Hooked In The Flames: Descend...

By T-otaku

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[REWRITING] Haden, the daughter of Hades. Jackson, son of Captain Hook. These two and 4 others are sent to... More

Jackson Hook
When I met him
Proclamation and Rotton to The Core
Welcome to Auradon
The Wand
Greatest Torney Game Ever
Hay guys!
This Date Went from good to Amazing
Family Day Gone Wrong

Figuring out a plan while surviving school

176 5 14
By T-otaku

A/N: literally as I watched the movie this morning I made the titles for the next chapters so that I know how the dialogue goes. Cause tbh I know majority of the lines like the back of my hand because of how many times I've watched it. I just forgot the order of events (*≧∀≦*) Lololol.

And omg I almost forgot I have other characters that I introduced in the "Welcome to Auradon" chap. In this chap they will be brought up and a face with be put for a name 😁

Haden's P.O.V

"If you find a crying baby do you.." I zoned out drawing. Not really caring for this goodness class. I look down at my drawing and blushed.

(Credit of this drawing does NOT go to me. This is a Percabeth aka Percy x Annabeth drawing here^^^)

Obviously it was me and Jackson. Look over and seen that he wasn't looking. I sigh in relief seeing that he didn't notice. He was leaning on his propped up hand as I started to doze a bit.

"Hay doofus." I said lighting my finger and poking his side. Making his yelp and hold his side. "What was that for?" He said pouting. I giggle and start to pay attention.

"Haden." FGM (fairy godmother) said. "Uh C. Give it a bottle?" I said shrugging. "Right again." FGM said smiling. "You're on fire girl. Carlos said. "Literal speaking yes. And here's a good tip; just say the one that sounds like less fun." I said giggling. They all come to realization and saying ohs.

I hear a squeak like a mouse and seen that it was some girl that had a blue dress on with brown hair. I grimace a bit. "Hello dear one." FGM said. I guess this was her daughter. "Hi. You need to sigh an early release for the coronation." She said handing her some papers. "Oh everyone this is my daughter Jane." FGM said "mom." She said in protest.

"Hi." She said. We all stared at her in confusion. "It's ok. Don't mind me. As you were." She said curtsying and going off. "Let's continue. YOU FIND A VILE KF POISON!" I jump as FGM screamed dramatically. "Do you A) Put it in the Kings wine, B) paint it on an apple..." we giggle as she said that. "Or C) give it to the proper authority." Then Carlos, Jay and Jackson started to fight for the right answer. "Oh Jay." She said pointing at Jay as he held the guys' hands down. "C) you give it to the proper authorities." He said with a smirk and a 'mater of fact' tone. "I was gunna say that!" Jack said about to lash at him if I didn't hold him back.

"Well I said it first, hook." He said in a baby voice. Then they started to roughly shove each other. "Boys. Boys!" FGM said tapping the podium. "I suggest that you keep that much aggression on the tourney field." She said.

"Oh no thanks. What ever that is." Jay said pushing Jack.


I had nothing to do so I followed Jay, Carlos, and Jack to the field. It was interesting. Jackson did well even on his first day/ practice. I cheer and clap when him and Jay made a goal.

Jack was getting some water and I was waiting for him. Then all of a sudden some girl walked up to him. She had one of the cheer uniforms on. I gasp and grumble. My hair turning red and orange a little. I could hear their conversation from here.

(Tiffany Bell daughter of Tinker Bell)

"Wow you did great out there." She said giggling and twirling her hair. I scoff. "Um thanks I guess. Who are you again?" Jack asked. "I'm Tiffany, Tiffany Bell. Daughter of tinker bell." Then his face lost interest. "Oh" he grimaced. "Ok then I gotta go back to playing." He said running off before she could answer.

"Hi!" I gasp and turn to see a guy sitting beside me. He had orange reddish hair. Along with a Green polo, Dark green skinny jeans and leather vest, along with some brown combat boots. He had some beaded bracelets on his wrist. "You probably don't remember me. I'm Patrick." He said holding out his hand.

