Hooked In The Flames: Descend...

By T-otaku

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[REWRITING] Haden, the daughter of Hades. Jackson, son of Captain Hook. These two and 4 others are sent to... More

Jackson Hook
When I met him
Proclamation and Rotton to The Core
Welcome to Auradon
The Wand
Figuring out a plan while surviving school
Greatest Torney Game Ever
Hay guys!
This Date Went from good to Amazing

Family Day Gone Wrong

167 0 0
By T-otaku

(Outfit above is what she wears for Family day)

Third P.O.V

The Villain kids were in remedial goodness class when fairy god mother called them over. "Now I know that your parents are not able to be here on family day. So I have a treat for you all." She said as she showed us a laptop. There our parents showed up. Maleficent was all up in the screen. "I don't see anything." "Where's the remote!" "It's not working!" They all bicker until they scream pops up with their children's faces.

"Oh it's Evie! Evie is mommy! Like I say the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree." Evil queen says. "How's my baby girl? Is that her? Haden!" Hades said as he seen Haden. Along with Jackson's arm around her shoulder. "W-wait are you two finally together?" He says. "Ha! In your face. Time to bloody pay up!" Hook says to Hades. Haden blushes as Jackson chuckles. Hades grumbles and pats Hook. "Your dad And I Are both happy for you Haden. And Jack my boy, treat her well." Hook said pointing his hook at them.

"Ew who's the old bat!?" Cruella says as she points at Fairy God Mother. "This is Fairy God Mother." Mal says. "You still making squashes into carriages? What the little rats has to get back on their little wheels?" Maleficent said. "I-I made a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage! A-and they were mice, they were mice!" She says in anger as she gets out of the camera.

"Mal!" Maleficent yells. "Hi mom." She says quietly. "I miss you m-my little n-nugget." She said trying to sound like she cares. "Yeah. There's a coronation. So you will probably be able to see me." She says. "Oh? When?!" "Friday." Mal says. "Are you sure I won't be able to see you sooner?" Maleficent says.

"Uh no." Mal said. Before we know it they started bickering and fighting like always. "Carlos is that dog?!" Cruela said. "Ooo I'm gunna make him into a nice fur coat." She said. "No because he's my friend and I love him. And he loves me! And by the way that dog of yours is stuffed!" Carlos said.

Jafar and Hades laughed. "Haha burn!" Hades said as he lit his hand on fire. Then once again they started to bicker more. Then hades and Captain Hook came in the screen as the others bickered. "Hey Jacky my boy! How are things? Any sign of that blasted lost boy?" Hook grumbled. "Ugh tell me about it. Get this dad, there is another. He has a son! And he even tried to take what was rightfully mine." Jackson said as he pulled Haden closer to him.

"Oh don't be dramatic. Says the guy that was hitting on that stupid pixie!" Hades said getting a bit heated. "Oh Haden you are way better then that Tinker Bell spawn." Hook said. "Thank you Uncle James." Haden said flattered and giving a teasing look to Jackson. 

"Now Jackson you better treat her good. Or I swear from Olympus to the depths of the Underworld and back I will burn you to a crisp." Hades said. Turning flaming red. "Oook I love you too daddy but you don't have to do that. It's my job to burn him to a crisp." She whispered the last pit to her dad.

Then Haden seen her dad get shoved a bit. "Well I outta!" He said as he got out of the camera view and burned something. Seeing that you could see some flames and the red and blue glow from the side of the room. They then almost got into a physical fight. Yelling at each other and insulting each other. Then Jay turned the computer off.

"I'm so sorry." Fairy Godmother said. "Thank you. It's the thought that counts." Haden said. "Mal. How exactly are they going to react if we don't pull this off." Evie asked. "I think they will be disappointed but proud of us for doing our best." Mal said. Obviously lying."Really?" Carlos said, genuinely shocked. "No, I think we are definitely goners." Mal reiterated. They all knew how our parents can get when we don't get what they want.

