we ran, trying to put some distance between us and them.

Once we got a good distance away, we turned around to see Percy looking at us as Talos neared him "Percy, come on!" Tyler shouted but Percy stood there as Talos raised his foot to crush him as Percy looked at me and smiled as Talos foot crushed him.

"Percy!" Jennifer screamed as Talos started to stagger as electricity started to course up his body as he stumbled back into the electrical lines then collapsed as our eyes widened while Tyler ran towards the wreckage, shouting Percy's name over and over again as he searched the wreckage "What are you doing standing there? Help me!" he said as we ran towards the wreckage, moving different things, calling Percy's name but it was futile as a overwhelming sadness overcame me 'Why am I this sad over a boy? Yes, a decent boy but a boy nonetheless' I thought confused as we continued to search through the wreckage.

After a couple hours of searching, most of us gave up except for Tyler who still continued to move pieces of the wreckage "Tyler, its futile. Come on." Thalia said but Tyler continued to search the wreckage "He's alive, he's been through too much to die to something like this." he said moving more pieces "Tyler." Jennifer said softly "No one could've survived something like that." she said as his head snapped towards her, eyes dull and tear stains visible on his cheeks "How would you know? I don't see you helping me." he snapped at her "The boy knew what he was doing. He did it on his own accord." Phoebe said as we heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed as Tyler swung it at Phoebe's head.

It would've separated her head from her body but a trident blocked it and yanked Tyler's sword out of his hands as we looked at the figure in shock "Who-" Tyler said but stopped as we looked at the figure who looks exactly like Poseidon "I can assure you, I am not Poseidon." he said, picking up Tyler's sword, observing it.

"Good sword, but if its wielder were the same, it would be a deadly foe." He said looking at Tyler "Who are you?" Tyler snapped as he smiled "Pontus, dear demigod." he said as our eyes widened, making him chuckle. "You have much to learn son of Poseidon, but you were just like your brother when he was with us. He held onto old grudges and didn't let anything go. You're doing the same." he said swinging Tyler's sword around. "Like your brother, when you accept the harsh truth. It will make you powerful, but first you must let go. Don't be stuck in two worlds like your brother was." "Can you find him?" Tyler said hopefully but Pontus shook his head "Not for me to say. I'm just a messenger, you could say." he said looking at me "I know you're confused, huntress. I'm not the best at these things, that's Eros and Aphrodite's thing, but don't be afraid. That's all I can say." he said looking up at the sky. "You should leave, my presence is making the Olympians suspicious." He said handing Tyler's sword back to him "In time, son of Poseidon." he said slowly dissolving into water "What do you mean?" Tyler said but Pontus already disappeared, leaving us standing there in shock.

"There will be a truck for you outside the junkyard, head to the Hoover Dam, there, you will have your answer." A voice said, but it was barely heard, as we looked at each other, not knowing what to do "Well let's go, next destination. Hoover Dam." Tyler said, walking out of the junkyard.

Percy POV

My first thought when Talos stumbled into the electrical lines, 'I'm screwed'. I should be dead but luckily, Erebus broke the Ancient Laws and interfered directly.

"Hey Percy, feeling better?" Erebus said, walking into the room as I nodded, standing up "How is everyone?" I said walking towards him "Your brother is devastated, Jennifer is the same way. Basically everyone is, even Phoebe." he said as I raised an eyebrow "Funny. Thought she didn't have feelings." I said walking past him "Thinking about Artemis's lieutenant?" he said suddenly as I froze in my tracks and looked at him.

"What are you talking about?" I said as he rolled his eyes "I may not be like Eros at this lovey dovey stuff but I can tell you have some type of feelings for her." he said gesturing me to the other chair as I sat down in it "So, what's up?" he said as I sighed and put my head in my hands. "I'm sure you heard or saw me talking to Zoe in the train, right?" I said as he nodded "I don't know what's wrong with me, I think I'm falling in love with her Erebus. But I don't want to because of multiple reasons. A, she is Artemis's lieutenant. B, I shouldn't even be falling in love with her. I love Katie." I said as he raised an eyebrow "Really? Seems more like you love her as a sister and not a romantic lover. Like with Jennifer." he said as I went to speak but suddenly realized he was right. I had no romantic feelings for Katie, at first I did, but then it change to friendship since that's what I feel is better for us.

"Still. It just doesn't seem right." I said shaking my head "Is it because she's a demi-titan like Crystal and you're scared of having what happen to Crystal, happen to her?" he questioned as I laughed nervously "What? That's stupid, she's under Artemis's protection." I said as he shook his head "But if she does leave the hunt, she'll have no protection. Zeus wouldn't dare let a child of the Titans run wild without any watching them. You're scared if you fall in love with her, she'll fall in love with you and if Zeus finds out, he'll kill you both. Killing two birds with one stone and repeating what happened with Crystal." he said leaning back in his seat while I tried to deny the truth but nodded nonetheless.

"Yes, that's exactly what it is, but what I don't understand is how I fell in love with her so quickly." I said as he spoke "You probably had some type of feelings to her before but never acknowledged it, blinded by anger and pain. But once you got past that, those feelings resurfaced." he said as I stared at him in shock and slight awe, since Erebus isn't known for being the brightest of tools, but I guess that has to do with being a primordial of shadows.

"No I'm actually very smart, just never choose to do anything." He said smirking as I chuckled "Is Aether the same way?" I said as he shook his head "He's definitely not the brightest tool in the shed." he said as I stood up, laughing "Thanks for saving me Erebus, I'm still getting used to the decrease in my energy, but I'll get it soon." I said as he nodded, also standing.

"Good luck Percy." He said as I got ready to shadow travel till I stopped "Erebus, how do I get these bracelets off?" I said raising the bracelets "Someone close to your heart has to take them off Percy." he said smirking "I know that, but is it romantically or a brotherly/sisterly love?" I said as his smirk grew wider "Romantically." he said as my eyes widened.

"What? Please tell me you're joking?" I said, but knowing Erebus, he isn't "Telling the truth Perce, and its your fault for telling them about the bracelets and now when Zoe takes them off, everyone will know you love Zoe." he said grinning as I clenched my fists, wanting to knock that stupid grin off his face.

"You know what? I'll keep them on." I said getting ready to leave but he stopped me "You need those off before you fight Atlas, your time and earth powers from Chronos and Gaea are locked up in there, since their the strongest and your powers from father are also in there." he said seriously as I looked at him for a few minutes till I finally nodded "Alright, once that happens. You'll be home free, but you can't be the one to defeat Atlas. You know this." he said while I nodded "I know, someone has to hold the sky so Artemis can defeat him but I also want to keep Tyler safe from Orion. I can't be in two places at once." I said as he shook his head "Tyler can hold his own Percy. He's improved greatly over time, you do your job and he'll do his. Father said you both were destined for greatness, prove the Olympians that someone's better than that stuck up, no good, prideful Hercules." he said disgusted while I nodded.

"I'll shadow travel you to their location, Ouranos guided them to the Hoover Dam, blowing their scent away so no monsters will attack them, since their a little lost." He said as I nodded as he put his hand on my shoulder "Good luck seeing Zoe again. She's going to be pissed when she sees you." he said as shadows swallowed me.

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its a story w a little twist and its a thing EK fandom has been waiting for a long time now i think.......enjoy❤
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es la primera historia q escribo
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