Then I realized he was one of the people who greeted us at the entrance of the school on our first day. "Oh y-yeah hi. I'm Haden." I said shaking his hand. His smile was adorable (😍). We made small talk until the practice ended.

Jackson's P.O.V

I changed back into my usual clothes. Minus the jacket since I was hot and sweaty. I spot Haden but seen that some guy was talking to her. I grumble then I realized he was that stupid Patrick kid. Son of Peter Pan. I stomp over there. "Hay Haden did you see me killing it out there?" I said cutting their conversation.

"Hm? Oh yeah I did! You did great!" She said hugging me. "I hold her and then I keep my arm around her shoulders and usher her so we could leave already. "See you around Pat!" She said as we walked off. I growl in discuss.

"Um you ok Jack?" She asked. "Yeah yeah. Never better." I said. "Ok hay I'm gunna head to the room. Later on we are gunna meet there to discuss more about the plan." She said as she gets out of my grasp. I nod and watch her trot off; her beautiful hair flaming behind her.

Haden's P.O.V

I walk in and seen Mal, Evie and Jane? They were talking about boys and stuff. "Boyfriends are over rated." Mal said looking through her spell book. "And how you you know Mal?" I said snickering. "You never had one." Evie finished. "Cause I don't need one, E." Mal said to Evie. "They are a waste of time."

"Oh no I forgot Chad's homework!" Evie said scrambling to get a book bag and taking stuff out. Then all of a sudden a girl with a Komodo on and short hair comes in. "Hi I'm Lonnie. Mulan's daughter. I just saw what you did to Jane's hair and I love it." She said.

"What's in it for me?" Mal asked. "I could pay?" Lonnie said. Evie then pops in and takes the money. "Good I could use more fabric. Now I think what we should do is-" "no no I want it cool. Like Mal's or maybe Haden's." She said. "Oh please no one can have hair like me." I say flipping my hair sassily.

Mal whips out her spell book. "Beware for swear. Replace the old with cool hair." She said as she swished her finger. She looks in the mirror amazed. "I know I know. It looks like a mop on your head. How about we but it off and-" "no I love it." Lonnie said. "You do?" Evie said. Then Lonnie rips the end of her skirt. "Now I'm cool." "Like ice."

Then Jane tries it out too then gasps. "Mom's gunna kill me!" She said. We just giggled.


Me, Mal, Evie and now Carlos along with his new dog Dude were in our room. Waiting for Jay and Jack. Then they walked in with Tourney jerseys on. Jay with the number 8 and Jack with the number 16. "Guess who is apart of the tourney team!?"

"Hay, that jersey makes you look nice." I said flirtatiously to Jack. "So did you find a spell on how to get the wand?" Jay asked. "Would I be flipping through this spell book if I did?" She snapped. "Jeez what crocodile bit your butt?" Jack said. I snicker and smack his arm. "Our parents are counting on us. And we have to get that wand ." I said. They nod. "and we cans go back until we do. We're rotten." Mal said.

"To the core." We said our minds out of Layla land and into reality and our top priority is to get that wand. "Oh and I found out that fairy godmother is gunna bless Ben at the coronation this Saturday. And I have nothing to wear." Evie said as if what dress to have was the important part. Mal looks at her with wide eyes. Then there was knock at the door. "Hold that thought."

Mal opens the door to reveal Ben? "Hi I was just seeing if you guys have any questions and that you are settled in." "Oh there was this one thing. At the coronation on Saturday. Could we maybe get front row seats. So we could uh soak up all the goodness?" Mal said trying to be persuasive. "I wish you could but upfront is just me my folks and my girlfriend so.." he said.

"Ok bye!" Mal said shutting the door before he could say anything. And he was actually about to say something. "I think it's time that Benny boo got himself a new girlfriend." Mal said. "I need a spell."

Jackson's P.O.V

I was walking around the halls when all of a sudden I bump into someone. I ended up on top of them. I look down and see bright blue eyes and blonde hair. "Oh its you." I said. It was Tiffany only this time she had this outfit on. Obviously resembling her mom.

"Oh hi Jackson." She said in a bubbly voice. I scoff and her up. Starting to walk off. "W-wait. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out a bit. And maybe eat something." She asked. "Um no I have plans." I lied.

"With who that death girl with anger issues. You know she never gets mad at you. Which is a shocker. I wonder why?" She said walking up to me and holding my arm. I shrug her off and continue walk. She was still following me.

"Why are you even talking to me. I'm the son of the villain who nearly killed your mom and Pan." I said yelling at her. "You should hate me." She then blushes. I cornered her between me and the wall. "Because I like you." She mumbled. I do a double take and step back. Blushing. I shake it off and glare. "Sure you do. You're just saying that to get onto me." I said waking off.

"No I really do. That's why I wanted to hang out. So I could get to know the real you." She said. Then out of no wear she kisses me. I gasp not moving.

Haden's P.O.V

Mal told me to go find Jack again so we could go to the kitchen to make the love potion. I round the counter and see tow people snogging (kissing; hehe potter heads where are you at? 😂😋). I gasp and seen that it was Jackson and...Tiffany.

I growl and my hair light up in flames and punch the wall making a small flame ignite on it leaving a small burn mark. My hair orange and red again. But then I see him close his eyes and not move.

I gasp and feel the fire die down. My hair turning ash gray and white. I start to sob into my hand and run off somewhere else.

Jackson's P.O.V

I was too much in shock but then my mind trailed to Haden. And what it would be like to kiss her. But then my reflexes go on and wrong time and person and I close my eyes and kiss back. I gasp and shove her off me. She had a smirk on her face and a blush. I get mad. "Why did you do that?! Ugh now your just making me hate you more." I grumble. "Then why did you kiss back." She said. Ack I could hear the purr in her voice it burned my ears.

Then I look in the direction that I seen someone at the corner of my eye earlier. I see burn marks of feet on the ground and even a small flame on the wall along with a dent and some cracks. And I knew only one person who could do that. I gasp and run to the girls room. Hoping she was there.

She wasn't. I checked the guys room and no one was there. "Where did they go?" I asked myself. It took me forever to find them.

Haden's P.O.V

I went to Patrick. I knew he would help me through this. "Ugh classic Tiffany. She always do this. I would know I used to date her." Pat said as he gave me a tissue. I never cried this much really. "I've always liked him. He was the first friend I've ever made on the isle." I looked at my hair and seen that it was white and gray.

"Thanks for the comfort Pat. But I need someone else to talk to about this." I said. I then went to the fountain in the front of the school. (Sorta, Percy Jackson-ish kind of stuff coming up) I take out a spare drachma. And fling it into the mist/water. "Is like to see my.." I then thought about it and wondered if I should call my mom or dad for this situation. "My dad, hades." I said. Then the mist formed and I saw my dad.

"H-hay dad." I said quietly. "Ah my sweet daughter you look good how's school? Wreaking havoc around?" He said forcing a smile. "Dad you don't have to butter me up and ask how I'm doing, like a loving father should, if you don't want to." I said sighing. "Oh nonsense lassy he loves you dearly. He might not admit it but he misses you being around and such. Always bragging about you." I then seen Captain Hook himself. Drinking some rum I think. "Oh shut up James." My dad says.

"H-hay Mr. Hook sir." I said. "Oh please lass none of this bloody 'sir' thing. I think Auradon is rubbing off on you too much. Just call me James." He said. "So what brings you to call at this hour?"

"W-well. I'm sorry to say this. You were probably praying to Zuse himself for this moment not to come but...I have boy issues and I didn't know who else to call." I said. "Let me guess is it my bloody son again? He's a real idiot when it comes to feelings. I should know. I'm the same." James said. "I seen this coming." My dad said. They both shocked me. "W-what?" I said confused.

"Sweetheart even if I'm mean I pay attention to you. Every time it's something to deal with Jackson and your sad your hair turns white and gray. And only on moments like that." I blush when my dad said that. Am I really like this only when I'm sad about Jackson?

"He might not show it or say it. But he does care for you lass. Heck maybe even love ya. Hay tell me if you two end up 'hooking' up because then your dad led me $20. When you two first met I said that you two would end up together before you were 20. He said, since your his little girl, didn't want you dating until you were at least 25 or something." James said. I nod then yawn. "Well thanks you two. I have to head to bed now." I lied I just did f want to talk about this anymore. I was still upset. They waved and the mist disappeared.