They gathered in the boy's room to discuss the plan again. "So, well be up on the dais under the Beast's spell jar, I will be up in the front. You all with me up in the balcony." Mal said as she pointed at the layout of the ceremony. "Carlos?" Mal said, for him to restate his part of the plan. "Okay so I'll find our limo so we can break the barrier and get bak on the island with the wand." Carlos said. Mal then gives Evie a spray bottle that she will use to take out the driver.

Everyone share a silent look of agreement. Haden then noticed the spell that Mal was looking at and nudged Evie. "M, you want to break Ben's love spell?" Evie said after looking over Mal's shoulder. "yeah..." Mal said hesitantly. "You know for after. I didn't...I've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful,..." Mal listed. making everyone look over at her. Never fully realizing how the life in Auradon they've slowly come to love is going to be taken away from them. 

Haden looks down and looks over at Jack, in her head she at least knew that if they pull this off she will still have him by her side. "Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra cruel." Mal finished. Evie and Haden giving her a knowing look, knowing they couldn't talk her out of this and overall was the right thing to do in this situation. Mal then slams her book shut and runs off, Evie and Haden calling out to her.

That night everyone looked upon what they have gained so far on this mission, and the fun experiences they got to share while being here. Jay looking upon his tourney trophy, Carlos petting his new found companion Dude, Evie looking at the grade she got in chemistry class. Haden decided to break the rules and stay with Jack for the night, after today she hated the lingering feeling that they all were going to lose what made them truly happy. Haden didn't want that feeling, so she stayed with the one thing/person she knows that truly makes her happy and that she knows will not be taken away from her, and that's Jack. 

Haden laid on his chest, tracing letters on him casually as he held her close to him. Jack was looking up at the ceiling, processing the fact that they are going to have to go through with their parents' plan. Jack was glad Haden was here, he always felt better with her near, and everything about her helps him forget all his worries. Especially when he gets lost in staring at her hair as the blue flickers. Both of them understood what Mal must be feeling and could not imagine what would happen if they lost love for one another. 

Speaking of which, Mal was currently in the kitchen once again. Making the pastry that will take away the love spell she put on Ben. And this time it was not hard to get the emotional tear she needed to complete the spell/recipe. 


Haden's P.O.V

The gang and I headed off to the area where they were having the family day picnic thing. Ben and a couple of others was singing the acapella version of 'Be Our Guest'. Mal then went off to Ben because he wanted her to meet his parents officially.

We seen a chocolate fountain and just had to get some. The boys of course were more happy about it. Jack then took a strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate. Then he held it to my mouth. I smile and take a bite; telling him thanks and I wipe some chocolate off the side of his lips. "Awe come on. I though that it would be an excuse for you to kiss me." He said, referring to the chocolate that was on his mouth before. I roll my eyes and blush as I hit his chest.

I seen them taking and Mal gesture to us. The Beast and Belle giving us a sorta hesitant look. But then nodded at Mal as she came back towards us. "Hey guys. Come on. We are sitting with Ben and his family."


Third P.O.V

Before food everyone went to play some croquet; counting Jackson, Ben, and Jay. Carlos had one of the balls and was playing with his dog Dude. Ben was currently teaching Jay and Jackson how to play. Evie was talking with Belle and Haden was busy admiring her boyfriend. Mal was on the side watching them as well when someone accidentally bumped into her. "Oh I'm so sorry." Mal said.

It was Aurora's mother. "It's alright. Say, you look familiar have we met?" She said. Mal shook her head saying "no. I don't think so. I'm new, I'm sort of like a transfer student." Then Audrey came by and kissed her grandma on the cheek. "Hi Grammy!" Audrey said, then noticed Mal. "Grammy?" Mal said to confirm. "Sleeping Beauty's mother." Audrey said with venom in her voice. "Grammy, I don't think you should be talking to her." she said hesitantly. "Unless you want to take a 100 year nap." Audrey said pulling her Grandma away from Mal.

