concequences pt2

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When sarada saw it wasn't her fiance she tried to attack but the man was so quick he hurried and knocked her out and disappeared from her home. An hour later boruto came home looking for her then went to her parents house she wasn't there. he went to his parents house she wasn't there either. He decided to call her ( you decided to call her.... After looking.... The most common thing... Is To call her) she didn't answer.

Sarada's pov: when I woke up I found myself tied up in a dark room.  I tried moving around then I noticed that someone was coming in so I faked like I was asleep until I heard a familiar voice.  "Well well... Looks like you got her... Good job denki" the person said as they closed to door and took off the blindfold from sarada. "S-sumire?!  Your supposed to be dead!" Sarada said shocked looking at sumire who giggled.  "You dumb bitch... I loved boruto.... You took him away from me!! You will pay!" Sumire said grabbing a kunai. "Your killing Two People... Shame" sarada Said smirking. "What? "Sumire Said looking at her. "... Im pregnant with boruto's child sumire" sarada Said.  "How?! Oh god you have a child?!!?" sumire Said. "Jokes on you... One thing you dont know sumire" sarada Said smiling. "And what's that" sumire said
"People will always Come looking for me" sarada Said  as the door got kicked in and somebody Cut the ropes off from sarada's hands and she punches sumire knocking her Out. "Thanks dad" sarada Said "lets Go! " sasuke Said dissapearing with sarada back to the hidden leaf. 

Boruto's Pov:

I was going arounf asking everyone if they saw sarada but everyone Said no. Boruto had no hope until he Heard sarada's voice and turned around. "Boruto" sarada Said hugging her fiance. "I thought you were dead" boruto Said wanting to cry.  "Sumire kidnapped me" sarada Said "uhhh she's dead tho" boruto Said "she faked her death fuck boy" sasuke said interrupting the couple. "I'm sorry boruto... " sasuke said quietly.  "What did you say? " boruto said "Nothing you idiot" sasuke said walking off. "I have something to tell you boruto" sarada said. "Ok,  what is it?"  He said. " i'm pregnant! "Sarada said waiting for boruto's reaction.  She thought that he would jump up in joy but instead he passed out smiling. "Um boruto? " sarada said looking at boruto.

Sorry guys I took so long but here it is guys comment below for names for the baby 😊. Byeeee

Twisted Perfection Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora