Twisted Perfection

By hxneybea15

56.4K 604 194

it's been 3 long years since the chunin exam and since boruto left. Now at age 15 he's back and all of his fr... More

part 1: welcome back boruto
old friends
shipping time
boruto x sarada
The date
The date part:2
Is it really meant to be?
apology halfway accepted
living together
living together pt. 2
concequences pt2
wedding day
The Honeymoon
Angry Papa Sasuke
Welcome Baby Sakuya and Yusuke Uzumaki
The End?
Sarada Becomes Hokage

The Suprise

2.5K 37 10
By hxneybea15

5 years later boruto and sarada was walking around the village as they were stopped by mitsuki and cho cho who were already married. "Sarada! Boruto!" Cho cho said "yo cho cho mitsuki" sarada said letting go of borutos hand to hug her best friend. "Mitsuki whats up!" Boruto said "well, we have something to tell you guys" mitsuki said as cho cho standed next to mitsuki. "What is it?" Boruto said looking at chocho and mitsuki. "We're having a baby soon!" Chocho said. Hearing thismade sarada blush and hug her friends tightly. "Congrats!" Boruto said. "Thanks boruto" mitsuki said smiling. "Um mitsuki can i talk to you for a second ALONE" boruto said pulling him away. "Whats up boruto?" Mitsuki said. "Im proposing to sarada tonight on our date..But im scared she might say no." He said. Mitsuki slapped boruto and responded "what the fuck dude...your girlfriend for 5 years doesn't wanna get married. -.- i knew you were dumb but damn!" "I was just thinking that and OW." Boruto said.

A few hours later boruto had the ring in his pocket heading to sarada's house then knocks on the door. "Hey boruto" sarada said giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Hey sarada, so are you ready to go?" Boruto said blushing grabbing her hand and started walking. "So where are you taking me?" She asked him "somewhere and i have a surprise for you." He said smirking. She look at him with curiosity about what he said  (suprise...what does he mean) sarada said in her head. They stop at the park and they both sit on the swing. "Sarada can i ask you something?" Boruto said reaching in his pocket. "Sure boruto." She said as she seen him get off the swing and get on his knees and hold the ring. "Sarada...will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Boruto said grabbing her hand. " yes!!!! I've been waiting for so long!" She said as boruto put the ring on her finger and kisses her. Inojin, himawari, mitsuki and cho cho all jump out of a bush and start celebrating. "Yay sarada will be my sister now!" Himawari said with excitement. "Good job boruto i honestly thought billboard would say no" inojin said "SHUT UP ALIEN!" Sarada said angrily. "Im so halpy for you guys!" Cho cho said. "I told you she would say yes. Now that slap did help didn't it?" Mitsuki said. "Yeah i guess it did!" Boruto said. While everyone was celebrating they didn't notice their parents staring at them "D-d-did my son really just..." hinata stuttered "i don't know WHO he's trying to marry but its not my princess!" Sasuke said activating his sharingan.

Ending it here because it is 5:20 in the morning sooo see ya!

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