When I met him

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(Hades ^)


My dad and I were currently in his so called "restaurant". He decided to own one ever since he was kicked over to here like all of the other villains.

I cleaning tables since I was too young to cook and I'm considered a 'worker' and not his daughter in the restaurant, so I have to work. When I work my dad doesn't give me privileges. Like the villain he is. But I'm a daddy's girl.

The bell on the door rang and I see a man with dark hair and a red pirate coat and a red hat with a feather.

(Looks like the guy from OUAT with the original Captain Hook outfit in the Disney classic)

(Looks like the guy from OUAT with the original Captain Hook outfit in the Disney classic)

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And a boy with him. It was like a small version of him but around my age. He had a red vest, a white dress shirt and shorts that stopped above the knee. He was really cute.

"James! It's good to see you!" My dad yelled as he came out of the kitchen and hugged this James guy.

"And is this your son? Wow his quite a looker."

"Thank you, it's great to see you too Hades. Who is this?" He asked.

"Oh this is my little baby girl, Haden." I blushed. I liked it when my dad does that cause it's not to often you get love from a villain parent.

"She is just beautiful. Jackson why don't you two get to know watch other while Hades and I catch up."

They walked off. I looked at the boy in front of me. He was taller then me. I felt so small compared to him. I had to told my head up.

He was even cuter up close.

"So um....im Jackson Hook, and you are?" He said trying to start a conversation.

"I-I'm Haden." I stuttered.

He laughed. "You're to adorable I swear. I can't keep a straight face around you. I like your hair by the way. Is it real fire?" He asked. I blushed.

"Yeah. When I get angry it turns red when I'm sad it turns white and looks like it's dying down."

My personality is usually fiery but I didn't want to make a bad impression.

We continued to talk. I've gotten much more comfortable around him. We became instant friends.

"Yeah my dad makes me clean tables around here. I'm lucky there's no one here or it would looks bad on me." I said.

He nodded. "Yeah your dad seems like the guy who usually scares guys off." I started to get confused.

"He doesn't do that? I mean a girl like you, probably has guys chasing  you around that you would fight them off with a stick." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah right. Guys run from me not my dad. My attitude and anger is kinda intense." I replied.

"Huh, who would of thought." He said with a smirk. I smiled.

"Ok you still haven't told me much about you." I said.

"Well. My family name and reputation is. I steel things for my liking. I always get what I want. I also have another thieving friend named Jay. Maybe I can introduce you two one day." He said.


The more we talked the more his feeling grew in me. I mean I am only 13 and it might seem natural for me to feel this way. But I feel like I fell in love with him.

He was amazing. He understands me. He listens to me. We are so close in such a short amount of time.

His beautiful hair, I want to run my hand through. His eyes, I'm getting lost in them. His personality is the greatest. It's like he was meant for me.


"Are you sure that this would work?" I asked.

"Yes I'll talk to him about the plan. But your daughter can't know. This would be great for the both of us." Hook told me.

"Ok." I look at my daughter from here. "This won't be too hard, look." I pointed at the two young ones.

The look in my daughter's eyes showed......love.

I've never seen her like this before. Not even I get that look. She has her mother's eyes.

"Ok but let's wait till she is older."
I said agreeing with Hook's plan.

"Ok, then it's set. I shall be going. I'll talk to my son. See you later Hades." Hook said as he walked out.


It was time for Jack to go. I started to get sad. "Hadey, it's ok. I'll see you later ok. He said wiping the tears I didn't even know was falling off my face.

"Bye Jack." I said. He left.

I continued to work. Not even knowing my dad looking at me.


Over the years jack and I hung out a lot. I've met his friend Jay and he tried to hit on me. Yes Jack had got protective by that.

But I doubt that he likes me back.
We are inseparable. I'm always with him. He even works at my dad's restaurant. He helps me with waiting tables and cleaning.

He was always there for me.

But I never would of thought that love would be so much pain. This is my story. And it still has more.
Me and my 5 friends on the journey to please our parents. But in the end, where does it get us?

I am Haden, daughter of Hades. And this is my story.

A/N: it's kinda short. And this will go by the movie with little moments of my own. Descendants belongs to the original creators and Disney. I own Jackson and Haden.

Hooked In The Flames: Descendants FanficWhere stories live. Discover now