"You!" Audrey's Grandma said in alarm. Mal was startled, as everyone else who turned their attention towards them. "How are you here? And how did you manage to stay so young?" She said shocked. "Queen Leah, it's ok. Maleficent is still on the island. This is Mal. Her daughter. Haven't you heard of my proclamation. To give the new generation a chance." Ben said. "A chance to what Ben?! Destroy us?! Don't you remember the poison apples. AND THE SPELLS! My daughter had to be raised by fairies because of what your mother did. Her first words, first steps. I missed it all!" She said in a broken voice, as she crossed her arms and turned away from Mal.

Mal tried to apologize but Chad got in the way. "Ah ah, that's close enough." He said. "Come on Chad. Knock it off." Ben said. "Or What Ben? They were raised by their parents. What do you think villains teach their kids? Kindness? Fair play? You stole a mother girl's boyfriend." Chad said to Mal, Ben getting defensive. "You enjoy hurting people." Chad said to Jay. He then got to me. "Say something about her, I dare you. And I'll feed you to a croc." Jack said as he held me close. "You can burn this place down with one meltdown, and you are a son of a pirate. Which means you're a thief by default." Chad said, making Jackson upset while Haden tried to keep her cool to avoid proving him right.

"And Evie. You are nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." Chad said. "Mirror mirror in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land!" Evie said as she pointed her mirror at Chad. "What?! Get out of here." Chad said as he pushed Evie's hand away. "Hey!" I said ready to burn him. But Jack held me back.

The guys was about to beat him up when Evie used the sleeping potion on Chad. As Audrey made her way to Chad we left. Ben calling out to us. 

Third P.O.V 

Ben turns to his parents. His dad cleaning his glasses and sighs. "I feared something like this would happen." his dad said. "This isn't their fault!" Ben said. "No son, It's yours." his dad said as he held his hand out to his wife. "Mom." Ben says, hoping to get his mother's support, but she was ushered away by his dad. 

Jay, Carlos, Mal, Evie, Haden and Jackson sat in a table by themselves as they ate. Ben approaching them. "Hey guys, how is everyone?" Ben asked. But everyone was quiet. Haden leaning against Jackson as she played with her food. Jackson occasionally feeding her to make sure she ate, and Haden couldn't refuse him feeding her so she gave in. "Hey listen, forget about it. Alright, it was nothing." Ben said trying to make things right. "Tomorrow after the coronation I promise everything will be Okay." Ben said as she stood behind Mal and put his hands on her shoulders. He whispers to her and walks off again as she wishes them fair well. 

"Listen, Evie I wanna talk about earlier today. I just..." Doug said as he approached Evie. "Doug!" Chad said threatening. "It's my fault Doug, I'm sorry." Evie whispered. "No its mine- what?" Dough said as he tries to talk to Evie but Chad kept calling him. "Doug...?" Evie says. "Sorry, I can't." Doug said as he goes to sit down at Chad's table. 

Audrey and Jane walks by 'casually' and starts to talk about Mal. "How long does she think that's gonna last?" Audrey asked Jane. "Mal is just the bad girl infatuation." Audrey says as her and Jane stand right behind Mal. "Yeah, I mean he's never gonna make a villain a queen." Jane said as she turns to laugh with the rest of the princesses. Haden gets upset, accidentally making a black burnt mark on the picnic table in the shape of her hand.

Mal then casually whips open her book and reads a spell. "Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair." Mal said as she swished her hand. Jane then screams as her hair is back to how it was before, all of her 'new friends' pulling back from her and laughing. Lani even grabs at her hair, worried it changed back too. 

The villain kids then stand up at the same time and gaze upon the royals. "There's a lot more where that came from." Mal said venomously. "Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey asked. "Do I look like I'm kidding?" Mal said as she opens her book and turns some pages. Making everyone run off. She takes a breath, and turns to her friends. "I'm really looking forwards to tomorrow." Mal said. After today's events, so were the rest of them. "Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand." Mal said. The 6 of them walking side by side, seizing the events that are upcoming. 


A/N: Gasp its been forever! Sorry for the delay, here's a nice fat chapter for you guys. Honestly since I have Disney+ now I'm realizing all the lines I got wrong and realizing how short the previous chapters are. Eventually I'll update them and beef them up, but until then I'll try and finish up the movie. Thanks for the reads lately, sorry for the delays. 

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