We are now in the kitchen cooking up a love potion. "Now it says we need a a tear drop of sadness. And I don't cry." Mal said. "Then how about some onions." Carlos said. "It's not the same." Evie said. "A tear is a tear." Jay said. "No jay. Both have antibodies and enzymes but reflect tear doesn't invoke hormones like how an emotional tear would have." We look at her in shock. "Well well look at you Evie." I said bumping her a bit.

Then the door bust open to reveal Lonnie and...Jackson. "Oh there you are Mal! All the other girls want you to do their hair." Lonnie said. "Why didn't you guys tell me you were gunna be here?" Jack asked. "Well we sent Haden to do it." Carlos said. Jackson looks at me and I look away. My hair turning back to white and gray. I look away and didn't say anything.

"So what are you guys making. Some midnight snack?" Lonnie asked breaking the silence. She then dipped her finger in it as we screamed no except Jack who didn't know what was going on.

She looked confused. "Don't worry I'm not gunna double dip." She said. "Um do you think it needs anything or do you feel...funny?" I asked. Jay then walked up and said "Hay" flirtatiously. She was even more confused. "Could use some chips" she said ignoring what Jay just did.

"What?" We said. "And that I mean chocolate chips." She said putting some in. I grab one and instantly fell in love with it. "Wait didn't your parents ever made cookies for you?" She said. We look at her as if she grew another head. "Like when your sad and they come fresh out of the oven and there's a warm glass of milk. Making sure everything is to perfection." She said happily. "What are you all staring at me like that?" She asked.

"It's different where we come from."'Mal muttered. "Well yeah but I mean even villains..love their kids.." she trailed off and seen the sad looks on our faces. I would cry but I already cried too much and magically ran out of tears. But I knew that Jackson could read my pain. And he knew that it wasn't just about what Lonnie said.

"I-I'm so sorry." Lonnie said putting her hands on Mal's in sympathy. She then started to cry. Mal then snapped out of it and wiped her tear and quickly but it into the batter with out Lonnie seeing. "Well thanks a lot. You should get some rest." She said ok and waved off leaving while saying bye. We started to prepare the cookies.


We finished and started to head back. But then Jackson held me back. "Haden can I talk to you?" He asked. Looking at me straight in the eyes. I sigh and nod. We were still in the kitchen. So I sat on the table as he stood in front of me. "You know that I know that you saw what happened earlier?" He said. I nod emotionless but my eyes told everything sadly.

He knows that I'm hurt. I then see a cookie in his hand; the one with the love spell in it. "You know you don't need that cookie right?" I said. "Y-yeah but I was gunna use it. Just incase you know." He smirked. I couldn't help but smile. Dang it he got me. "There's that smile."

(Small moment to truth you guys! Hehehe lol)

"You're too good. I can never stay mad at you." I said. "Tiffany was right." I then grow consumed to what he said. "You can never be mad at me no matter how high your anger level is." He said chuckling. "Well...it's because I love you.." I mutter.

His eyes were wide and his head shoots up. Looking at my blushing face. Then out of no wear he grabs my waist and kisses me. I gasp and blush. My eyes slowly close and I kiss back. Wrapping my arms around his neck and running my fingers through his hair. Then we look deep into each other's eyes. "I love you too Haden." He said. "You don't know how long I waited for this moment." I said to him.

He walks me to my room. Then he takes off his long coat and puts it on me. Then as fast as lightning he pecks my lips and is gone. I hold onto his leather long coat tightly and happily. Then walk into the room and go to sleep. Snuggling into his jacket.


A/N: omg I didn't even plan for this chap to be long. Well I hope you guys enjoyed this SUPER long chap. And I can't believe I forgot all about my other characters I added.

And I hope you guys like that Haden and Jackson moment. Jaden? Jackden? Hason? Ooo I like Hason lolol. HaJa? Hackson? Ok Ima stop (*≧∀≦*)


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